
191 lines
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/* Examples
Shared urbit and urbit-worker binaries:
$ nix-build -A urbit
Static urbit and urbit-worker binaries:
$ nix-build -A urbit --arg enableStatic true
Note that on linux the previous command is equivalent to:
$ nix-build -A urbit --argstr crossSystem x86_64-unknown-linux-musl \
--arg enableSatic true
Static urbit-king binary:
$ nix-build -A hs.urbit-king.components.exes.urbit-king --arg enableStatic true
Static release tarball:
$ nix-build -A tarball --arg enableStatic true
Build a pill:
$ nix-build -A
$ nix-build -A
$ nix-build -A
Run the king-haskell checks (.tests are _build_ the test code, .checks _runs_):
$ nix-build -A hs.urbit-king.checks.urbit-king-tests
Build a specific Haskell package from ./pkg/hs:
$ nix-build -A hs.urbit-noun.components.library
$ nix-build -A hs.urbit-atom.components.benchmarks.urbit-atom-bench
$ nix-build -A hs.urbit-atom.components.tests.urbit-atom-tests
# The build system where packages will be _built_.
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
# The host system where packages will _run_.
, crossSystem ? null
# Additional sources.json overrides.
, sources ? { }
# Additional nixpkgs.config overrides.
, config ? { }
# Additional nixpkgs.overlays.
, overlays ? [ ]
# Overlays to apply to the last package set in cross compilation.
, crossOverlays ? [ ]
# Whether to use pkgs.pkgsStatic.* to obtain statically linked package
# dependencies - ie. when building fully-static libraries or executables.
, enableStatic ? false }:
pkgsNative = import ./nix/default.nix { inherit system; };
pkgsCross = import ./nix/default.nix {
inherit system sources config overlays crossOverlays;
# If we're running on linux and crossSystem is unspecified but
# enableStatic = true - set the crossSystem to musl64.
crossSystem =
if system == "x86_64-linux" && crossSystem == null && enableStatic then
# Use nixpkgs' top-level/static overlay if enableStatic = true.
pkgsStatic = if enableStatic then pkgsCross.pkgsStatic else pkgsCross;
# Enrich the global package set with our local functions and packages.
# Cross vs static build dependencies can be selectively overridden for
# inputs like python and haskell-nix
callPackage =
pkgsNative.lib.callPackageWith (pkgsStatic // libLocal // pkgsLocal);
# Local library import-from-derivation functions such as fetchGitHubLFS, etc.
libLocal = pkgsNative.callPackage ./nix/lib { };
# Local vendored packages defined in ./pkg.
# For non-vendored nixpkgs specific package overrides, see ./nix/overlays.
pkgsLocal = {
argon2u = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/argon2u { };
ca-bundle = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/ca-bundle { };
ed25519 = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/ed25519 { };
ent = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/ent { };
ge-additions = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/ge-additions { };
libaes_siv = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/libaes_siv { };
libscrypt = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/libscrypt { };
murmur3 = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/murmur3 { };
softfloat3 = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/softfloat3 { };
herb = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/herb { inherit (pkgsCross) python; };
arvo = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/arvo { };
ivory = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/pill/ivory.nix { };
brass = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/pill/brass.nix { };
solid = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/pill/solid.nix { };
urbit = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/urbit { inherit enableStatic; };
hs = callPackage ./nix/pkgs/hs {
inherit enableStatic;
inherit (pkgsCross) haskell-nix;
# Additional top-level packages and attributes exposed for convenience.
pkgsExtra = with pkgsLocal; rec {
# Expose packages with local customisations (like patches) for dev access.
inherit (pkgsCross) libsigsegv;
# Collect haskell check (aka "run the tests") attributes so we can run every
# test for our local haskell packages, similar to the urbit-tests attribute.
hs-checks = (pkgsNative.recurseIntoAttrs
(libLocal.collectHaskellComponents pkgsLocal.hs)).checks;
urbit-debug = urbit.override { enableDebug = true; };
urbit-tests = libLocal.testFakeShip {
inherit herb;
inherit arvo;
urbit = urbit-debug;
pill = solid.lfs;
ivory-ropsten = ivory.override { arvo = arvo.ropsten; };
brass-ropsten = brass.override { arvo = arvo.ropsten; };
# Create a .tgz of the primary binaries.
tarball = let
name = "urbit-v${urbit.version}-${urbit.system}";
urbit-king = hs.urbit-king.components.exes.urbit-king;
in libLocal.makeReleaseTarball {
inherit name;
contents = {
"${name}/urbit" = "${urbit}/bin/urbit";
"${name}/urbit-worker" = "${urbit}/bin/urbit-worker";
# temporarily removed for compatibility reasons
# "${name}/urbit-king" = "${urbit-king}/bin/urbit-king";
# A convenience function for constructing a shell.nix for any of the
# pkgsLocal derivations by automatically propagating any dependencies
# to the nix-shell.
# Example:
# let
# pkgs = import ./default.nix { };
# in pkgs.shellFor {
# packages = ps: [
# ps.urbit
# ps.herb
# ];
# }
shellFor = { name, packages, ... }@attrs:
pkgsNative.mkShell ({
inputsFrom = packages pkgsLocal;
} // builtins.removeAttrs attrs [ "packages" ]);
# Ensure that in the case of cross-compilation we're not statically linking
# against glibc. This is typically a sign that crossSystem is misconfigured.
checkPlatform =
if enableStatic && pkgsCross.stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc" then
builtins.trace "warning: statically linking against glibc."
in checkPlatform (pkgsLocal // pkgsExtra)