# Enable configurations specific to the host platform. common --enable_platform_specific_config # Disallow empty `glob()`s. build --incompatible_disallow_empty_glob # Don't auto-detect the C/C++ toolchain. build --action_env=BAZEL_DO_NOT_DETECT_CPP_TOOLCHAIN=1 # Use platforms to select toolchains. # See https://bazel.build/concepts/platforms#cxx and # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7260. build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution # Disable transitions. # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/issues/2052. build --@io_bazel_rules_docker//transitions:enable=false # Add aliases for compiler version build settings. build --flag_alias=clang_version=//:clang_version build --flag_alias=gcc_version=//:gcc_version # Don't include source level debug info on macOS. See # https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/5561 and # https://github.com/urbit/vere/issues/131. build:linux --copt='-g' build:linux --host_copt='-g' build --strip=never # Use -O3 as the default optimization level. build --copt='-O3' build --host_copt='-O3' # Turn on CPU and memory debug for exec config, which we only use to run the # fake ship tests. build --host_copt='-DU3_CPU_DEBUG' build --host_copt='-DU3_MEMORY_DEBUG' build --host_copt='-DC3DBG' # Enable maximum debug info and disable optimizations for debug config. It's # important that these lines come after setting the default debug and # optimization level flags above. build:dbg --copt='-O0' build:dbg --copt='-g3' build:dbg --copt='-DC3DBG' # Any personal configuration should go in .user.bazelrc. try-import %workspace%/.user.bazelrc