- [echo-swagger](https://github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger) is used to integrate with Echo framework and serve the documentation with [Swagger-UI](https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-ui/) at `http://memos.host:5230/api/index.html`
## Updating the documentation
1. Update or add API-related comments in the code. Make sure to follow the [Declarative Comments Format](https://github.com/swaggo/swag#declarative-comments-format):
// @Failure 403 {object} nil "User has been archived with username {username}"
// @Failure 500 {object} nil "Failed to find system setting | Failed to unmarshal system setting | Incorrect login credentials, please try again | Failed to generate tokens | Failed to create activity"
// @Router /api/v1/auth/signin [POST]
func (s *APIV1Service) signIn(c echo.Context) error {
> Sample from [api/v1/auth.go](https://github.com/usememos/memos/tree/main/api/v1/auth.go)
> You can check existing comments at [api/v1](https://github.com/usememos/memos/tree/main/api/v1)
> The scripts will install swag if needed (via go install), then run `swag fmt` and `swag init` commands.
3. That's it! The documentation is updated. You can check it at `http://memos.host:5230/api/index.html`
### Extra tips
- If you reference a custom Go struct from outside the API file, use a relative definition, like `store.IdentityProvider`. This works because `./` is passed to swag at `--dir` argument. If swag can't resolve the reference, it will fail.
- It's possible to list multiple errors for the same code using enum-like structs, that will show a proper, spec-conformant model with all entries at Swagger-UI. The drawback is that this approach requires a major refactoring and will add a lot of boilerplate code, as there are inconsistencies between API methods error responses.
type signInInternalServerError string
const signInErrorFailedToFindSystemSetting signInInternalServerError = "Failed to find system setting"
const signInErrorFailedToUnmarshalSystemSetting signInInternalServerError = "Failed to unmarshal system setting"