* - Refactor several API routes from anonymous functions to regular definitions. Required to add parseable documentation comments.
- Add API documentation comments using Swag Declarative Comments Format
- Add echo-swagger to serve Swagger-UI at /api/index.html
- Fix error response from extraneous parameter resourceId to relatedMemoId in DELETE("/memo/:memoId/relation/:relatedMemoId/type/:relationType")
- Add an auto-generated ./docs/api/v1.md for quick reference on repo (generated by swagger-markdown)
- Add auxiliary scripts to generate docs.go and swagger.yaml
* fix: golangci-lint errors
* fix: go fmt flag in swag scripts
Add preliminar Windows support for both
development and production environments.
Default profile.Data will be set to "C:\ProgramData\memos" on Windows.
Folder will be created if it does not exist, as this behavior is
expected for Windows applications.
System service installation can be achieved with third-party tools,
explained in docs/windows-service.md.
Not sure if it's worth using https://github.com/kardianos/service
to make service support built-in.
This could be a nice addition alongside #1583 (add Windows artifacts)