CorrectRoadH 81d4f01b7f
feat: add e2e test (#1486)
* add i18n

* add base e2e test

* add multiple test for e2e

* extract the funciton of write memo

* change test sturct

* deteled unused dir

* use fixture

* add fixture

* restruced the project

* feat: add workflow

* feat: change playwright test position

* feat: change playwright test position

* using yarn intead of npm

* change install method

* only enable sign in test

* adjust the order of test

* change report pos

* fix style of e2e workflow

* add review test

* unify locale

* randome write content

* change report pos

* reduce unused wait time

* reduce unused folder

* stash

* merge upstream locale

* change test name

* add test item

* change action name

* add lanuage setting

* add shotscreen

* change name of test

* fix the error of import dep

* fix the error of import dep

* fix the error of filename

* fix the format of workflow

* fix the name error of test case

* feat: change the describe of test case

* feat: remove unused test

* feat: change the fixtures name

* feat: remove unused config

* feat: change docker action

* feat: change the generate method

* feat: extrace screenshot

* feat: change extra path

* feat: change extra path

* feat: screenshot and upload

* feat: change upload filename

* feat: change login method

* feat: change e2e method

* feat: change e2e test

* feat: add wait for login


Co-authored-by: CorrectRoadH <a778917369@gmail.comå>
2023-04-11 22:13:06 +08:00

62 lines
1.7 KiB

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