Fix formatting

This commit is contained in:
Utku Demir 2022-10-24 11:52:24 +13:00
parent 010b341c00
commit b99dc4c04f
3 changed files with 42 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ app =
-- main screen
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] ->
B.halt s
B.halt s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '?') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just (ModalNotice helpNotice)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'w') []), Nothing) -> do
@ -217,16 +217,16 @@ app =
& sortPanes
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] ->
B.continue $ moveLeft s
B.continue $ moveLeft s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue $ move B.listMoveDown s
B.continue $ move B.listMoveDown s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue $ move B.listMoveUp s
B.continue $ move B.listMoveUp s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'l', V.KRight] ->
B.continue $ moveRight s
B.continue $ moveRight s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []), Nothing) ->
B.continue =<< moveF B.listMovePageUp s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown []), Nothing) ->
@ -234,21 +234,21 @@ app =
-- why-depends modal
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] -> do
B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) (-1)
B.continue s
B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) (-1)
B.continue s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveDown l)}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveDown l)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveUp l)}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveUp l)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'l', V.KRight] -> do
B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) 1
B.continue s
B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) 1
B.continue s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l)) ->
B.listMovePageUp l >>= \l' ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends l'}
@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ app =
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs))
| k `elem` [V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveDown xs)}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveDown xs)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs))
| k `elem` [V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveUp xs)}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveUp xs)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) ->
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ app =
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) []), Just (ModalSearch l r _))
| c `Set.member` allowedSearchChars ->
B.continue (showAndUpdateSearch (l <> T.singleton c) r s)
B.continue (showAndUpdateSearch (l <> T.singleton c) r s)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KBS) []), Just (ModalSearch l r _)) ->
B.continue (showAndUpdateSearch (T.dropEnd 1 l) r s)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []), Just (ModalSearch _ _ xs)) ->
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ app =
-- notices
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalNotice _))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
-- handle our events
(B.AppEvent (EventTick t), _) ->
let new = s {aeCurrTime = t}
@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ yankToClipboard p =
( T.intercalate "\n" $
"Cannot copy to clipboard: " :
map (" " <>) errs
"Cannot copy to clipboard: "
: map (" " <>) errs
++ ["Please report this as a bug."]
@ -383,7 +383,9 @@ renderInfoPane env =
if null immediateParents
then "Immediate Parents: -"
"Immediate Parents (" <> T.pack (show $ length immediateParents) <> "): "
"Immediate Parents ("
<> T.pack (show $ length immediateParents)
<> "): "
<> T.intercalate ", " (map storeNameToShortText immediateParents)
@ -455,9 +457,11 @@ renderSearchModal left right l =
renderModal "Search" window
window =
B.txt left B.<+> B.txt "|" B.<+> B.txt right
B.<=> B.hBorder
B.<=> renderList Nothing True l
B.txt left
B.<+> B.txt "|"
B.<+> B.txt right
B.<=> B.hBorder
B.<=> renderList Nothing True l
showAndUpdateSearch :: Text -> Text -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
showAndUpdateSearch left right env@AppEnv {aeInvertedIndex} =
@ -491,12 +495,12 @@ moveRight :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
moveRight env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeParents}
| null (B.listElements aeNextPane) = env
| otherwise =
{ aePrevPane = aeCurrPane {B.listName = WidgetPrevPane},
aeCurrPane = aeNextPane {B.listName = WidgetCurrPane},
aeParents = aePrevPane : aeParents
& repopulateNextPane
{ aePrevPane = aeCurrPane {B.listName = WidgetPrevPane},
aeCurrPane = aeNextPane {B.listName = WidgetCurrPane},
aeParents = aePrevPane : aeParents
& repopulateNextPane
repopulateNextPane :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
repopulateNextPane env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeNextPane, aeSortOrder} =
@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ selectedPaths AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeParents} =
selectPath :: NonEmpty (Path s) -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
selectPath path env
| (spName <$> path) == (spName <$> selectedPaths env) =
selectPath path env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} =
let root :| children = NE.reverse path
lists =

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ mkIntermediateEnv env =
[ (spName, const () <$> sp)
| sp@StorePath {spName} <- spRefs curr,
env spName
] :
map (ipsAllRefs . spPayload) (spRefs curr)
: map (ipsAllRefs . spPayload) (spRefs curr)

View File

@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ withStoreEnv isDerivation names cb = do
nixVersion <- liftIO getNixVersion
when (isDerivation && nixVersion < Nix2_4) $
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: --derivation flag is ignored on Nix versions older than 2.4."
liftIO $
hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: --derivation flag is ignored on Nix versions older than 2.4."
roots <-
liftIO $
@ -261,11 +262,11 @@ seFetchRefs env predicate =
| HS.member name visited = (acc, visited)
| not (predicate name) = (acc, visited)
| otherwise =
let sp@StorePath {spRefs} = seLookup env name
in foldl'
(\(acc', visited') name' -> go acc' visited' name')
(sp : acc, HS.insert name visited)
let sp@StorePath {spRefs} = seLookup env name
in foldl'
(\(acc', visited') name' -> go acc' visited' name')
(sp : acc, HS.insert name visited)
seBottomUp ::
forall s a b.