Ability to change the sort order

This commit is contained in:
Utku Demir 2021-02-27 16:55:57 +13:00
parent bb3e4382d1
commit df01088741
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: F3F8629C3E0BF60B
4 changed files with 186 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -33,11 +33,19 @@ Keybindings:
q/Esc: : Quit / close modal
w : Open why-depends mode
/ : Open search mode
i : Toggle modeline
s : Change sort order
? : Show help
[home-manager]: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
### Glossary
* **NAR Size**: Size of the store path itself.
* **Closure size**: Total size of the store path and all its transitive dependencies.
* **Added size**: Size of the store path, and all its _unique_ transitive
dependencies. In other words, the cost of having that store path on top
of all other paths. See [issue #14] for a better explanation.
[issue #14]: https://github.com/utdemir/nix-tree/issues/14
### Tips

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ common common-options
other-modules: PathStats
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ common common-options
, brick
, bytestring
, containers
, clock
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module App (run, helpText) where
import qualified Brick as B
import qualified Brick.BChan as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as B
@ -11,8 +12,12 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import InvertedIndex
import PathStats
import qualified System.Clock as Clock
import qualified System.HrfSize as HRF
data Event
= EventTick Clock.TimeSpec
data Widgets
= WidgetPrevPane
| WidgetCurrPane
@ -26,6 +31,11 @@ data Modal s
| ModalWhyDepends (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s)))
| ModalSearch Text Text (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s))
succCycle :: forall a. (Bounded a, Enum a) => a -> a
succCycle a
| fromEnum a == fromEnum (maxBound @a) = minBound
| otherwise = succ a
data AppEnv s = AppEnv
{ aeActualStoreEnv :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s),
aeInvertedIndex :: InvertedIndex,
@ -34,23 +44,42 @@ data AppEnv s = AppEnv
aeNextPane :: List s,
aeParents :: [List s],
aeOpenModal :: Maybe (Modal s),
aeShowInfoPane :: Bool
aeSortOrder :: SortOrder,
aeSortOrderLastChanged :: Clock.TimeSpec,
aeCurrTime :: Clock.TimeSpec
type Path s = StorePath s (StoreName s) (PathStats s)
type List s = B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s)
attrTerminal :: B.AttrName
data SortOrder
= SortOrderAlphabetical
| SortOrderClosureSize
| SortOrderAddedSize
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
compareBySortOrder :: SortOrder -> Path s -> Path s -> Ordering
compareBySortOrder SortOrderAlphabetical = compare `on` T.toLower . storeNameToShortText . spName
compareBySortOrder SortOrderClosureSize = compare `on` Down . psTotalSize . spPayload
compareBySortOrder SortOrderAddedSize = compare `on` Down . psAddedSize . spPayload
attrTerminal, attrUnderlined :: B.AttrName
attrTerminal = "terminal"
attrUnderlined = "underlined"
run :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s) -> IO ()
run env = void . B.defaultMain app =<< appEnv
appEnv = do
let ii = iiFromList . toList . map (storeNameToText . spName) $ seAll env
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (rnf ii)
return $
run env = do
-- Create the inverted index, and start evaluating it in the background
let ii = iiFromList . toList . map (storeNameToText . spName) $ seAll env
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (rnf ii)
-- Initial state
let getTime = Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
currTime <- getTime
let defaultSortOrder = SortOrderClosureSize
let appEnv =
{ aeActualStoreEnv =
@ -59,23 +88,47 @@ run env = void . B.defaultMain app =<< appEnv
aePrevPane =
B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0,
aeCurrPane =
B.list WidgetCurrPane (S.fromList . NE.toList $ seGetRoots env) 0,
(S.fromList . sortBy (compareBySortOrder defaultSortOrder) . NE.toList $ seGetRoots env)
aeNextPane =
B.list WidgetNextPane S.empty 0,
aeParents =
aeOpenModal =
aeShowInfoPane =
aeSortOrder =
aeSortOrderLastChanged =
Clock.TimeSpec 0 0,
aeCurrTime =
& repopulateNextPane
-- Create a channel that's fed by current time
chan <- B.newBChan 10
void . forkIO $
forever $ do
threadDelay (100 * 100)
t <- getTime
_ <- B.writeBChanNonBlocking chan (EventTick t)
return ()
-- And run the application
let mkVty = V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
initialVty <- mkVty
_ <- B.customMain initialVty mkVty (Just chan) app appEnv
return ()
renderList ::
Maybe SortOrder ->
Bool ->
List s ->
B.Widget Widgets
renderList isFocused =
renderList highlightSort isFocused =
( \_
@ -88,22 +141,35 @@ renderList isFocused =
then B.withAttr attrTerminal
else identity
in color $
B.padRight B.Max (B.txt $ storeNameToShortText spName)
B.<+> B.padLeft
( B.txt $
prettySize psTotalSize
<> if not (null spRefs)
" ("
<> prettySize psAddedSize
<> ")"
else mempty
[ B.txt (storeNameToShortText spName)
& underlineWhen SortOrderAlphabetical
& B.padRight (B.Pad 1)
& B.padRight B.Max,
if null spRefs
B.txt (prettySize psTotalSize)
& underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize
& underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize
[ B.txt (prettySize psTotalSize)
& underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize,
B.txt " (",
B.txt (prettySize psAddedSize)
& underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize,
B.txt ")"
underlineWhen so =
if Just so == highlightSort
then B.withDefAttr attrUnderlined
else identity
app :: B.App (AppEnv s) () Widgets
app :: B.App (AppEnv s) Event Widgets
app =
{ B.appDraw = \env@AppEnv {aeOpenModal} ->
@ -127,8 +193,13 @@ app =
B.continue $ showWhyDepends s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '/') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ showAndUpdateSearch "" "" s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'i') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ s {aeShowInfoPane = not (aeShowInfoPane s)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $
{ aeSortOrder = succCycle (aeSortOrder s),
aeSortOrderLastChanged = aeCurrTime s
& sortPanes
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] ->
B.continue $ moveLeft s
@ -205,6 +276,9 @@ app =
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just ModalHelp)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
-- handle our events
(B.AppEvent (EventTick t), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ s {aeCurrTime = t}
-- ignore otherwise
_ ->
B.continue s,
@ -213,7 +287,8 @@ app =
(V.white `B.on` V.black)
[ (B.listSelectedFocusedAttr, V.black `B.on` V.white),
(attrTerminal, B.fg V.blue)
(attrTerminal, B.fg V.blue),
(attrUnderlined, V.currentAttr `V.withStyle` V.underline)
@ -229,45 +304,50 @@ app =
renderMainScreen :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets
renderMainScreen env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeShowInfoPane} =
renderMainScreen env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane} =
(B.joinBorders . B.border)
( B.hBox
[ renderList True aePrevPane,
[ renderList Nothing True aePrevPane,
renderList True aeCurrPane,
renderList shouldHighlightSortOrder True aeCurrPane,
renderList False aeNextPane
renderList Nothing False aeNextPane
B.<=> if aeShowInfoPane then renderInfoPane env else renderModeline env
renderModeline :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets
renderModeline env =
let selected = selectedPath env
in B.txt $
" - "
[ T.pack $ storeNameToPath (spName selected),
"NAR Size: " <> prettySize (spSize selected),
"Closure Size: " <> prettySize (psTotalSize $ spPayload selected)
B.<=> renderInfoPane env
shouldHighlightSortOrder =
let timePassed = Clock.diffTimeSpec (aeCurrTime env) (aeSortOrderLastChanged env)
in if timePassed < Clock.TimeSpec 0 (500 * 1_000_000)
then Just (aeSortOrder env)
else Nothing
renderInfoPane :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets
renderInfoPane env =
let selected = selectedPath env
immediateParents = psImmediateParents $ spPayload selected
in B.txt $
[ T.pack $ storeNameToPath (spName selected),
"NAR Size: " <> prettySize (spSize selected),
"Closure Size: " <> prettySize (psTotalSize $ spPayload selected),
in B.vBox
[ ( let (f, s) = storeNameToSplitShortText (spName selected)
in B.txt f B.<+> underlineWhen SortOrderAlphabetical (B.txt s)
[ B.txt $ "NAR Size: " <> prettySize (spSize selected),
underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize . B.txt $ "Closure Size: " <> prettySize (psTotalSize $ spPayload selected),
underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize . B.txt $ "Added Size: " <> prettySize (psAddedSize $ spPayload selected)
& intersperse (B.txt " | ")
& B.hBox,
B.txt $
if null immediateParents
then "Immediate Parents: -"
"Immediate Parents (" <> T.pack (show $ length immediateParents) <> "): "
<> T.intercalate ", " (map storeNameToShortText immediateParents)
underlineWhen so =
if so == aeSortOrder env
then B.withAttr attrUnderlined
else identity
renderModal :: Text -> B.Widget a -> B.Widget a
renderModal title widget =
@ -285,7 +365,7 @@ helpText =
"q/Esc: : Quit / close modal",
"w : Open why-depends mode",
"/ : Open search mode",
"i : Toggle modeline",
"s : Change sort order",
"? : Show help"
@ -326,7 +406,7 @@ renderSearchModal left right l =
window =
B.txt left B.<+> B.txt "|" B.<+> B.txt right
B.<=> B.hBorder
B.<=> renderList True l
B.<=> renderList Nothing True l
showAndUpdateSearch :: Text -> Text -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
showAndUpdateSearch left right env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeInvertedIndex} =
@ -368,12 +448,12 @@ moveRight env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeParents}
& repopulateNextPane
repopulateNextPane :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
repopulateNextPane env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeNextPane} =
repopulateNextPane env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeNextPane, aeSortOrder} =
let ref = selectedPath env
in env
{ aeNextPane =
( S.sortOn (Down . psTotalSize . spPayload)
( S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder aeSortOrder)
. S.fromList
. map (seLookup aeActualStoreEnv)
$ spRefs ref
@ -382,6 +462,24 @@ repopulateNextPane env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeNextPane} =
sortPane :: SortOrder -> List s -> List s
sortPane so l =
let selected = B.listSelectedElement l
elems =
B.listElements l
& S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder so)
name = B.getName l
in mkList so name elems (snd <$> selected)
sortPanes :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
sortPanes env@AppEnv {aeParents, aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeSortOrder} =
{ aeCurrPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aeCurrPane,
aeNextPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aeNextPane,
aeParents = sortPane aeSortOrder <$> aeParents,
aePrevPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aePrevPane
selectedPath :: AppEnv s -> Path s
selectedPath = NE.head . selectedPaths
@ -412,8 +510,7 @@ selectPath path env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} =
(NE.toList (seGetRoots aeActualStoreEnv), root)
& NE.reverse
& fmap
(\(possible, selected) -> mkList WidgetPrevPane possible selected)
& fmap (\(possible, selected) -> mkList (aeSortOrder env) WidgetPrevPane (S.fromList possible) (Just selected))
& (<> (emptyPane :| []))
in case lists of
(curr :| prevs) ->
@ -427,14 +524,21 @@ selectPath path env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} =
& repopulateNextPane
mkList name possible selected =
let contents = S.sortOn (Down . psTotalSize . spPayload) (S.fromList possible)
in B.list name contents 1
& B.listMoveTo
(fromMaybe (0) $ (((==) `on` spName) selected) `S.findIndexL` contents)
emptyPane =
B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0
mkList ::
SortOrder ->
n ->
Seq (Path s) ->
Maybe (Path s) ->
B.GenericList n Seq (Path s)
mkList sortOrder name possible selected =
let contents = S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder sortOrder) possible
in B.list name contents 1
& B.listMoveTo
(fromMaybe 0 $ selected >>= \s -> (((==) `on` spName) s) `S.findIndexL` contents)
-- Utils
prettySize :: Int -> T.Text

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module StorePath
StorePath (..),
StoreEnv (..),
@ -44,7 +45,13 @@ storeNameToPath :: StoreName a -> FilePath
storeNameToPath (StoreName sn) = "/nix/store/" <> toS sn
storeNameToShortText :: StoreName a -> Text
storeNameToShortText = T.drop 1 . T.dropWhile (/= '-') . storeNameToText
storeNameToShortText = snd . storeNameToSplitShortText
storeNameToSplitShortText :: StoreName a -> (Text, Text)
storeNameToSplitShortText txt =
case T.span (/= '-') . T.pack $ storeNameToPath txt of
(f, s) | Just (c, s'') <- T.uncons s -> (T.snoc f c, s'')
e -> e