Add search functionality

This commit is contained in:
Utku Demir 2020-08-22 22:37:06 +12:00
parent 7830fad996
commit fdf1c0b0c8
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: F3F8629C3E0BF60B
7 changed files with 234 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Keybindings:
q/Esc: : Quit / close modal
w : Open why-depends mode
i : Toggle modeline
/ : Open search mode
? : Show help

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ executable nix-tree
other-modules: PathStats
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -threaded -O2 -threaded
build-depends: base >= 4.11 && < 5
, aeson

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@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as B
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import InvertedIndex
import PathStats
import Protolude
import qualified System.HrfSize as HRF
@ -22,14 +24,17 @@ data Widgets
| WidgetCurrPane
| WidgetNextPane
| WidgetWhyDepends
| WidgetSearch
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Modal s
= ModalHelp
| ModalWhyDepends (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s)))
| ModalSearch Text Text (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s))
data AppEnv s = AppEnv
{ aeActualStoreEnv :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s),
aeInvertedIndex :: InvertedIndex,
aePrevPane :: List s,
aeCurrPane :: List s,
aeNextPane :: List s,
@ -46,26 +51,31 @@ attrTerminal :: B.AttrName
attrTerminal = "terminal"
run :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s) -> IO ()
run env = void $ B.defaultMain app appEnv
run env = void . B.defaultMain app =<< appEnv
appEnv =
{ aeActualStoreEnv =
aePrevPane =
B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0,
aeCurrPane =
B.list WidgetCurrPane (S.fromList . NE.toList $ seGetRoots env) 0,
aeNextPane =
B.list WidgetNextPane S.empty 0,
aeParents =
aeOpenModal =
aeShowInfoPane =
& repopulateNextPane
appEnv = do
let ii = iiFromList . toList . map (storeNameToText . spName) $ seAll env
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (rnf ii)
return $
{ aeActualStoreEnv =
aeInvertedIndex =
aePrevPane =
B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0,
aeCurrPane =
B.list WidgetCurrPane (S.fromList . NE.toList $ seGetRoots env) 0,
aeNextPane =
B.list WidgetNextPane S.empty 0,
aeParents =
aeOpenModal =
aeShowInfoPane =
& repopulateNextPane
renderList ::
Bool ->
@ -107,7 +117,8 @@ app =
[ case aeOpenModal of
Nothing -> B.emptyWidget
Just ModalHelp -> renderHelpModal
Just (ModalWhyDepends l) -> renderWhyDependsModal l,
Just (ModalWhyDepends l) -> renderWhyDependsModal l
Just (ModalSearch l r xs) -> renderSearchModal l r xs,
renderMainScreen env
B.appChooseCursor = \_ -> const Nothing,
@ -121,16 +132,18 @@ app =
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just ModalHelp}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'w') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ showWhyDepends s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '/') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ showAndUpdateSearch "" "" s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'i') []), Nothing) ->
B.continue $ s {aeShowInfoPane = not (aeShowInfoPane s)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] ->
B.continue $ moveLeft s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown] ->
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue $ move B.listMoveDown s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp] ->
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue $ move B.listMoveUp s
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing)
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'l', V.KRight] ->
@ -145,10 +158,10 @@ app =
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
-- why-depends modal
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown] ->
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveDown l)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l))
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp] ->
| k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveUp l)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l)) ->
B.listMovePageUp l >>= \l' ->
@ -161,7 +174,39 @@ app =
in case B.listSelectedElement l of
Nothing -> B.continue closed
Just (_, path) -> B.continue $ selectPath path closed
-- otherwise
-- search modal
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs))
| k `elem` [V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveDown xs)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs))
| k `elem` [V.KUp, V.KBackTab] ->
B.continue s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveUp xs)}
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) ->
{ aeOpenModal =
Just $ ModalSearch (T.dropEnd 1 l) (T.takeEnd 1 l <> r) (B.listMoveUp xs)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) ->
{ aeOpenModal =
Just $ ModalSearch (l <> T.take 1 r) (T.drop 1 r) (B.listMoveUp xs)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) []), Just (ModalSearch l r _))
| c `Set.member` allowedSearchChars ->
B.continue (showAndUpdateSearch (l <> T.singleton c) r s)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KBS) []), Just (ModalSearch l r _)) ->
B.continue (showAndUpdateSearch (T.dropEnd 1 l) r s)
(B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []), Just (ModalSearch _ _ xs)) ->
let closed = s {aeOpenModal = Nothing}
in case B.listSelectedElement xs of
Nothing -> B.continue closed
Just (_, path) ->
B.continue $
(shortestPathTo (aeActualStoreEnv s) (spName path))
_ ->
B.continue s,
B.appStartEvent = \s -> return s,
@ -172,6 +217,17 @@ app =
(attrTerminal, B.fg
allowedSearchChars :: Set Char
allowedSearchChars =
( mconcat
[ ['a' .. 'z'],
['A' .. 'Z'],
['0' .. '9'],
renderMainScreen :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets
renderMainScreen env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeShowInfoPane} =
@ -214,6 +270,14 @@ renderInfoPane env =
<> T.intercalate ", " (map storeNameToShortText immediateParents)
renderModal :: Text -> B.Widget a -> B.Widget a
renderModal title widget =
& B.borderWithLabel (B.txt title)
& B.hLimitPercent 90
& B.vLimitPercent 60
& B.centerLayer
helpText :: Text
helpText =
@ -221,27 +285,19 @@ helpText =
[ "hjkl/Arrow Keys : Navigate",
"q/Esc: : Quit / close modal",
"w : Open why-depends mode",
"/ : Open search mode",
"i : Toggle modeline",
"? : Show help"
renderHelpModal :: B.Widget a
renderHelpModal =
B.txt helpText
& B.borderWithLabel (B.txt "Help")
& B.hLimitPercent 90
& B.vLimitPercent 60
& B.centerLayer
renderHelpModal = renderModal "Help" (B.txt helpText)
renderWhyDependsModal ::
B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s)) ->
B.Widget Widgets
renderWhyDependsModal l =
B.renderList renderDepends True l
& B.hLimitPercent 80
& B.vLimitPercent 60
& B.borderWithLabel (B.txt "why-depends")
& B.centerLayer
renderModal "why-depends" (B.renderList renderDepends True l)
renderDepends _ =
B.txt . pathsToText
@ -264,6 +320,26 @@ showWhyDepends env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} =
(fromMaybe 0 $ (((==) `on` fmap spName) route) `S.findIndexL` xs)
renderSearchModal :: Text -> Text -> B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s) -> B.Widget Widgets
renderSearchModal left right list =
renderModal "Search" window
window =
B.txt left B.<+> B.txt "|" B.<+> B.txt right
B.<=> B.hBorder
B.<=> renderList True list
showAndUpdateSearch :: Text -> Text -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
showAndUpdateSearch left right env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeInvertedIndex} =
env {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch left right results}
results =
let xs =
iiSearch (left <> right) aeInvertedIndex
& (S.fromList . Set.toList)
& fmap (seLookup aeActualStoreEnv . StoreName)
in B.list WidgetSearch xs 1
move :: (List s -> List s) -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s
move f = runIdentity . moveF (Identity . f)

src/InvertedIndex.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module InvertedIndex
( InvertedIndex,
import Data.List (zip3)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Protolude
data InvertedIndex = InvertedIndex
{ iiElems :: Set Text,
iiUnigrams :: Map Char (Set Text),
iiBigrams :: Map (Char, Char) (Set Text),
iiTrigrams :: Map (Char, Char, Char) (Set Text)
deriving (Generic)
instance NFData InvertedIndex
iiInsert :: Text -> InvertedIndex -> InvertedIndex
iiInsert txt InvertedIndex {iiElems, iiUnigrams, iiBigrams, iiTrigrams} =
{ iiElems = Set.insert txt iiElems,
iiUnigrams = combine iiUnigrams (unigramsOf txt),
iiBigrams = combine iiBigrams (bigramsOf txt),
iiTrigrams = combine iiTrigrams (trigramsOf txt)
combine orig chrs =
(setToMap (Set.singleton txt) chrs)
iiFromList :: [Text] -> InvertedIndex
iiFromList =
(flip iiInsert)
(InvertedIndex Set.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty)
setToMap :: v -> Set k -> Map k v
setToMap v = Map.fromDistinctAscList . map (,v) . Set.toAscList
unigramsOf :: Text -> Set Char
unigramsOf txt = Set.fromList $ Text.unpack txt
bigramsOf :: Text -> Set (Char, Char)
bigramsOf txt = case Text.unpack txt of
p1@(_ : p2) -> Set.fromList $ zip p1 p2
_ -> Set.empty
trigramsOf :: Text -> Set (Char, Char, Char)
trigramsOf txt = case Text.unpack txt of
p1@(_ : p2@(_ : p3)) -> Set.fromList $ zip3 p1 p2 p3
_ -> Set.empty
iiSearch :: Text -> InvertedIndex -> Set Text
iiSearch txt InvertedIndex {iiElems, iiUnigrams, iiBigrams, iiTrigrams}
| Text.length txt == 0 = iiElems
| Text.length txt == 1 = using unigramsOf iiUnigrams
| Text.length txt == 2 = using bigramsOf iiBigrams
| otherwise = using trigramsOf iiTrigrams
using :: Ord a => (Text -> Set a) -> Map a (Set Text) -> Set Text
using getGrams m =
Map.intersection m (setToMap () (getGrams txt))
& Map.elems
& \case
[] -> Set.empty
(x : xs) -> foldl' Set.intersection x xs

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ main = do
(concatMap (maybe [] spRefs) foundNodes)
_ <- forkIO $ go (sePaths env) (toList $ seRoots env)
run env

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module PathStats
( PathStats (..),
module StorePath,
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ mkIntermediateEnv pred =
[ (spName, const () <$> sp)
| sp@StorePath {spName} <- spRefs curr,
pred spName
: map (ipsAllRefs . spPayload) (spRefs curr)
] :
map (ipsAllRefs . spPayload) (spRefs curr)
@ -115,8 +116,28 @@ whyDepends env name =
& concat
& map NE.reverse
markRouteTo :: StoreName s -> StoreEnv s a -> StoreEnv s (Bool, a)
markRouteTo name = seBottomUp $ \sp@StorePath {spName, spRefs} ->
( spName == name || any (fst . spPayload) spRefs,
spPayload sp
-- TODO: This can be precomputed.
shortestPathTo :: StoreEnv s a -> StoreName s -> NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) a)
shortestPathTo env name =
( \curr ->
let currOut = curr {spRefs = spName <$> spRefs curr}
in if spName curr == name
then Just (1 :: Int, currOut :| [])
spRefs curr
& fmap spPayload
& catMaybes
& \case
[] -> Nothing
xs -> case minimumBy (comparing fst) xs of
(c, p) -> Just (c + 1, currOut NE.<| p)
& seGetRoots
& fmap spPayload
& NE.toList
& catMaybes
& minimumBy (comparing fst)
& snd
& NE.reverse

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module StorePath
StoreEnv (..),
@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ module StorePath
import Control.Monad (fail)
import Data.Aeson ((.:), FromJSON (..), Value (..), decode)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Value (..), decode, (.:))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Protolude
@ -143,6 +144,11 @@ seLookup StoreEnv {sePaths} name =
(panic $ "invariant violation, StoreName not found: " <> show name)
(HM.lookup name sePaths)
seAll :: StoreEnv s a -> NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) a)
seAll StoreEnv {sePaths} = case HM.elems sePaths of
[] -> panic "invariant violation: no paths"
(x : xs) -> x :| xs
seGetRoots :: StoreEnv s a -> NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) a)
seGetRoots env@StoreEnv {seRoots} =
map (seLookup env) seRoots