ETBox 1cbe025b2c
feat: add both simplified & traditional Chinese (#30)
Chinese words using default font seems a little bit weird, so I rewrite the 'font-family' rule and add 3 fonts for OS compatibility. By the way,  I also update languages.html for your convenience.
2020-07-03 07:29:59 +02:00

5 lines
462 B

:lang(zh-hant) .theorem::before { content: '定理 ' counter(theorem) '. ' !important; }
:lang(zh-hant) .lemma::before { content: '引理 ' counter(theorem) '. ' !important; }
:lang(zh-hant) .proof::before { content: '證明:' attr(title) !important; font-style: normal; }
:lang(zh-hant) .definition::before { content: '定義 ' counter(definition) '. ' !important; }
:lang(zh-hant) ::before { font-family: 'Microsoft Yahei', 'STHeiti', 'Source Han Sans CN'; }