mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-28 08:02:28 +03:00

793 lines
93 KiB
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$ fq -d tzif dv Iqaluit
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: Iqaluit (tzif) 0x0-0x86e (2158)
| | | v1header{}: 0x0-0x2c (44)
0x000|54 5a 69 66 |TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x0-0x4 (4)
0x000| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x4-0x5 (1)
0x000| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ...........| reserved: raw bits 0x5-0x14 (15)
0x010|00 00 00 00 |.... |
0x010| 00 00 00 0a | .... | isutcnt: 10 0x14-0x18 (4)
0x010| 00 00 00 0a | .... | isstdcnt: 10 0x18-0x1c (4)
0x010| 00 00 00 1b| ....| leapcnt: 27 0x1c-0x20 (4)
0x020|00 00 00 5d |...] | timecnt: 93 0x20-0x24 (4)
0x020| 00 00 00 0a | .... | typecnt: 10 0x24-0x28 (4)
0x020| 00 00 00 21 | ...! | charcnt: 33 0x28-0x2c (4)
| | | v1datablock{}: 0x2c-0x346 (794)
| | | transition_times[0:93]: 0x2c-0x1a0 (372)
0x020| cc 6c a1 80| .l..| [0]: "1942-08-01T00:00:00Z" (-865296000) transition_time 0x2c-0x30 (4)
0x030|d2 23 f4 70 |.#.p | [1]: "1945-08-14T23:00:00Z" (-769395600) transition_time 0x30-0x34 (4)
0x030| d2 60 fb e0 | .`.. | [2]: "1945-09-30T06:00:00Z" (-765396000) transition_time 0x34-0x38 (4)
0x030| f7 2f 3e 50 | ./>P | [3]: "1965-04-25T05:00:00Z" (-147898800) transition_time 0x38-0x3c (4)
0x030| f8 28 69 d0| .(i.| [4]: "1965-10-31T05:00:00Z" (-131569200) transition_time 0x3c-0x40 (4)
0x040|13 69 47 f9 |.iG. | [5]: "1980-04-27T07:00:09Z" (325666809) transition_time 0x40-0x44 (4)
0x040| 14 59 2a e9 | .Y*. | [6]: "1980-10-26T06:00:09Z" (341388009) transition_time 0x44-0x48 (4)
0x040| 15 49 29 f9 | .I). | [7]: "1981-04-26T07:00:09Z" (357116409) transition_time 0x48-0x4c (4)
0x040| 16 39 0c ea| .9..| [8]: "1981-10-25T06:00:10Z" (372837610) transition_time 0x4c-0x50 (4)
0x050|17 29 0b fa |.).. | [9]: "1982-04-25T07:00:10Z" (388566010) transition_time 0x50-0x54 (4)
0x050| 18 22 29 6b | .")k | [10]: "1982-10-31T06:00:11Z" (404892011) transition_time 0x54-0x58 (4)
0x050| 19 08 ed fb | .... | [11]: "1983-04-24T07:00:11Z" (420015611) transition_time 0x58-0x5c (4)
0x050| 1a 02 0b 6c| ...l| [12]: "1983-10-30T06:00:12Z" (436341612) transition_time 0x5c-0x60 (4)
0x060|1a f2 0a 7c |...| | [13]: "1984-04-29T07:00:12Z" (452070012) transition_time 0x60-0x64 (4)
0x060| 1b e1 ed 6c | ...l | [14]: "1984-10-28T06:00:12Z" (467791212) transition_time 0x64-0x68 (4)
0x060| 1c d1 ec 7c | ...| | [15]: "1985-04-28T07:00:12Z" (483519612) transition_time 0x68-0x6c (4)
0x060| 1d c1 cf 6d| ...m| [16]: "1985-10-27T06:00:13Z" (499240813) transition_time 0x6c-0x70 (4)
0x070|1e b1 ce 7d |...} | [17]: "1986-04-27T07:00:13Z" (514969213) transition_time 0x70-0x74 (4)
0x070| 1f a1 b1 6d | ...m | [18]: "1986-10-26T06:00:13Z" (530690413) transition_time 0x74-0x78 (4)
0x070| 20 76 00 fd | v.. | [19]: "1987-04-05T07:00:13Z" (544604413) transition_time 0x78-0x7c (4)
0x070| 21 81 93 6d| !..m| [20]: "1987-10-25T06:00:13Z" (562140013) transition_time 0x7c-0x80 (4)
0x080|22 55 e2 fe |"U.. | [21]: "1988-04-03T07:00:14Z" (576054014) transition_time 0x80-0x84 (4)
0x080| 23 6a af ee | #j.. | [22]: "1988-10-30T06:00:14Z" (594194414) transition_time 0x84-0x88 (4)
0x080| 24 35 c4 fe | $5.. | [23]: "1989-04-02T07:00:14Z" (607503614) transition_time 0x88-0x8c (4)
0x080| 25 4a 91 ee| %J..| [24]: "1989-10-29T06:00:14Z" (625644014) transition_time 0x8c-0x90 (4)
0x090|26 15 a6 ff |&... | [25]: "1990-04-01T07:00:15Z" (638953215) transition_time 0x90-0x94 (4)
0x090| 27 2a 73 ef | '*s. | [26]: "1990-10-28T06:00:15Z" (657093615) transition_time 0x94-0x98 (4)
0x090| 27 fe c3 80 | '... | [27]: "1991-04-07T07:00:16Z" (671007616) transition_time 0x98-0x9c (4)
0x090| 29 0a 55 f0| ).U.| [28]: "1991-10-27T06:00:16Z" (688543216) transition_time 0x9c-0xa0 (4)
0x0a0|29 de a5 80 |)... | [29]: "1992-04-05T07:00:16Z" (702457216) transition_time 0xa0-0xa4 (4)
0x0a0| 2a ea 37 f1 | *.7. | [30]: "1992-10-25T06:00:17Z" (719992817) transition_time 0xa4-0xa8 (4)
0x0a0| 2b be 87 81 | +... | [31]: "1993-04-04T07:00:17Z" (733906817) transition_time 0xa8-0xac (4)
0x0a0| 2c d3 54 72| ,.Tr| [32]: "1993-10-31T06:00:18Z" (752047218) transition_time 0xac-0xb0 (4)
0x0b0|2d 9e 69 82 |-.i. | [33]: "1994-04-03T07:00:18Z" (765356418) transition_time 0xb0-0xb4 (4)
0x0b0| 2e b3 36 73 | ..6s | [34]: "1994-10-30T06:00:19Z" (783496819) transition_time 0xb4-0xb8 (4)
0x0b0| 2f 7e 4b 83 | /~K. | [35]: "1995-04-02T07:00:19Z" (796806019) transition_time 0xb8-0xbc (4)
0x0b0| 30 93 18 73| 0..s| [36]: "1995-10-29T06:00:19Z" (814946419) transition_time 0xbc-0xc0 (4)
0x0c0|31 67 68 04 |1gh. | [37]: "1996-04-07T07:00:20Z" (828860420) transition_time 0xc0-0xc4 (4)
0x0c0| 32 72 fa 74 | 2r.t | [38]: "1996-10-27T06:00:20Z" (846396020) transition_time 0xc4-0xc8 (4)
0x0c0| 33 47 4a 04 | 3GJ. | [39]: "1997-04-06T07:00:20Z" (860310020) transition_time 0xc8-0xcc (4)
0x0c0| 34 52 dc 75| 4R.u| [40]: "1997-10-26T06:00:21Z" (877845621) transition_time 0xcc-0xd0 (4)
0x0d0|35 27 2c 05 |5',. | [41]: "1998-04-05T07:00:21Z" (891759621) transition_time 0xd0-0xd4 (4)
0x0d0| 36 32 be 75 | 62.u | [42]: "1998-10-25T06:00:21Z" (909295221) transition_time 0xd4-0xd8 (4)
0x0d0| 37 07 0e 06 | 7... | [43]: "1999-04-04T07:00:22Z" (923209222) transition_time 0xd8-0xdc (4)
0x0d0| 38 1b da f6| 8...| [44]: "1999-10-31T06:00:22Z" (941349622) transition_time 0xdc-0xe0 (4)
0x0e0|38 e6 fe 16 |8... | [45]: "2000-04-02T08:00:22Z" (954662422) transition_time 0xe0-0xe4 (4)
0x0e0| 39 fb cb 06 | 9... | [46]: "2000-10-29T07:00:22Z" (972802822) transition_time 0xe4-0xe8 (4)
0x0e0| 3a c6 d2 06 | :... | [47]: "2001-04-01T07:00:22Z" (986108422) transition_time 0xe8-0xec (4)
0x0e0| 3b db 9e f6| ;...| [48]: "2001-10-28T06:00:22Z" (1004248822) transition_time 0xec-0xf0 (4)
0x0f0|3c af ee 86 |<... | [49]: "2002-04-07T07:00:22Z" (1018162822) transition_time 0xf0-0xf4 (4)
0x0f0| 3d bb 80 f6 | =... | [50]: "2002-10-27T06:00:22Z" (1035698422) transition_time 0xf4-0xf8 (4)
0x0f0| 3e 8f d0 86 | >... | [51]: "2003-04-06T07:00:22Z" (1049612422) transition_time 0xf8-0xfc (4)
0x0f0| 3f 9b 62 f6| ?.b.| [52]: "2003-10-26T06:00:22Z" (1067148022) transition_time 0xfc-0x100 (4)
0x100|40 6f b2 86 |@o.. | [53]: "2004-04-04T07:00:22Z" (1081062022) transition_time 0x100-0x104 (4)
0x100| 41 84 7f 76 | A..v | [54]: "2004-10-31T06:00:22Z" (1099202422) transition_time 0x104-0x108 (4)
0x100| 42 4f 94 86 | BO.. | [55]: "2005-04-03T07:00:22Z" (1112511622) transition_time 0x108-0x10c (4)
0x100| 43 64 61 76| Cdav| [56]: "2005-10-30T06:00:22Z" (1130652022) transition_time 0x10c-0x110 (4)
0x110|44 2f 76 87 |D/v. | [57]: "2006-04-02T07:00:23Z" (1143961223) transition_time 0x110-0x114 (4)
0x110| 45 44 43 77 | EDCw | [58]: "2006-10-29T06:00:23Z" (1162101623) transition_time 0x114-0x118 (4)
0x110| 45 f3 a9 07 | E... | [59]: "2007-03-11T07:00:23Z" (1173596423) transition_time 0x118-0x11c (4)
0x110| 47 2d 5f f7| G-_.| [60]: "2007-11-04T06:00:23Z" (1194156023) transition_time 0x11c-0x120 (4)
0x120|47 d3 8b 07 |G... | [61]: "2008-03-09T07:00:23Z" (1205046023) transition_time 0x120-0x124 (4)
0x120| 49 0d 41 f7 | I.A. | [62]: "2008-11-02T06:00:23Z" (1225605623) transition_time 0x124-0x128 (4)
0x120| 49 b3 6d 08 | I.m. | [63]: "2009-03-08T07:00:24Z" (1236495624) transition_time 0x128-0x12c (4)
0x120| 4a ed 23 f8| J.#.| [64]: "2009-11-01T06:00:24Z" (1257055224) transition_time 0x12c-0x130 (4)
0x130|4b 9c 89 88 |K... | [65]: "2010-03-14T07:00:24Z" (1268550024) transition_time 0x130-0x134 (4)
0x130| 4c d6 40 78 | L.@x | [66]: "2010-11-07T06:00:24Z" (1289109624) transition_time 0x134-0x138 (4)
0x130| 4d 7c 6b 88 | M|k. | [67]: "2011-03-13T07:00:24Z" (1299999624) transition_time 0x138-0x13c (4)
0x130| 4e b6 22 78| N."x| [68]: "2011-11-06T06:00:24Z" (1320559224) transition_time 0x13c-0x140 (4)
0x140|4f 5c 4d 88 |O\M. | [69]: "2012-03-11T07:00:24Z" (1331449224) transition_time 0x140-0x144 (4)
0x140| 50 96 04 79 | P..y | [70]: "2012-11-04T06:00:25Z" (1352008825) transition_time 0x144-0x148 (4)
0x140| 51 3c 2f 89 | Q</. | [71]: "2013-03-10T07:00:25Z" (1362898825) transition_time 0x148-0x14c (4)
0x140| 52 75 e6 79| Ru.y| [72]: "2013-11-03T06:00:25Z" (1383458425) transition_time 0x14c-0x150 (4)
0x150|53 1c 11 89 |S... | [73]: "2014-03-09T07:00:25Z" (1394348425) transition_time 0x150-0x154 (4)
0x150| 54 55 c8 79 | TU.y | [74]: "2014-11-02T06:00:25Z" (1414908025) transition_time 0x154-0x158 (4)
0x150| 54 fb f3 89 | T... | [75]: "2015-03-08T07:00:25Z" (1425798025) transition_time 0x158-0x15c (4)
0x150| 56 35 aa 7a| V5.z| [76]: "2015-11-01T06:00:26Z" (1446357626) transition_time 0x15c-0x160 (4)
0x160|56 e5 10 0a |V... | [77]: "2016-03-13T07:00:26Z" (1457852426) transition_time 0x160-0x164 (4)
0x160| 58 1e c6 fa | X... | [78]: "2016-11-06T06:00:26Z" (1478412026) transition_time 0x164-0x168 (4)
0x160| 58 c4 f2 0b | X... | [79]: "2017-03-12T07:00:27Z" (1489302027) transition_time 0x168-0x16c (4)
0x160| 59 fe a8 fb| Y...| [80]: "2017-11-05T06:00:27Z" (1509861627) transition_time 0x16c-0x170 (4)
0x170|5a a4 d4 0b |Z... | [81]: "2018-03-11T07:00:27Z" (1520751627) transition_time 0x170-0x174 (4)
0x170| 5b de 8a fb | [... | [82]: "2018-11-04T06:00:27Z" (1541311227) transition_time 0x174-0x178 (4)
0x170| 5c 84 b6 0b | \... | [83]: "2019-03-10T07:00:27Z" (1552201227) transition_time 0x178-0x17c (4)
0x170| 5d be 6c fb| ].l.| [84]: "2019-11-03T06:00:27Z" (1572760827) transition_time 0x17c-0x180 (4)
0x180|5e 64 98 0b |^d.. | [85]: "2020-03-08T07:00:27Z" (1583650827) transition_time 0x180-0x184 (4)
0x180| 5f 9e 4e fb | _.N. | [86]: "2020-11-01T06:00:27Z" (1604210427) transition_time 0x184-0x188 (4)
0x180| 60 4d b4 8b | `M.. | [87]: "2021-03-14T07:00:27Z" (1615705227) transition_time 0x188-0x18c (4)
0x180| 61 87 6b 7b| a.k{| [88]: "2021-11-07T06:00:27Z" (1636264827) transition_time 0x18c-0x190 (4)
0x190|62 2d 96 8b |b-.. | [89]: "2022-03-13T07:00:27Z" (1647154827) transition_time 0x190-0x194 (4)
0x190| 63 67 4d 7b | cgM{ | [90]: "2022-11-06T06:00:27Z" (1667714427) transition_time 0x194-0x198 (4)
0x190| 64 0d 78 8b | d.x. | [91]: "2023-03-12T07:00:27Z" (1678604427) transition_time 0x198-0x19c (4)
0x190| 64 9b 78 1b| d.x.| [92]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x19c-0x1a0 (4)
| | | transition_types[0:93]: 0x1a0-0x1fd (93)
0x1a0|05 |. | [0]: 5 transition_type 0x1a0-0x1a1 (1)
0x1a0| 01 | . | [1]: 1 transition_type 0x1a1-0x1a2 (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [2]: 2 transition_type 0x1a2-0x1a3 (1)
0x1a0| 03 | . | [3]: 3 transition_type 0x1a3-0x1a4 (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [4]: 2 transition_type 0x1a4-0x1a5 (1)
0x1a0| 04 | . | [5]: 4 transition_type 0x1a5-0x1a6 (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [6]: 2 transition_type 0x1a6-0x1a7 (1)
0x1a0| 04 | . | [7]: 4 transition_type 0x1a7-0x1a8 (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [8]: 2 transition_type 0x1a8-0x1a9 (1)
0x1a0| 04 | . | [9]: 4 transition_type 0x1a9-0x1aa (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [10]: 2 transition_type 0x1aa-0x1ab (1)
0x1a0| 04 | . | [11]: 4 transition_type 0x1ab-0x1ac (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [12]: 2 transition_type 0x1ac-0x1ad (1)
0x1a0| 04 | . | [13]: 4 transition_type 0x1ad-0x1ae (1)
0x1a0| 02 | . | [14]: 2 transition_type 0x1ae-0x1af (1)
0x1a0| 04| .| [15]: 4 transition_type 0x1af-0x1b0 (1)
0x1b0|02 |. | [16]: 2 transition_type 0x1b0-0x1b1 (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [17]: 4 transition_type 0x1b1-0x1b2 (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [18]: 2 transition_type 0x1b2-0x1b3 (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [19]: 4 transition_type 0x1b3-0x1b4 (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [20]: 2 transition_type 0x1b4-0x1b5 (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [21]: 4 transition_type 0x1b5-0x1b6 (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [22]: 2 transition_type 0x1b6-0x1b7 (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [23]: 4 transition_type 0x1b7-0x1b8 (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [24]: 2 transition_type 0x1b8-0x1b9 (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [25]: 4 transition_type 0x1b9-0x1ba (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [26]: 2 transition_type 0x1ba-0x1bb (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [27]: 4 transition_type 0x1bb-0x1bc (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [28]: 2 transition_type 0x1bc-0x1bd (1)
0x1b0| 04 | . | [29]: 4 transition_type 0x1bd-0x1be (1)
0x1b0| 02 | . | [30]: 2 transition_type 0x1be-0x1bf (1)
0x1b0| 04| .| [31]: 4 transition_type 0x1bf-0x1c0 (1)
0x1c0|02 |. | [32]: 2 transition_type 0x1c0-0x1c1 (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [33]: 4 transition_type 0x1c1-0x1c2 (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [34]: 2 transition_type 0x1c2-0x1c3 (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [35]: 4 transition_type 0x1c3-0x1c4 (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [36]: 2 transition_type 0x1c4-0x1c5 (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [37]: 4 transition_type 0x1c5-0x1c6 (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [38]: 2 transition_type 0x1c6-0x1c7 (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [39]: 4 transition_type 0x1c7-0x1c8 (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [40]: 2 transition_type 0x1c8-0x1c9 (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [41]: 4 transition_type 0x1c9-0x1ca (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [42]: 2 transition_type 0x1ca-0x1cb (1)
0x1c0| 04 | . | [43]: 4 transition_type 0x1cb-0x1cc (1)
0x1c0| 06 | . | [44]: 6 transition_type 0x1cc-0x1cd (1)
0x1c0| 07 | . | [45]: 7 transition_type 0x1cd-0x1ce (1)
0x1c0| 02 | . | [46]: 2 transition_type 0x1ce-0x1cf (1)
0x1c0| 04| .| [47]: 4 transition_type 0x1cf-0x1d0 (1)
0x1d0|02 |. | [48]: 2 transition_type 0x1d0-0x1d1 (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [49]: 4 transition_type 0x1d1-0x1d2 (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [50]: 2 transition_type 0x1d2-0x1d3 (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [51]: 4 transition_type 0x1d3-0x1d4 (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [52]: 2 transition_type 0x1d4-0x1d5 (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [53]: 4 transition_type 0x1d5-0x1d6 (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [54]: 2 transition_type 0x1d6-0x1d7 (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [55]: 4 transition_type 0x1d7-0x1d8 (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [56]: 2 transition_type 0x1d8-0x1d9 (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [57]: 4 transition_type 0x1d9-0x1da (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [58]: 2 transition_type 0x1da-0x1db (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [59]: 4 transition_type 0x1db-0x1dc (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [60]: 2 transition_type 0x1dc-0x1dd (1)
0x1d0| 04 | . | [61]: 4 transition_type 0x1dd-0x1de (1)
0x1d0| 02 | . | [62]: 2 transition_type 0x1de-0x1df (1)
0x1d0| 04| .| [63]: 4 transition_type 0x1df-0x1e0 (1)
0x1e0|02 |. | [64]: 2 transition_type 0x1e0-0x1e1 (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [65]: 4 transition_type 0x1e1-0x1e2 (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [66]: 2 transition_type 0x1e2-0x1e3 (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [67]: 4 transition_type 0x1e3-0x1e4 (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [68]: 2 transition_type 0x1e4-0x1e5 (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [69]: 4 transition_type 0x1e5-0x1e6 (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [70]: 2 transition_type 0x1e6-0x1e7 (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [71]: 4 transition_type 0x1e7-0x1e8 (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [72]: 2 transition_type 0x1e8-0x1e9 (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [73]: 4 transition_type 0x1e9-0x1ea (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [74]: 2 transition_type 0x1ea-0x1eb (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [75]: 4 transition_type 0x1eb-0x1ec (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [76]: 2 transition_type 0x1ec-0x1ed (1)
0x1e0| 04 | . | [77]: 4 transition_type 0x1ed-0x1ee (1)
0x1e0| 02 | . | [78]: 2 transition_type 0x1ee-0x1ef (1)
0x1e0| 04| .| [79]: 4 transition_type 0x1ef-0x1f0 (1)
0x1f0|02 |. | [80]: 2 transition_type 0x1f0-0x1f1 (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [81]: 4 transition_type 0x1f1-0x1f2 (1)
0x1f0| 02 | . | [82]: 2 transition_type 0x1f2-0x1f3 (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [83]: 4 transition_type 0x1f3-0x1f4 (1)
0x1f0| 02 | . | [84]: 2 transition_type 0x1f4-0x1f5 (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [85]: 4 transition_type 0x1f5-0x1f6 (1)
0x1f0| 02 | . | [86]: 2 transition_type 0x1f6-0x1f7 (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [87]: 4 transition_type 0x1f7-0x1f8 (1)
0x1f0| 02 | . | [88]: 2 transition_type 0x1f8-0x1f9 (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [89]: 4 transition_type 0x1f9-0x1fa (1)
0x1f0| 02 | . | [90]: 2 transition_type 0x1fa-0x1fb (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [91]: 4 transition_type 0x1fb-0x1fc (1)
0x1f0| 04 | . | [92]: 4 transition_type 0x1fc-0x1fd (1)
| | | local_time_type_records[0:10]: 0x1fd-0x239 (60)
| | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x1fd-0x203 (6)
0x1f0| 00 00 00| ...| utoff: 0 (valid) 0x1fd-0x201 (4)
0x200|00 |. |
0x200| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x201-0x202 (1)
0x200| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x202-0x203 (1)
| | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x203-0x209 (6)
0x200| ff ff c7 c0 | .... | utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x203-0x207 (4)
0x200| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x207-0x208 (1)
0x200| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x208-0x209 (1)
| | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x209-0x20f (6)
0x200| ff ff b9 b0 | .... | utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x209-0x20d (4)
0x200| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x20d-0x20e (1)
0x200| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x20e-0x20f (1)
| | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x20f-0x215 (6)
0x200| ff| .| utoff: -10800 (valid) 0x20f-0x213 (4)
0x210|ff d5 d0 |... |
0x210| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x213-0x214 (1)
0x210| 0c | . | idx: 12 (valid) 0x214-0x215 (1)
| | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x215-0x21b (6)
0x210| ff ff c7 c0 | .... | utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x215-0x219 (4)
0x210| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x219-0x21a (1)
0x210| 11 | . | idx: 17 (valid) 0x21a-0x21b (1)
| | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x21b-0x221 (6)
0x210| ff ff c7 c0 | .... | utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x21b-0x21f (4)
0x210| 01| .| dst: 1 (valid) 0x21f-0x220 (1)
0x220|15 |. | idx: 21 (valid) 0x220-0x221 (1)
| | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x221-0x227 (6)
0x220| ff ff ab a0 | .... | utoff: -21600 (valid) 0x221-0x225 (4)
0x220| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x225-0x226 (1)
0x220| 19 | . | idx: 25 (valid) 0x226-0x227 (1)
| | | [7]{}: local_time_type 0x227-0x22d (6)
0x220| ff ff b9 b0 | .... | utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x227-0x22b (4)
0x220| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x22b-0x22c (1)
0x220| 1d | . | idx: 29 (valid) 0x22c-0x22d (1)
| | | [8]{}: local_time_type 0x22d-0x233 (6)
0x220| ff ff c7| ...| utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x22d-0x231 (4)
0x230|c0 |. |
0x230| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x231-0x232 (1)
0x230| 11 | . | idx: 17 (valid) 0x232-0x233 (1)
| | | [9]{}: local_time_type 0x233-0x239 (6)
0x230| ff ff b9 b0 | .... | utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x233-0x237 (4)
0x230| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x237-0x238 (1)
0x230| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x238-0x239 (1)
| | | time_zone_designations[0:8]: 0x239-0x25a (33)
0x230| 2d 30 30 00 | -00. | [0]: "-00" time_zone_designation 0x239-0x23d (4)
0x230| 45 50 54| EPT| [1]: "EPT" time_zone_designation 0x23d-0x241 (4)
0x240|00 |. |
0x240| 45 53 54 00 | EST. | [2]: "EST" time_zone_designation 0x241-0x245 (4)
0x240| 45 44 44 54 00 | EDDT. | [3]: "EDDT" time_zone_designation 0x245-0x24a (5)
0x240| 45 44 54 00 | EDT. | [4]: "EDT" time_zone_designation 0x24a-0x24e (4)
0x240| 45 57| EW| [5]: "EWT" time_zone_designation 0x24e-0x252 (4)
0x250|54 00 |T. |
0x250| 43 53 54 00 | CST. | [6]: "CST" time_zone_designation 0x252-0x256 (4)
0x250| 43 44 54 00 | CDT. | [7]: "CDT" time_zone_designation 0x256-0x25a (4)
| | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0x25a-0x332 (216)
| | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0x25a-0x262 (8)
0x250| 04 b2 58 00 | ..X. | occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0x25a-0x25e (4)
0x250| 00 00| ..| corr: 1 0x25e-0x262 (4)
0x260|00 01 |.. |
| | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0x262-0x26a (8)
0x260| 05 a4 ec 01 | .... | occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0x262-0x266 (4)
0x260| 00 00 00 02 | .... | corr: 2 0x266-0x26a (4)
| | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0x26a-0x272 (8)
0x260| 07 86 1f 82 | .... | occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0x26a-0x26e (4)
0x260| 00 00| ..| corr: 3 0x26e-0x272 (4)
0x270|00 03 |.. |
| | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0x272-0x27a (8)
0x270| 09 67 53 03 | .gS. | occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0x272-0x276 (4)
0x270| 00 00 00 04 | .... | corr: 4 0x276-0x27a (4)
| | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0x27a-0x282 (8)
0x270| 0b 48 86 84 | .H.. | occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0x27a-0x27e (4)
0x270| 00 00| ..| corr: 5 0x27e-0x282 (4)
0x280|00 05 |.. |
| | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0x282-0x28a (8)
0x280| 0d 2b 0b 85 | .+.. | occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0x282-0x286 (4)
0x280| 00 00 00 06 | .... | corr: 6 0x286-0x28a (4)
| | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0x28a-0x292 (8)
0x280| 0f 0c 3f 06 | ..?. | occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0x28a-0x28e (4)
0x280| 00 00| ..| corr: 7 0x28e-0x292 (4)
0x290|00 07 |.. |
| | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0x292-0x29a (8)
0x290| 10 ed 72 87 | ..r. | occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0x292-0x296 (4)
0x290| 00 00 00 08 | .... | corr: 8 0x296-0x29a (4)
| | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0x29a-0x2a2 (8)
0x290| 12 ce a6 08 | .... | occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0x29a-0x29e (4)
0x290| 00 00| ..| corr: 9 0x29e-0x2a2 (4)
0x2a0|00 09 |.. |
| | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0x2a2-0x2aa (8)
0x2a0| 15 9f ca 89 | .... | occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0x2a2-0x2a6 (4)
0x2a0| 00 00 00 0a | .... | corr: 10 0x2a6-0x2aa (4)
| | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0x2aa-0x2b2 (8)
0x2a0| 17 80 fe 0a | .... | occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0x2aa-0x2ae (4)
0x2a0| 00 00| ..| corr: 11 0x2ae-0x2b2 (4)
0x2b0|00 0b |.. |
| | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0x2b2-0x2ba (8)
0x2b0| 19 62 31 8b | .b1. | occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0x2b2-0x2b6 (4)
0x2b0| 00 00 00 0c | .... | corr: 12 0x2b6-0x2ba (4)
| | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x2ba-0x2c2 (8)
0x2b0| 1d 25 ea 0c | .%.. | occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x2ba-0x2be (4)
0x2b0| 00 00| ..| corr: 13 0x2be-0x2c2 (4)
0x2c0|00 0d |.. |
| | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x2c2-0x2ca (8)
0x2c0| 21 da e5 0d | !... | occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x2c2-0x2c6 (4)
0x2c0| 00 00 00 0e | .... | corr: 14 0x2c6-0x2ca (4)
| | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x2ca-0x2d2 (8)
0x2c0| 25 9e 9d 8e | %... | occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x2ca-0x2ce (4)
0x2c0| 00 00| ..| corr: 15 0x2ce-0x2d2 (4)
0x2d0|00 0f |.. |
| | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x2d2-0x2da (8)
0x2d0| 27 7f d1 0f | '... | occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x2d2-0x2d6 (4)
0x2d0| 00 00 00 10 | .... | corr: 16 0x2d6-0x2da (4)
| | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x2da-0x2e2 (8)
0x2d0| 2a 50 f5 90 | *P.. | occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x2da-0x2de (4)
0x2d0| 00 00| ..| corr: 17 0x2de-0x2e2 (4)
0x2e0|00 11 |.. |
| | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x2e2-0x2ea (8)
0x2e0| 2c 32 29 11 | ,2). | occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x2e2-0x2e6 (4)
0x2e0| 00 00 00 12 | .... | corr: 18 0x2e6-0x2ea (4)
| | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x2ea-0x2f2 (8)
0x2e0| 2e 13 5c 92 | ..\. | occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x2ea-0x2ee (4)
0x2e0| 00 00| ..| corr: 19 0x2ee-0x2f2 (4)
0x2f0|00 13 |.. |
| | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x2f2-0x2fa (8)
0x2f0| 30 e7 24 13 | 0.$. | occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x2f2-0x2f6 (4)
0x2f0| 00 00 00 14 | .... | corr: 20 0x2f6-0x2fa (4)
| | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x2fa-0x302 (8)
0x2f0| 33 b8 48 94 | 3.H. | occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x2fa-0x2fe (4)
0x2f0| 00 00| ..| corr: 21 0x2fe-0x302 (4)
0x300|00 15 |.. |
| | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x302-0x30a (8)
0x300| 36 8c 10 15 | 6... | occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x302-0x306 (4)
0x300| 00 00 00 16 | .... | corr: 22 0x306-0x30a (4)
| | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x30a-0x312 (8)
0x300| 43 b7 1b 96 | C... | occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x30a-0x30e (4)
0x300| 00 00| ..| corr: 23 0x30e-0x312 (4)
0x310|00 17 |.. |
| | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x312-0x31a (8)
0x310| 49 5c 07 97 | I\.. | occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x312-0x316 (4)
0x310| 00 00 00 18 | .... | corr: 24 0x316-0x31a (4)
| | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x31a-0x322 (8)
0x310| 4f ef 93 18 | O... | occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x31a-0x31e (4)
0x310| 00 00| ..| corr: 25 0x31e-0x322 (4)
0x320|00 19 |.. |
| | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x322-0x32a (8)
0x320| 55 93 2d 99 | U.-. | occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x322-0x326 (4)
0x320| 00 00 00 1a | .... | corr: 26 0x326-0x32a (4)
| | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x32a-0x332 (8)
0x320| 58 68 46 9a | XhF. | occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x32a-0x32e (4)
0x320| 00 00| ..| corr: 27 0x32e-0x332 (4)
0x330|00 1b |.. |
| | | standard_wall_indicators[0:10]: 0x332-0x33c (10)
0x330| 00 | . | [0]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x332-0x333 (1)
0x330| 01 | . | [1]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x333-0x334 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [2]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x334-0x335 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [3]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x335-0x336 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [4]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x336-0x337 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [5]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x337-0x338 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [6]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x338-0x339 (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [7]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x339-0x33a (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [8]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x33a-0x33b (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [9]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x33b-0x33c (1)
| | | ut_local_indicators[0:10]: 0x33c-0x346 (10)
0x330| 00 | . | [0]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x33c-0x33d (1)
0x330| 01 | . | [1]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x33d-0x33e (1)
0x330| 00 | . | [2]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x33e-0x33f (1)
0x330| 00| .| [3]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x33f-0x340 (1)
0x340|00 |. | [4]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x340-0x341 (1)
0x340| 00 | . | [5]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x341-0x342 (1)
0x340| 00 | . | [6]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x342-0x343 (1)
0x340| 00 | . | [7]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x343-0x344 (1)
0x340| 00 | . | [8]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x344-0x345 (1)
0x340| 00 | . | [9]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x345-0x346 (1)
| | | v2plusheader{}: 0x346-0x372 (44)
0x340| 54 5a 69 66 | TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x346-0x34a (4)
0x340| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x34a-0x34b (1)
0x340| 00 00 00 00 00| .....| reserved: raw bits 0x34b-0x35a (15)
0x350|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.......... |
0x350| 00 00 00 0a | .... | isutcnt: 10 0x35a-0x35e (4)
0x350| 00 00| ..| isstdcnt: 10 0x35e-0x362 (4)
0x360|00 0a |.. |
0x360| 00 00 00 1b | .... | leapcnt: 27 0x362-0x366 (4)
0x360| 00 00 00 5d | ...] | timecnt: 93 0x366-0x36a (4)
0x360| 00 00 00 0a | .... | typecnt: 10 0x36a-0x36e (4)
0x360| 00 00| ..| charcnt: 33 0x36e-0x372 (4)
0x370|00 21 |.! |
| | | v2plusdatablock{}: 0x372-0x86c (1274)
| | | transition_times[0:93]: 0x372-0x65a (744)
0x370| ff ff ff ff cc 6c a1 80 | .....l.. | [0]: "1942-08-01T00:00:00Z" (-865296000) transition_time 0x372-0x37a (8)
0x370| ff ff ff ff d2 23| .....#| [1]: "1945-08-14T23:00:00Z" (-769395600) transition_time 0x37a-0x382 (8)
0x380|f4 70 |.p |
0x380| ff ff ff ff d2 60 fb e0 | .....`.. | [2]: "1945-09-30T06:00:00Z" (-765396000) transition_time 0x382-0x38a (8)
0x380| ff ff ff ff f7 2f| ...../| [3]: "1965-04-25T05:00:00Z" (-147898800) transition_time 0x38a-0x392 (8)
0x390|3e 50 |>P |
0x390| ff ff ff ff f8 28 69 d0 | .....(i. | [4]: "1965-10-31T05:00:00Z" (-131569200) transition_time 0x392-0x39a (8)
0x390| 00 00 00 00 13 69| .....i| [5]: "1980-04-27T07:00:09Z" (325666809) transition_time 0x39a-0x3a2 (8)
0x3a0|47 f9 |G. |
0x3a0| 00 00 00 00 14 59 2a e9 | .....Y*. | [6]: "1980-10-26T06:00:09Z" (341388009) transition_time 0x3a2-0x3aa (8)
0x3a0| 00 00 00 00 15 49| .....I| [7]: "1981-04-26T07:00:09Z" (357116409) transition_time 0x3aa-0x3b2 (8)
0x3b0|29 f9 |). |
0x3b0| 00 00 00 00 16 39 0c ea | .....9.. | [8]: "1981-10-25T06:00:10Z" (372837610) transition_time 0x3b2-0x3ba (8)
0x3b0| 00 00 00 00 17 29| .....)| [9]: "1982-04-25T07:00:10Z" (388566010) transition_time 0x3ba-0x3c2 (8)
0x3c0|0b fa |.. |
0x3c0| 00 00 00 00 18 22 29 6b | .....")k | [10]: "1982-10-31T06:00:11Z" (404892011) transition_time 0x3c2-0x3ca (8)
0x3c0| 00 00 00 00 19 08| ......| [11]: "1983-04-24T07:00:11Z" (420015611) transition_time 0x3ca-0x3d2 (8)
0x3d0|ed fb |.. |
0x3d0| 00 00 00 00 1a 02 0b 6c | .......l | [12]: "1983-10-30T06:00:12Z" (436341612) transition_time 0x3d2-0x3da (8)
0x3d0| 00 00 00 00 1a f2| ......| [13]: "1984-04-29T07:00:12Z" (452070012) transition_time 0x3da-0x3e2 (8)
0x3e0|0a 7c |.| |
0x3e0| 00 00 00 00 1b e1 ed 6c | .......l | [14]: "1984-10-28T06:00:12Z" (467791212) transition_time 0x3e2-0x3ea (8)
0x3e0| 00 00 00 00 1c d1| ......| [15]: "1985-04-28T07:00:12Z" (483519612) transition_time 0x3ea-0x3f2 (8)
0x3f0|ec 7c |.| |
0x3f0| 00 00 00 00 1d c1 cf 6d | .......m | [16]: "1985-10-27T06:00:13Z" (499240813) transition_time 0x3f2-0x3fa (8)
0x3f0| 00 00 00 00 1e b1| ......| [17]: "1986-04-27T07:00:13Z" (514969213) transition_time 0x3fa-0x402 (8)
0x400|ce 7d |.} |
0x400| 00 00 00 00 1f a1 b1 6d | .......m | [18]: "1986-10-26T06:00:13Z" (530690413) transition_time 0x402-0x40a (8)
0x400| 00 00 00 00 20 76| .... v| [19]: "1987-04-05T07:00:13Z" (544604413) transition_time 0x40a-0x412 (8)
0x410|00 fd |.. |
0x410| 00 00 00 00 21 81 93 6d | ....!..m | [20]: "1987-10-25T06:00:13Z" (562140013) transition_time 0x412-0x41a (8)
0x410| 00 00 00 00 22 55| ...."U| [21]: "1988-04-03T07:00:14Z" (576054014) transition_time 0x41a-0x422 (8)
0x420|e2 fe |.. |
0x420| 00 00 00 00 23 6a af ee | ....#j.. | [22]: "1988-10-30T06:00:14Z" (594194414) transition_time 0x422-0x42a (8)
0x420| 00 00 00 00 24 35| ....$5| [23]: "1989-04-02T07:00:14Z" (607503614) transition_time 0x42a-0x432 (8)
0x430|c4 fe |.. |
0x430| 00 00 00 00 25 4a 91 ee | ....%J.. | [24]: "1989-10-29T06:00:14Z" (625644014) transition_time 0x432-0x43a (8)
0x430| 00 00 00 00 26 15| ....&.| [25]: "1990-04-01T07:00:15Z" (638953215) transition_time 0x43a-0x442 (8)
0x440|a6 ff |.. |
0x440| 00 00 00 00 27 2a 73 ef | ....'*s. | [26]: "1990-10-28T06:00:15Z" (657093615) transition_time 0x442-0x44a (8)
0x440| 00 00 00 00 27 fe| ....'.| [27]: "1991-04-07T07:00:16Z" (671007616) transition_time 0x44a-0x452 (8)
0x450|c3 80 |.. |
0x450| 00 00 00 00 29 0a 55 f0 | ....).U. | [28]: "1991-10-27T06:00:16Z" (688543216) transition_time 0x452-0x45a (8)
0x450| 00 00 00 00 29 de| ....).| [29]: "1992-04-05T07:00:16Z" (702457216) transition_time 0x45a-0x462 (8)
0x460|a5 80 |.. |
0x460| 00 00 00 00 2a ea 37 f1 | ....*.7. | [30]: "1992-10-25T06:00:17Z" (719992817) transition_time 0x462-0x46a (8)
0x460| 00 00 00 00 2b be| ....+.| [31]: "1993-04-04T07:00:17Z" (733906817) transition_time 0x46a-0x472 (8)
0x470|87 81 |.. |
0x470| 00 00 00 00 2c d3 54 72 | ....,.Tr | [32]: "1993-10-31T06:00:18Z" (752047218) transition_time 0x472-0x47a (8)
0x470| 00 00 00 00 2d 9e| ....-.| [33]: "1994-04-03T07:00:18Z" (765356418) transition_time 0x47a-0x482 (8)
0x480|69 82 |i. |
0x480| 00 00 00 00 2e b3 36 73 | ......6s | [34]: "1994-10-30T06:00:19Z" (783496819) transition_time 0x482-0x48a (8)
0x480| 00 00 00 00 2f 7e| ..../~| [35]: "1995-04-02T07:00:19Z" (796806019) transition_time 0x48a-0x492 (8)
0x490|4b 83 |K. |
0x490| 00 00 00 00 30 93 18 73 | ....0..s | [36]: "1995-10-29T06:00:19Z" (814946419) transition_time 0x492-0x49a (8)
0x490| 00 00 00 00 31 67| ....1g| [37]: "1996-04-07T07:00:20Z" (828860420) transition_time 0x49a-0x4a2 (8)
0x4a0|68 04 |h. |
0x4a0| 00 00 00 00 32 72 fa 74 | ....2r.t | [38]: "1996-10-27T06:00:20Z" (846396020) transition_time 0x4a2-0x4aa (8)
0x4a0| 00 00 00 00 33 47| ....3G| [39]: "1997-04-06T07:00:20Z" (860310020) transition_time 0x4aa-0x4b2 (8)
0x4b0|4a 04 |J. |
0x4b0| 00 00 00 00 34 52 dc 75 | ....4R.u | [40]: "1997-10-26T06:00:21Z" (877845621) transition_time 0x4b2-0x4ba (8)
0x4b0| 00 00 00 00 35 27| ....5'| [41]: "1998-04-05T07:00:21Z" (891759621) transition_time 0x4ba-0x4c2 (8)
0x4c0|2c 05 |,. |
0x4c0| 00 00 00 00 36 32 be 75 | ....62.u | [42]: "1998-10-25T06:00:21Z" (909295221) transition_time 0x4c2-0x4ca (8)
0x4c0| 00 00 00 00 37 07| ....7.| [43]: "1999-04-04T07:00:22Z" (923209222) transition_time 0x4ca-0x4d2 (8)
0x4d0|0e 06 |.. |
0x4d0| 00 00 00 00 38 1b da f6 | ....8... | [44]: "1999-10-31T06:00:22Z" (941349622) transition_time 0x4d2-0x4da (8)
0x4d0| 00 00 00 00 38 e6| ....8.| [45]: "2000-04-02T08:00:22Z" (954662422) transition_time 0x4da-0x4e2 (8)
0x4e0|fe 16 |.. |
0x4e0| 00 00 00 00 39 fb cb 06 | ....9... | [46]: "2000-10-29T07:00:22Z" (972802822) transition_time 0x4e2-0x4ea (8)
0x4e0| 00 00 00 00 3a c6| ....:.| [47]: "2001-04-01T07:00:22Z" (986108422) transition_time 0x4ea-0x4f2 (8)
0x4f0|d2 06 |.. |
0x4f0| 00 00 00 00 3b db 9e f6 | ....;... | [48]: "2001-10-28T06:00:22Z" (1004248822) transition_time 0x4f2-0x4fa (8)
0x4f0| 00 00 00 00 3c af| ....<.| [49]: "2002-04-07T07:00:22Z" (1018162822) transition_time 0x4fa-0x502 (8)
0x500|ee 86 |.. |
0x500| 00 00 00 00 3d bb 80 f6 | ....=... | [50]: "2002-10-27T06:00:22Z" (1035698422) transition_time 0x502-0x50a (8)
0x500| 00 00 00 00 3e 8f| ....>.| [51]: "2003-04-06T07:00:22Z" (1049612422) transition_time 0x50a-0x512 (8)
0x510|d0 86 |.. |
0x510| 00 00 00 00 3f 9b 62 f6 | ....?.b. | [52]: "2003-10-26T06:00:22Z" (1067148022) transition_time 0x512-0x51a (8)
0x510| 00 00 00 00 40 6f| ....@o| [53]: "2004-04-04T07:00:22Z" (1081062022) transition_time 0x51a-0x522 (8)
0x520|b2 86 |.. |
0x520| 00 00 00 00 41 84 7f 76 | ....A..v | [54]: "2004-10-31T06:00:22Z" (1099202422) transition_time 0x522-0x52a (8)
0x520| 00 00 00 00 42 4f| ....BO| [55]: "2005-04-03T07:00:22Z" (1112511622) transition_time 0x52a-0x532 (8)
0x530|94 86 |.. |
0x530| 00 00 00 00 43 64 61 76 | ....Cdav | [56]: "2005-10-30T06:00:22Z" (1130652022) transition_time 0x532-0x53a (8)
0x530| 00 00 00 00 44 2f| ....D/| [57]: "2006-04-02T07:00:23Z" (1143961223) transition_time 0x53a-0x542 (8)
0x540|76 87 |v. |
0x540| 00 00 00 00 45 44 43 77 | ....EDCw | [58]: "2006-10-29T06:00:23Z" (1162101623) transition_time 0x542-0x54a (8)
0x540| 00 00 00 00 45 f3| ....E.| [59]: "2007-03-11T07:00:23Z" (1173596423) transition_time 0x54a-0x552 (8)
0x550|a9 07 |.. |
0x550| 00 00 00 00 47 2d 5f f7 | ....G-_. | [60]: "2007-11-04T06:00:23Z" (1194156023) transition_time 0x552-0x55a (8)
0x550| 00 00 00 00 47 d3| ....G.| [61]: "2008-03-09T07:00:23Z" (1205046023) transition_time 0x55a-0x562 (8)
0x560|8b 07 |.. |
0x560| 00 00 00 00 49 0d 41 f7 | ....I.A. | [62]: "2008-11-02T06:00:23Z" (1225605623) transition_time 0x562-0x56a (8)
0x560| 00 00 00 00 49 b3| ....I.| [63]: "2009-03-08T07:00:24Z" (1236495624) transition_time 0x56a-0x572 (8)
0x570|6d 08 |m. |
0x570| 00 00 00 00 4a ed 23 f8 | ....J.#. | [64]: "2009-11-01T06:00:24Z" (1257055224) transition_time 0x572-0x57a (8)
0x570| 00 00 00 00 4b 9c| ....K.| [65]: "2010-03-14T07:00:24Z" (1268550024) transition_time 0x57a-0x582 (8)
0x580|89 88 |.. |
0x580| 00 00 00 00 4c d6 40 78 | ....L.@x | [66]: "2010-11-07T06:00:24Z" (1289109624) transition_time 0x582-0x58a (8)
0x580| 00 00 00 00 4d 7c| ....M|| [67]: "2011-03-13T07:00:24Z" (1299999624) transition_time 0x58a-0x592 (8)
0x590|6b 88 |k. |
0x590| 00 00 00 00 4e b6 22 78 | ....N."x | [68]: "2011-11-06T06:00:24Z" (1320559224) transition_time 0x592-0x59a (8)
0x590| 00 00 00 00 4f 5c| ....O\| [69]: "2012-03-11T07:00:24Z" (1331449224) transition_time 0x59a-0x5a2 (8)
0x5a0|4d 88 |M. |
0x5a0| 00 00 00 00 50 96 04 79 | ....P..y | [70]: "2012-11-04T06:00:25Z" (1352008825) transition_time 0x5a2-0x5aa (8)
0x5a0| 00 00 00 00 51 3c| ....Q<| [71]: "2013-03-10T07:00:25Z" (1362898825) transition_time 0x5aa-0x5b2 (8)
0x5b0|2f 89 |/. |
0x5b0| 00 00 00 00 52 75 e6 79 | ....Ru.y | [72]: "2013-11-03T06:00:25Z" (1383458425) transition_time 0x5b2-0x5ba (8)
0x5b0| 00 00 00 00 53 1c| ....S.| [73]: "2014-03-09T07:00:25Z" (1394348425) transition_time 0x5ba-0x5c2 (8)
0x5c0|11 89 |.. |
0x5c0| 00 00 00 00 54 55 c8 79 | ....TU.y | [74]: "2014-11-02T06:00:25Z" (1414908025) transition_time 0x5c2-0x5ca (8)
0x5c0| 00 00 00 00 54 fb| ....T.| [75]: "2015-03-08T07:00:25Z" (1425798025) transition_time 0x5ca-0x5d2 (8)
0x5d0|f3 89 |.. |
0x5d0| 00 00 00 00 56 35 aa 7a | ....V5.z | [76]: "2015-11-01T06:00:26Z" (1446357626) transition_time 0x5d2-0x5da (8)
0x5d0| 00 00 00 00 56 e5| ....V.| [77]: "2016-03-13T07:00:26Z" (1457852426) transition_time 0x5da-0x5e2 (8)
0x5e0|10 0a |.. |
0x5e0| 00 00 00 00 58 1e c6 fa | ....X... | [78]: "2016-11-06T06:00:26Z" (1478412026) transition_time 0x5e2-0x5ea (8)
0x5e0| 00 00 00 00 58 c4| ....X.| [79]: "2017-03-12T07:00:27Z" (1489302027) transition_time 0x5ea-0x5f2 (8)
0x5f0|f2 0b |.. |
0x5f0| 00 00 00 00 59 fe a8 fb | ....Y... | [80]: "2017-11-05T06:00:27Z" (1509861627) transition_time 0x5f2-0x5fa (8)
0x5f0| 00 00 00 00 5a a4| ....Z.| [81]: "2018-03-11T07:00:27Z" (1520751627) transition_time 0x5fa-0x602 (8)
0x600|d4 0b |.. |
0x600| 00 00 00 00 5b de 8a fb | ....[... | [82]: "2018-11-04T06:00:27Z" (1541311227) transition_time 0x602-0x60a (8)
0x600| 00 00 00 00 5c 84| ....\.| [83]: "2019-03-10T07:00:27Z" (1552201227) transition_time 0x60a-0x612 (8)
0x610|b6 0b |.. |
0x610| 00 00 00 00 5d be 6c fb | ....].l. | [84]: "2019-11-03T06:00:27Z" (1572760827) transition_time 0x612-0x61a (8)
0x610| 00 00 00 00 5e 64| ....^d| [85]: "2020-03-08T07:00:27Z" (1583650827) transition_time 0x61a-0x622 (8)
0x620|98 0b |.. |
0x620| 00 00 00 00 5f 9e 4e fb | ...._.N. | [86]: "2020-11-01T06:00:27Z" (1604210427) transition_time 0x622-0x62a (8)
0x620| 00 00 00 00 60 4d| ....`M| [87]: "2021-03-14T07:00:27Z" (1615705227) transition_time 0x62a-0x632 (8)
0x630|b4 8b |.. |
0x630| 00 00 00 00 61 87 6b 7b | ....a.k{ | [88]: "2021-11-07T06:00:27Z" (1636264827) transition_time 0x632-0x63a (8)
0x630| 00 00 00 00 62 2d| ....b-| [89]: "2022-03-13T07:00:27Z" (1647154827) transition_time 0x63a-0x642 (8)
0x640|96 8b |.. |
0x640| 00 00 00 00 63 67 4d 7b | ....cgM{ | [90]: "2022-11-06T06:00:27Z" (1667714427) transition_time 0x642-0x64a (8)
0x640| 00 00 00 00 64 0d| ....d.| [91]: "2023-03-12T07:00:27Z" (1678604427) transition_time 0x64a-0x652 (8)
0x650|78 8b |x. |
0x650| 00 00 00 00 64 9b 78 1b | ....d.x. | [92]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x652-0x65a (8)
| | | transition_types[0:93]: 0x65a-0x6b7 (93)
0x650| 05 | . | [0]: 5 transition_type 0x65a-0x65b (1)
0x650| 01 | . | [1]: 1 transition_type 0x65b-0x65c (1)
0x650| 02 | . | [2]: 2 transition_type 0x65c-0x65d (1)
0x650| 03 | . | [3]: 3 transition_type 0x65d-0x65e (1)
0x650| 02 | . | [4]: 2 transition_type 0x65e-0x65f (1)
0x650| 04| .| [5]: 4 transition_type 0x65f-0x660 (1)
0x660|02 |. | [6]: 2 transition_type 0x660-0x661 (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [7]: 4 transition_type 0x661-0x662 (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [8]: 2 transition_type 0x662-0x663 (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [9]: 4 transition_type 0x663-0x664 (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [10]: 2 transition_type 0x664-0x665 (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [11]: 4 transition_type 0x665-0x666 (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [12]: 2 transition_type 0x666-0x667 (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [13]: 4 transition_type 0x667-0x668 (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [14]: 2 transition_type 0x668-0x669 (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [15]: 4 transition_type 0x669-0x66a (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [16]: 2 transition_type 0x66a-0x66b (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [17]: 4 transition_type 0x66b-0x66c (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [18]: 2 transition_type 0x66c-0x66d (1)
0x660| 04 | . | [19]: 4 transition_type 0x66d-0x66e (1)
0x660| 02 | . | [20]: 2 transition_type 0x66e-0x66f (1)
0x660| 04| .| [21]: 4 transition_type 0x66f-0x670 (1)
0x670|02 |. | [22]: 2 transition_type 0x670-0x671 (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [23]: 4 transition_type 0x671-0x672 (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [24]: 2 transition_type 0x672-0x673 (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [25]: 4 transition_type 0x673-0x674 (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [26]: 2 transition_type 0x674-0x675 (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [27]: 4 transition_type 0x675-0x676 (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [28]: 2 transition_type 0x676-0x677 (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [29]: 4 transition_type 0x677-0x678 (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [30]: 2 transition_type 0x678-0x679 (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [31]: 4 transition_type 0x679-0x67a (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [32]: 2 transition_type 0x67a-0x67b (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [33]: 4 transition_type 0x67b-0x67c (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [34]: 2 transition_type 0x67c-0x67d (1)
0x670| 04 | . | [35]: 4 transition_type 0x67d-0x67e (1)
0x670| 02 | . | [36]: 2 transition_type 0x67e-0x67f (1)
0x670| 04| .| [37]: 4 transition_type 0x67f-0x680 (1)
0x680|02 |. | [38]: 2 transition_type 0x680-0x681 (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [39]: 4 transition_type 0x681-0x682 (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [40]: 2 transition_type 0x682-0x683 (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [41]: 4 transition_type 0x683-0x684 (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [42]: 2 transition_type 0x684-0x685 (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [43]: 4 transition_type 0x685-0x686 (1)
0x680| 06 | . | [44]: 6 transition_type 0x686-0x687 (1)
0x680| 07 | . | [45]: 7 transition_type 0x687-0x688 (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [46]: 2 transition_type 0x688-0x689 (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [47]: 4 transition_type 0x689-0x68a (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [48]: 2 transition_type 0x68a-0x68b (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [49]: 4 transition_type 0x68b-0x68c (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [50]: 2 transition_type 0x68c-0x68d (1)
0x680| 04 | . | [51]: 4 transition_type 0x68d-0x68e (1)
0x680| 02 | . | [52]: 2 transition_type 0x68e-0x68f (1)
0x680| 04| .| [53]: 4 transition_type 0x68f-0x690 (1)
0x690|02 |. | [54]: 2 transition_type 0x690-0x691 (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [55]: 4 transition_type 0x691-0x692 (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [56]: 2 transition_type 0x692-0x693 (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [57]: 4 transition_type 0x693-0x694 (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [58]: 2 transition_type 0x694-0x695 (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [59]: 4 transition_type 0x695-0x696 (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [60]: 2 transition_type 0x696-0x697 (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [61]: 4 transition_type 0x697-0x698 (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [62]: 2 transition_type 0x698-0x699 (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [63]: 4 transition_type 0x699-0x69a (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [64]: 2 transition_type 0x69a-0x69b (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [65]: 4 transition_type 0x69b-0x69c (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [66]: 2 transition_type 0x69c-0x69d (1)
0x690| 04 | . | [67]: 4 transition_type 0x69d-0x69e (1)
0x690| 02 | . | [68]: 2 transition_type 0x69e-0x69f (1)
0x690| 04| .| [69]: 4 transition_type 0x69f-0x6a0 (1)
0x6a0|02 |. | [70]: 2 transition_type 0x6a0-0x6a1 (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [71]: 4 transition_type 0x6a1-0x6a2 (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [72]: 2 transition_type 0x6a2-0x6a3 (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [73]: 4 transition_type 0x6a3-0x6a4 (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [74]: 2 transition_type 0x6a4-0x6a5 (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [75]: 4 transition_type 0x6a5-0x6a6 (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [76]: 2 transition_type 0x6a6-0x6a7 (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [77]: 4 transition_type 0x6a7-0x6a8 (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [78]: 2 transition_type 0x6a8-0x6a9 (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [79]: 4 transition_type 0x6a9-0x6aa (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [80]: 2 transition_type 0x6aa-0x6ab (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [81]: 4 transition_type 0x6ab-0x6ac (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [82]: 2 transition_type 0x6ac-0x6ad (1)
0x6a0| 04 | . | [83]: 4 transition_type 0x6ad-0x6ae (1)
0x6a0| 02 | . | [84]: 2 transition_type 0x6ae-0x6af (1)
0x6a0| 04| .| [85]: 4 transition_type 0x6af-0x6b0 (1)
0x6b0|02 |. | [86]: 2 transition_type 0x6b0-0x6b1 (1)
0x6b0| 04 | . | [87]: 4 transition_type 0x6b1-0x6b2 (1)
0x6b0| 02 | . | [88]: 2 transition_type 0x6b2-0x6b3 (1)
0x6b0| 04 | . | [89]: 4 transition_type 0x6b3-0x6b4 (1)
0x6b0| 02 | . | [90]: 2 transition_type 0x6b4-0x6b5 (1)
0x6b0| 04 | . | [91]: 4 transition_type 0x6b5-0x6b6 (1)
0x6b0| 04 | . | [92]: 4 transition_type 0x6b6-0x6b7 (1)
| | | local_time_type_records[0:10]: 0x6b7-0x6f3 (60)
| | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x6b7-0x6bd (6)
0x6b0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | utoff: 0 (valid) 0x6b7-0x6bb (4)
0x6b0| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x6bb-0x6bc (1)
0x6b0| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x6bc-0x6bd (1)
| | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x6bd-0x6c3 (6)
0x6b0| ff ff c7| ...| utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x6bd-0x6c1 (4)
0x6c0|c0 |. |
0x6c0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6c1-0x6c2 (1)
0x6c0| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x6c2-0x6c3 (1)
| | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x6c3-0x6c9 (6)
0x6c0| ff ff b9 b0 | .... | utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x6c3-0x6c7 (4)
0x6c0| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x6c7-0x6c8 (1)
0x6c0| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x6c8-0x6c9 (1)
| | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x6c9-0x6cf (6)
0x6c0| ff ff d5 d0 | .... | utoff: -10800 (valid) 0x6c9-0x6cd (4)
0x6c0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6cd-0x6ce (1)
0x6c0| 0c | . | idx: 12 (valid) 0x6ce-0x6cf (1)
| | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x6cf-0x6d5 (6)
0x6c0| ff| .| utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x6cf-0x6d3 (4)
0x6d0|ff c7 c0 |... |
0x6d0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6d3-0x6d4 (1)
0x6d0| 11 | . | idx: 17 (valid) 0x6d4-0x6d5 (1)
| | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x6d5-0x6db (6)
0x6d0| ff ff c7 c0 | .... | utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x6d5-0x6d9 (4)
0x6d0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6d9-0x6da (1)
0x6d0| 15 | . | idx: 21 (valid) 0x6da-0x6db (1)
| | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x6db-0x6e1 (6)
0x6d0| ff ff ab a0 | .... | utoff: -21600 (valid) 0x6db-0x6df (4)
0x6d0| 00| .| dst: 0 (valid) 0x6df-0x6e0 (1)
0x6e0|19 |. | idx: 25 (valid) 0x6e0-0x6e1 (1)
| | | [7]{}: local_time_type 0x6e1-0x6e7 (6)
0x6e0| ff ff b9 b0 | .... | utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x6e1-0x6e5 (4)
0x6e0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6e5-0x6e6 (1)
0x6e0| 1d | . | idx: 29 (valid) 0x6e6-0x6e7 (1)
| | | [8]{}: local_time_type 0x6e7-0x6ed (6)
0x6e0| ff ff c7 c0 | .... | utoff: -14400 (valid) 0x6e7-0x6eb (4)
0x6e0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x6eb-0x6ec (1)
0x6e0| 11 | . | idx: 17 (valid) 0x6ec-0x6ed (1)
| | | [9]{}: local_time_type 0x6ed-0x6f3 (6)
0x6e0| ff ff b9| ...| utoff: -18000 (valid) 0x6ed-0x6f1 (4)
0x6f0|b0 |. |
0x6f0| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x6f1-0x6f2 (1)
0x6f0| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x6f2-0x6f3 (1)
| | | time_zone_designations[0:8]: 0x6f3-0x714 (33)
0x6f0| 2d 30 30 00 | -00. | [0]: "-00" time_zone_designation 0x6f3-0x6f7 (4)
0x6f0| 45 50 54 00 | EPT. | [1]: "EPT" time_zone_designation 0x6f7-0x6fb (4)
0x6f0| 45 53 54 00 | EST. | [2]: "EST" time_zone_designation 0x6fb-0x6ff (4)
0x6f0| 45| E| [3]: "EDDT" time_zone_designation 0x6ff-0x704 (5)
0x700|44 44 54 00 |DDT. |
0x700| 45 44 54 00 | EDT. | [4]: "EDT" time_zone_designation 0x704-0x708 (4)
0x700| 45 57 54 00 | EWT. | [5]: "EWT" time_zone_designation 0x708-0x70c (4)
0x700| 43 53 54 00| CST.| [6]: "CST" time_zone_designation 0x70c-0x710 (4)
0x710|43 44 54 00 |CDT. | [7]: "CDT" time_zone_designation 0x710-0x714 (4)
| | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0x714-0x858 (324)
| | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0x714-0x720 (12)
0x710| 00 00 00 00 04 b2 58 00 | ......X. | occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0x714-0x71c (8)
0x710| 00 00 00 01| ....| corr: 1 0x71c-0x720 (4)
| | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0x720-0x72c (12)
0x720|00 00 00 00 05 a4 ec 01 |........ | occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0x720-0x728 (8)
0x720| 00 00 00 02 | .... | corr: 2 0x728-0x72c (4)
| | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0x72c-0x738 (12)
0x720| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0x72c-0x734 (8)
0x730|07 86 1f 82 |.... |
0x730| 00 00 00 03 | .... | corr: 3 0x734-0x738 (4)
| | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0x738-0x744 (12)
0x730| 00 00 00 00 09 67 53 03| .....gS.| occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0x738-0x740 (8)
0x740|00 00 00 04 |.... | corr: 4 0x740-0x744 (4)
| | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0x744-0x750 (12)
0x740| 00 00 00 00 0b 48 86 84 | .....H.. | occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0x744-0x74c (8)
0x740| 00 00 00 05| ....| corr: 5 0x74c-0x750 (4)
| | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0x750-0x75c (12)
0x750|00 00 00 00 0d 2b 0b 85 |.....+.. | occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0x750-0x758 (8)
0x750| 00 00 00 06 | .... | corr: 6 0x758-0x75c (4)
| | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0x75c-0x768 (12)
0x750| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0x75c-0x764 (8)
0x760|0f 0c 3f 06 |..?. |
0x760| 00 00 00 07 | .... | corr: 7 0x764-0x768 (4)
| | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0x768-0x774 (12)
0x760| 00 00 00 00 10 ed 72 87| ......r.| occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0x768-0x770 (8)
0x770|00 00 00 08 |.... | corr: 8 0x770-0x774 (4)
| | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0x774-0x780 (12)
0x770| 00 00 00 00 12 ce a6 08 | ........ | occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0x774-0x77c (8)
0x770| 00 00 00 09| ....| corr: 9 0x77c-0x780 (4)
| | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0x780-0x78c (12)
0x780|00 00 00 00 15 9f ca 89 |........ | occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0x780-0x788 (8)
0x780| 00 00 00 0a | .... | corr: 10 0x788-0x78c (4)
| | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0x78c-0x798 (12)
0x780| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0x78c-0x794 (8)
0x790|17 80 fe 0a |.... |
0x790| 00 00 00 0b | .... | corr: 11 0x794-0x798 (4)
| | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0x798-0x7a4 (12)
0x790| 00 00 00 00 19 62 31 8b| .....b1.| occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0x798-0x7a0 (8)
0x7a0|00 00 00 0c |.... | corr: 12 0x7a0-0x7a4 (4)
| | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x7a4-0x7b0 (12)
0x7a0| 00 00 00 00 1d 25 ea 0c | .....%.. | occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x7a4-0x7ac (8)
0x7a0| 00 00 00 0d| ....| corr: 13 0x7ac-0x7b0 (4)
| | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x7b0-0x7bc (12)
0x7b0|00 00 00 00 21 da e5 0d |....!... | occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x7b0-0x7b8 (8)
0x7b0| 00 00 00 0e | .... | corr: 14 0x7b8-0x7bc (4)
| | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x7bc-0x7c8 (12)
0x7b0| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x7bc-0x7c4 (8)
0x7c0|25 9e 9d 8e |%... |
0x7c0| 00 00 00 0f | .... | corr: 15 0x7c4-0x7c8 (4)
| | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x7c8-0x7d4 (12)
0x7c0| 00 00 00 00 27 7f d1 0f| ....'...| occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x7c8-0x7d0 (8)
0x7d0|00 00 00 10 |.... | corr: 16 0x7d0-0x7d4 (4)
| | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x7d4-0x7e0 (12)
0x7d0| 00 00 00 00 2a 50 f5 90 | ....*P.. | occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x7d4-0x7dc (8)
0x7d0| 00 00 00 11| ....| corr: 17 0x7dc-0x7e0 (4)
| | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x7e0-0x7ec (12)
0x7e0|00 00 00 00 2c 32 29 11 |....,2). | occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x7e0-0x7e8 (8)
0x7e0| 00 00 00 12 | .... | corr: 18 0x7e8-0x7ec (4)
| | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x7ec-0x7f8 (12)
0x7e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x7ec-0x7f4 (8)
0x7f0|2e 13 5c 92 |..\. |
0x7f0| 00 00 00 13 | .... | corr: 19 0x7f4-0x7f8 (4)
| | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x7f8-0x804 (12)
0x7f0| 00 00 00 00 30 e7 24 13| ....0.$.| occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x7f8-0x800 (8)
0x800|00 00 00 14 |.... | corr: 20 0x800-0x804 (4)
| | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x804-0x810 (12)
0x800| 00 00 00 00 33 b8 48 94 | ....3.H. | occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x804-0x80c (8)
0x800| 00 00 00 15| ....| corr: 21 0x80c-0x810 (4)
| | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x810-0x81c (12)
0x810|00 00 00 00 36 8c 10 15 |....6... | occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x810-0x818 (8)
0x810| 00 00 00 16 | .... | corr: 22 0x818-0x81c (4)
| | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x81c-0x828 (12)
0x810| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x81c-0x824 (8)
0x820|43 b7 1b 96 |C... |
0x820| 00 00 00 17 | .... | corr: 23 0x824-0x828 (4)
| | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x828-0x834 (12)
0x820| 00 00 00 00 49 5c 07 97| ....I\..| occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x828-0x830 (8)
0x830|00 00 00 18 |.... | corr: 24 0x830-0x834 (4)
| | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x834-0x840 (12)
0x830| 00 00 00 00 4f ef 93 18 | ....O... | occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x834-0x83c (8)
0x830| 00 00 00 19| ....| corr: 25 0x83c-0x840 (4)
| | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x840-0x84c (12)
0x840|00 00 00 00 55 93 2d 99 |....U.-. | occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x840-0x848 (8)
0x840| 00 00 00 1a | .... | corr: 26 0x848-0x84c (4)
| | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x84c-0x858 (12)
0x840| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x84c-0x854 (8)
0x850|58 68 46 9a |XhF. |
0x850| 00 00 00 1b | .... | corr: 27 0x854-0x858 (4)
| | | standard_wall_indicators[0:10]: 0x858-0x862 (10)
0x850| 00 | . | [0]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x858-0x859 (1)
0x850| 01 | . | [1]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x859-0x85a (1)
0x850| 00 | . | [2]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85a-0x85b (1)
0x850| 00 | . | [3]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85b-0x85c (1)
0x850| 00 | . | [4]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85c-0x85d (1)
0x850| 00 | . | [5]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85d-0x85e (1)
0x850| 00 | . | [6]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85e-0x85f (1)
0x850| 00| .| [7]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x85f-0x860 (1)
0x860|00 |. | [8]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x860-0x861 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [9]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x861-0x862 (1)
| | | ut_local_indicators[0:10]: 0x862-0x86c (10)
0x860| 00 | . | [0]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x862-0x863 (1)
0x860| 01 | . | [1]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x863-0x864 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [2]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x864-0x865 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [3]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x865-0x866 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [4]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x866-0x867 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [5]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x867-0x868 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [6]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x868-0x869 (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [7]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x869-0x86a (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [8]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x86a-0x86b (1)
0x860| 00 | . | [9]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x86b-0x86c (1)
| | | footer{}: 0x86c-0x86e (2)
0x860| 0a | . | nl1: 10 (valid) 0x86c-0x86d (1)
| | | tz_string: "" 0x86d-0x86d (0)
0x860| 0a| | .| | nl2: 10 (valid) 0x86d-0x86e (1)