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1756 lines
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Raw Normal View History

$ fq -d elf dv a_dynamic
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: a_dynamic (elf) 0x0-0x473f.7 (18240)
| | | header{}: 0x0-0x3f.7 (64)
| | | ident{}: 0x0-0xf.7 (16)
0x0000|7f 45 4c 46 |.ELF | magic: raw bits (valid) 0x0-0x3.7 (4)
0x0000| 02 | . | class: 64 (2) 0x4-0x4.7 (1)
0x0000| 01 | . | data: "little_endian" (1) 0x5-0x5.7 (1)
0x0000| 01 | . | version: 1 0x6-0x6.7 (1)
0x0000| 00 | . | os_abi: "sysv" (0) 0x7-0x7.7 (1)
0x0000| 00 | . | abi_version: 0 0x8-0x8.7 (1)
0x0000| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| .......| pad: raw bits (all zero) 0x9-0xf.7 (7)
0x0010|03 00 |.. | type: "dyn" (0x3) 0x10-0x11.7 (2)
0x0010| 3e 00 | >. | machine: "x86_64" (0x3e) (AMD x86-64) 0x12-0x13.7 (2)
0x0010| 01 00 00 00 | .... | version: 1 0x14-0x17.7 (4)
0x0010| 70 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| p.......| entry: 4208 0x18-0x1f.7 (8)
0x0020|40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |@....... | phoff: 64 0x20-0x27.7 (8)
0x0020| c0 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00| .>......| shoff: 16064 0x28-0x2f.7 (8)
0x0030|00 00 00 00 |.... | flags: 0 0x30-0x33.7 (4)
0x0030| 40 00 | @. | ehsize: 64 0x34-0x35.7 (2)
0x0030| 38 00 | 8. | phentsize: 56 0x36-0x37.7 (2)
0x0030| 0c 00 | .. | phnum: 12 0x38-0x39.7 (2)
0x0030| 40 00 | @. | shentsize: 64 0x3a-0x3b.7 (2)
0x0030| 22 00 | ". | shnum: 34 0x3c-0x3d.7 (2)
0x0030| 21 00| !.| shstrndx: 33 0x3e-0x3f.7 (2)
| | | program_headers[0:12]: 0x0-0x3007.7 (12296)
| | | [0]{}: program_header 0x0-0x607.7 (1544)
| | | program_header{}: 0x0-0x607.7 (1544)
0x0000|7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|.ELF............| data: raw bits 0x0-0x607.7 (1544)
* |until 0x607.7 (1544) | |
0x00b0|01 00 00 00 |.... | type: "load" (1) (Loadable segment) 0xb0-0xb3.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0xb4-0xb7.7 (4)
0x00b0| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0xb4-0xb4.4 (0.5)
0x00b0| 04 | . | r: true 0xb4.5-0xb4.5 (0.1)
0x00b0| 04 | . | w: false 0xb4.6-0xb4.6 (0.1)
0x00b0| 04 | . | x: false 0xb4.7-0xb4.7 (0.1)
0x00b0| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0xb5-0xb7.7 (3)
0x00b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x0 0xb8-0xbf.7 (8)
0x00c0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | vaddr: 0x0 0xc0-0xc7.7 (8)
0x00c0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| paddr: 0x0 0xc8-0xcf.7 (8)
0x00d0|08 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | filesz: 1544 0xd0-0xd7.7 (8)
0x00d0| 08 06 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| memsz: 1544 0xd8-0xdf.7 (8)
0x00e0|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 4096 0xe0-0xe7.7 (8)
| | | [1]{}: program_header 0x0-0x2a7.7 (680)
| | | program_header{}: 0x0-0x2a7.7 (680)
| | | data: raw bits 0x0-NA (0)
0x0270|51 e5 74 64 |Q.td | type: "gnu_stack" (1685382481) (GNU stack permission) 0x270-0x273.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x274-0x277.7 (4)
0x0270| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x274-0x274.4 (0.5)
0x0270| 06 | . | r: true 0x274.5-0x274.5 (0.1)
0x0270| 06 | . | w: true 0x274.6-0x274.6 (0.1)
0x0270| 06 | . | x: false 0x274.7-0x274.7 (0.1)
0x0270| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0x275-0x277.7 (3)
0x0270| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x0 0x278-0x27f.7 (8)
0x0280|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | vaddr: 0x0 0x280-0x287.7 (8)
0x0280| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| paddr: 0x0 0x288-0x28f.7 (8)
0x0290|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | filesz: 0 0x290-0x297.7 (8)
0x0290| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| memsz: 0 0x298-0x29f.7 (8)
0x02a0|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 16 0x2a0-0x2a7.7 (8)
| | | [2]{}: program_header 0x40-0x2df.7 (672)
| | | program_header{}: 0x40-0x2df.7 (672)
0x0040|06 00 00 00 |.... | type: "phdr" (6) (Program header location and size) 0x40-0x43.7 (4)
0x0040|06 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|........@.......| data: raw bits 0x40-0x2df.7 (672)
* |until 0x2df.7 (672) | |
| | | flags{}: 0x44-0x47.7 (4)
0x0040| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x44-0x44.4 (0.5)
0x0040| 04 | . | r: true 0x44.5-0x44.5 (0.1)
0x0040| 04 | . | w: false 0x44.6-0x44.6 (0.1)
0x0040| 04 | . | x: false 0x44.7-0x44.7 (0.1)
0x0040| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0x45-0x47.7 (3)
0x0040| 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| @.......| offset: 0x40 0x48-0x4f.7 (8)
0x0050|40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |@....... | vaddr: 0x40 0x50-0x57.7 (8)
0x0050| 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| @.......| paddr: 0x40 0x58-0x5f.7 (8)
0x0060|a0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | filesz: 672 0x60-0x67.7 (8)
0x0060| a0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| memsz: 672 0x68-0x6f.7 (8)
0x0070|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 8 0x70-0x77.7 (8)
| | | [3]{}: program_header 0x78-0x2f8.7 (641)
| | | program_header{}: 0x78-0x2f8.7 (641)
0x0070| 03 00 00 00 | .... | type: "interp" (3) (Interpreter to invoke) 0x78-0x7b.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x7c-0x7f.7 (4)
0x0070| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x7c-0x7c.4 (0.5)
0x0070| 04 | . | r: true 0x7c.5-0x7c.5 (0.1)
0x0070| 04 | . | w: false 0x7c.6-0x7c.6 (0.1)
0x0070| 04 | . | x: false 0x7c.7-0x7c.7 (0.1)
0x0070| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0x7d-0x7f.7 (3)
0x0080|e0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | offset: 0x2e0 0x80-0x87.7 (8)
0x0080| e0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| vaddr: 0x2e0 0x88-0x8f.7 (8)
0x0090|e0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | paddr: 0x2e0 0x90-0x97.7 (8)
0x0090| 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| filesz: 25 0x98-0x9f.7 (8)
0x00a0|19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | memsz: 25 0xa0-0xa7.7 (8)
0x00a0| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 1 0xa8-0xaf.7 (8)
0x02e0|2f 6c 69 62 2f 6c 64 2d 6d 75 73 6c 2d 78 38 36|/lib/ld-musl-x86| data: raw bits 0x2e0-0x2f8.7 (25)
0x02f0|5f 36 34 2e 73 6f 2e 31 00 |_64.so.1. |
| | | [4]{}: program_header 0xe8-0x1288.7 (4513)
| | | program_header{}: 0xe8-0x1288.7 (4513)
0x00e0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "load" (1) (Loadable segment) 0xe8-0xeb.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0xec-0xef.7 (4)
0x00e0| 05 | . | unused0: 0 0xec-0xec.4 (0.5)
0x00e0| 05 | . | r: true 0xec.5-0xec.5 (0.1)
0x00e0| 05 | . | w: false 0xec.6-0xec.6 (0.1)
0x00e0| 05 | . | x: true 0xec.7-0xec.7 (0.1)
0x00e0| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0xed-0xef.7 (3)
0x00f0|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | offset: 0x1000 0xf0-0xf7.7 (8)
0x00f0| 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| vaddr: 0x1000 0xf8-0xff.7 (8)
0x0100|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | paddr: 0x1000 0x100-0x107.7 (8)
0x0100| 89 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| filesz: 649 0x108-0x10f.7 (8)
0x0110|89 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | memsz: 649 0x110-0x117.7 (8)
0x0110| 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 4096 0x118-0x11f.7 (8)
0x1000|50 e8 ca 01 00 00 e8 35 02 00 00 58 c3 00 00 00|P......5...X....| data: raw bits 0x1000-0x1288.7 (649)
* |until 0x1288.7 (649) | |
| | | [5]{}: program_header 0x120-0x20cb.7 (8108)
| | | program_header{}: 0x120-0x20cb.7 (8108)
0x0120|01 00 00 00 |.... | type: "load" (1) (Loadable segment) 0x120-0x123.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x124-0x127.7 (4)
0x0120| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x124-0x124.4 (0.5)
0x0120| 04 | . | r: true 0x124.5-0x124.5 (0.1)
0x0120| 04 | . | w: false 0x124.6-0x124.6 (0.1)
0x0120| 04 | . | x: false 0x124.7-0x124.7 (0.1)
0x0120| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0x125-0x127.7 (3)
0x0120| 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| offset: 0x2000 0x128-0x12f.7 (8)
0x0130|00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | vaddr: 0x2000 0x130-0x137.7 (8)
0x0130| 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| paddr: 0x2000 0x138-0x13f.7 (8)
0x0140|cc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | filesz: 204 0x140-0x147.7 (8)
0x0140| cc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| memsz: 204 0x148-0x14f.7 (8)
0x0150|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 4096 0x150-0x157.7 (8)
0x2000|61 61 61 00 01 1b 03 3b 28 00 00 00 04 00 00 00|aaa....;(.......| data: raw bits 0x2000-0x20cb.7 (204)
* |until 0x20cb.7 (204) | |
| | | [6]{}: program_header 0x158-0x3007.7 (11952)
| | | program_header{}: 0x158-0x3007.7 (11952)
0x0150| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "load" (1) (Loadable segment) 0x158-0x15b.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x15c-0x15f.7 (4)
0x0150| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x15c-0x15c.4 (0.5)
0x0150| 06 | . | r: true 0x15c.5-0x15c.5 (0.1)
0x0150| 06 | . | w: true 0x15c.6-0x15c.6 (0.1)
0x0150| 06 | . | x: false 0x15c.7-0x15c.7 (0.1)
0x0150| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0x15d-0x15f.7 (3)
0x0160|f8 2d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.-...... | offset: 0x2df8 0x160-0x167.7 (8)
0x0160| f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00| .=......| vaddr: 0x3df8 0x168-0x16f.7 (8)
0x0170|f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.=...... | paddr: 0x3df8 0x170-0x177.7 (8)
0x0170| 10 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| filesz: 528 0x178-0x17f.7 (8)
0x0180|78 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |x....... | memsz: 632 0x180-0x187.7 (8)
0x0180| 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 4096 0x188-0x18f.7 (8)
0x2df0| ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff| ........| data: raw bits 0x2df8-0x3007.7 (528)
0x2e00|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff|................|
* |until 0x3007.7 (528) | |
| | | [7]{}: program_header 0x190-0x2fa7.7 (11800)
| | | program_header{}: 0x190-0x2fa7.7 (11800)
0x0190|02 00 00 00 |.... | type: "dynamic" (2) (Dynamic linking information) 0x190-0x193.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x194-0x197.7 (4)
0x0190| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x194-0x194.4 (0.5)
0x0190| 06 | . | r: true 0x194.5-0x194.5 (0.1)
0x0190| 06 | . | w: true 0x194.6-0x194.6 (0.1)
0x0190| 06 | . | x: false 0x194.7-0x194.7 (0.1)
0x0190| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0x195-0x197.7 (3)
0x0190| 18 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x2e18 0x198-0x19f.7 (8)
0x01a0|18 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.>...... | vaddr: 0x3e18 0x1a0-0x1a7.7 (8)
0x01a0| 18 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00| .>......| paddr: 0x3e18 0x1a8-0x1af.7 (8)
0x01b0|90 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | filesz: 400 0x1b0-0x1b7.7 (8)
0x01b0| 90 01 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| memsz: 400 0x1b8-0x1bf.7 (8)
0x01c0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 8 0x1c0-0x1c7.7 (8)
0x2e10| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| data: raw bits 0x2e18-0x2fa7.7 (400)
0x2e20|a2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|................|
* |until 0x2fa7.7 (400) | |
| | | [8]{}: program_header 0x1c8-0x32f.7 (360)
| | | program_header{}: 0x1c8-0x32f.7 (360)
0x01c0| 04 00 00 00 | .... | type: "note" (4) (Auxiliary information) 0x1c8-0x1cb.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x1cc-0x1cf.7 (4)
0x01c0| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x1cc-0x1cc.4 (0.5)
0x01c0| 04 | . | r: true 0x1cc.5-0x1cc.5 (0.1)
0x01c0| 04 | . | w: false 0x1cc.6-0x1cc.6 (0.1)
0x01c0| 04 | . | x: false 0x1cc.7-0x1cc.7 (0.1)
0x01c0| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0x1cd-0x1cf.7 (3)
0x01d0|00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | offset: 0x300 0x1d0-0x1d7.7 (8)
0x01d0| 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| vaddr: 0x300 0x1d8-0x1df.7 (8)
0x01e0|00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | paddr: 0x300 0x1e0-0x1e7.7 (8)
0x01e0| 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| 0.......| filesz: 48 0x1e8-0x1ef.7 (8)
0x01f0|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | memsz: 48 0x1f0-0x1f7.7 (8)
0x01f0| 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 8 0x1f8-0x1ff.7 (8)
0x0300|04 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00|.... .......GNU.| data: raw bits 0x300-0x32f.7 (48)
* |until 0x32f.7 (48) | |
| | | [9]{}: program_header 0x200-0x32f.7 (304)
| | | program_header{}: 0x200-0x32f.7 (304)
0x0200|53 e5 74 64 |S.td | type: "os" (1685382483) (Operating system-specific) 0x200-0x203.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x204-0x207.7 (4)
0x0200| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x204-0x204.4 (0.5)
0x0200| 04 | . | r: true 0x204.5-0x204.5 (0.1)
0x0200| 04 | . | w: false 0x204.6-0x204.6 (0.1)
0x0200| 04 | . | x: false 0x204.7-0x204.7 (0.1)
0x0200| 00 00 00 | ... | unused1: 0 0x205-0x207.7 (3)
0x0200| 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x300 0x208-0x20f.7 (8)
0x0210|00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | vaddr: 0x300 0x210-0x217.7 (8)
0x0210| 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| paddr: 0x300 0x218-0x21f.7 (8)
0x0220|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | filesz: 48 0x220-0x227.7 (8)
0x0220| 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| 0.......| memsz: 48 0x228-0x22f.7 (8)
0x0230|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | align: 8 0x230-0x237.7 (8)
0x0300|04 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00|.... .......GNU.| data: raw bits 0x300-0x32f.7 (48)
* |until 0x32f.7 (48) | |
| | | [10]{}: program_header 0x238-0x202f.7 (7672)
| | | program_header{}: 0x238-0x202f.7 (7672)
0x0230| 50 e5 74 64 | P.td | type: "gnu_eh_frame" (1685382480) (GNU frame unwind information) 0x238-0x23b.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x23c-0x23f.7 (4)
0x0230| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x23c-0x23c.4 (0.5)
0x0230| 04 | . | r: true 0x23c.5-0x23c.5 (0.1)
0x0230| 04 | . | w: false 0x23c.6-0x23c.6 (0.1)
0x0230| 04 | . | x: false 0x23c.7-0x23c.7 (0.1)
0x0230| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0x23d-0x23f.7 (3)
0x0240|04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | offset: 0x2004 0x240-0x247.7 (8)
0x0240| 04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| vaddr: 0x2004 0x248-0x24f.7 (8)
0x0250|04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | paddr: 0x2004 0x250-0x257.7 (8)
0x0250| 2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ,.......| filesz: 44 0x258-0x25f.7 (8)
0x0260|2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |,....... | memsz: 44 0x260-0x267.7 (8)
0x0260| 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 4 0x268-0x26f.7 (8)
0x2000| 01 1b 03 3b 28 00 00 00 04 00 00 00| ...;(.......| data: raw bits 0x2004-0x202f.7 (44)
0x2010|0c f0 ff ff 44 00 00 00 4c f0 ff ff 6c 00 00 00|....D...L...l...|
0x2020|01 f2 ff ff 84 00 00 00 14 f2 ff ff a4 00 00 00|................|
| | | [11]{}: program_header 0x2a8-0x2fff.7 (11608)
| | | program_header{}: 0x2a8-0x2fff.7 (11608)
0x02a0| 52 e5 74 64 | R.td | type: "gnu_relro" (1685382482) (GNU read-only after relocation) 0x2a8-0x2ab.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x2ac-0x2af.7 (4)
0x02a0| 04 | . | unused0: 0 0x2ac-0x2ac.4 (0.5)
0x02a0| 04 | . | r: true 0x2ac.5-0x2ac.5 (0.1)
0x02a0| 04 | . | w: false 0x2ac.6-0x2ac.6 (0.1)
0x02a0| 04 | . | x: false 0x2ac.7-0x2ac.7 (0.1)
0x02a0| 00 00 00| ...| unused1: 0 0x2ad-0x2af.7 (3)
0x02b0|f8 2d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.-...... | offset: 0x2df8 0x2b0-0x2b7.7 (8)
0x02b0| f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00| .=......| vaddr: 0x3df8 0x2b8-0x2bf.7 (8)
0x02c0|f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.=...... | paddr: 0x3df8 0x2c0-0x2c7.7 (8)
0x02c0| 08 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| filesz: 520 0x2c8-0x2cf.7 (8)
0x02d0|08 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | memsz: 520 0x2d0-0x2d7.7 (8)
0x02d0| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| align: 1 0x2d8-0x2df.7 (8)
0x2df0| ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff| ........| data: raw bits 0x2df8-0x2fff.7 (520)
0x2e00|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff|................|
* |until 0x2fff.7 (520) | |
| | | section_headers[0:34]: 0x0-0x473f.7 (18240)
| | | [0]{}: section_header 0x0-0x3eff.7 (16128)
| | | data: raw bits 0x0-NA (0)
0x3ec0|00 00 00 00 |.... | name: "" (0) 0x3ec0-0x3ec3.7 (4)
0x3ec0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | type: "null" (0x0) (Header inactive) 0x3ec4-0x3ec7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x3ec8-0x3ecf.7 (8)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x3ec8-0x3ec8 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x3ec8.1-0x3ec8.1 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | strings: false 0x3ec8.2-0x3ec8.2 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | merge: false 0x3ec8.3-0x3ec8.3 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x3ec8.4-0x3ec8.4 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x3ec8.5-0x3ec8.5 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x3ec8.6-0x3ec8.6 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | write: false 0x3ec8.7-0x3ec8.7 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x3ec9-0x3ec9 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | group: false 0x3ec9.1-0x3ec9.1 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x3ec9.2-0x3ec9.2 (0.1)
0x3ec0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x3ec9.3-0x3eca.3 (1.1)
0x3ec0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x3eca.4-0x3ecb.3 (1)
0x3ec0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x3ecb.4-0x3ecb.7 (0.4)
0x3ec0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x3ecc-0x3ecf.7 (4)
0x3ed0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x3ed0-0x3ed7.7 (8)
0x3ed0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x0 0x3ed8-0x3edf.7 (8)
0x3ee0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3ee0-0x3ee7.7 (8)
0x3ee0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x3ee8-0x3eeb.7 (4)
0x3ee0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x3eec-0x3eef.7 (4)
0x3ef0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 0 0x3ef0-0x3ef7.7 (8)
0x3ef0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x3ef8-0x3eff.7 (8)
| | | [1]{}: section_header 0x2e0-0x3f3f.7 (15456)
0x02e0|2f 6c 69 62 2f 6c 64 2d 6d 75 73 6c 2d 78 38 36|/lib/ld-musl-x86| data: raw bits 0x2e0-0x2f8.7 (25)
0x02f0|5f 36 34 2e 73 6f 2e 31 00 |_64.so.1. |
0x3f00|1b 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".interp" (27) 0x3f00-0x3f03.7 (4)
0x3f00| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x3f04-0x3f07.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x3f08-0x3f0f.7 (8)
0x3f00| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x3f08-0x3f08 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x3f08.1-0x3f08.1 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | strings: false 0x3f08.2-0x3f08.2 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | merge: false 0x3f08.3-0x3f08.3 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x3f08.4-0x3f08.4 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x3f08.5-0x3f08.5 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x3f08.6-0x3f08.6 (0.1)
0x3f00| 02 | . | write: false 0x3f08.7-0x3f08.7 (0.1)
0x3f00| 00 | . | tls: false 0x3f09-0x3f09 (0.1)
0x3f00| 00 | . | group: false 0x3f09.1-0x3f09.1 (0.1)
0x3f00| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x3f09.2-0x3f09.2 (0.1)
0x3f00| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x3f09.3-0x3f0a.3 (1.1)
0x3f00| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x3f0a.4-0x3f0b.3 (1)
0x3f00| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x3f0b.4-0x3f0b.7 (0.4)
0x3f00| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x3f0c-0x3f0f.7 (4)
0x3f10|e0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x2e0 0x3f10-0x3f17.7 (8)
0x3f10| e0 02 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x2e0 0x3f18-0x3f1f.7 (8)
0x3f20|19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 25 0x3f20-0x3f27.7 (8)
0x3f20| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x3f28-0x3f2b.7 (4)
0x3f20| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x3f2c-0x3f2f.7 (4)
0x3f30|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x3f30-0x3f37.7 (8)
0x3f30| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x3f38-0x3f3f.7 (8)
| | | [2]{}: section_header 0x300-0x3f7f.7 (15488)
0x0300|04 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00|.... .......GNU.| data: raw bits 0x300-0x32f.7 (48)
* |until 0x32f.7 (48) | |
0x3f40|23 00 00 00 |#... | name: ".note.gnu.property" (35) 0x3f40-0x3f43.7 (4)
0x3f40| 07 00 00 00 | .... | type: "note" (0x7) (Information that marks the file in some way) 0x3f44-0x3f47.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x3f48-0x3f4f.7 (8)
0x3f40| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x3f48-0x3f48 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x3f48.1-0x3f48.1 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | strings: false 0x3f48.2-0x3f48.2 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | merge: false 0x3f48.3-0x3f48.3 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x3f48.4-0x3f48.4 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x3f48.5-0x3f48.5 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x3f48.6-0x3f48.6 (0.1)
0x3f40| 02 | . | write: false 0x3f48.7-0x3f48.7 (0.1)
0x3f40| 00 | . | tls: false 0x3f49-0x3f49 (0.1)
0x3f40| 00 | . | group: false 0x3f49.1-0x3f49.1 (0.1)
0x3f40| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x3f49.2-0x3f49.2 (0.1)
0x3f40| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x3f49.3-0x3f4a.3 (1.1)
0x3f40| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x3f4a.4-0x3f4b.3 (1)
0x3f40| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x3f4b.4-0x3f4b.7 (0.4)
0x3f40| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x3f4c-0x3f4f.7 (4)
0x3f50|00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x300 0x3f50-0x3f57.7 (8)
0x3f50| 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x300 0x3f58-0x3f5f.7 (8)
0x3f60|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | size: 48 0x3f60-0x3f67.7 (8)
0x3f60| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x3f68-0x3f6b.7 (4)
0x3f60| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x3f6c-0x3f6f.7 (4)
0x3f70|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x3f70-0x3f77.7 (8)
0x3f70| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x3f78-0x3f7f.7 (8)
| | | [3]{}: section_header 0x330-0x3fbf.7 (15504)
| | | gnu_hash{}: 0x330-0x35f.7 (48)
0x0330|03 00 00 00 |.... | nbuckets: 3 0x330-0x333.7 (4)
0x0330| 08 00 00 00 | .... | symndx: 8 0x334-0x337.7 (4)
0x0330| 01 00 00 00 | .... | maskwords: 1 0x338-0x33b.7 (4)
0x0330| 06 00 00 00| ....| shift2: 6 0x33c-0x33f.7 (4)
| | | bloom_filter[0:1]: 0x340-0x347.7 (8)
0x0340|00 80 81 00 00 04 40 01 |......@. | [0]: 90076390602407936 maskword 0x340-0x347.7 (8)
| | | buckets[0:3]: 0x348-0x353.7 (12)
0x0340| 08 00 00 00 | .... | [0]: 8 bucket 0x348-0x34b.7 (4)
0x0340| 09 00 00 00| ....| [1]: 9 bucket 0x34c-0x34f.7 (4)
0x0350|0a 00 00 00 |.... | [2]: 10 bucket 0x350-0x353.7 (4)
| | | values[0:3]: 0x354-0x35f.7 (12)
0x0350| d1 65 ce 6d | .e.m | [0]: 1842243025 value 0x354-0x357.7 (4)
0x0350| b9 8d f1 0e | .... | [1]: 250711481 value 0x358-0x35b.7 (4)
0x0350| eb d3 ef 0e| ....| [2]: 250598379 value 0x35c-0x35f.7 (4)
0x3f80|36 00 00 00 |6... | name: ".gnu.hash" (54) 0x3f80-0x3f83.7 (4)
0x3f80| f6 ff ff 6f | ...o | type: "gnu_hash" (0x6ffffff6) (GNU symbol hash table) 0x3f84-0x3f87.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x3f88-0x3f8f.7 (8)
0x3f80| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x3f88-0x3f88 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x3f88.1-0x3f88.1 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | strings: false 0x3f88.2-0x3f88.2 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | merge: false 0x3f88.3-0x3f88.3 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x3f88.4-0x3f88.4 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x3f88.5-0x3f88.5 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x3f88.6-0x3f88.6 (0.1)
0x3f80| 02 | . | write: false 0x3f88.7-0x3f88.7 (0.1)
0x3f80| 00 | . | tls: false 0x3f89-0x3f89 (0.1)
0x3f80| 00 | . | group: false 0x3f89.1-0x3f89.1 (0.1)
0x3f80| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x3f89.2-0x3f89.2 (0.1)
0x3f80| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x3f89.3-0x3f8a.3 (1.1)
0x3f80| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x3f8a.4-0x3f8b.3 (1)
0x3f80| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x3f8b.4-0x3f8b.7 (0.4)
0x3f80| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x3f8c-0x3f8f.7 (4)
0x3f90|30 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | addr: 0x330 0x3f90-0x3f97.7 (8)
0x3f90| 30 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| 0.......| offset: 0x330 0x3f98-0x3f9f.7 (8)
0x3fa0|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | size: 48 0x3fa0-0x3fa7.7 (8)
0x3fa0| 04 00 00 00 | .... | link: 4 0x3fa8-0x3fab.7 (4)
0x3fa0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x3fac-0x3faf.7 (4)
0x3fb0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x3fb0-0x3fb7.7 (8)
0x3fb0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x3fb8-0x3fbf.7 (8)
| | | [4]{}: section_header 0x360-0x3fff.7 (15520)
| | | symbol_table[0:11]: 0x360-0x467.7 (264)
| | | [0]{}: symbol 0x360-0x377.7 (24)
0x0360|00 00 00 00 |.... | name: "" (0) 0x360-0x363.7 (4)
0x0360| 00 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x364-0x364.3 (0.4)
0x0360| 00 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x364.4-0x364.7 (0.4)
0x0360| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x365-0x365.5 (0.6)
0x0360| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x365.6-0x365.7 (0.2)
0x0360| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x366-0x367.7 (2)
0x0360| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x368-0x36f.7 (8)
0x0370|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x370-0x377.7 (8)
| | | [1]{}: symbol 0x378-0x38f.7 (24)
0x0370| 01 00 00 00 | .... | name: "puts" (1) 0x378-0x37b.7 (4)
0x0370| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x37c-0x37c.3 (0.4)
0x0370| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x37c.4-0x37c.7 (0.4)
0x0370| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x37d-0x37d.5 (0.6)
0x0370| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x37d.6-0x37d.7 (0.2)
0x0370| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x37e-0x37f.7 (2)
0x0380|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x380-0x387.7 (8)
0x0380| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x388-0x38f.7 (8)
| | | [2]{}: symbol 0x390-0x3a7.7 (24)
0x0390|15 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__deregister_frame_info" (21) 0x390-0x393.7 (4)
0x0390| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x394-0x394.3 (0.4)
0x0390| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x394.4-0x394.7 (0.4)
0x0390| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x395-0x395.5 (0.6)
0x0390| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x395.6-0x395.7 (0.2)
0x0390| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x396-0x397.7 (2)
0x0390| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x398-0x39f.7 (8)
0x03a0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3a0-0x3a7.7 (8)
| | | [3]{}: symbol 0x3a8-0x3bf.7 (24)
0x03a0| 2d 00 00 00 | -... | name: "_ITM_registerTMCloneTable" (45) 0x3a8-0x3ab.7 (4)
0x03a0| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3ac-0x3ac.3 (0.4)
0x03a0| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3ac.4-0x3ac.7 (0.4)
0x03a0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3ad-0x3ad.5 (0.6)
0x03a0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3ad.6-0x3ad.7 (0.2)
0x03a0| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3ae-0x3af.7 (2)
0x03b0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3b0-0x3b7.7 (8)
0x03b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3b8-0x3bf.7 (8)
| | | [4]{}: symbol 0x3c0-0x3d7.7 (24)
0x03c0|47 00 00 00 |G... | name: "_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable" (71) 0x3c0-0x3c3.7 (4)
0x03c0| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3c4-0x3c4.3 (0.4)
0x03c0| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3c4.4-0x3c4.7 (0.4)
0x03c0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3c5-0x3c5.5 (0.6)
0x03c0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3c5.6-0x3c5.7 (0.2)
0x03c0| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x3c6-0x3c7.7 (2)
0x03c0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x3c8-0x3cf.7 (8)
0x03d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3d0-0x3d7.7 (8)
| | | [5]{}: symbol 0x3d8-0x3ef.7 (24)
0x03d0| 85 00 00 00 | .... | name: "libbbb_bbb" (133) 0x3d8-0x3db.7 (4)
0x03d0| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3dc-0x3dc.3 (0.4)
0x03d0| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3dc.4-0x3dc.7 (0.4)
0x03d0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3dd-0x3dd.5 (0.6)
0x03d0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3dd.6-0x3dd.7 (0.2)
0x03d0| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3de-0x3df.7 (2)
0x03e0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3e0-0x3e7.7 (8)
0x03e0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3e8-0x3ef.7 (8)
| | | [6]{}: symbol 0x3f0-0x407.7 (24)
0x03f0|90 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__libc_start_main" (144) 0x3f0-0x3f3.7 (4)
0x03f0| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3f4-0x3f4.3 (0.4)
0x03f0| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3f4.4-0x3f4.7 (0.4)
0x03f0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3f5-0x3f5.5 (0.6)
0x03f0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3f5.6-0x3f5.7 (0.2)
0x03f0| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x3f6-0x3f7.7 (2)
0x03f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x3f8-0x3ff.7 (8)
0x0400|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x400-0x407.7 (8)
| | | [7]{}: symbol 0x408-0x41f.7 (24)
0x0400| 63 00 00 00 | c... | name: "__register_frame_info" (99) 0x408-0x40b.7 (4)
0x0400| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x40c-0x40c.3 (0.4)
0x0400| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x40c.4-0x40c.7 (0.4)
0x0400| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x40d-0x40d.5 (0.6)
0x0400| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x40d.6-0x40d.7 (0.2)
0x0400| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x40e-0x40f.7 (2)
0x0410|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x410-0x417.7 (8)
0x0410| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x418-0x41f.7 (8)
| | | [8]{}: symbol 0x420-0x437.7 (24)
0x0420|06 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__cxa_finalize" (6) 0x420-0x423.7 (4)
0x0420| 22 | " | bind: "weak" (2) 0x424-0x424.3 (0.4)
0x0420| 22 | " | type: "func" (2) 0x424.4-0x424.7 (0.4)
0x0420| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x425-0x425.5 (0.6)
0x0420| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x425.6-0x425.7 (0.2)
0x0420| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x426-0x427.7 (2)
0x0420| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x428-0x42f.7 (8)
0x0430|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x430-0x437.7 (8)
| | | [9]{}: symbol 0x438-0x44f.7 (24)
0x0430| 79 00 00 00 | y... | name: "_init" (121) 0x438-0x43b.7 (4)
0x0430| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x43c-0x43c.3 (0.4)
0x0430| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x43c.4-0x43c.7 (0.4)
0x0430| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x43d-0x43d.5 (0.6)
0x0430| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x43d.6-0x43d.7 (0.2)
0x0430| 08 00| ..| shndx: 8 0x43e-0x43f.7 (2)
0x0440|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 4096 0x440-0x447.7 (8)
0x0440| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 1 0x448-0x44f.7 (8)
| | | [10]{}: symbol 0x450-0x467.7 (24)
0x0450|7f 00 00 00 |.... | name: "_fini" (127) 0x450-0x453.7 (4)
0x0450| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x454-0x454.3 (0.4)
0x0450| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x454.4-0x454.7 (0.4)
0x0450| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x455-0x455.5 (0.6)
0x0450| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x455.6-0x455.7 (0.2)
0x0450| 0c 00 | .. | shndx: 12 0x456-0x457.7 (2)
0x0450| 81 12 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 4737 0x458-0x45f.7 (8)
0x0460|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 1 0x460-0x467.7 (8)
0x3fc0|40 00 00 00 |@... | name: ".dynsym" (64) 0x3fc0-0x3fc3.7 (4)
0x3fc0| 0b 00 00 00 | .... | type: "dynsym" (0xb) (Dynamic linking symbol table) 0x3fc4-0x3fc7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x3fc8-0x3fcf.7 (8)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x3fc8-0x3fc8 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x3fc8.1-0x3fc8.1 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | strings: false 0x3fc8.2-0x3fc8.2 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | merge: false 0x3fc8.3-0x3fc8.3 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x3fc8.4-0x3fc8.4 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x3fc8.5-0x3fc8.5 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x3fc8.6-0x3fc8.6 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 02 | . | write: false 0x3fc8.7-0x3fc8.7 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x3fc9-0x3fc9 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 00 | . | group: false 0x3fc9.1-0x3fc9.1 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x3fc9.2-0x3fc9.2 (0.1)
0x3fc0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x3fc9.3-0x3fca.3 (1.1)
0x3fc0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x3fca.4-0x3fcb.3 (1)
0x3fc0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x3fcb.4-0x3fcb.7 (0.4)
0x3fc0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x3fcc-0x3fcf.7 (4)
0x3fd0|60 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |`....... | addr: 0x360 0x3fd0-0x3fd7.7 (8)
0x3fd0| 60 03 00 00 00 00 00 00| `.......| offset: 0x360 0x3fd8-0x3fdf.7 (8)
0x3fe0|08 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 264 0x3fe0-0x3fe7.7 (8)
0x3fe0| 05 00 00 00 | .... | link: 5 0x3fe8-0x3feb.7 (4)
0x3fe0| 01 00 00 00| ....| info: 1 0x3fec-0x3fef.7 (4)
0x3ff0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x3ff0-0x3ff7.7 (8)
0x3ff0| 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 24 0x3ff8-0x3fff.7 (8)
| | | [5]{}: section_header 0x468-0x403f.7 (15320)
0x0460| 00 70 75 74 73 00 5f 5f| .puts.__| string: "\x00puts\x00__cxa_finalize\x00__deregister_frame_info\x00_ITM_"... 0x468-0x529.7 (194)
0x0470|63 78 61 5f 66 69 6e 61 6c 69 7a 65 00 5f 5f 64|cxa_finalize.__d|
* |until 0x529.7 (194) | |
0x4000|48 00 00 00 |H... | name: ".dynstr" (72) 0x4000-0x4003.7 (4)
0x4000| 03 00 00 00 | .... | type: "strtab" (0x3) (String table) 0x4004-0x4007.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4008-0x400f.7 (8)
0x4000| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x4008-0x4008 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x4008.1-0x4008.1 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | strings: false 0x4008.2-0x4008.2 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | merge: false 0x4008.3-0x4008.3 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x4008.4-0x4008.4 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x4008.5-0x4008.5 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x4008.6-0x4008.6 (0.1)
0x4000| 02 | . | write: false 0x4008.7-0x4008.7 (0.1)
0x4000| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4009-0x4009 (0.1)
0x4000| 00 | . | group: false 0x4009.1-0x4009.1 (0.1)
0x4000| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4009.2-0x4009.2 (0.1)
0x4000| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4009.3-0x400a.3 (1.1)
0x4000| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x400a.4-0x400b.3 (1)
0x4000| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x400b.4-0x400b.7 (0.4)
0x4000| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x400c-0x400f.7 (4)
0x4010|68 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 |h....... | addr: 0x468 0x4010-0x4017.7 (8)
0x4010| 68 04 00 00 00 00 00 00| h.......| offset: 0x468 0x4018-0x401f.7 (8)
0x4020|c2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 194 0x4020-0x4027.7 (8)
0x4020| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4028-0x402b.7 (4)
0x4020| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x402c-0x402f.7 (4)
0x4030|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4030-0x4037.7 (8)
0x4030| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4038-0x403f.7 (8)
| | | [6]{}: section_header 0x530-0x407f.7 (15184)
0x0530|00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|.@..............| data: raw bits 0x530-0x5bf.7 (144)
* |until 0x5bf.7 (144) | |
0x4040|50 00 00 00 |P... | name: ".rela.dyn" (80) 0x4040-0x4043.7 (4)
0x4040| 04 00 00 00 | .... | type: "rela" (0x4) (Relocation entries with explicit addends) 0x4044-0x4047.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4048-0x404f.7 (8)
0x4040| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x4048-0x4048 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x4048.1-0x4048.1 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | strings: false 0x4048.2-0x4048.2 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | merge: false 0x4048.3-0x4048.3 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x4048.4-0x4048.4 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x4048.5-0x4048.5 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x4048.6-0x4048.6 (0.1)
0x4040| 02 | . | write: false 0x4048.7-0x4048.7 (0.1)
0x4040| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4049-0x4049 (0.1)
0x4040| 00 | . | group: false 0x4049.1-0x4049.1 (0.1)
0x4040| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4049.2-0x4049.2 (0.1)
0x4040| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4049.3-0x404a.3 (1.1)
0x4040| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x404a.4-0x404b.3 (1)
0x4040| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x404b.4-0x404b.7 (0.4)
0x4040| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x404c-0x404f.7 (4)
0x4050|30 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | addr: 0x530 0x4050-0x4057.7 (8)
0x4050| 30 05 00 00 00 00 00 00| 0.......| offset: 0x530 0x4058-0x405f.7 (8)
0x4060|90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 144 0x4060-0x4067.7 (8)
0x4060| 04 00 00 00 | .... | link: 4 0x4068-0x406b.7 (4)
0x4060| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x406c-0x406f.7 (4)
0x4070|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x4070-0x4077.7 (8)
0x4070| 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 24 0x4078-0x407f.7 (8)
| | | [7]{}: section_header 0x5c0-0x40bf.7 (15104)
0x05c0|c0 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 01 00 00 00|.?..............| data: raw bits 0x5c0-0x607.7 (72)
* |until 0x607.7 (72) | |
0x4080|5a 00 00 00 |Z... | name: ".rela.plt" (90) 0x4080-0x4083.7 (4)
0x4080| 04 00 00 00 | .... | type: "rela" (0x4) (Relocation entries with explicit addends) 0x4084-0x4087.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4088-0x408f.7 (8)
0x4080| 42 | B | link_order: false 0x4088-0x4088 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | info_link: true 0x4088.1-0x4088.1 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | strings: false 0x4088.2-0x4088.2 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | merge: false 0x4088.3-0x4088.3 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | unused0: 0 0x4088.4-0x4088.4 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | execinstr: false 0x4088.5-0x4088.5 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | alloc: true 0x4088.6-0x4088.6 (0.1)
0x4080| 42 | B | write: false 0x4088.7-0x4088.7 (0.1)
0x4080| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4089-0x4089 (0.1)
0x4080| 00 | . | group: false 0x4089.1-0x4089.1 (0.1)
0x4080| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4089.2-0x4089.2 (0.1)
0x4080| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4089.3-0x408a.3 (1.1)
0x4080| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x408a.4-0x408b.3 (1)
0x4080| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x408b.4-0x408b.7 (0.4)
0x4080| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x408c-0x408f.7 (4)
0x4090|c0 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x5c0 0x4090-0x4097.7 (8)
0x4090| c0 05 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x5c0 0x4098-0x409f.7 (8)
0x40a0|48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |H....... | size: 72 0x40a0-0x40a7.7 (8)
0x40a0| 04 00 00 00 | .... | link: 4 0x40a8-0x40ab.7 (4)
0x40a0| 13 00 00 00| ....| info: 19 0x40ac-0x40af.7 (4)
0x40b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x40b0-0x40b7.7 (8)
0x40b0| 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 24 0x40b8-0x40bf.7 (8)
| | | [8]{}: section_header 0x1000-0x40ff.7 (12544)
0x1000|50 e8 ca 01 00 00 e8 35 02 00 00 58 c3 |P......5...X. | data: raw bits 0x1000-0x100c.7 (13)
0x40c0|64 00 00 00 |d... | name: ".init" (100) 0x40c0-0x40c3.7 (4)
0x40c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x40c4-0x40c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x40c8-0x40cf.7 (8)
0x40c0| 06 | . | link_order: false 0x40c8-0x40c8 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | info_link: false 0x40c8.1-0x40c8.1 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | strings: false 0x40c8.2-0x40c8.2 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | merge: false 0x40c8.3-0x40c8.3 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x40c8.4-0x40c8.4 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | execinstr: true 0x40c8.5-0x40c8.5 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | alloc: true 0x40c8.6-0x40c8.6 (0.1)
0x40c0| 06 | . | write: false 0x40c8.7-0x40c8.7 (0.1)
0x40c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x40c9-0x40c9 (0.1)
0x40c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x40c9.1-0x40c9.1 (0.1)
0x40c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x40c9.2-0x40c9.2 (0.1)
0x40c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x40c9.3-0x40ca.3 (1.1)
0x40c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x40ca.4-0x40cb.3 (1)
0x40c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x40cb.4-0x40cb.7 (0.4)
0x40c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x40cc-0x40cf.7 (4)
0x40d0|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x1000 0x40d0-0x40d7.7 (8)
0x40d0| 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x1000 0x40d8-0x40df.7 (8)
0x40e0|0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 13 0x40e0-0x40e7.7 (8)
0x40e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x40e8-0x40eb.7 (4)
0x40e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x40ec-0x40ef.7 (4)
0x40f0|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x40f0-0x40f7.7 (8)
0x40f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x40f8-0x40ff.7 (8)
| | | [9]{}: section_header 0x1010-0x413f.7 (12592)
0x1010|ff 35 9a 2f 00 00 ff 25 9c 2f 00 00 0f 1f 40 00|.5./...%./....@.| data: raw bits 0x1010-0x104f.7 (64)
* |until 0x104f.7 (64) | |
0x4100|5f 00 00 00 |_... | name: ".plt" (95) 0x4100-0x4103.7 (4)
0x4100| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4104-0x4107.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4108-0x410f.7 (8)
0x4100| 06 | . | link_order: false 0x4108-0x4108 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | info_link: false 0x4108.1-0x4108.1 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | strings: false 0x4108.2-0x4108.2 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | merge: false 0x4108.3-0x4108.3 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x4108.4-0x4108.4 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | execinstr: true 0x4108.5-0x4108.5 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | alloc: true 0x4108.6-0x4108.6 (0.1)
0x4100| 06 | . | write: false 0x4108.7-0x4108.7 (0.1)
0x4100| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4109-0x4109 (0.1)
0x4100| 00 | . | group: false 0x4109.1-0x4109.1 (0.1)
0x4100| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4109.2-0x4109.2 (0.1)
0x4100| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4109.3-0x410a.3 (1.1)
0x4100| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x410a.4-0x410b.3 (1)
0x4100| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x410b.4-0x410b.7 (0.4)
0x4100| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x410c-0x410f.7 (4)
0x4110|10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x1010 0x4110-0x4117.7 (8)
0x4110| 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x1010 0x4118-0x411f.7 (8)
0x4120|40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |@....... | size: 64 0x4120-0x4127.7 (8)
0x4120| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4128-0x412b.7 (4)
0x4120| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x412c-0x412f.7 (4)
0x4130|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 16 0x4130-0x4137.7 (8)
0x4130| 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 16 0x4138-0x413f.7 (8)
| | | [10]{}: section_header 0x1050-0x417f.7 (12592)
0x1050|ff 25 82 2f 00 00 66 90 ff 25 82 2f 00 00 66 90|.%./..f..%./..f.| data: raw bits 0x1050-0x1067.7 (24)
0x1060|ff 25 92 2f 00 00 66 90 |.%./..f. |
0x4140|6a 00 00 00 |j... | name: ".plt.got" (106) 0x4140-0x4143.7 (4)
0x4140| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4144-0x4147.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4148-0x414f.7 (8)
0x4140| 06 | . | link_order: false 0x4148-0x4148 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | info_link: false 0x4148.1-0x4148.1 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | strings: false 0x4148.2-0x4148.2 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | merge: false 0x4148.3-0x4148.3 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x4148.4-0x4148.4 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | execinstr: true 0x4148.5-0x4148.5 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | alloc: true 0x4148.6-0x4148.6 (0.1)
0x4140| 06 | . | write: false 0x4148.7-0x4148.7 (0.1)
0x4140| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4149-0x4149 (0.1)
0x4140| 00 | . | group: false 0x4149.1-0x4149.1 (0.1)
0x4140| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4149.2-0x4149.2 (0.1)
0x4140| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4149.3-0x414a.3 (1.1)
0x4140| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x414a.4-0x414b.3 (1)
0x4140| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x414b.4-0x414b.7 (0.4)
0x4140| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x414c-0x414f.7 (4)
0x4150|50 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |P....... | addr: 0x1050 0x4150-0x4157.7 (8)
0x4150| 50 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| P.......| offset: 0x1050 0x4158-0x415f.7 (8)
0x4160|18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 24 0x4160-0x4167.7 (8)
0x4160| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4168-0x416b.7 (4)
0x4160| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x416c-0x416f.7 (4)
0x4170|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x4170-0x4177.7 (8)
0x4170| 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 8 0x4178-0x417f.7 (8)
| | | [11]{}: section_header 0x1070-0x41bf.7 (12624)
0x1070|48 31 ed 48 89 e7 48 8d 35 9b 2d 00 00 48 83 e4|H1.H..H.5.-..H..| data: raw bits 0x1070-0x1280.7 (529)
* |until 0x1280.7 (529) | |
0x4180|73 00 00 00 |s... | name: ".text" (115) 0x4180-0x4183.7 (4)
0x4180| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4184-0x4187.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4188-0x418f.7 (8)
0x4180| 06 | . | link_order: false 0x4188-0x4188 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | info_link: false 0x4188.1-0x4188.1 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | strings: false 0x4188.2-0x4188.2 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | merge: false 0x4188.3-0x4188.3 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x4188.4-0x4188.4 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | execinstr: true 0x4188.5-0x4188.5 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | alloc: true 0x4188.6-0x4188.6 (0.1)
0x4180| 06 | . | write: false 0x4188.7-0x4188.7 (0.1)
0x4180| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4189-0x4189 (0.1)
0x4180| 00 | . | group: false 0x4189.1-0x4189.1 (0.1)
0x4180| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4189.2-0x4189.2 (0.1)
0x4180| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4189.3-0x418a.3 (1.1)
0x4180| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x418a.4-0x418b.3 (1)
0x4180| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x418b.4-0x418b.7 (0.4)
0x4180| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x418c-0x418f.7 (4)
0x4190|70 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |p....... | addr: 0x1070 0x4190-0x4197.7 (8)
0x4190| 70 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| p.......| offset: 0x1070 0x4198-0x419f.7 (8)
0x41a0|11 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 529 0x41a0-0x41a7.7 (8)
0x41a0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x41a8-0x41ab.7 (4)
0x41a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x41ac-0x41af.7 (4)
0x41b0|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 16 0x41b0-0x41b7.7 (8)
0x41b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x41b8-0x41bf.7 (8)
| | | [12]{}: section_header 0x1281-0x41ff.7 (12159)
0x1280| 50 e8 99 fe ff ff 58 c3 | P.....X. | data: raw bits 0x1281-0x1288.7 (8)
0x41c0|79 00 00 00 |y... | name: ".fini" (121) 0x41c0-0x41c3.7 (4)
0x41c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x41c4-0x41c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x41c8-0x41cf.7 (8)
0x41c0| 06 | . | link_order: false 0x41c8-0x41c8 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | info_link: false 0x41c8.1-0x41c8.1 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | strings: false 0x41c8.2-0x41c8.2 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | merge: false 0x41c8.3-0x41c8.3 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | unused0: 0 0x41c8.4-0x41c8.4 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | execinstr: true 0x41c8.5-0x41c8.5 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | alloc: true 0x41c8.6-0x41c8.6 (0.1)
0x41c0| 06 | . | write: false 0x41c8.7-0x41c8.7 (0.1)
0x41c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x41c9-0x41c9 (0.1)
0x41c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x41c9.1-0x41c9.1 (0.1)
0x41c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x41c9.2-0x41c9.2 (0.1)
0x41c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x41c9.3-0x41ca.3 (1.1)
0x41c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x41ca.4-0x41cb.3 (1)
0x41c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x41cb.4-0x41cb.7 (0.4)
0x41c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x41cc-0x41cf.7 (4)
0x41d0|81 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x1281 0x41d0-0x41d7.7 (8)
0x41d0| 81 12 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x1281 0x41d8-0x41df.7 (8)
0x41e0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 8 0x41e0-0x41e7.7 (8)
0x41e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x41e8-0x41eb.7 (4)
0x41e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x41ec-0x41ef.7 (4)
0x41f0|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x41f0-0x41f7.7 (8)
0x41f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x41f8-0x41ff.7 (8)
| | | [13]{}: section_header 0x2000-0x423f.7 (8768)
0x2000|61 61 61 00 |aaa. | data: raw bits 0x2000-0x2003.7 (4)
0x4200|7f 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".rodata" (127) 0x4200-0x4203.7 (4)
0x4200| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4204-0x4207.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4208-0x420f.7 (8)
0x4200| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x4208-0x4208 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x4208.1-0x4208.1 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | strings: false 0x4208.2-0x4208.2 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | merge: false 0x4208.3-0x4208.3 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x4208.4-0x4208.4 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x4208.5-0x4208.5 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x4208.6-0x4208.6 (0.1)
0x4200| 02 | . | write: false 0x4208.7-0x4208.7 (0.1)
0x4200| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4209-0x4209 (0.1)
0x4200| 00 | . | group: false 0x4209.1-0x4209.1 (0.1)
0x4200| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4209.2-0x4209.2 (0.1)
0x4200| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4209.3-0x420a.3 (1.1)
0x4200| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x420a.4-0x420b.3 (1)
0x4200| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x420b.4-0x420b.7 (0.4)
0x4200| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x420c-0x420f.7 (4)
0x4210|00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | addr: 0x2000 0x4210-0x4217.7 (8)
0x4210| 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| offset: 0x2000 0x4218-0x421f.7 (8)
0x4220|04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 4 0x4220-0x4227.7 (8)
0x4220| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4228-0x422b.7 (4)
0x4220| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x422c-0x422f.7 (4)
0x4230|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4230-0x4237.7 (8)
0x4230| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4238-0x423f.7 (8)
| | | [14]{}: section_header 0x2004-0x427f.7 (8828)
0x2000| 01 1b 03 3b 28 00 00 00 04 00 00 00| ...;(.......| data: raw bits 0x2004-0x202f.7 (44)
0x2010|0c f0 ff ff 44 00 00 00 4c f0 ff ff 6c 00 00 00|....D...L...l...|
0x2020|01 f2 ff ff 84 00 00 00 14 f2 ff ff a4 00 00 00|................|
0x4240|87 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".eh_frame_hdr" (135) 0x4240-0x4243.7 (4)
0x4240| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4244-0x4247.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4248-0x424f.7 (8)
0x4240| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x4248-0x4248 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x4248.1-0x4248.1 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | strings: false 0x4248.2-0x4248.2 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | merge: false 0x4248.3-0x4248.3 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x4248.4-0x4248.4 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x4248.5-0x4248.5 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x4248.6-0x4248.6 (0.1)
0x4240| 02 | . | write: false 0x4248.7-0x4248.7 (0.1)
0x4240| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4249-0x4249 (0.1)
0x4240| 00 | . | group: false 0x4249.1-0x4249.1 (0.1)
0x4240| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4249.2-0x4249.2 (0.1)
0x4240| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4249.3-0x424a.3 (1.1)
0x4240| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x424a.4-0x424b.3 (1)
0x4240| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x424b.4-0x424b.7 (0.4)
0x4240| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x424c-0x424f.7 (4)
0x4250|04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | addr: 0x2004 0x4250-0x4257.7 (8)
0x4250| 04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| offset: 0x2004 0x4258-0x425f.7 (8)
0x4260|2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |,....... | size: 44 0x4260-0x4267.7 (8)
0x4260| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4268-0x426b.7 (4)
0x4260| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x426c-0x426f.7 (4)
0x4270|04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 4 0x4270-0x4277.7 (8)
0x4270| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4278-0x427f.7 (8)
| | | [15]{}: section_header 0x2030-0x42bf.7 (8848)
0x2030|14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 7a 52 00 01 78 10 01|.........zR..x..| data: raw bits 0x2030-0x20cb.7 (156)
* |until 0x20cb.7 (156) | |
0x4280|95 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".eh_frame" (149) 0x4280-0x4283.7 (4)
0x4280| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4284-0x4287.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4288-0x428f.7 (8)
0x4280| 02 | . | link_order: false 0x4288-0x4288 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | info_link: false 0x4288.1-0x4288.1 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | strings: false 0x4288.2-0x4288.2 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | merge: false 0x4288.3-0x4288.3 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | unused0: 0 0x4288.4-0x4288.4 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | execinstr: false 0x4288.5-0x4288.5 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | alloc: true 0x4288.6-0x4288.6 (0.1)
0x4280| 02 | . | write: false 0x4288.7-0x4288.7 (0.1)
0x4280| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4289-0x4289 (0.1)
0x4280| 00 | . | group: false 0x4289.1-0x4289.1 (0.1)
0x4280| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4289.2-0x4289.2 (0.1)
0x4280| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4289.3-0x428a.3 (1.1)
0x4280| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x428a.4-0x428b.3 (1)
0x4280| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x428b.4-0x428b.7 (0.4)
0x4280| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x428c-0x428f.7 (4)
0x4290|30 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0 ...... | addr: 0x2030 0x4290-0x4297.7 (8)
0x4290| 30 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| 0 ......| offset: 0x2030 0x4298-0x429f.7 (8)
0x42a0|9c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 156 0x42a0-0x42a7.7 (8)
0x42a0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x42a8-0x42ab.7 (4)
0x42a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x42ac-0x42af.7 (4)
0x42b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x42b0-0x42b7.7 (8)
0x42b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x42b8-0x42bf.7 (8)
| | | [16]{}: section_header 0x2df8-0x42ff.7 (5384)
0x2df0| ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff| ........| data: raw bits 0x2df8-0x2e07.7 (16)
0x2e00|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ |
0x42c0|9f 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".ctors" (159) 0x42c0-0x42c3.7 (4)
0x42c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x42c4-0x42c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x42c8-0x42cf.7 (8)
0x42c0| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x42c8-0x42c8 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x42c8.1-0x42c8.1 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | strings: false 0x42c8.2-0x42c8.2 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | merge: false 0x42c8.3-0x42c8.3 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x42c8.4-0x42c8.4 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x42c8.5-0x42c8.5 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x42c8.6-0x42c8.6 (0.1)
0x42c0| 03 | . | write: true 0x42c8.7-0x42c8.7 (0.1)
0x42c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x42c9-0x42c9 (0.1)
0x42c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x42c9.1-0x42c9.1 (0.1)
0x42c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x42c9.2-0x42c9.2 (0.1)
0x42c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x42c9.3-0x42ca.3 (1.1)
0x42c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x42ca.4-0x42cb.3 (1)
0x42c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x42cb.4-0x42cb.7 (0.4)
0x42c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x42cc-0x42cf.7 (4)
0x42d0|f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.=...... | addr: 0x3df8 0x42d0-0x42d7.7 (8)
0x42d0| f8 2d 00 00 00 00 00 00| .-......| offset: 0x2df8 0x42d8-0x42df.7 (8)
0x42e0|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 16 0x42e0-0x42e7.7 (8)
0x42e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x42e8-0x42eb.7 (4)
0x42e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x42ec-0x42ef.7 (4)
0x42f0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x42f0-0x42f7.7 (8)
0x42f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x42f8-0x42ff.7 (8)
| | | [17]{}: section_header 0x2e08-0x433f.7 (5432)
0x2e00| ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff| ........| data: raw bits 0x2e08-0x2e17.7 (16)
0x2e10|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ |
0x4300|a6 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".dtors" (166) 0x4300-0x4303.7 (4)
0x4300| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4304-0x4307.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4308-0x430f.7 (8)
0x4300| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x4308-0x4308 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x4308.1-0x4308.1 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | strings: false 0x4308.2-0x4308.2 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | merge: false 0x4308.3-0x4308.3 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x4308.4-0x4308.4 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x4308.5-0x4308.5 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x4308.6-0x4308.6 (0.1)
0x4300| 03 | . | write: true 0x4308.7-0x4308.7 (0.1)
0x4300| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4309-0x4309 (0.1)
0x4300| 00 | . | group: false 0x4309.1-0x4309.1 (0.1)
0x4300| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4309.2-0x4309.2 (0.1)
0x4300| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4309.3-0x430a.3 (1.1)
0x4300| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x430a.4-0x430b.3 (1)
0x4300| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x430b.4-0x430b.7 (0.4)
0x4300| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x430c-0x430f.7 (4)
0x4310|08 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.>...... | addr: 0x3e08 0x4310-0x4317.7 (8)
0x4310| 08 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x2e08 0x4318-0x431f.7 (8)
0x4320|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 16 0x4320-0x4327.7 (8)
0x4320| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4328-0x432b.7 (4)
0x4320| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x432c-0x432f.7 (4)
0x4330|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x4330-0x4337.7 (8)
0x4330| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4338-0x433f.7 (8)
| | | [18]{}: section_header 0x2e18-0x437f.7 (5480)
| | | dynamic_tags[0:21]: 0x2e18-0x2f67.7 (336)
| | | [0]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e18-0x2e27.7 (16)
0x2e10| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "needed" (1) (String table offset to name of a needed library) 0x2e18-0x2e1f.7 (8)
0x2e20|a2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: "libbbb.so" (162) 0x2e20-0x2e27.7 (8)
| | | [1]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e28-0x2e37.7 (16)
0x2e20| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "needed" (1) (String table offset to name of a needed library) 0x2e28-0x2e2f.7 (8)
0x2e30|ac 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: "libc.musl-x86_64.so.1" (172) 0x2e30-0x2e37.7 (8)
| | | [2]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e38-0x2e47.7 (16)
0x2e30| 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "init" (12) (Address of the initialization function) 0x2e38-0x2e3f.7 (8)
0x2e40|00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ptr: 0x1000 0x2e40-0x2e47.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 8 0x2e48-NA (0)
| | | [3]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e48-0x2e57.7 (16)
0x2e40| 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "fini" (13) (Address of the termination function) 0x2e48-0x2e4f.7 (8)
0x2e50|81 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ptr: 0x1281 0x2e50-0x2e57.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 12 0x2e58-NA (0)
| | | [4]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e58-0x2e67.7 (16)
0x2e50| f5 fe ff 6f 00 00 00 00| ...o....| tag: 1879047925 0x2e58-0x2e5f.7 (8)
0x2e60|30 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | unspecified: 0x330 0x2e60-0x2e67.7 (8)
| | | [5]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e68-0x2e77.7 (16)
0x2e60| 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "strtab" (5) (Address of string table) 0x2e68-0x2e6f.7 (8)
0x2e70|68 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 |h....... | ptr: 0x468 0x2e70-0x2e77.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 5 0x2e78-NA (0)
| | | [6]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e78-0x2e87.7 (16)
0x2e70| 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "symtab" (6) (Address of symbol table) 0x2e78-0x2e7f.7 (8)
0x2e80|60 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |`....... | ptr: 0x360 0x2e80-0x2e87.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 4 0x2e88-NA (0)
| | | [7]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e88-0x2e97.7 (16)
0x2e80| 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "strsz" (10) (Size in bytes of string table) 0x2e88-0x2e8f.7 (8)
0x2e90|c2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: 194 0x2e90-0x2e97.7 (8)
| | | [8]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2e98-0x2ea7.7 (16)
0x2e90| 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "syment" (11) (Size in bytes of a symbol table entry) 0x2e98-0x2e9f.7 (8)
0x2ea0|18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: 24 0x2ea0-0x2ea7.7 (8)
| | | [9]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2ea8-0x2eb7.7 (16)
0x2ea0| 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "debug" (21) (Undefined use for debugging) 0x2ea8-0x2eaf.7 (8)
0x2eb0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ptr: 0x0 0x2eb0-0x2eb7.7 (8)
| | | [10]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2eb8-0x2ec7.7 (16)
0x2eb0| 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "pltgot" (3) (Address of PLT and/or GOT) 0x2eb8-0x2ebf.7 (8)
0x2ec0|a8 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.?...... | ptr: 0x3fa8 0x2ec0-0x2ec7.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 19 0x2ec8-NA (0)
| | | [11]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2ec8-0x2ed7.7 (16)
0x2ec0| 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "pltrelsz" (2) (Size in bytes of PLT relocation entries) 0x2ec8-0x2ecf.7 (8)
0x2ed0|48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |H....... | val: 72 0x2ed0-0x2ed7.7 (8)
| | | [12]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2ed8-0x2ee7.7 (16)
0x2ed0| 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "pltrel" (20) (Type of relocation entry to which the PLT refers (Rela or Rel)) 0x2ed8-0x2edf.7 (8)
0x2ee0|07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: 7 0x2ee0-0x2ee7.7 (8)
| | | [13]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2ee8-0x2ef7.7 (16)
0x2ee0| 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "jmprel" (23) (Address of relocation entries associated solely with the PLT) 0x2ee8-0x2eef.7 (8)
0x2ef0|c0 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ptr: 0x5c0 0x2ef0-0x2ef7.7 (8)
| | | section_index: 7 0x2ef8-NA (0)
| | | [14]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2ef8-0x2f07.7 (16)
0x2ef0| 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "rela" (7) (Address of Rela relocation table) 0x2ef8-0x2eff.7 (8)
0x2f00|30 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | ptr: 0x530 0x2f00-0x2f07.7 (8)
| | | [15]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f08-0x2f17.7 (16)
0x2f00| 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "relasz" (8) (Size in bytes of the Rela relocation table) 0x2f08-0x2f0f.7 (8)
0x2f10|90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: 144 0x2f10-0x2f17.7 (8)
| | | [16]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f18-0x2f27.7 (16)
0x2f10| 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "relaent" (9) (Size in bytes of a Rela relocation table entry) 0x2f18-0x2f1f.7 (8)
0x2f20|18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | val: 24 0x2f20-0x2f27.7 (8)
| | | [17]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f28-0x2f37.7 (16)
0x2f20| 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "bind_now" (24) (Instruct dynamic linker to process all relocations before transferring control to the executable) 0x2f28-0x2f2f.7 (8)
0x2f30|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ignored: 0x0 0x2f30-0x2f37.7 (8)
| | | [18]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f38-0x2f47.7 (16)
0x2f30| fb ff ff 6f 00 00 00 00| ...o....| tag: 1879048187 0x2f38-0x2f3f.7 (8)
0x2f40|01 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 |........ | unspecified: 0x8000001 0x2f40-0x2f47.7 (8)
| | | [19]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f48-0x2f57.7 (16)
0x2f40| f9 ff ff 6f 00 00 00 00| ...o....| tag: 1879048185 0x2f48-0x2f4f.7 (8)
0x2f50|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | unspecified: 0x1 0x2f50-0x2f57.7 (8)
| | | [20]{}: dynamic_tags 0x2f58-0x2f67.7 (16)
0x2f50| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| tag: "null" (0) (Marks end of dynamic section) 0x2f58-0x2f5f.7 (8)
0x2f60|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | ignored: 0x0 0x2f60-0x2f67.7 (8)
0x4340|ad 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".dynamic" (173) 0x4340-0x4343.7 (4)
0x4340| 06 00 00 00 | .... | type: "dynamic" (0x6) (Information for dynamic linking) 0x4344-0x4347.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4348-0x434f.7 (8)
0x4340| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x4348-0x4348 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x4348.1-0x4348.1 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | strings: false 0x4348.2-0x4348.2 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | merge: false 0x4348.3-0x4348.3 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x4348.4-0x4348.4 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x4348.5-0x4348.5 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x4348.6-0x4348.6 (0.1)
0x4340| 03 | . | write: true 0x4348.7-0x4348.7 (0.1)
0x4340| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4349-0x4349 (0.1)
0x4340| 00 | . | group: false 0x4349.1-0x4349.1 (0.1)
0x4340| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4349.2-0x4349.2 (0.1)
0x4340| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4349.3-0x434a.3 (1.1)
0x4340| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x434a.4-0x434b.3 (1)
0x4340| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x434b.4-0x434b.7 (0.4)
0x4340| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x434c-0x434f.7 (4)
0x4350|18 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.>...... | addr: 0x3e18 0x4350-0x4357.7 (8)
0x4350| 18 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| offset: 0x2e18 0x4358-0x435f.7 (8)
0x4360|90 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 400 0x4360-0x4367.7 (8)
0x4360| 05 00 00 00 | .... | link: 5 0x4368-0x436b.7 (4)
0x4360| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x436c-0x436f.7 (4)
0x4370|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x4370-0x4377.7 (8)
0x4370| 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 16 0x4378-0x437f.7 (8)
| | | [19]{}: section_header 0x2fa8-0x43bf.7 (5144)
0x2fa0| 18 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00| .>......| data: raw bits 0x2fa8-0x2fff.7 (88)
0x2fb0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|................|
* |until 0x2fff.7 (88) | |
0x4380|6e 00 00 00 |n... | name: ".got" (110) 0x4380-0x4383.7 (4)
0x4380| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4384-0x4387.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4388-0x438f.7 (8)
0x4380| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x4388-0x4388 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x4388.1-0x4388.1 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | strings: false 0x4388.2-0x4388.2 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | merge: false 0x4388.3-0x4388.3 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x4388.4-0x4388.4 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x4388.5-0x4388.5 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x4388.6-0x4388.6 (0.1)
0x4380| 03 | . | write: true 0x4388.7-0x4388.7 (0.1)
0x4380| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4389-0x4389 (0.1)
0x4380| 00 | . | group: false 0x4389.1-0x4389.1 (0.1)
0x4380| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4389.2-0x4389.2 (0.1)
0x4380| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4389.3-0x438a.3 (1.1)
0x4380| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x438a.4-0x438b.3 (1)
0x4380| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x438b.4-0x438b.7 (0.4)
0x4380| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x438c-0x438f.7 (4)
0x4390|a8 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.?...... | addr: 0x3fa8 0x4390-0x4397.7 (8)
0x4390| a8 2f 00 00 00 00 00 00| ./......| offset: 0x2fa8 0x4398-0x439f.7 (8)
0x43a0|58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |X....... | size: 88 0x43a0-0x43a7.7 (8)
0x43a0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x43a8-0x43ab.7 (4)
0x43a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x43ac-0x43af.7 (4)
0x43b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x43b0-0x43b7.7 (8)
0x43b0| 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 8 0x43b8-0x43bf.7 (8)
| | | [20]{}: section_header 0x3000-0x43ff.7 (5120)
0x3000|00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.@...... | data: raw bits 0x3000-0x3007.7 (8)
0x43c0|b6 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".data" (182) 0x43c0-0x43c3.7 (4)
0x43c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x43c4-0x43c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x43c8-0x43cf.7 (8)
0x43c0| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x43c8-0x43c8 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x43c8.1-0x43c8.1 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | strings: false 0x43c8.2-0x43c8.2 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | merge: false 0x43c8.3-0x43c8.3 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x43c8.4-0x43c8.4 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x43c8.5-0x43c8.5 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x43c8.6-0x43c8.6 (0.1)
0x43c0| 03 | . | write: true 0x43c8.7-0x43c8.7 (0.1)
0x43c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x43c9-0x43c9 (0.1)
0x43c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x43c9.1-0x43c9.1 (0.1)
0x43c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x43c9.2-0x43c9.2 (0.1)
0x43c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x43c9.3-0x43ca.3 (1.1)
0x43c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x43ca.4-0x43cb.3 (1)
0x43c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x43cb.4-0x43cb.7 (0.4)
0x43c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x43cc-0x43cf.7 (4)
0x43d0|00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.@...... | addr: 0x4000 0x43d0-0x43d7.7 (8)
0x43d0| 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00| .0......| offset: 0x3000 0x43d8-0x43df.7 (8)
0x43e0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 8 0x43e0-0x43e7.7 (8)
0x43e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x43e8-0x43eb.7 (4)
0x43e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x43ec-0x43ef.7 (4)
0x43f0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x43f0-0x43f7.7 (8)
0x43f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x43f8-0x43ff.7 (8)
| | | [21]{}: section_header 0x3008-0x447f.7 (5240)
0x3000| 47 43 43 3a 20 28 41 6c| GCC: (Al| data: raw bits 0x3008-0x3069.7 (98)
0x3010|70 69 6e 65 20 31 30 2e 33 2e 31 5f 67 69 74 32|pine 10.3.1_git2|
* |until 0x3069.7 (98) | |
0x4440|c1 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".comment" (193) 0x4440-0x4443.7 (4)
0x4440| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4444-0x4447.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4448-0x444f.7 (8)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | link_order: false 0x4448-0x4448 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | info_link: false 0x4448.1-0x4448.1 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | strings: true 0x4448.2-0x4448.2 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | merge: true 0x4448.3-0x4448.3 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | unused0: 0 0x4448.4-0x4448.4 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | execinstr: false 0x4448.5-0x4448.5 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | alloc: false 0x4448.6-0x4448.6 (0.1)
0x4440| 30 | 0 | write: false 0x4448.7-0x4448.7 (0.1)
0x4440| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4449-0x4449 (0.1)
0x4440| 00 | . | group: false 0x4449.1-0x4449.1 (0.1)
0x4440| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4449.2-0x4449.2 (0.1)
0x4440| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4449.3-0x444a.3 (1.1)
0x4440| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x444a.4-0x444b.3 (1)
0x4440| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x444b.4-0x444b.7 (0.4)
0x4440| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x444c-0x444f.7 (4)
0x4450|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4450-0x4457.7 (8)
0x4450| 08 30 00 00 00 00 00 00| .0......| offset: 0x3008 0x4458-0x445f.7 (8)
0x4460|62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |b....... | size: 98 0x4460-0x4467.7 (8)
0x4460| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4468-0x446b.7 (4)
0x4460| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x446c-0x446f.7 (4)
0x4470|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4470-0x4477.7 (8)
0x4470| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 1 0x4478-0x447f.7 (8)
| | | [22]{}: section_header 0x3070-0x44bf.7 (5200)
0x3070|2c 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00|,...............| data: raw bits 0x3070-0x311f.7 (176)
* |until 0x311f.7 (176) | |
0x4480|ca 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_aranges" (202) 0x4480-0x4483.7 (4)
0x4480| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4484-0x4487.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4488-0x448f.7 (8)
0x4480| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4488-0x4488 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4488.1-0x4488.1 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4488.2-0x4488.2 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4488.3-0x4488.3 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4488.4-0x4488.4 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4488.5-0x4488.5 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4488.6-0x4488.6 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | write: false 0x4488.7-0x4488.7 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4489-0x4489 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | group: false 0x4489.1-0x4489.1 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4489.2-0x4489.2 (0.1)
0x4480| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4489.3-0x448a.3 (1.1)
0x4480| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x448a.4-0x448b.3 (1)
0x4480| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x448b.4-0x448b.7 (0.4)
0x4480| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x448c-0x448f.7 (4)
0x4490|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4490-0x4497.7 (8)
0x4490| 70 30 00 00 00 00 00 00| p0......| offset: 0x3070 0x4498-0x449f.7 (8)
0x44a0|b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 176 0x44a0-0x44a7.7 (8)
0x44a0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x44a8-0x44ab.7 (4)
0x44a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x44ac-0x44af.7 (4)
0x44b0|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 16 0x44b0-0x44b7.7 (8)
0x44b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x44b8-0x44bf.7 (8)
| | | [23]{}: section_header 0x3120-0x44ff.7 (5088)
0x3120|f1 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 08 01 53 00 00 00|............S...| data: raw bits 0x3120-0x3258.7 (313)
* |until 0x3258.7 (313) | |
0x44c0|d9 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_info" (217) 0x44c0-0x44c3.7 (4)
0x44c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x44c4-0x44c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x44c8-0x44cf.7 (8)
0x44c0| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x44c8-0x44c8 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x44c8.1-0x44c8.1 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | strings: false 0x44c8.2-0x44c8.2 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | merge: false 0x44c8.3-0x44c8.3 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x44c8.4-0x44c8.4 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x44c8.5-0x44c8.5 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x44c8.6-0x44c8.6 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | write: false 0x44c8.7-0x44c8.7 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x44c9-0x44c9 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x44c9.1-0x44c9.1 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x44c9.2-0x44c9.2 (0.1)
0x44c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x44c9.3-0x44ca.3 (1.1)
0x44c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x44ca.4-0x44cb.3 (1)
0x44c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x44cb.4-0x44cb.7 (0.4)
0x44c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x44cc-0x44cf.7 (4)
0x44d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x44d0-0x44d7.7 (8)
0x44d0| 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00| 1......| offset: 0x3120 0x44d8-0x44df.7 (8)
0x44e0|39 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |9....... | size: 313 0x44e0-0x44e7.7 (8)
0x44e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x44e8-0x44eb.7 (4)
0x44e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x44ec-0x44ef.7 (4)
0x44f0|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x44f0-0x44f7.7 (8)
0x44f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x44f8-0x44ff.7 (8)
| | | [24]{}: section_header 0x3259-0x453f.7 (4839)
0x3250| 01 11 01 25 0e 13 0b| ...%...| data: raw bits 0x3259-0x3320.7 (200)
0x3260|03 0e 1b 0e 55 17 11 01 10 17 00 00 02 24 00 0b|....U........$..|
* |until 0x3320.7 (200) | |
0x4500|e5 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_abbrev" (229) 0x4500-0x4503.7 (4)
0x4500| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4504-0x4507.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4508-0x450f.7 (8)
0x4500| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4508-0x4508 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4508.1-0x4508.1 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4508.2-0x4508.2 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4508.3-0x4508.3 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4508.4-0x4508.4 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4508.5-0x4508.5 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4508.6-0x4508.6 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | write: false 0x4508.7-0x4508.7 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4509-0x4509 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | group: false 0x4509.1-0x4509.1 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4509.2-0x4509.2 (0.1)
0x4500| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4509.3-0x450a.3 (1.1)
0x4500| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x450a.4-0x450b.3 (1)
0x4500| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x450b.4-0x450b.7 (0.4)
0x4500| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x450c-0x450f.7 (4)
0x4510|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4510-0x4517.7 (8)
0x4510| 59 32 00 00 00 00 00 00| Y2......| offset: 0x3259 0x4518-0x451f.7 (8)
0x4520|c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 200 0x4520-0x4527.7 (8)
0x4520| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4528-0x452b.7 (4)
0x4520| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x452c-0x452f.7 (4)
0x4530|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4530-0x4537.7 (8)
0x4530| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4538-0x453f.7 (8)
| | | [25]{}: section_header 0x3321-0x457f.7 (4703)
0x3320| 4c 00 00 00 03 00 21 00 00 00 01 01 fb 0e 0d| L.....!........| data: raw bits 0x3321-0x341c.7 (252)
0x3330|00 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 63 72 74 00|............crt.|
* |until 0x341c.7 (252) | |
0x4540|f3 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_line" (243) 0x4540-0x4543.7 (4)
0x4540| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4544-0x4547.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4548-0x454f.7 (8)
0x4540| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4548-0x4548 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4548.1-0x4548.1 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4548.2-0x4548.2 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4548.3-0x4548.3 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4548.4-0x4548.4 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4548.5-0x4548.5 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4548.6-0x4548.6 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | write: false 0x4548.7-0x4548.7 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4549-0x4549 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | group: false 0x4549.1-0x4549.1 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4549.2-0x4549.2 (0.1)
0x4540| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4549.3-0x454a.3 (1.1)
0x4540| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x454a.4-0x454b.3 (1)
0x4540| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x454b.4-0x454b.7 (0.4)
0x4540| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x454c-0x454f.7 (4)
0x4550|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4550-0x4557.7 (8)
0x4550| 21 33 00 00 00 00 00 00| !3......| offset: 0x3321 0x4558-0x455f.7 (8)
0x4560|fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 252 0x4560-0x4567.7 (8)
0x4560| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4568-0x456b.7 (4)
0x4560| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x456c-0x456f.7 (4)
0x4570|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4570-0x4577.7 (8)
0x4570| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4578-0x457f.7 (8)
| | | [26]{}: section_header 0x3420-0x45bf.7 (4512)
0x3420|14 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 01 00 01 78 10 0c 07 08|...........x....| data: raw bits 0x3420-0x344f.7 (48)
* |until 0x344f.7 (48) | |
0x4580|ff 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_frame" (255) 0x4580-0x4583.7 (4)
0x4580| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4584-0x4587.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4588-0x458f.7 (8)
0x4580| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4588-0x4588 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4588.1-0x4588.1 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4588.2-0x4588.2 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4588.3-0x4588.3 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4588.4-0x4588.4 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4588.5-0x4588.5 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4588.6-0x4588.6 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | write: false 0x4588.7-0x4588.7 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4589-0x4589 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | group: false 0x4589.1-0x4589.1 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4589.2-0x4589.2 (0.1)
0x4580| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4589.3-0x458a.3 (1.1)
0x4580| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x458a.4-0x458b.3 (1)
0x4580| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x458b.4-0x458b.7 (0.4)
0x4580| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x458c-0x458f.7 (4)
0x4590|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4590-0x4597.7 (8)
0x4590| 20 34 00 00 00 00 00 00| 4......| offset: 0x3420 0x4598-0x459f.7 (8)
0x45a0|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | size: 48 0x45a0-0x45a7.7 (8)
0x45a0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x45a8-0x45ab.7 (4)
0x45a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x45ac-0x45af.7 (4)
0x45b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x45b0-0x45b7.7 (8)
0x45b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x45b8-0x45bf.7 (8)
| | | [27]{}: section_header 0x3450-0x45ff.7 (4528)
0x3450|6c 6f 6e 67 20 6c 6f 6e 67 20 69 6e 74 00 63 72|long long int.cr| data: raw bits 0x3450-0x361d.7 (462)
* |until 0x361d.7 (462) | |
0x45c0|0c 01 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_str" (268) 0x45c0-0x45c3.7 (4)
0x45c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x45c4-0x45c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x45c8-0x45cf.7 (8)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | link_order: false 0x45c8-0x45c8 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | info_link: false 0x45c8.1-0x45c8.1 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | strings: true 0x45c8.2-0x45c8.2 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | merge: true 0x45c8.3-0x45c8.3 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | unused0: 0 0x45c8.4-0x45c8.4 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | execinstr: false 0x45c8.5-0x45c8.5 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | alloc: false 0x45c8.6-0x45c8.6 (0.1)
0x45c0| 30 | 0 | write: false 0x45c8.7-0x45c8.7 (0.1)
0x45c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x45c9-0x45c9 (0.1)
0x45c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x45c9.1-0x45c9.1 (0.1)
0x45c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x45c9.2-0x45c9.2 (0.1)
0x45c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x45c9.3-0x45ca.3 (1.1)
0x45c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x45ca.4-0x45cb.3 (1)
0x45c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x45cb.4-0x45cb.7 (0.4)
0x45c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x45cc-0x45cf.7 (4)
0x45d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x45d0-0x45d7.7 (8)
0x45d0| 50 34 00 00 00 00 00 00| P4......| offset: 0x3450 0x45d8-0x45df.7 (8)
0x45e0|ce 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 462 0x45e0-0x45e7.7 (8)
0x45e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x45e8-0x45eb.7 (4)
0x45e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x45ec-0x45ef.7 (4)
0x45f0|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x45f0-0x45f7.7 (8)
0x45f0| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 1 0x45f8-0x45ff.7 (8)
| | | [28]{}: section_header 0x361e-0x463f.7 (4130)
0x3610| 00 00| ..| data: raw bits 0x361e-0x3703.7 (230)
0x3620|00 00 00 00 86 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 a5 10 00 00|................|
* |until 0x3703.7 (230) | |
0x4600|17 01 00 00 |.... | name: ".debug_loc" (279) 0x4600-0x4603.7 (4)
0x4600| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4604-0x4607.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4608-0x460f.7 (8)
0x4600| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4608-0x4608 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4608.1-0x4608.1 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4608.2-0x4608.2 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4608.3-0x4608.3 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4608.4-0x4608.4 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4608.5-0x4608.5 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4608.6-0x4608.6 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | write: false 0x4608.7-0x4608.7 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4609-0x4609 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | group: false 0x4609.1-0x4609.1 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4609.2-0x4609.2 (0.1)
0x4600| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4609.3-0x460a.3 (1.1)
0x4600| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x460a.4-0x460b.3 (1)
0x4600| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x460b.4-0x460b.7 (0.4)
0x4600| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x460c-0x460f.7 (4)
0x4610|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4610-0x4617.7 (8)
0x4610| 1e 36 00 00 00 00 00 00| .6......| offset: 0x361e 0x4618-0x461f.7 (8)
0x4620|e6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 230 0x4620-0x4627.7 (8)
0x4620| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4628-0x462b.7 (4)
0x4620| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x462c-0x462f.7 (4)
0x4630|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4630-0x4637.7 (8)
0x4630| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4638-0x463f.7 (8)
| | | [29]{}: section_header 0x3710-0x467f.7 (3952)
0x3710|86 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa 10 00 00 00 00 00 00|................| data: raw bits 0x3710-0x37af.7 (160)
* |until 0x37af.7 (160) | |
0x4640|22 01 00 00 |"... | name: ".debug_ranges" (290) 0x4640-0x4643.7 (4)
0x4640| 01 00 00 00 | .... | type: "progbits" (0x1) (Information defined by the program) 0x4644-0x4647.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4648-0x464f.7 (8)
0x4640| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4648-0x4648 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4648.1-0x4648.1 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4648.2-0x4648.2 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4648.3-0x4648.3 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4648.4-0x4648.4 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4648.5-0x4648.5 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4648.6-0x4648.6 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | write: false 0x4648.7-0x4648.7 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4649-0x4649 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | group: false 0x4649.1-0x4649.1 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4649.2-0x4649.2 (0.1)
0x4640| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4649.3-0x464a.3 (1.1)
0x4640| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x464a.4-0x464b.3 (1)
0x4640| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x464b.4-0x464b.7 (0.4)
0x4640| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x464c-0x464f.7 (4)
0x4650|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4650-0x4657.7 (8)
0x4650| 10 37 00 00 00 00 00 00| .7......| offset: 0x3710 0x4658-0x465f.7 (8)
0x4660|a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 160 0x4660-0x4667.7 (8)
0x4660| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4668-0x466b.7 (4)
0x4660| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x466c-0x466f.7 (4)
0x4670|10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 16 0x4670-0x4677.7 (8)
0x4670| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4678-0x467f.7 (8)
| | | [30]{}: section_header 0x37b0-0x46bf.7 (3856)
| | | symbol_table[0:42]: 0x37b0-0x3b9f.7 (1008)
| | | [0]{}: symbol 0x37b0-0x37c7.7 (24)
0x37b0|00 00 00 00 |.... | name: "" (0) 0x37b0-0x37b3.7 (4)
0x37b0| 00 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x37b4-0x37b4.3 (0.4)
0x37b0| 00 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x37b4.4-0x37b4.7 (0.4)
0x37b0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x37b5-0x37b5.5 (0.6)
0x37b0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x37b5.6-0x37b5.7 (0.2)
0x37b0| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x37b6-0x37b7.7 (2)
0x37b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x37b8-0x37bf.7 (8)
0x37c0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x37c0-0x37c7.7 (8)
| | | [1]{}: symbol 0x37c8-0x37df.7 (24)
0x37c0| 01 00 00 00 | .... | name: "Scrt1.c" (1) 0x37c8-0x37cb.7 (4)
0x37c0| 04 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x37cc-0x37cc.3 (0.4)
0x37c0| 04 | . | type: "file" (4) 0x37cc.4-0x37cc.7 (0.4)
0x37c0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x37cd-0x37cd.5 (0.6)
0x37c0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x37cd.6-0x37cd.7 (0.2)
0x37c0| f1 ff| ..| shndx: 65521 0x37ce-0x37cf.7 (2)
0x37d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x37d0-0x37d7.7 (8)
0x37d0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x37d8-0x37df.7 (8)
| | | [2]{}: symbol 0x37e0-0x37f7.7 (24)
0x37e0|09 00 00 00 |.... | name: "crtstuff.c" (9) 0x37e0-0x37e3.7 (4)
0x37e0| 04 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x37e4-0x37e4.3 (0.4)
0x37e0| 04 | . | type: "file" (4) 0x37e4.4-0x37e4.7 (0.4)
0x37e0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x37e5-0x37e5.5 (0.6)
0x37e0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x37e5.6-0x37e5.7 (0.2)
0x37e0| f1 ff | .. | shndx: 65521 0x37e6-0x37e7.7 (2)
0x37e0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x37e8-0x37ef.7 (8)
0x37f0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x37f0-0x37f7.7 (8)
| | | [3]{}: symbol 0x37f8-0x380f.7 (24)
0x37f0| 14 00 00 00 | .... | name: "__CTOR_LIST__" (20) 0x37f8-0x37fb.7 (4)
0x37f0| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x37fc-0x37fc.3 (0.4)
0x37f0| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x37fc.4-0x37fc.7 (0.4)
0x37f0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x37fd-0x37fd.5 (0.6)
0x37f0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x37fd.6-0x37fd.7 (0.2)
0x37f0| 10 00| ..| shndx: 16 0x37fe-0x37ff.7 (2)
0x3800|f8 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.=...... | value: 15864 0x3800-0x3807.7 (8)
0x3800| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3808-0x380f.7 (8)
| | | [4]{}: symbol 0x3810-0x3827.7 (24)
0x3810|22 00 00 00 |"... | name: "__DTOR_LIST__" (34) 0x3810-0x3813.7 (4)
0x3810| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3814-0x3814.3 (0.4)
0x3810| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x3814.4-0x3814.7 (0.4)
0x3810| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3815-0x3815.5 (0.6)
0x3810| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3815.6-0x3815.7 (0.2)
0x3810| 11 00 | .. | shndx: 17 0x3816-0x3817.7 (2)
0x3810| 08 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00| .>......| value: 15880 0x3818-0x381f.7 (8)
0x3820|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3820-0x3827.7 (8)
| | | [5]{}: symbol 0x3828-0x383f.7 (24)
0x3820| 30 00 00 00 | 0... | name: "__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__" (48) 0x3828-0x382b.7 (4)
0x3820| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x382c-0x382c.3 (0.4)
0x3820| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x382c.4-0x382c.7 (0.4)
0x3820| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x382d-0x382d.5 (0.6)
0x3820| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x382d.6-0x382d.7 (0.2)
0x3820| 0f 00| ..| shndx: 15 0x382e-0x382f.7 (2)
0x3830|88 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | value: 8328 0x3830-0x3837.7 (8)
0x3830| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3838-0x383f.7 (8)
| | | [6]{}: symbol 0x3840-0x3857.7 (24)
0x3840|43 00 00 00 |C... | name: "deregister_tm_clones" (67) 0x3840-0x3843.7 (4)
0x3840| 02 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3844-0x3844.3 (0.4)
0x3840| 02 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3844.4-0x3844.7 (0.4)
0x3840| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3845-0x3845.5 (0.6)
0x3840| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3845.6-0x3845.7 (0.2)
0x3840| 0b 00 | .. | shndx: 11 0x3846-0x3847.7 (2)
0x3840| b0 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 4272 0x3848-0x384f.7 (8)
0x3850|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3850-0x3857.7 (8)
| | | [7]{}: symbol 0x3858-0x386f.7 (24)
0x3850| 45 00 00 00 | E... | name: "register_tm_clones" (69) 0x3858-0x385b.7 (4)
0x3850| 02 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x385c-0x385c.3 (0.4)
0x3850| 02 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x385c.4-0x385c.7 (0.4)
0x3850| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x385d-0x385d.5 (0.6)
0x3850| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x385d.6-0x385d.7 (0.2)
0x3850| 0b 00| ..| shndx: 11 0x385e-0x385f.7 (2)
0x3860|e0 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 4320 0x3860-0x3867.7 (8)
0x3860| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3868-0x386f.7 (8)
| | | [8]{}: symbol 0x3870-0x3887.7 (24)
0x3870|58 00 00 00 |X... | name: "__do_global_dtors_aux" (88) 0x3870-0x3873.7 (4)
0x3870| 02 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3874-0x3874.3 (0.4)
0x3870| 02 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3874.4-0x3874.7 (0.4)
0x3870| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3875-0x3875.5 (0.6)
0x3870| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3875.6-0x3875.7 (0.2)
0x3870| 0b 00 | .. | shndx: 11 0x3876-0x3877.7 (2)
0x3870| 20 11 00 00 00 00 00 00| .......| value: 4384 0x3878-0x387f.7 (8)
0x3880|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3880-0x3887.7 (8)
| | | [9]{}: symbol 0x3888-0x389f.7 (24)
0x3880| 6e 00 00 00 | n... | name: "completed.2" (110) 0x3888-0x388b.7 (4)
0x3880| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x388c-0x388c.3 (0.4)
0x3880| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x388c.4-0x388c.7 (0.4)
0x3880| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x388d-0x388d.5 (0.6)
0x3880| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x388d.6-0x388d.7 (0.2)
0x3880| 15 00| ..| shndx: 21 0x388e-0x388f.7 (2)
0x3890|20 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 | @...... | value: 16416 0x3890-0x3897.7 (8)
0x3890| 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 1 0x3898-0x389f.7 (8)
| | | [10]{}: symbol 0x38a0-0x38b7.7 (24)
0x38a0|7a 00 00 00 |z... | name: "dtor_idx.1" (122) 0x38a0-0x38a3.7 (4)
0x38a0| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x38a4-0x38a4.3 (0.4)
0x38a0| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x38a4.4-0x38a4.7 (0.4)
0x38a0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x38a5-0x38a5.5 (0.6)
0x38a0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x38a5.6-0x38a5.7 (0.2)
0x38a0| 15 00 | .. | shndx: 21 0x38a6-0x38a7.7 (2)
0x38a0| 28 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| (@......| value: 16424 0x38a8-0x38af.7 (8)
0x38b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 8 0x38b0-0x38b7.7 (8)
| | | [11]{}: symbol 0x38b8-0x38cf.7 (24)
0x38b0| 85 00 00 00 | .... | name: "frame_dummy" (133) 0x38b8-0x38bb.7 (4)
0x38b0| 02 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x38bc-0x38bc.3 (0.4)
0x38b0| 02 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x38bc.4-0x38bc.7 (0.4)
0x38b0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x38bd-0x38bd.5 (0.6)
0x38b0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x38bd.6-0x38bd.7 (0.2)
0x38b0| 0b 00| ..| shndx: 11 0x38be-0x38bf.7 (2)
0x38c0|d0 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 4560 0x38c0-0x38c7.7 (8)
0x38c0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x38c8-0x38cf.7 (8)
| | | [12]{}: symbol 0x38d0-0x38e7.7 (24)
0x38d0|91 00 00 00 |.... | name: "object.0" (145) 0x38d0-0x38d3.7 (4)
0x38d0| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x38d4-0x38d4.3 (0.4)
0x38d0| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x38d4.4-0x38d4.7 (0.4)
0x38d0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x38d5-0x38d5.5 (0.6)
0x38d0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x38d5.6-0x38d5.7 (0.2)
0x38d0| 15 00 | .. | shndx: 21 0x38d6-0x38d7.7 (2)
0x38d0| 40 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| @@......| value: 16448 0x38d8-0x38df.7 (8)
0x38e0|30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | size: 48 0x38e0-0x38e7.7 (8)
| | | [13]{}: symbol 0x38e8-0x38ff.7 (24)
0x38e0| 09 00 00 00 | .... | name: "crtstuff.c" (9) 0x38e8-0x38eb.7 (4)
0x38e0| 04 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x38ec-0x38ec.3 (0.4)
0x38e0| 04 | . | type: "file" (4) 0x38ec.4-0x38ec.7 (0.4)
0x38e0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x38ed-0x38ed.5 (0.6)
0x38e0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x38ed.6-0x38ed.7 (0.2)
0x38e0| f1 ff| ..| shndx: 65521 0x38ee-0x38ef.7 (2)
0x38f0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x38f0-0x38f7.7 (8)
0x38f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x38f8-0x38ff.7 (8)
| | | [14]{}: symbol 0x3900-0x3917.7 (24)
0x3900|9a 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__CTOR_END__" (154) 0x3900-0x3903.7 (4)
0x3900| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3904-0x3904.3 (0.4)
0x3900| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x3904.4-0x3904.7 (0.4)
0x3900| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3905-0x3905.5 (0.6)
0x3900| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3905.6-0x3905.7 (0.2)
0x3900| 10 00 | .. | shndx: 16 0x3906-0x3907.7 (2)
0x3900| 00 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00| .>......| value: 15872 0x3908-0x390f.7 (8)
0x3910|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3910-0x3917.7 (8)
| | | [15]{}: symbol 0x3918-0x392f.7 (24)
0x3910| a7 00 00 00 | .... | name: "__FRAME_END__" (167) 0x3918-0x391b.7 (4)
0x3910| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x391c-0x391c.3 (0.4)
0x3910| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x391c.4-0x391c.7 (0.4)
0x3910| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x391d-0x391d.5 (0.6)
0x3910| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x391d.6-0x391d.7 (0.2)
0x3910| 0f 00| ..| shndx: 15 0x391e-0x391f.7 (2)
0x3920|c8 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 |. ...... | value: 8392 0x3920-0x3927.7 (8)
0x3920| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3928-0x392f.7 (8)
| | | [16]{}: symbol 0x3930-0x3947.7 (24)
0x3930|b5 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__do_global_ctors_aux" (181) 0x3930-0x3933.7 (4)
0x3930| 02 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3934-0x3934.3 (0.4)
0x3930| 02 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3934.4-0x3934.7 (0.4)
0x3930| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3935-0x3935.5 (0.6)
0x3930| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3935.6-0x3935.7 (0.2)
0x3930| 0b 00 | .. | shndx: 11 0x3936-0x3937.7 (2)
0x3930| 40 12 00 00 00 00 00 00| @.......| value: 4672 0x3938-0x393f.7 (8)
0x3940|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3940-0x3947.7 (8)
| | | [17]{}: symbol 0x3948-0x395f.7 (24)
0x3940| cb 00 00 00 | .... | name: "a.c" (203) 0x3948-0x394b.7 (4)
0x3940| 04 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x394c-0x394c.3 (0.4)
0x3940| 04 | . | type: "file" (4) 0x394c.4-0x394c.7 (0.4)
0x3940| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x394d-0x394d.5 (0.6)
0x3940| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x394d.6-0x394d.7 (0.2)
0x3940| f1 ff| ..| shndx: 65521 0x394e-0x394f.7 (2)
0x3950|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3950-0x3957.7 (8)
0x3950| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3958-0x395f.7 (8)
| | | [18]{}: symbol 0x3960-0x3977.7 (24)
0x3960|00 00 00 00 |.... | name: "" (0) 0x3960-0x3963.7 (4)
0x3960| 04 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3964-0x3964.3 (0.4)
0x3960| 04 | . | type: "file" (4) 0x3964.4-0x3964.7 (0.4)
0x3960| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3965-0x3965.5 (0.6)
0x3960| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3965.6-0x3965.7 (0.2)
0x3960| f1 ff | .. | shndx: 65521 0x3966-0x3967.7 (2)
0x3960| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x3968-0x396f.7 (8)
0x3970|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3970-0x3977.7 (8)
| | | [19]{}: symbol 0x3978-0x398f.7 (24)
0x3970| cf 00 00 00 | .... | name: "_DYNAMIC" (207) 0x3978-0x397b.7 (4)
0x3970| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x397c-0x397c.3 (0.4)
0x3970| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x397c.4-0x397c.7 (0.4)
0x3970| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x397d-0x397d.5 (0.6)
0x3970| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x397d.6-0x397d.7 (0.2)
0x3970| 12 00| ..| shndx: 18 0x397e-0x397f.7 (2)
0x3980|18 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.>...... | value: 15896 0x3980-0x3987.7 (8)
0x3980| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3988-0x398f.7 (8)
| | | [20]{}: symbol 0x3990-0x39a7.7 (24)
0x3990|d8 00 00 00 |.... | name: "__GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR" (216) 0x3990-0x3993.7 (4)
0x3990| 00 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x3994-0x3994.3 (0.4)
0x3990| 00 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x3994.4-0x3994.7 (0.4)
0x3990| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3995-0x3995.5 (0.6)
0x3990| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3995.6-0x3995.7 (0.2)
0x3990| 0e 00 | .. | shndx: 14 0x3996-0x3997.7 (2)
0x3990| 04 20 00 00 00 00 00 00| . ......| value: 8196 0x3998-0x399f.7 (8)
0x39a0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x39a0-0x39a7.7 (8)
| | | [21]{}: symbol 0x39a8-0x39bf.7 (24)
0x39a0| eb 00 00 00 | .... | name: "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" (235) 0x39a8-0x39ab.7 (4)
0x39a0| 01 | . | bind: "local" (0) 0x39ac-0x39ac.3 (0.4)
0x39a0| 01 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x39ac.4-0x39ac.7 (0.4)
0x39a0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x39ad-0x39ad.5 (0.6)
0x39a0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x39ad.6-0x39ad.7 (0.2)
0x39a0| 13 00| ..| shndx: 19 0x39ae-0x39af.7 (2)
0x39b0|a8 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.?...... | value: 16296 0x39b0-0x39b7.7 (8)
0x39b0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x39b8-0x39bf.7 (8)
| | | [22]{}: symbol 0x39c0-0x39d7.7 (24)
0x39c0|01 01 00 00 |.... | name: "__TMC_END__" (257) 0x39c0-0x39c3.7 (4)
0x39c0| 11 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x39c4-0x39c4.3 (0.4)
0x39c0| 11 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x39c4.4-0x39c4.7 (0.4)
0x39c0| 02 | . | other_unused: 0 0x39c5-0x39c5.5 (0.6)
0x39c0| 02 | . | visibility: "hidden" (2) 0x39c5.6-0x39c5.7 (0.2)
0x39c0| 14 00 | .. | shndx: 20 0x39c6-0x39c7.7 (2)
0x39c0| 08 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| .@......| value: 16392 0x39c8-0x39cf.7 (8)
0x39d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x39d0-0x39d7.7 (8)
| | | [23]{}: symbol 0x39d8-0x39ef.7 (24)
0x39d0| 0d 01 00 00 | .... | name: "__DTOR_END__" (269) 0x39d8-0x39db.7 (4)
0x39d0| 11 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x39dc-0x39dc.3 (0.4)
0x39d0| 11 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x39dc.4-0x39dc.7 (0.4)
0x39d0| 02 | . | other_unused: 0 0x39dd-0x39dd.5 (0.6)
0x39d0| 02 | . | visibility: "hidden" (2) 0x39dd.6-0x39dd.7 (0.2)
0x39d0| 11 00| ..| shndx: 17 0x39de-0x39df.7 (2)
0x39e0|10 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.>...... | value: 15888 0x39e0-0x39e7.7 (8)
0x39e0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x39e8-0x39ef.7 (8)
| | | [24]{}: symbol 0x39f0-0x3a07.7 (24)
0x39f0|1a 01 00 00 |.... | name: "puts" (282) 0x39f0-0x39f3.7 (4)
0x39f0| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x39f4-0x39f4.3 (0.4)
0x39f0| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x39f4.4-0x39f4.7 (0.4)
0x39f0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x39f5-0x39f5.5 (0.6)
0x39f0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x39f5.6-0x39f5.7 (0.2)
0x39f0| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x39f6-0x39f7.7 (2)
0x39f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x39f8-0x39ff.7 (8)
0x3a00|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3a00-0x3a07.7 (8)
| | | [25]{}: symbol 0x3a08-0x3a1f.7 (24)
0x3a00| 1f 01 00 00 | .... | name: "__cxa_finalize" (287) 0x3a08-0x3a0b.7 (4)
0x3a00| 22 | " | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3a0c-0x3a0c.3 (0.4)
0x3a00| 22 | " | type: "func" (2) 0x3a0c.4-0x3a0c.7 (0.4)
0x3a00| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a0d-0x3a0d.5 (0.6)
0x3a00| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a0d.6-0x3a0d.7 (0.2)
0x3a00| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3a0e-0x3a0f.7 (2)
0x3a10|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3a10-0x3a17.7 (8)
0x3a10| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3a18-0x3a1f.7 (8)
| | | [26]{}: symbol 0x3a20-0x3a37.7 (24)
0x3a20|2e 01 00 00 |.... | name: "__dso_handle" (302) 0x3a20-0x3a23.7 (4)
0x3a20| 11 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3a24-0x3a24.3 (0.4)
0x3a20| 11 | . | type: "object" (1) 0x3a24.4-0x3a24.7 (0.4)
0x3a20| 02 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a25-0x3a25.5 (0.6)
0x3a20| 02 | . | visibility: "hidden" (2) 0x3a25.6-0x3a25.7 (0.2)
0x3a20| 14 00 | .. | shndx: 20 0x3a26-0x3a27.7 (2)
0x3a20| 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| .@......| value: 16384 0x3a28-0x3a2f.7 (8)
0x3a30|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3a30-0x3a37.7 (8)
| | | [27]{}: symbol 0x3a38-0x3a4f.7 (24)
0x3a30| 3b 01 00 00 | ;... | name: "aaa" (315) 0x3a38-0x3a3b.7 (4)
0x3a30| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3a3c-0x3a3c.3 (0.4)
0x3a30| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3a3c.4-0x3a3c.7 (0.4)
0x3a30| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a3d-0x3a3d.5 (0.6)
0x3a30| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a3d.6-0x3a3d.7 (0.2)
0x3a30| 0b 00| ..| shndx: 11 0x3a3e-0x3a3f.7 (2)
0x3a40|05 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 4613 0x3a40-0x3a47.7 (8)
0x3a40| 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 19 0x3a48-0x3a4f.7 (8)
| | | [28]{}: symbol 0x3a50-0x3a67.7 (24)
0x3a50|3f 01 00 00 |?... | name: "_init" (319) 0x3a50-0x3a53.7 (4)
0x3a50| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3a54-0x3a54.3 (0.4)
0x3a50| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3a54.4-0x3a54.7 (0.4)
0x3a50| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a55-0x3a55.5 (0.6)
0x3a50| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a55.6-0x3a55.7 (0.2)
0x3a50| 08 00 | .. | shndx: 8 0x3a56-0x3a57.7 (2)
0x3a50| 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 4096 0x3a58-0x3a5f.7 (8)
0x3a60|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 1 0x3a60-0x3a67.7 (8)
| | | [29]{}: symbol 0x3a68-0x3a7f.7 (24)
0x3a60| 45 01 00 00 | E... | name: "__deregister_frame_info" (325) 0x3a68-0x3a6b.7 (4)
0x3a60| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3a6c-0x3a6c.3 (0.4)
0x3a60| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3a6c.4-0x3a6c.7 (0.4)
0x3a60| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a6d-0x3a6d.5 (0.6)
0x3a60| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a6d.6-0x3a6d.7 (0.2)
0x3a60| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3a6e-0x3a6f.7 (2)
0x3a70|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3a70-0x3a77.7 (8)
0x3a70| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3a78-0x3a7f.7 (8)
| | | [30]{}: symbol 0x3a80-0x3a97.7 (24)
0x3a80|5d 01 00 00 |]... | name: "_ITM_registerTMCloneTable" (349) 0x3a80-0x3a83.7 (4)
0x3a80| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3a84-0x3a84.3 (0.4)
0x3a80| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3a84.4-0x3a84.7 (0.4)
0x3a80| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a85-0x3a85.5 (0.6)
0x3a80| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a85.6-0x3a85.7 (0.2)
0x3a80| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x3a86-0x3a87.7 (2)
0x3a80| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x3a88-0x3a8f.7 (8)
0x3a90|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3a90-0x3a97.7 (8)
| | | [31]{}: symbol 0x3a98-0x3aaf.7 (24)
0x3a90| a1 01 00 00 | .... | name: "_start" (417) 0x3a98-0x3a9b.7 (4)
0x3a90| 10 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3a9c-0x3a9c.3 (0.4)
0x3a90| 10 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x3a9c.4-0x3a9c.7 (0.4)
0x3a90| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3a9d-0x3a9d.5 (0.6)
0x3a90| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3a9d.6-0x3a9d.7 (0.2)
0x3a90| 0b 00| ..| shndx: 11 0x3a9e-0x3a9f.7 (2)
0x3aa0|70 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 |p....... | value: 4208 0x3aa0-0x3aa7.7 (8)
0x3aa0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3aa8-0x3aaf.7 (8)
| | | [32]{}: symbol 0x3ab0-0x3ac7.7 (24)
0x3ab0|77 01 00 00 |w... | name: "_start_c" (375) 0x3ab0-0x3ab3.7 (4)
0x3ab0| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3ab4-0x3ab4.3 (0.4)
0x3ab0| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3ab4.4-0x3ab4.7 (0.4)
0x3ab0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3ab5-0x3ab5.5 (0.6)
0x3ab0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3ab5.6-0x3ab5.7 (0.2)
0x3ab0| 0b 00 | .. | shndx: 11 0x3ab6-0x3ab7.7 (2)
0x3ab0| 86 10 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 4230 0x3ab8-0x3abf.7 (8)
0x3ac0|24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |$....... | size: 36 0x3ac0-0x3ac7.7 (8)
| | | [33]{}: symbol 0x3ac8-0x3adf.7 (24)
0x3ac0| 80 01 00 00 | .... | name: "_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable" (384) 0x3ac8-0x3acb.7 (4)
0x3ac0| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3acc-0x3acc.3 (0.4)
0x3ac0| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3acc.4-0x3acc.7 (0.4)
0x3ac0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3acd-0x3acd.5 (0.6)
0x3ac0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3acd.6-0x3acd.7 (0.2)
0x3ac0| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3ace-0x3acf.7 (2)
0x3ad0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3ad0-0x3ad7.7 (8)
0x3ad0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3ad8-0x3adf.7 (8)
| | | [34]{}: symbol 0x3ae0-0x3af7.7 (24)
0x3ae0|9c 01 00 00 |.... | name: "__bss_start" (412) 0x3ae0-0x3ae3.7 (4)
0x3ae0| 10 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3ae4-0x3ae4.3 (0.4)
0x3ae0| 10 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x3ae4.4-0x3ae4.7 (0.4)
0x3ae0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3ae5-0x3ae5.5 (0.6)
0x3ae0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3ae5.6-0x3ae5.7 (0.2)
0x3ae0| 15 00 | .. | shndx: 21 0x3ae6-0x3ae7.7 (2)
0x3ae0| 08 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| .@......| value: 16392 0x3ae8-0x3aef.7 (8)
0x3af0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3af0-0x3af7.7 (8)
| | | [35]{}: symbol 0x3af8-0x3b0f.7 (24)
0x3af0| d2 01 00 00 | .... | name: "main" (466) 0x3af8-0x3afb.7 (4)
0x3af0| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3afc-0x3afc.3 (0.4)
0x3af0| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3afc.4-0x3afc.7 (0.4)
0x3af0| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3afd-0x3afd.5 (0.6)
0x3af0| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3afd.6-0x3afd.7 (0.2)
0x3af0| 0b 00| ..| shndx: 11 0x3afe-0x3aff.7 (2)
0x3b00|18 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 4632 0x3b00-0x3b07.7 (8)
0x3b00| 1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 31 0x3b08-0x3b0f.7 (8)
| | | [36]{}: symbol 0x3b10-0x3b27.7 (24)
0x3b10|a8 01 00 00 |.... | name: "_fini" (424) 0x3b10-0x3b13.7 (4)
0x3b10| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3b14-0x3b14.3 (0.4)
0x3b10| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3b14.4-0x3b14.7 (0.4)
0x3b10| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b15-0x3b15.5 (0.6)
0x3b10| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b15.6-0x3b15.7 (0.2)
0x3b10| 0c 00 | .. | shndx: 12 0x3b16-0x3b17.7 (2)
0x3b10| 81 12 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 4737 0x3b18-0x3b1f.7 (8)
0x3b20|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 1 0x3b20-0x3b27.7 (8)
| | | [37]{}: symbol 0x3b28-0x3b3f.7 (24)
0x3b20| ae 01 00 00 | .... | name: "_edata" (430) 0x3b28-0x3b2b.7 (4)
0x3b20| 10 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3b2c-0x3b2c.3 (0.4)
0x3b20| 10 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x3b2c.4-0x3b2c.7 (0.4)
0x3b20| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b2d-0x3b2d.5 (0.6)
0x3b20| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b2d.6-0x3b2d.7 (0.2)
0x3b20| 14 00| ..| shndx: 20 0x3b2e-0x3b2f.7 (2)
0x3b30|08 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.@...... | value: 16392 0x3b30-0x3b37.7 (8)
0x3b30| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3b38-0x3b3f.7 (8)
| | | [38]{}: symbol 0x3b40-0x3b57.7 (24)
0x3b40|b5 01 00 00 |.... | name: "_end" (437) 0x3b40-0x3b43.7 (4)
0x3b40| 10 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3b44-0x3b44.3 (0.4)
0x3b40| 10 | . | type: "notype" (0) 0x3b44.4-0x3b44.7 (0.4)
0x3b40| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b45-0x3b45.5 (0.6)
0x3b40| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b45.6-0x3b45.7 (0.2)
0x3b40| 15 00 | .. | shndx: 21 0x3b46-0x3b47.7 (2)
0x3b40| 70 40 00 00 00 00 00 00| p@......| value: 16496 0x3b48-0x3b4f.7 (8)
0x3b50|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3b50-0x3b57.7 (8)
| | | [39]{}: symbol 0x3b58-0x3b6f.7 (24)
0x3b50| ba 01 00 00 | .... | name: "libbbb_bbb" (442) 0x3b58-0x3b5b.7 (4)
0x3b50| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3b5c-0x3b5c.3 (0.4)
0x3b50| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3b5c.4-0x3b5c.7 (0.4)
0x3b50| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b5d-0x3b5d.5 (0.6)
0x3b50| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b5d.6-0x3b5d.7 (0.2)
0x3b50| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3b5e-0x3b5f.7 (2)
0x3b60|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3b60-0x3b67.7 (8)
0x3b60| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3b68-0x3b6f.7 (8)
| | | [40]{}: symbol 0x3b70-0x3b87.7 (24)
0x3b70|c5 01 00 00 |.... | name: "__libc_start_main" (453) 0x3b70-0x3b73.7 (4)
0x3b70| 12 | . | bind: "global" (1) 0x3b74-0x3b74.3 (0.4)
0x3b70| 12 | . | type: "func" (2) 0x3b74.4-0x3b74.7 (0.4)
0x3b70| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b75-0x3b75.5 (0.6)
0x3b70| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b75.6-0x3b75.7 (0.2)
0x3b70| 00 00 | .. | shndx: 0 0x3b76-0x3b77.7 (2)
0x3b70| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| value: 0 0x3b78-0x3b7f.7 (8)
0x3b80|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 0 0x3b80-0x3b87.7 (8)
| | | [41]{}: symbol 0x3b88-0x3b9f.7 (24)
0x3b80| d7 01 00 00 | .... | name: "__register_frame_info" (471) 0x3b88-0x3b8b.7 (4)
0x3b80| 20 | | bind: "weak" (2) 0x3b8c-0x3b8c.3 (0.4)
0x3b80| 20 | | type: "notype" (0) 0x3b8c.4-0x3b8c.7 (0.4)
0x3b80| 00 | . | other_unused: 0 0x3b8d-0x3b8d.5 (0.6)
0x3b80| 00 | . | visibility: "default" (0) 0x3b8d.6-0x3b8d.7 (0.2)
0x3b80| 00 00| ..| shndx: 0 0x3b8e-0x3b8f.7 (2)
0x3b90|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | value: 0 0x3b90-0x3b97.7 (8)
0x3b90| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| size: 0 0x3b98-0x3b9f.7 (8)
0x4680|01 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".symtab" (1) 0x4680-0x4683.7 (4)
0x4680| 02 00 00 00 | .... | type: "symtab" (0x2) (Symbol table) 0x4684-0x4687.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4688-0x468f.7 (8)
0x4680| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4688-0x4688 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4688.1-0x4688.1 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4688.2-0x4688.2 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4688.3-0x4688.3 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4688.4-0x4688.4 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4688.5-0x4688.5 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4688.6-0x4688.6 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | write: false 0x4688.7-0x4688.7 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4689-0x4689 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | group: false 0x4689.1-0x4689.1 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4689.2-0x4689.2 (0.1)
0x4680| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4689.3-0x468a.3 (1.1)
0x4680| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x468a.4-0x468b.3 (1)
0x4680| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x468b.4-0x468b.7 (0.4)
0x4680| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x468c-0x468f.7 (4)
0x4690|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4690-0x4697.7 (8)
0x4690| b0 37 00 00 00 00 00 00| .7......| offset: 0x37b0 0x4698-0x469f.7 (8)
0x46a0|f0 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 1008 0x46a0-0x46a7.7 (8)
0x46a0| 20 00 00 00 | ... | link: 32 0x46a8-0x46ab.7 (4)
0x46a0| 16 00 00 00| ....| info: 22 0x46ac-0x46af.7 (4)
0x46b0|08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 8 0x46b0-0x46b7.7 (8)
0x46b0| 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 24 0x46b8-0x46bf.7 (8)
| | | [31]{}: section_header 0x3ba0-0x46ff.7 (2912)
0x3ba0|00 53 63 72 74 31 2e 63 00 63 72 74 73 74 75 66|.Scrt1.c.crtstuf| string: "\x00Scrt1.c\x00crtstuff.c\x00__CTOR_LIST__\x00__DTOR_LIST__\x00__"... 0x3ba0-0x3d8c.7 (493)
* |until 0x3d8c.7 (493) | |
0x46c0|09 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".strtab" (9) 0x46c0-0x46c3.7 (4)
0x46c0| 03 00 00 00 | .... | type: "strtab" (0x3) (String table) 0x46c4-0x46c7.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x46c8-0x46cf.7 (8)
0x46c0| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x46c8-0x46c8 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x46c8.1-0x46c8.1 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | strings: false 0x46c8.2-0x46c8.2 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | merge: false 0x46c8.3-0x46c8.3 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x46c8.4-0x46c8.4 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x46c8.5-0x46c8.5 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x46c8.6-0x46c8.6 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | write: false 0x46c8.7-0x46c8.7 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | tls: false 0x46c9-0x46c9 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | group: false 0x46c9.1-0x46c9.1 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x46c9.2-0x46c9.2 (0.1)
0x46c0| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x46c9.3-0x46ca.3 (1.1)
0x46c0| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x46ca.4-0x46cb.3 (1)
0x46c0| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x46cb.4-0x46cb.7 (0.4)
0x46c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x46cc-0x46cf.7 (4)
0x46d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x46d0-0x46d7.7 (8)
0x46d0| a0 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00| .;......| offset: 0x3ba0 0x46d8-0x46df.7 (8)
0x46e0|ed 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | size: 493 0x46e0-0x46e7.7 (8)
0x46e0| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x46e8-0x46eb.7 (4)
0x46e0| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x46ec-0x46ef.7 (4)
0x46f0|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x46f0-0x46f7.7 (8)
0x46f0| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x46f8-0x46ff.7 (8)
| | | [32]{}: section_header 0x3d8d-0x473f.7 (2483)
0x3d80| 00 2e 73| ..s| string: "\x00.symtab\x00.strtab\x00.shstrtab\x00.interp\x00.note.gnu.prope"... 0x3d8d-0x3ebc.7 (304)
0x3d90|79 6d 74 61 62 00 2e 73 74 72 74 61 62 00 2e 73|ymtab..strtab..s|
* |until 0x3ebc.7 (304) | |
0x4700|11 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".shstrtab" (17) 0x4700-0x4703.7 (4)
0x4700| 03 00 00 00 | .... | type: "strtab" (0x3) (String table) 0x4704-0x4707.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4708-0x470f.7 (8)
0x4700| 00 | . | link_order: false 0x4708-0x4708 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | info_link: false 0x4708.1-0x4708.1 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | strings: false 0x4708.2-0x4708.2 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | merge: false 0x4708.3-0x4708.3 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | unused0: 0 0x4708.4-0x4708.4 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | execinstr: false 0x4708.5-0x4708.5 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | alloc: false 0x4708.6-0x4708.6 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | write: false 0x4708.7-0x4708.7 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4709-0x4709 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | group: false 0x4709.1-0x4709.1 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4709.2-0x4709.2 (0.1)
0x4700| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4709.3-0x470a.3 (1.1)
0x4700| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x470a.4-0x470b.3 (1)
0x4700| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x470b.4-0x470b.7 (0.4)
0x4700| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x470c-0x470f.7 (4)
0x4710|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addr: 0x0 0x4710-0x4717.7 (8)
0x4710| 8d 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00| .=......| offset: 0x3d8d 0x4718-0x471f.7 (8)
0x4720|30 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 |0....... | size: 304 0x4720-0x4727.7 (8)
0x4720| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4728-0x472b.7 (4)
0x4720| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x472c-0x472f.7 (4)
0x4730|01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........ | addralign: 1 0x4730-0x4737.7 (8)
0x4730| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4738-0x473f.7 (8)
| | | [33]{}: section_header 0x4400-0x443f.7 (64)
0x4400|bc 00 00 00 |.... | name: ".bss" (188) 0x4400-0x4403.7 (4)
0x4400| 08 00 00 00 | .... | type: "nobits" (0x8) (No space in the file) 0x4404-0x4407.7 (4)
| | | flags{}: 0x4408-0x440f.7 (8)
0x4400| 03 | . | link_order: false 0x4408-0x4408 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | info_link: false 0x4408.1-0x4408.1 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | strings: false 0x4408.2-0x4408.2 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | merge: false 0x4408.3-0x4408.3 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | unused0: 0 0x4408.4-0x4408.4 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | execinstr: false 0x4408.5-0x4408.5 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | alloc: true 0x4408.6-0x4408.6 (0.1)
0x4400| 03 | . | write: true 0x4408.7-0x4408.7 (0.1)
0x4400| 00 | . | tls: false 0x4409-0x4409 (0.1)
0x4400| 00 | . | group: false 0x4409.1-0x4409.1 (0.1)
0x4400| 00 | . | os_nonconforming: false 0x4409.2-0x4409.2 (0.1)
0x4400| 00 00 | .. | unused1: 0 0x4409.3-0x440a.3 (1.1)
0x4400| 00 00 | .. | os_specific: 0 0x440a.4-0x440b.3 (1)
0x4400| 00 | . | processor_specific: 0 0x440b.4-0x440b.7 (0.4)
0x4400| 00 00 00 00| ....| unused2: 0 0x440c-0x440f.7 (4)
0x4410|20 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 | @...... | addr: 0x4020 0x4410-0x4417.7 (8)
0x4410| 08 30 00 00 00 00 00 00| .0......| offset: 0x3008 0x4418-0x441f.7 (8)
0x4420|50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |P....... | size: 80 0x4420-0x4427.7 (8)
0x4420| 00 00 00 00 | .... | link: 0 0x4428-0x442b.7 (4)
0x4420| 00 00 00 00| ....| info: 0 0x442c-0x442f.7 (4)
0x4430|20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ....... | addralign: 32 0x4430-0x4437.7 (8)
0x4430| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| entsize: 0 0x4438-0x443f.7 (8)
0x0600| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ........| unknown0: raw bits 0x608-0xfff.7 (2552)
0x0610|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|................|
* |until 0xfff.7 (2552) | |
0x1280| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| .......| unknown1: raw bits 0x1289-0x1fff.7 (3447)
0x1290|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|................|
* |until 0x1fff.7 (3447) | |
0x20c0| 00 00 00 00| ....| unknown2: raw bits 0x20cc-0x2df7.7 (3372)
0x20d0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00|................|
* |until 0x2df7.7 (3372) | |
0x3060| 00 00 00 00 00 00| ......| unknown3: raw bits 0x306a-0x306f.7 (6)
0x3410| 00 00 00| ...| unknown4: raw bits 0x341d-0x341f.7 (3)
0x3700| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ............| unknown5: raw bits 0x3704-0x370f.7 (12)
0x3eb0| 00 00 00| ...| unknown6: raw bits 0x3ebd-0x3ebf.7 (3)