mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-22 12:51:38 +03:00

decode,interp: Support for format specific options

interp: Refactor format help and also include options
interp: Add -o name=@path to load file content as value (not documented yet, might change)
interp,decode: Expose decode out value as _out (might change)
interp: Refactor foramts.jq into format_{decode,func,include}.jq
interp: Refactor torepr into _format_func for generic format function overloading
interp: Refactor -o options parsing to be more generic and collect unknowns options to be used as format options
decode of decode alises
func for format overloaded functions
include for format specific jq functions (also _help, torepr etc)
flac_frame: Add bits_per_sample option
mp3: Add max_unique_header_config and max_sync_seek options
mp4: Add decode_samples and allow_truncate options
avc_au: Has length_size option
hevc_au: Has length_size option
aac_frame: Has object_typee option
doc: Rewrite format doc generation, less hack more jq
This commit is contained in:
Mattias Wadman 2021-12-09 17:15:21 +01:00
parent 411c970093
commit f4480c6fe5
78 changed files with 2325 additions and 802 deletions

View File

@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ I pronounce jq /dʒeikju:/ so I usually pronounce fq /efkju:/.
### Supported formats
[./formats_list.sh]: sh-start
[fq -rn -L doc 'include "formats"; formats_list']: sh-start
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ av1_ccr,
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ elf,
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ flac_streaminfo,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ jpeg,
@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ Licenses of direct dependencies:
- Forked version of readline https://github.com/chzyer/readline/blob/master/LICENSE (MIT)
- gopacket https://github.com/google/gopacket/blob/master/LICENSE (BSD)
- mapstructure https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure/blob/master/LICENSE (MIT)
- copystructure https://github.com/mitchellh/copystructure/blob/master/LICENSE (MIT)
- go-difflib https://github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/blob/master/LICENSE (BSD)
- golang/x/text https://github.com/golang/text/blob/master/LICENSE (BSD)
- golang/snappy https://github.com/golang/snappy/blob/master/LICENSE (BSD)

doc/formats.jq Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#!/usr/bin/env fq -rnf
def code: "`\(.)`";
def nbsp: gsub(" "; " ");
def has_section($f; $fhelp): $fhelp.notes or $fhelp.examples or $fhelp.links or $f.decode_in_arg;
def formats_list:
[ formats
| to_entries[] as {$key, $value}
| (_format_func($key; "_help")? // {}) as $fhelp
| if has_section($value; $fhelp) then "[\($key)](doc/formats.md#\($key))"
else $key
] | join(",\n");
def formats_table:
( [ {
name: "Name",
desc: "Description",
uses: "Dependencies"
name: "-",
desc: "-",
uses: "-"
( formats
| to_entries[]
| (_format_func(.key; "_help")? // {}) as $fhelp
| {
( ( .key as $format
| if has_section(.value; $fhelp) then "[\($format | code)](#\($format))"
else $format | code
+ " "
desc: (.value.description | nbsp),
uses: "<sub>\((((.value.dependencies | flatten | map(code)) | join(" "))? // ""))</sub>"
( [ formats
| to_entries[]
| . as $e
| select(.value.groups)
| .value.groups[] | {key: ., value: $e.key}
| reduce .[] as $e ({}; .[$e.key] += [$e.value])
| to_entries[]
| {
name: ((.key | code) + " "),
desc: "Group",
uses: "<sub>\(((.value | map(code)) | join(" ")))</sub>"
| table(
[ .name
, .desc
, .uses
[ ""
, (.[0] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, (.[1] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, .[2].string
, ""
] | join("|")
def formats_sections:
( formats[] as $f
| (_format_func($f.name; "_help")? // {} | _help_format_enrich("fq"; $f; false)) as $fhelp
| select(has_section($f; $fhelp))
| "### \($f.name)"
, ""
, ($fhelp.notes | if . then ., "" else empty end)
, if $f.decode_in_arg then
( "#### Options"
, ""
, ( [ { name: "Name"
, default: "Default"
, desc: "Description"
, { name: "-"
, default: "-"
, desc: "-"
, ( $f.decode_in_arg
| to_entries[] as {$key,$value}
| { name: ($key | code)
, default: ($value | tostring)
, desc: $f.decode_in_arg_doc[$key]
| table(
[ .name
, .default
, .desc
[ ""
, (.[0] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, (.[1] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, .[2].string
, ""
] | join("|")
, ""
else empty
, if $fhelp.examples then
( "#### Examples"
, ""
, ( $fhelp.examples[]
| "\(.comment)"
, if .shell then
( "```"
, "$ \(.shell)"
, "```"
elif .expr then
( "```"
, "... | \(.expr)"
, "```"
else empty
, ""
else empty
, if $fhelp.links then
( "#### References and links"
, ""
, ( $fhelp.links[]
| if .title then "- [\(.title)](\(.url))"
else "- \(.url)"
, ""
else empty

View File

@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
## Supported formats
[./formats_table.sh]: sh-start
[fq -rn -L . 'include "formats"; formats_table']: sh-start
|Name |Description |Dependencies|
|- |- |-|
|`aac_frame` |Advanced&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Coding&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`adts` |Audio&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream |<sub>`adts_frame`</sub>|
|`adts_frame` |Audio&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream&nbsp;frame |<sub>`aac_frame`</sub>|
|`amf0` |Action&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Format&nbsp;0 |<sub></sub>|
|`apev2` |APEv2&nbsp;metadata&nbsp;tag |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`ar` |Unix&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|[`asn1_ber`](#asn1_ber) |ASN1&nbsp;Basic&nbsp;Encoding&nbsp;Rules&nbsp;(also&nbsp;CER&nbsp;and&nbsp;DER) |<sub></sub>|
|`av1_ccr` |AV1&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub></sub>|
|`av1_frame` |AV1&nbsp;frame |<sub>`av1_obu`</sub>|
|`av1_obu` |AV1&nbsp;Open&nbsp;Bitstream&nbsp;Unit |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_annexb` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Annex&nbsp;B |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|`avc_au` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|`avc_dcr` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Decoder&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|`avc_nalu` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Layer&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`avc_sps` `avc_pps` `avc_sei`</sub>|
|`avc_pps` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_sei` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Supplemental&nbsp;Enhancement&nbsp;Information |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_sps` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|[`avro_ocf`](#avro_ocf) |Avro&nbsp;object&nbsp;container&nbsp;file |<sub></sub>|
|`bencode` |BitTorrent&nbsp;bencoding |<sub></sub>|
|`bsd_loopback_frame` |BSD&nbsp;loopback&nbsp;frame |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|[`bson`](#bson) |Binary&nbsp;JSON |<sub></sub>|
|`bzip2` |bzip2&nbsp;compression |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|[`cbor`](#cbor) |Concise&nbsp;Binary&nbsp;Object&nbsp;Representation |<sub></sub>|
|`dns` |DNS&nbsp;packet |<sub></sub>|
|`dns_tcp` |DNS&nbsp;packet&nbsp;(TCP) |<sub></sub>|
|`elf` |Executable&nbsp;and&nbsp;Linkable&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`ether8023_frame` |Ethernet&nbsp;802.3&nbsp;frame |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`exif` |Exchangeable&nbsp;Image&nbsp;File&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`flac` |Free&nbsp;Lossless&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;file |<sub>`flac_metadatablocks` `flac_frame`</sub>|
|`flac_frame` |FLAC&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`flac_metadatablock` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablock |<sub>`flac_streaminfo` `flac_picture` `vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`flac_metadatablocks` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablocks |<sub>`flac_metadatablock`</sub>|
|`flac_picture` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablock&nbsp;picture |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`flac_streaminfo` |FLAC&nbsp;streaminfo |<sub></sub>|
|`gif` |Graphics&nbsp;Interchange&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`gzip` |gzip&nbsp;compression |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`hevc_annexb` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Annex&nbsp;B |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|`hevc_au` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|`hevc_dcr` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Decoder&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|`hevc_nalu` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Layer&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`hevc_vps` `hevc_pps` `hevc_sps`</sub>|
|`hevc_pps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`hevc_sps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`hevc_vps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Video&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`icc_profile` |International&nbsp;Color&nbsp;Consortium&nbsp;profile |<sub></sub>|
|`icmp` |Internet&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Protocol |<sub></sub>|
|`icmpv6` |Internet&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Protocol&nbsp;v6 |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v1` |ID3v1&nbsp;metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v11` |ID3v1.1&nbsp;metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v2` |ID3v2&nbsp;metadata |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`ipv4_packet` |Internet&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;v4&nbsp;packet |<sub>`ip_packet`</sub>|
|`ipv6_packet` |Internet&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;v6&nbsp;packet |<sub>`ip_packet`</sub>|
|`jpeg` |Joint&nbsp;Photographic&nbsp;Experts&nbsp;Group&nbsp;file |<sub>`exif` `icc_profile`</sub>|
|`json` |JSON |<sub></sub>|
|[`macho`](#macho) |Mach-O&nbsp;macOS&nbsp;executable |<sub></sub>|
|[`matroska`](#matroska) |Matroska&nbsp;file |<sub>`aac_frame` `av1_ccr` `av1_frame` `avc_au` `avc_dcr` `flac_frame` `flac_metadatablocks` `hevc_au` `hevc_dcr` `image` `mp3_frame` `mpeg_asc` `mpeg_pes_packet` `mpeg_spu` `opus_packet` `vorbis_packet` `vp8_frame` `vp9_cfm` `vp9_frame`</sub>|
|`mp3` |MP3&nbsp;file |<sub>`id3v2` `id3v1` `id3v11` `apev2` `mp3_frame`</sub>|
|`mp3_frame` |MPEG&nbsp;audio&nbsp;layer&nbsp;3&nbsp;frame |<sub>`xing`</sub>|
|[`mp4`](#mp4) |ISOBMFF&nbsp;MPEG-4&nbsp;part&nbsp;12&nbsp;and&nbsp;similar |<sub>`aac_frame` `av1_ccr` `av1_frame` `flac_frame` `flac_metadatablocks` `id3v2` `image` `jpeg` `mp3_frame` `avc_au` `avc_dcr` `mpeg_es` `hevc_au` `hevc_dcr` `mpeg_pes_packet` `opus_packet` `protobuf_widevine` `pssh_playready` `vorbis_packet` `vp9_frame` `vpx_ccr` `icc_profile`</sub>|
|`mpeg_asc` |MPEG-4&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Specific&nbsp;Config |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_es` |MPEG&nbsp;Elementary&nbsp;Stream |<sub>`mpeg_asc` `vorbis_packet`</sub>|
|`mpeg_pes` |MPEG&nbsp;Packetized&nbsp;elementary&nbsp;stream |<sub>`mpeg_pes_packet` `mpeg_spu`</sub>|
|`mpeg_pes_packet` |MPEG&nbsp;Packetized&nbsp;elementary&nbsp;stream&nbsp;packet |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_spu` |Sub&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Unit&nbsp;(DVD&nbsp;subtitle) |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_ts` |MPEG&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream |<sub></sub>|
|[`msgpack`](#msgpack) |MessagePack |<sub></sub>|
|`ogg` |OGG&nbsp;file |<sub>`ogg_page` `vorbis_packet` `opus_packet` `flac_metadatablock` `flac_frame`</sub>|
|`ogg_page` |OGG&nbsp;page |<sub></sub>|
|`opus_packet` |Opus&nbsp;packet |<sub>`vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`pcap` |PCAP&nbsp;packet&nbsp;capture |<sub>`link_frame` `tcp_stream` `ipv4_packet`</sub>|
|`pcapng` |PCAPNG&nbsp;packet&nbsp;capture |<sub>`link_frame` `tcp_stream` `ipv4_packet`</sub>|
|`png` |Portable&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Graphics&nbsp;file |<sub>`icc_profile` `exif`</sub>|
|[`protobuf`](#protobuf) |Protobuf |<sub></sub>|
|`protobuf_widevine` |Widevine&nbsp;protobuf |<sub>`protobuf`</sub>|
|`pssh_playready` |PlayReady&nbsp;PSSH |<sub></sub>|
|`raw` |Raw&nbsp;bits |<sub></sub>|
|[`rtmp`](#rtmp) |Real-Time&nbsp;Messaging&nbsp;Protocol |<sub>`amf0` `mpeg_asc`</sub>|
|`sll2_packet` |Linux&nbsp;cooked&nbsp;capture&nbsp;encapsulation&nbsp;v2 |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`sll_packet` |Linux&nbsp;cooked&nbsp;capture&nbsp;encapsulation |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`tar` |Tar&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`tcp_segment` |Transmission&nbsp;control&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;segment |<sub></sub>|
|`tiff` |Tag&nbsp;Image&nbsp;File&nbsp;Format |<sub>`icc_profile`</sub>|
|`udp_datagram` |User&nbsp;datagram&nbsp;protocol |<sub>`udp_payload`</sub>|
|`vorbis_comment` |Vorbis&nbsp;comment |<sub>`flac_picture`</sub>|
|`vorbis_packet` |Vorbis&nbsp;packet |<sub>`vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`vp8_frame` |VP8&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`vp9_cfm` |VP9&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Feature&nbsp;Metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`vp9_frame` |VP9&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`vpx_ccr` |VPX&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub></sub>|
|`wav` |WAV&nbsp;file |<sub>`id3v2` `id3v1` `id3v11`</sub>|
|`webp` |WebP&nbsp;image |<sub>`vp8_frame`</sub>|
|`xing` |Xing&nbsp;header |<sub></sub>|
|`zip` |ZIP&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`image` |Group |<sub>`gif` `jpeg` `mp4` `png` `tiff` `webp`</sub>|
|`inet_packet` |Group |<sub>`ipv4_packet` `ipv6_packet`</sub>|
|`ip_packet` |Group |<sub>`icmp` `icmpv6` `tcp_segment` `udp_datagram`</sub>|
|`link_frame` |Group |<sub>`bsd_loopback_frame` `ether8023_frame` `sll2_packet` `sll_packet`</sub>|
|`probe` |Group |<sub>`adts` `ar` `avro_ocf` `bzip2` `elf` `flac` `gif` `gzip` `jpeg` `json` `macho` `matroska` `mp3` `mp4` `mpeg_ts` `ogg` `pcap` `pcapng` `png` `tar` `tiff` `wav` `webp` `zip`</sub>|
|`tcp_stream` |Group |<sub>`dns` `rtmp`</sub>|
|`udp_payload` |Group |<sub>`dns`</sub>|
|Name |Description |Dependencies|
|- |- |-|
|[`aac_frame`](#aac_frame) |Advanced&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Coding&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`adts` |Audio&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream |<sub>`adts_frame`</sub>|
|`adts_frame` |Audio&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream&nbsp;frame |<sub>`aac_frame`</sub>|
|`amf0` |Action&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Format&nbsp;0 |<sub></sub>|
|`apev2` |APEv2&nbsp;metadata&nbsp;tag |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`ar` |Unix&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|[`asn1_ber`](#asn1_ber) |ASN1&nbsp;BER&nbsp;(basic&nbsp;encoding&nbsp;rules,&nbsp;also&nbsp;CER&nbsp;and&nbsp;DER)|<sub></sub>|
|`av1_ccr` |AV1&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub></sub>|
|`av1_frame` |AV1&nbsp;frame |<sub>`av1_obu`</sub>|
|`av1_obu` |AV1&nbsp;Open&nbsp;Bitstream&nbsp;Unit |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_annexb` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Annex&nbsp;B |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|[`avc_au`](#avc_au) |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|`avc_dcr` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Decoder&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub>`avc_nalu`</sub>|
|`avc_nalu` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Layer&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`avc_sps` `avc_pps` `avc_sei`</sub>|
|`avc_pps` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_sei` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Supplemental&nbsp;Enhancement&nbsp;Information |<sub></sub>|
|`avc_sps` |H.264/AVC&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|[`avro_ocf`](#avro_ocf) |Avro&nbsp;object&nbsp;container&nbsp;file |<sub></sub>|
|[`bencode`](#bencode) |BitTorrent&nbsp;bencoding |<sub></sub>|
|`bsd_loopback_frame` |BSD&nbsp;loopback&nbsp;frame |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|[`bson`](#bson) |Binary&nbsp;JSON |<sub></sub>|
|`bzip2` |bzip2&nbsp;compression |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|[`cbor`](#cbor) |Concise&nbsp;Binary&nbsp;Object&nbsp;Representation |<sub></sub>|
|`dns` |DNS&nbsp;packet |<sub></sub>|
|`dns_tcp` |DNS&nbsp;packet&nbsp;(TCP) |<sub></sub>|
|`elf` |Executable&nbsp;and&nbsp;Linkable&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`ether8023_frame` |Ethernet&nbsp;802.3&nbsp;frame |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`exif` |Exchangeable&nbsp;Image&nbsp;File&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`flac` |Free&nbsp;Lossless&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;file |<sub>`flac_metadatablocks` `flac_frame`</sub>|
|[`flac_frame`](#flac_frame) |FLAC&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`flac_metadatablock` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablock |<sub>`flac_streaminfo` `flac_picture` `vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`flac_metadatablocks` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablocks |<sub>`flac_metadatablock`</sub>|
|`flac_picture` |FLAC&nbsp;metadatablock&nbsp;picture |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`flac_streaminfo` |FLAC&nbsp;streaminfo |<sub></sub>|
|`gif` |Graphics&nbsp;Interchange&nbsp;Format |<sub></sub>|
|`gzip` |gzip&nbsp;compression |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`hevc_annexb` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Annex&nbsp;B |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|[`hevc_au`](#hevc_au) |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|`hevc_dcr` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Decoder&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub>`hevc_nalu`</sub>|
|`hevc_nalu` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Access&nbsp;Layer&nbsp;Unit |<sub>`hevc_vps` `hevc_pps` `hevc_sps`</sub>|
|`hevc_pps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`hevc_sps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`hevc_vps` |H.265/HEVC&nbsp;Video&nbsp;Parameter&nbsp;Set |<sub></sub>|
|`icc_profile` |International&nbsp;Color&nbsp;Consortium&nbsp;profile |<sub></sub>|
|`icmp` |Internet&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Protocol |<sub></sub>|
|`icmpv6` |Internet&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Message&nbsp;Protocol&nbsp;v6 |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v1` |ID3v1&nbsp;metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v11` |ID3v1.1&nbsp;metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`id3v2` |ID3v2&nbsp;metadata |<sub>`image`</sub>|
|`ipv4_packet` |Internet&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;v4&nbsp;packet |<sub>`ip_packet`</sub>|
|`ipv6_packet` |Internet&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;v6&nbsp;packet |<sub>`ip_packet`</sub>|
|`jpeg` |Joint&nbsp;Photographic&nbsp;Experts&nbsp;Group&nbsp;file |<sub>`exif` `icc_profile`</sub>|
|`json` |JSON |<sub></sub>|
|[`macho`](#macho) |Mach-O&nbsp;macOS&nbsp;executable |<sub></sub>|
|[`matroska`](#matroska) |Matroska&nbsp;file |<sub>`aac_frame` `av1_ccr` `av1_frame` `avc_au` `avc_dcr` `flac_frame` `flac_metadatablocks` `hevc_au` `hevc_dcr` `image` `mp3_frame` `mpeg_asc` `mpeg_pes_packet` `mpeg_spu` `opus_packet` `vorbis_packet` `vp8_frame` `vp9_cfm` `vp9_frame`</sub>|
|[`mp3`](#mp3) |MP3&nbsp;file |<sub>`id3v2` `id3v1` `id3v11` `apev2` `mp3_frame`</sub>|
|`mp3_frame` |MPEG&nbsp;audio&nbsp;layer&nbsp;3&nbsp;frame |<sub>`xing`</sub>|
|[`mp4`](#mp4) |ISOBMFF&nbsp;MPEG-4&nbsp;part&nbsp;12&nbsp;and&nbsp;similar |<sub>`aac_frame` `av1_ccr` `av1_frame` `flac_frame` `flac_metadatablocks` `id3v2` `image` `jpeg` `mp3_frame` `avc_au` `avc_dcr` `mpeg_es` `hevc_au` `hevc_dcr` `mpeg_pes_packet` `opus_packet` `protobuf_widevine` `pssh_playready` `vorbis_packet` `vp9_frame` `vpx_ccr` `icc_profile`</sub>|
|`mpeg_asc` |MPEG-4&nbsp;Audio&nbsp;Specific&nbsp;Config |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_es` |MPEG&nbsp;Elementary&nbsp;Stream |<sub>`mpeg_asc` `vorbis_packet`</sub>|
|`mpeg_pes` |MPEG&nbsp;Packetized&nbsp;elementary&nbsp;stream |<sub>`mpeg_pes_packet` `mpeg_spu`</sub>|
|`mpeg_pes_packet` |MPEG&nbsp;Packetized&nbsp;elementary&nbsp;stream&nbsp;packet |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_spu` |Sub&nbsp;Picture&nbsp;Unit&nbsp;(DVD&nbsp;subtitle) |<sub></sub>|
|`mpeg_ts` |MPEG&nbsp;Transport&nbsp;Stream |<sub></sub>|
|[`msgpack`](#msgpack) |MessagePack |<sub></sub>|
|`ogg` |OGG&nbsp;file |<sub>`ogg_page` `vorbis_packet` `opus_packet` `flac_metadatablock` `flac_frame`</sub>|
|`ogg_page` |OGG&nbsp;page |<sub></sub>|
|`opus_packet` |Opus&nbsp;packet |<sub>`vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`pcap` |PCAP&nbsp;packet&nbsp;capture |<sub>`link_frame` `tcp_stream` `ipv4_packet`</sub>|
|`pcapng` |PCAPNG&nbsp;packet&nbsp;capture |<sub>`link_frame` `tcp_stream` `ipv4_packet`</sub>|
|`png` |Portable&nbsp;Network&nbsp;Graphics&nbsp;file |<sub>`icc_profile` `exif`</sub>|
|[`protobuf`](#protobuf) |Protobuf |<sub></sub>|
|`protobuf_widevine` |Widevine&nbsp;protobuf |<sub>`protobuf`</sub>|
|`pssh_playready` |PlayReady&nbsp;PSSH |<sub></sub>|
|`raw` |Raw&nbsp;bits |<sub></sub>|
|[`rtmp`](#rtmp) |Real-Time&nbsp;Messaging&nbsp;Protocol |<sub>`amf0` `mpeg_asc`</sub>|
|`sll2_packet` |Linux&nbsp;cooked&nbsp;capture&nbsp;encapsulation&nbsp;v2 |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`sll_packet` |Linux&nbsp;cooked&nbsp;capture&nbsp;encapsulation |<sub>`inet_packet`</sub>|
|`tar` |Tar&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`tcp_segment` |Transmission&nbsp;control&nbsp;protocol&nbsp;segment |<sub></sub>|
|`tiff` |Tag&nbsp;Image&nbsp;File&nbsp;Format |<sub>`icc_profile`</sub>|
|`udp_datagram` |User&nbsp;datagram&nbsp;protocol |<sub>`udp_payload`</sub>|
|`vorbis_comment` |Vorbis&nbsp;comment |<sub>`flac_picture`</sub>|
|`vorbis_packet` |Vorbis&nbsp;packet |<sub>`vorbis_comment`</sub>|
|`vp8_frame` |VP8&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`vp9_cfm` |VP9&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Feature&nbsp;Metadata |<sub></sub>|
|`vp9_frame` |VP9&nbsp;frame |<sub></sub>|
|`vpx_ccr` |VPX&nbsp;Codec&nbsp;Configuration&nbsp;Record |<sub></sub>|
|`wav` |WAV&nbsp;file |<sub>`id3v2` `id3v1` `id3v11`</sub>|
|`webp` |WebP&nbsp;image |<sub>`vp8_frame`</sub>|
|`xing` |Xing&nbsp;header |<sub></sub>|
|`zip` |ZIP&nbsp;archive |<sub>`probe`</sub>|
|`image` |Group |<sub>`gif` `jpeg` `mp4` `png` `tiff` `webp`</sub>|
|`inet_packet` |Group |<sub>`ipv4_packet` `ipv6_packet`</sub>|
|`ip_packet` |Group |<sub>`icmp` `icmpv6` `tcp_segment` `udp_datagram`</sub>|
|`link_frame` |Group |<sub>`bsd_loopback_frame` `ether8023_frame` `sll2_packet` `sll_packet`</sub>|
|`probe` |Group |<sub>`adts` `ar` `avro_ocf` `bzip2` `elf` `flac` `gif` `gzip` `jpeg` `json` `macho` `matroska` `mp3` `mp4` `mpeg_ts` `ogg` `pcap` `pcapng` `png` `tar` `tiff` `wav` `webp` `zip`</sub>|
|`tcp_stream` |Group |<sub>`dns` `rtmp`</sub>|
|`udp_payload` |Group |<sub>`dns`</sub>|
[#]: sh-end
## Format options
## Global format options
Currently the only option is `force` and is used to ignore some format assertion errors. It can be used as a decode option or as a CLI `-o` option:
Currently the only global option is `force` and is used to ignore some format assertion errors. It can be used as a decode option or as a CLI `-o` option:
fq -d mp4 -o force=true file.mp4
@ -117,78 +117,207 @@ fq -d raw 'mp4({force: true})' file.mp4
## Format details
[./formats_collect.sh]: sh-start
[fq -rn -L . 'include "formats"; formats_sections']: sh-start
### aac_frame
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`object_type`|1 |Audio object type|
#### Examples
Decode file using options
$ fq -d aac_frame -o object_type=1 file
Decode value as aac_frame
... | aac_frame({object_type: 1})
### asn1_ber
Supports decoding BER, CER and DER ([X.690]([X.690_1297.pdf)).
Supports decoding BER, CER and DER (X.690).
- Currently no extra validation is done for CER and DER.
- Does not support specifying a schema.
- Supports `torepr` but without schema all sequences and sets will be arrays.
#### Examples
`frompem` and `topem` can be used to work with PEM format
fq -d asn1_ber torepr file.ber
$ fq -d raw 'frompem | asn1_ber | d' cert.pem
Functions `frompem` and `topem` can help working with PEM format:
Can be used to decode nested parts
fq -d raw 'frompem | asn1_ber | d' cert.pem
$ fq -d asn1_ber '.constructed[1].value | asn1_ber' file.ber
If the schema is known and not that complicated it can be reproduced:
If schema is known and not complicated it can be reproduced
fq -d asn1_ber 'torepr as $r | ["version", "modulus", "private_exponent", "private_exponen", "prime1", "prime2", "exponent1", "exponent2", "coefficient"] | with_entries({key: .value, value: $r[.key]})' pkcs1.der
$ fq -d asn1_ber 'torepr as $r | ["version", "modulus", "private_exponent", "private_exponen", "prime1", "prime2", "exponent1", "exponent2", "coefficient"] | with_entries({key: .value, value: $r[.key]})' pkcs1.der
Can be used to decode nested parts:
Supports `torepr`
fq -d asn1_ber '.constructed[1].value | asn1_ber' file.ber
$ fq -d asn1_ber torepr file
References and tools:
Supports `torepr`
... | asn1_ber | torepr
#### References and links
- https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com10/languages/X.690_1297.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690
- https://letsencrypt.org/docs/a-warm-welcome-to-asn1-and-der/
- https://lapo.it/asn1js/
### avc_au
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`length_size`|4 |Length value size|
#### Examples
Decode file using options
$ fq -d avc_au -o length_size=4 file
Decode value as avc_au
... | avc_au({length_size: 4})
### avro_ocf
Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the [1.11.0 specification](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files).
Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the 1.11.0 specification.
Capable of handling null, deflate, and snappy codecs for data compression.
- Schema does not support self-referential types, only built-in types.
- Decimal logical types are not supported for decoding, will just be treated as their primitive type
### becode
Supports `torepr`:
#### References and links
- https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files
### bencode
#### Examples
bencode as JSON
fq -d bencode torepr file.torrent
$ fq -d bencode torepr file
Supports `torepr`
$ fq -d bencode torepr file
Supports `torepr`
... | bencode | torepr
#### References and links
- https://bsonspec.org/spec.html
### bson
Supports `torepr`:
#### Examples
fq -d bson torepr file.bson
$ fq -d bson torepr file
Supports `torepr`
$ fq -d bson torepr file
Supports `torepr`
... | bson | torepr
#### References and links
- https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding
### cbor
Supports `torepr`:
#### Examples
Supports `torepr`
fq -d cbor torepr file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr.field' file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr | .field' file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr | grep("abc")' file.cbor
$ fq -d cbor torepr file
Supports `torepr`
... | cbor | torepr
#### References and links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBOR
- https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8949.html
### flac_frame
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`bits_per_sample`|16 |Bits per sample|
#### Examples
Decode file using options
$ fq -d flac_frame -o bits_per_sample=16 file
Decode value as flac_frame
... | flac_frame({bits_per_sample: 16})
### hevc_au
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`length_size`|4 |Length value size|
#### Examples
Decode file using options
$ fq -d hevc_au -o length_size=4 file
Decode value as hevc_au
... | hevc_au({length_size: 4})
### macho
@ -197,85 +326,138 @@ Supports decoding vanilla and FAT Mach-O binaries.
#### Examples
To decode the macOS build of `fq`:
Select 64bit load segments
fq . /path/to/fq
$ fq '.load_commands[] | select(.cmd=="segment_64")' file
fq '.load_commands[] | select(.cmd=="segment_64")' /path/to/fq
#### References and links
Note you can use `-d macho` to decode a broken Mach-O binary.
#### References:
- https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference
### matroska
Supports `matroska_path`:
#### Examples
Lookup element decode value using `matroska_path`
$ fq 'matroska_path(".Segment.Tracks[0]")' file.mkv
│00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09│0123456789│.elements[1].elements[3]{}:
0x122│ 16 54 ae 6b │ .T.k │ id: "Tracks" (0x1654ae6b) (A Top-Level Element of information with many tracks described.)
│ │ │ type: "master" (7)
0x122│ 4d bf │ M. │ size: 3519
0x122│ bf│ .│ elements[0:3]:
0x12c│84 cf 8b db a0 ae 01 00 00 00│..........│
0x136│00 00 00 78 d7 81 01 73 c5 88│...x...s..│
* │until 0xee9.7 (3519) │ │
... | matroska_path(".Segment.Tracks[0)"
Return `matroska_path` string for a box decode value
$ fq 'first(grep_by(.id == "Tracks")) | matroska_path' test.mkv
... | grep_by(.id == "Tracks") | matroska_path
#### References and links
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cellar-ebml-00
- https://matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html
- https://www.matroska.org/technical/basics.html
- https://www.matroska.org/technical/codec_specs.html
- https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus
### mp3
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`max_sync_seek` |32768 |Max byte distance to next sync|
|`max_unique_header_configs`|5 |Max number of unique frame header configs allowed|
#### Examples
Decode file using options
$ fq -d mp3 -o max_sync_seek=32768 -o max_unique_header_configs=5 file
Decode value as mp3
... | mp3({max_sync_seek: 32768, max_unique_header_configs: 5})
### mp4
Supports `mp4_path`:
Support `mp4_path`
#### Options
|Name |Default|Description|
|- |- |-|
|`allow_truncated`|false |Allow box to be truncated|
|`decode_samples` |true |Decode supported media samples|
#### Examples
Lookup box decode value using `mp4_path`
$ fq 'mp4_path(".moov.trak[1]")' file.mp4
│00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09│0123456789│.boxes[3].boxes[1]{}:
0x4f6│ 00 00 02│ ...│ size: 573
0x500│3d │= │
0x500│ 74 72 61 6b │ trak │ type: "trak" (Container for an individual track or stream)
0x500│ 00 00 00 5c 74│ ...\t│ boxes[0:3]:
0x50a│6b 68 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 00│khd.......│
0x514│00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00│..........│
* │until 0x739.7 (565) │ │
... | mp4_path(".moov.trak[1]")
Return `mp4_path` string for a box decode value
$ fq 'first(grep_by(.type == "trak")) | mp4_path' file.mp4
... | grep_by(.type == "trak") | mp4_path
Decode file using options
$ fq -d mp4 -o allow_truncated=false -o decode_samples=true file
Decode value as mp4
... | mp4({allow_truncated: false, decode_samples: true})
#### References and links
- [ISO/IEC base media file format (MPEG-4 Part 12)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_base_media_file_format)
- [Quicktime file format](https://developer.apple.com/standards/qtff-2001.pdf)
### msgpack
Supports `torepr`:
#### Examples
Supports `torepr`
fq -d msgpack torepr file.msgpack
$ fq -d msgpack torepr file
Supports `torepr`
... | msgpack | torepr
#### References and links
- https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md
### protobuf
`protobuf` decoder can be used to decode sub messages:
#### Examples
Can be used to decode sub messages
fq -d protobuf '.fields[6].wire_value | protobuf | d'
$ fq -d protobuf '.fields[6].wire_value | protobuf | d'
#### References and links
- https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
### rtmp
Current only supports plain RTMP (not RTMPT or encrypted variants etc) with AMF0 (not AMF3).
[#]: sh-end
#### References and links
- https://rtmp.veriskope.com/docs/spec/
- https://rtmp.veriskope.com/pdf/video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf
[#]: sh-end
## Dependency graph

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
for i in $(cd "$REPODIR" && ls -1 format/*/*.md | sort -t / -k 3); do
FORMAT=$(echo "$i" | sed 's#format/.*/\(.*\).md#\1#')
echo "### $FORMAT"
cat "$REPODIR/$i"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env fq -rnf
[ (formats | keys[]) as $format
| if ($doc_formats | indices($format)) != [] then "[\($format)](doc/formats.md#\($format))"
else $format
] | join(",\n")

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# what formats has a .md file
DOC_FORMATS=$(echo $(ls -1 $REPODIR/format/*/*.md | sed "s#$REPODIR/format/.*/\(.*\).md#\1#"))
./formats_list.jq --arg doc_formats "$DOC_FORMATS"

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env fq -rnf
def code: "`\(.)`";
def nbsp: gsub(" "; "&nbsp;");
def format_table:
( ($doc_formats | split(" ")) as $doc_formats
| [ {
name: "Name",
desc: "Description",
uses: "Dependencies"
name: "-",
desc: "-",
uses: "-"
( formats
| to_entries[]
| {
( ( .key as $format
| if ($doc_formats | indices($format)) != [] then "[\($format | code)](#\($format))"
else $format | code
+ " "
desc: ((.value.description | nbsp) + " "),
uses: "<sub>\((((.value.dependencies | flatten | map(code)) | join(" "))? // ""))</sub>"
( [ formats
| to_entries[]
| . as $e
| select(.value.groups)
| .value.groups[] | {key: ., value: $e.key}
| reduce .[] as $e ({}; .[$e.key] += [$e.value])
| to_entries[]
| {
name: ((.key | code) + " "),
desc: "Group",
uses: "<sub>\(((.value | map(code)) | join(" ")))</sub>"
| table(
[.name, .desc, .uses];
[ ""
, (.[0] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, (.[1] | . as $rc | $rc.string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth))
, .[2].string
, ""
] | join("|")

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# what formats has a .md file
DOC_FORMATS=$(echo $(ls -1 $REPODIR/format/*/*.md | sed "s#$REPODIR/format/.*/\(.*\).md#\1#"))
./formats_table.jq --arg doc_formats "$DOC_FORMATS"

format/all/help.fqtest Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
$ fq -n '_registry.formats | keys[] | "help(\(.))", ([_help("fq"; .)] | join("\n") | split("\n")[] | ("out \(.)" | println))'
out aac_frame: Advanced Audio Coding frame decoder
out Options:
out object_type=1 Audio object type
out Examples:
out # Decode file as aac_frame
out $ fq -d aac_frame file
out # Decode value as aac_frame
out ... | aac_frame
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d aac_frame -o object_type=1 file
out # Decode value as aac_frame
out ... | aac_frame({object_type: 1})
out adts: Audio Data Transport Stream decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as adts
out $ fq -d adts file
out # Decode value as adts
out ... | adts
out adts_frame: Audio Data Transport Stream frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as adts_frame
out $ fq -d adts_frame file
out # Decode value as adts_frame
out ... | adts_frame
out amf0: Action Message Format 0 decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as amf0
out $ fq -d amf0 file
out # Decode value as amf0
out ... | amf0
out apev2: APEv2 metadata tag decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as apev2
out $ fq -d apev2 file
out # Decode value as apev2
out ... | apev2
out ar: Unix archive decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ar
out $ fq -d ar file
out # Decode value as ar
out ... | ar
out asn1_ber: ASN1 BER (basic encoding rules, also CER and DER) decoder
out Supports decoding BER, CER and DER (X.690).
out - Currently no extra validation is done for CER and DER.
out - Does not support specifying a schema.
out - Supports torepr but without schema all sequences and sets will be arrays.
out Examples:
out # frompem` and `topem can be used to work with PEM format
out $ fq -d raw 'frompem | asn1_ber | d' cert.pem
out # Can be used to decode nested parts
out $ fq -d asn1_ber '.constructed[1].value | asn1_ber' file.ber
out # If schema is known and not complicated it can be reproduced
out $ fq -d asn1_ber 'torepr as $r | ["version", "modulus", "private_exponent", "private_exponen", "prime1", "prime2", "exponent1", "exponent2", "coefficient"] | with_entries({key: .value, value: $r[.key]})' pkcs1.der
out # Decode file as asn1_ber
out $ fq -d asn1_ber file
out # Decode value as asn1_ber
out ... | asn1_ber
out # Supports torepr
out $ fq -d asn1_ber torepr file
out # Supports torepr
out ... | asn1_ber | torepr
out References and links
out https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com10/languages/X.690_1297.pdf
out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690
out https://letsencrypt.org/docs/a-warm-welcome-to-asn1-and-der/
out https://lapo.it/asn1js/
out av1_ccr: AV1 Codec Configuration Record decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as av1_ccr
out $ fq -d av1_ccr file
out # Decode value as av1_ccr
out ... | av1_ccr
out av1_frame: AV1 frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as av1_frame
out $ fq -d av1_frame file
out # Decode value as av1_frame
out ... | av1_frame
out av1_obu: AV1 Open Bitstream Unit decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as av1_obu
out $ fq -d av1_obu file
out # Decode value as av1_obu
out ... | av1_obu
out avc_annexb: H.264/AVC Annex B decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_annexb
out $ fq -d avc_annexb file
out # Decode value as avc_annexb
out ... | avc_annexb
out avc_au: H.264/AVC Access Unit decoder
out Options:
out length_size=4 Length value size
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_au
out $ fq -d avc_au file
out # Decode value as avc_au
out ... | avc_au
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d avc_au -o length_size=4 file
out # Decode value as avc_au
out ... | avc_au({length_size: 4})
out avc_dcr: H.264/AVC Decoder Configuration Record decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_dcr
out $ fq -d avc_dcr file
out # Decode value as avc_dcr
out ... | avc_dcr
out avc_nalu: H.264/AVC Network Access Layer Unit decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_nalu
out $ fq -d avc_nalu file
out # Decode value as avc_nalu
out ... | avc_nalu
out avc_pps: H.264/AVC Picture Parameter Set decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_pps
out $ fq -d avc_pps file
out # Decode value as avc_pps
out ... | avc_pps
out avc_sei: H.264/AVC Supplemental Enhancement Information decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_sei
out $ fq -d avc_sei file
out # Decode value as avc_sei
out ... | avc_sei
out avc_sps: H.264/AVC Sequence Parameter Set decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avc_sps
out $ fq -d avc_sps file
out # Decode value as avc_sps
out ... | avc_sps
out avro_ocf: Avro object container file decoder
out Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the 1.11.0 specification.
out Capable of handling null, deflate, and snappy codecs for data compression.
out Limitations:
out - Schema does not support self-referential types, only built-in types.
out - Decimal logical types are not supported for decoding, will just be treated as their primitive type
out Examples:
out # Decode file as avro_ocf
out $ fq -d avro_ocf file
out # Decode value as avro_ocf
out ... | avro_ocf
out References and links
out https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files
out bencode: BitTorrent bencoding decoder
out Examples:
out # bencode as JSON
out $ fq -d bencode torepr file
out # Decode file as bencode
out $ fq -d bencode file
out # Decode value as bencode
out ... | bencode
out # Supports torepr
out $ fq -d bencode torepr file
out # Supports torepr
out ... | bencode | torepr
out References and links
out https://bsonspec.org/spec.html
out bsd_loopback_frame: BSD loopback frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as bsd_loopback_frame
out $ fq -d bsd_loopback_frame file
out # Decode value as bsd_loopback_frame
out ... | bsd_loopback_frame
out bson: Binary JSON decoder
out Examples:
out # BSON as JSON
out $ fq -d bson torepr file
out # Decode file as bson
out $ fq -d bson file
out # Decode value as bson
out ... | bson
out # Supports torepr
out $ fq -d bson torepr file
out # Supports torepr
out ... | bson | torepr
out References and links
out https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding
out bzip2: bzip2 compression decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as bzip2
out $ fq -d bzip2 file
out # Decode value as bzip2
out ... | bzip2
out cbor: Concise Binary Object Representation decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as cbor
out $ fq -d cbor file
out # Decode value as cbor
out ... | cbor
out # Supports torepr
out $ fq -d cbor torepr file
out # Supports torepr
out ... | cbor | torepr
out References and links
out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBOR
out https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8949.html
out dns: DNS packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as dns
out $ fq -d dns file
out # Decode value as dns
out ... | dns
out dns_tcp: DNS packet (TCP) decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as dns_tcp
out $ fq -d dns_tcp file
out # Decode value as dns_tcp
out ... | dns_tcp
out elf: Executable and Linkable Format decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as elf
out $ fq -d elf file
out # Decode value as elf
out ... | elf
out ether8023_frame: Ethernet 802.3 frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ether8023_frame
out $ fq -d ether8023_frame file
out # Decode value as ether8023_frame
out ... | ether8023_frame
out exif: Exchangeable Image File Format decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as exif
out $ fq -d exif file
out # Decode value as exif
out ... | exif
out flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec file decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac
out $ fq -d flac file
out # Decode value as flac
out ... | flac
out flac_frame: FLAC frame decoder
out Options:
out bits_per_sample=16 Bits per sample
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac_frame
out $ fq -d flac_frame file
out # Decode value as flac_frame
out ... | flac_frame
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d flac_frame -o bits_per_sample=16 file
out # Decode value as flac_frame
out ... | flac_frame({bits_per_sample: 16})
out flac_metadatablock: FLAC metadatablock decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac_metadatablock
out $ fq -d flac_metadatablock file
out # Decode value as flac_metadatablock
out ... | flac_metadatablock
out flac_metadatablocks: FLAC metadatablocks decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac_metadatablocks
out $ fq -d flac_metadatablocks file
out # Decode value as flac_metadatablocks
out ... | flac_metadatablocks
out flac_picture: FLAC metadatablock picture decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac_picture
out $ fq -d flac_picture file
out # Decode value as flac_picture
out ... | flac_picture
out flac_streaminfo: FLAC streaminfo decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as flac_streaminfo
out $ fq -d flac_streaminfo file
out # Decode value as flac_streaminfo
out ... | flac_streaminfo
out gif: Graphics Interchange Format decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as gif
out $ fq -d gif file
out # Decode value as gif
out ... | gif
out gzip: gzip compression decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as gzip
out $ fq -d gzip file
out # Decode value as gzip
out ... | gzip
out hevc_annexb: H.265/HEVC Annex B decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_annexb
out $ fq -d hevc_annexb file
out # Decode value as hevc_annexb
out ... | hevc_annexb
out hevc_au: H.265/HEVC Access Unit decoder
out Options:
out length_size=4 Length value size
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_au
out $ fq -d hevc_au file
out # Decode value as hevc_au
out ... | hevc_au
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d hevc_au -o length_size=4 file
out # Decode value as hevc_au
out ... | hevc_au({length_size: 4})
out hevc_dcr: H.265/HEVC Decoder Configuration Record decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_dcr
out $ fq -d hevc_dcr file
out # Decode value as hevc_dcr
out ... | hevc_dcr
out hevc_nalu: H.265/HEVC Network Access Layer Unit decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_nalu
out $ fq -d hevc_nalu file
out # Decode value as hevc_nalu
out ... | hevc_nalu
out hevc_pps: H.265/HEVC Picture Parameter Set decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_pps
out $ fq -d hevc_pps file
out # Decode value as hevc_pps
out ... | hevc_pps
out hevc_sps: H.265/HEVC Sequence Parameter Set decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_sps
out $ fq -d hevc_sps file
out # Decode value as hevc_sps
out ... | hevc_sps
out hevc_vps: H.265/HEVC Video Parameter Set decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as hevc_vps
out $ fq -d hevc_vps file
out # Decode value as hevc_vps
out ... | hevc_vps
out icc_profile: International Color Consortium profile decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as icc_profile
out $ fq -d icc_profile file
out # Decode value as icc_profile
out ... | icc_profile
out icmp: Internet Control Message Protocol decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as icmp
out $ fq -d icmp file
out # Decode value as icmp
out ... | icmp
out icmpv6: Internet Control Message Protocol v6 decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as icmpv6
out $ fq -d icmpv6 file
out # Decode value as icmpv6
out ... | icmpv6
out id3v1: ID3v1 metadata decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as id3v1
out $ fq -d id3v1 file
out # Decode value as id3v1
out ... | id3v1
out id3v11: ID3v1.1 metadata decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as id3v11
out $ fq -d id3v11 file
out # Decode value as id3v11
out ... | id3v11
out id3v2: ID3v2 metadata decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as id3v2
out $ fq -d id3v2 file
out # Decode value as id3v2
out ... | id3v2
out ipv4_packet: Internet protocol v4 packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ipv4_packet
out $ fq -d ipv4_packet file
out # Decode value as ipv4_packet
out ... | ipv4_packet
out ipv6_packet: Internet protocol v6 packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ipv6_packet
out $ fq -d ipv6_packet file
out # Decode value as ipv6_packet
out ... | ipv6_packet
out jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group file decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as jpeg
out $ fq -d jpeg file
out # Decode value as jpeg
out ... | jpeg
out json: JSON decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as json
out $ fq -d json file
out # Decode value as json
out ... | json
out macho: Mach-O macOS executable decoder
out Supports decoding vanilla and FAT Mach-O binaries.
out Examples:
out # Select 64bit load segments
out $ fq '.load_commands[] | select(.cmd=="segment_64")' file
out # Decode file as macho
out $ fq -d macho file
out # Decode value as macho
out ... | macho
out References and links
out https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference
out matroska: Matroska file decoder
out Examples:
out # Lookup element decode value using matroska_path
out ... | matroska_path(".Segment.Tracks[0)"
out # Return matroska_path string for a box decode value
out ... | grep_by(.id == "Tracks") | matroska_path
out # Decode file as matroska
out $ fq -d matroska file
out # Decode value as matroska
out ... | matroska
out References and links
out https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cellar-ebml-00
out https://matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html
out https://www.matroska.org/technical/basics.html
out https://www.matroska.org/technical/codec_specs.html
out https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus
out mp3: MP3 file decoder
out Options:
out max_sync_seek=32768 Max byte distance to next sync
out max_unique_header_configs=5 Max number of unique frame header configs allowed
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mp3
out $ fq -d mp3 file
out # Decode value as mp3
out ... | mp3
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d mp3 -o max_sync_seek=32768 -o max_unique_header_configs=5 file
out # Decode value as mp3
out ... | mp3({max_sync_seek: 32768, max_unique_header_configs: 5})
out mp3_frame: MPEG audio layer 3 frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mp3_frame
out $ fq -d mp3_frame file
out # Decode value as mp3_frame
out ... | mp3_frame
out mp4: ISOBMFF MPEG-4 part 12 and similar decoder
out Support mp4_path
out Options:
out allow_truncated=false Allow box to be truncated
out decode_samples=true Decode supported media samples
out Examples:
out # Lookup box decode value using mp4_path
out ... | mp4_path(".moov.trak[1]")
out # Return mp4_path string for a box decode value
out ... | grep_by(.type == "trak") | mp4_path
out # Decode file as mp4
out $ fq -d mp4 file
out # Decode value as mp4
out ... | mp4
out # Decode file using options
out $ fq -d mp4 -o allow_truncated=false -o decode_samples=true file
out # Decode value as mp4
out ... | mp4({allow_truncated: false, decode_samples: true})
out References and links
out ISO/IEC base media file format (MPEG-4 Part 12) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_base_media_file_format
out Quicktime file format https://developer.apple.com/standards/qtff-2001.pdf
out mpeg_asc: MPEG-4 Audio Specific Config decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_asc
out $ fq -d mpeg_asc file
out # Decode value as mpeg_asc
out ... | mpeg_asc
out mpeg_es: MPEG Elementary Stream decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_es
out $ fq -d mpeg_es file
out # Decode value as mpeg_es
out ... | mpeg_es
out mpeg_pes: MPEG Packetized elementary stream decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_pes
out $ fq -d mpeg_pes file
out # Decode value as mpeg_pes
out ... | mpeg_pes
out mpeg_pes_packet: MPEG Packetized elementary stream packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_pes_packet
out $ fq -d mpeg_pes_packet file
out # Decode value as mpeg_pes_packet
out ... | mpeg_pes_packet
out mpeg_spu: Sub Picture Unit (DVD subtitle) decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_spu
out $ fq -d mpeg_spu file
out # Decode value as mpeg_spu
out ... | mpeg_spu
out mpeg_ts: MPEG Transport Stream decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as mpeg_ts
out $ fq -d mpeg_ts file
out # Decode value as mpeg_ts
out ... | mpeg_ts
out msgpack: MessagePack decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as msgpack
out $ fq -d msgpack file
out # Decode value as msgpack
out ... | msgpack
out # Supports torepr
out $ fq -d msgpack torepr file
out # Supports torepr
out ... | msgpack | torepr
out References and links
out https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md
out ogg: OGG file decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ogg
out $ fq -d ogg file
out # Decode value as ogg
out ... | ogg
out ogg_page: OGG page decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as ogg_page
out $ fq -d ogg_page file
out # Decode value as ogg_page
out ... | ogg_page
out opus_packet: Opus packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as opus_packet
out $ fq -d opus_packet file
out # Decode value as opus_packet
out ... | opus_packet
out pcap: PCAP packet capture decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as pcap
out $ fq -d pcap file
out # Decode value as pcap
out ... | pcap
out pcapng: PCAPNG packet capture decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as pcapng
out $ fq -d pcapng file
out # Decode value as pcapng
out ... | pcapng
out png: Portable Network Graphics file decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as png
out $ fq -d png file
out # Decode value as png
out ... | png
out protobuf: Protobuf decoder
out Examples:
out # Can be used to decode sub messages
out $ fq -d protobuf '.fields[6].wire_value | protobuf | d'
out # Decode file as protobuf
out $ fq -d protobuf file
out # Decode value as protobuf
out ... | protobuf
out References and links
out https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
out protobuf_widevine: Widevine protobuf decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as protobuf_widevine
out $ fq -d protobuf_widevine file
out # Decode value as protobuf_widevine
out ... | protobuf_widevine
out pssh_playready: PlayReady PSSH decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as pssh_playready
out $ fq -d pssh_playready file
out # Decode value as pssh_playready
out ... | pssh_playready
out raw: Raw bits decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as raw
out $ fq -d raw file
out # Decode value as raw
out ... | raw
out rtmp: Real-Time Messaging Protocol decoder
out Current only supports plain RTMP (not RTMPT or encrypted variants etc) with AMF0 (not AMF3).
out Examples:
out # Decode file as rtmp
out $ fq -d rtmp file
out # Decode value as rtmp
out ... | rtmp
out References and links
out https://rtmp.veriskope.com/docs/spec/
out https://rtmp.veriskope.com/pdf/video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf
out sll2_packet: Linux cooked capture encapsulation v2 decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as sll2_packet
out $ fq -d sll2_packet file
out # Decode value as sll2_packet
out ... | sll2_packet
out sll_packet: Linux cooked capture encapsulation decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as sll_packet
out $ fq -d sll_packet file
out # Decode value as sll_packet
out ... | sll_packet
out tar: Tar archive decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as tar
out $ fq -d tar file
out # Decode value as tar
out ... | tar
out tcp_segment: Transmission control protocol segment decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as tcp_segment
out $ fq -d tcp_segment file
out # Decode value as tcp_segment
out ... | tcp_segment
out tiff: Tag Image File Format decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as tiff
out $ fq -d tiff file
out # Decode value as tiff
out ... | tiff
out udp_datagram: User datagram protocol decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as udp_datagram
out $ fq -d udp_datagram file
out # Decode value as udp_datagram
out ... | udp_datagram
out vorbis_comment: Vorbis comment decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vorbis_comment
out $ fq -d vorbis_comment file
out # Decode value as vorbis_comment
out ... | vorbis_comment
out vorbis_packet: Vorbis packet decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vorbis_packet
out $ fq -d vorbis_packet file
out # Decode value as vorbis_packet
out ... | vorbis_packet
out vp8_frame: VP8 frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vp8_frame
out $ fq -d vp8_frame file
out # Decode value as vp8_frame
out ... | vp8_frame
out vp9_cfm: VP9 Codec Feature Metadata decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vp9_cfm
out $ fq -d vp9_cfm file
out # Decode value as vp9_cfm
out ... | vp9_cfm
out vp9_frame: VP9 frame decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vp9_frame
out $ fq -d vp9_frame file
out # Decode value as vp9_frame
out ... | vp9_frame
out vpx_ccr: VPX Codec Configuration Record decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as vpx_ccr
out $ fq -d vpx_ccr file
out # Decode value as vpx_ccr
out ... | vpx_ccr
out wav: WAV file decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as wav
out $ fq -d wav file
out # Decode value as wav
out ... | wav
out webp: WebP image decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as webp
out $ fq -d webp file
out # Decode value as webp
out ... | webp
out xing: Xing header decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as xing
out $ fq -d xing file
out # Decode value as xing
out ... | xing
out zip: ZIP archive decoder
out Examples:
out # Decode file as zip
out $ fq -d zip file
out # Decode value as zip
out ... | zip

View File

@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed asn1_ber.jq
var asn1FS embed.FS
func init() {
Name: format.ASN1_BER,
Description: "ASN1 Basic Encoding Rules (also CER and DER)",
Description: "ASN1 BER (basic encoding rules, also CER and DER)",
DecodeFn: decodeASN1BER,
Files: asn1FS,
ToRepr: "_asn1_ber_torepr",
Functions: []string{"torepr", "_help"},

View File

@ -6,3 +6,24 @@ def _asn1_ber_torepr:
else .constructed | map(_asn1_ber_torepr)
def _asn1_ber__help:
{ notes: "Supports decoding BER, CER and DER (X.690).
- Currently no extra validation is done for CER and DER.
- Does not support specifying a schema.
- Supports `torepr` but without schema all sequences and sets will be arrays.",
examples: [
{comment: "`frompem` and `topem` can be used to work with PEM format", shell: "fq -d raw 'frompem | asn1_ber | d' cert.pem"},
{comment: "Can be used to decode nested parts", shell: "fq -d asn1_ber '.constructed[1].value | asn1_ber' file.ber"},
{ comment: "If schema is known and not complicated it can be reproduced",
shell: "fq -d asn1_ber 'torepr as $r | [\"version\", \"modulus\", \"private_exponent\", \"private_exponen\", \"prime1\", \"prime2\", \"exponent1\", \"exponent2\", \"coefficient\"] | with_entries({key: .value, value: $r[.key]})' pkcs1.der"
links: [
{url: "https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com10/languages/X.690_1297.pdf"},
{url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690"},
{url: "https://letsencrypt.org/docs/a-warm-welcome-to-asn1-and-der/"},
{url: "https://lapo.it/asn1js/"}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Supports decoding BER, CER and DER ([X.690]([X.690_1297.pdf)).
- Currently no extra validation is done for CER and DER.
- Does not support specifying a schema.
- Supports `torepr` but without schema all sequences and sets will be arrays.
fq -d asn1_ber torepr file.ber
Functions `frompem` and `topem` can help working with PEM format:
fq -d raw 'frompem | asn1_ber | d' cert.pem
If the schema is known and not that complicated it can be reproduced:
fq -d asn1_ber 'torepr as $r | ["version", "modulus", "private_exponent", "private_exponen", "prime1", "prime2", "exponent1", "exponent2", "coefficient"] | with_entries({key: .value, value: $r[.key]})' pkcs1.der
Can be used to decode nested parts:
fq -d asn1_ber '.constructed[1].value | asn1_ber' file.ber
References and tools:
- https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com10/languages/X.690_1297.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690
- https://letsencrypt.org/docs/a-warm-welcome-to-asn1-and-der/
- https://lapo.it/asn1js/

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package avro
import (
@ -15,12 +16,17 @@ import (
//go:embed avro_ocf.jq
var avroOcfFS embed.FS
func init() {
Name: format.AVRO_OCF,
Description: "Avro object container file",
Groups: []string{format.PROBE},
DecodeFn: decodeAvroOCF,
Functions: []string{"_help"},
Files: avroOcfFS,

format/avro/avro_ocf.jq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
def _avro_ocf__help:
{ notes: "Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the 1.11.0 specification.
Capable of handling null, deflate, and snappy codecs for data compression.
- Schema does not support self-referential types, only built-in types.
- Decimal logical types are not supported for decoding, will just be treated as their primitive type",
links: [
{url: "https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files"}

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the [1.11.0 specification](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files).
Capable of handling null, deflate, and snappy codecs for data compression.
- Schema does not support self-referential types, only built-in types.
- Decimal logical types are not supported for decoding, will just be treated as their primitive type

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Supports `torepr`:
fq -d bencode torepr file.torrent

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package bencode
// https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding
import (
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed bencode.jq
var bencodeFS embed.FS
func init() {
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ func init() {
Description: "BitTorrent bencoding",
DecodeFn: decodeBencode,
Files: bencodeFS,
ToRepr: "_bencode_torepr",
Functions: []string{"torepr", "_help"},

View File

@ -9,3 +9,12 @@ def _bencode_torepr:
else error("unknown type \(.type)")
def _bencode__help:
{ examples: [
{comment: "bencode as JSON", shell: "fq -d bencode torepr file"}
links: [
{url: "https://bsonspec.org/spec.html"}

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed bson.jq
var bsonFS embed.FS
func init() {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func init() {
Description: "Binary JSON",
DecodeFn: decodeBSON,
Files: bsonFS,
ToRepr: "_bson_torepr",
Functions: []string{"torepr", "_help"},

View File

@ -16,3 +16,12 @@ def _bson_torepr:
( {type: "document", value: .}
| _f
def _bson__help:
{ examples: [
{comment: "BSON as JSON", shell: "fq -d bson torepr file"}
links: [
{url: "https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding"}

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Supports `torepr`:
fq -d bson torepr file.bson

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed cbor.jq
var cborFS embed.FS
func init() {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func init() {
Description: "Concise Binary Object Representation",
DecodeFn: decodeCBOR,
Files: cborFS,
ToRepr: "_cbor_torepr",
Functions: []string{"torepr", "_help"},

View File

@ -8,3 +8,10 @@ def _cbor_torepr:
elif .major_type == "bytes" then .value | tostring
else .value | tovalue
def _cbor__help:
{ links: [
{url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBOR"},
{url: "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8949.html"}

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Supports `torepr`:
fq -d cbor torepr file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr.field' file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr | .field' file.cbor
fq -d cbor 'torepr | grep("abc")' file.cbor

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func flacDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
if flacMetadatablockOut.HasStreamInfo {
streamInfo = flacMetadatablockOut.StreamInfo
streamTotalSamples = streamInfo.TotalSamplesInStream
flacFrameIn = format.FlacFrameIn{StreamInfo: streamInfo}
flacFrameIn = format.FlacFrameIn{BitsPerSample: int(streamInfo.BitsPerSample)}
md5Samples := md5.New()

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ func init() {
Name: format.FLAC_FRAME,
Description: "FLAC frame",
DecodeFn: frameDecode,
DecodeInArg: format.FlacFrameIn{
BitsPerSample: 16,
@ -98,20 +101,18 @@ func utf8Uint(d *decode.D) uint64 {
// in argument is an optional FlacFrameIn struct with stream info
func frameDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
var inStreamInfo *format.FlacStreamInfo
ffi, ok := in.(format.FlacFrameIn)
if ok {
inStreamInfo = &ffi.StreamInfo
frameStart := d.Pos()
blockSize := 0
channelAssignment := uint64(0)
channels := 0
sampleSize := 0
sideChannelIndex := -1
ffi, ok := in.(format.FlacFrameIn)
if ok {
sampleSize = ffi.BitsPerSample
d.FieldStruct("header", func(d *decode.D) {
// <14> 11111111111110
d.FieldU14("sync", d.AssertU(0b11111111111110), scalar.Bin)
@ -192,12 +193,6 @@ func frameDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
0b1111: {Description: "invalid"},
sampleRateS := d.FieldScalarU4("sample_rate", sampleRateMap, scalar.Bin)
switch sampleRateS.ActualU() {
case SampleRateStreaminfo:
if inStreamInfo == nil {
d.Fatalf("streaminfo required for sample rate")
// <4> Channel assignment
// 0000-0111 : (number of independent channels)-1. Where defined, the channel order follows SMPTE/ITU-R recommendations. The assignments are as follows:
@ -271,10 +266,7 @@ func frameDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
sampleSizeS := d.FieldScalarU3("sample_size", sampleSizeMap, scalar.Bin)
switch sampleSizeS.ActualU() {
case SampleSizeStreaminfo:
if inStreamInfo == nil {
d.Fatalf("streaminfo required for sample size")
sampleSize = int(inStreamInfo.BitPerSample)
sampleSize = ffi.BitsPerSample
if sampleSizeS.Sym != nil {
sampleSize = int(sampleSizeS.SymU())

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func streaminfoDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
// <3> (number of channels)-1. FLAC supports from 1 to 8 channels
d.FieldU3("channels", scalar.UAdd(1))
// <5> (bits per sample)-1. FLAC supports from 4 to 32 bits per sample. Currently the reference encoder and decoders only support up to 24 bits per sample.
bitPerSample := d.FieldU5("bits_per_sample", scalar.UAdd(1))
bitsPerSample := d.FieldU5("bits_per_sample", scalar.UAdd(1))
totalSamplesInStream := d.FieldU("total_samples_in_stream", 36)
md5BR := d.FieldRawLen("md5", 16*8, scalar.RawHex)
md5b := d.MustReadAllBits(md5BR)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func streaminfoDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
return format.FlacStreaminfoOut{
StreamInfo: format.FlacStreamInfo{
SampleRate: sampleRate,
BitPerSample: bitPerSample,
BitsPerSample: bitsPerSample,
TotalSamplesInStream: totalSamplesInStream,
MD5: md5b,

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ const (
type FlacStreamInfo struct {
SampleRate uint64
BitPerSample uint64
BitsPerSample uint64
TotalSamplesInStream uint64
MD5 []byte
@ -120,12 +120,6 @@ type FlacStreaminfoOut struct {
StreamInfo FlacStreamInfo
type FlacMetadatablockStreamInfo struct {
SampleRate uint64
BitPerSample uint64
TotalSamplesInStream uint64
type FlacMetadatablockOut struct {
IsLastBlock bool
HasStreamInfo bool
@ -138,8 +132,8 @@ type FlacMetadatablocksOut struct {
type FlacFrameIn struct {
SamplesBuf []byte
StreamInfo FlacStreamInfo
SamplesBuf []byte
BitsPerSample int `doc:"Bits per sample"`
type FlacFrameOut struct {
@ -158,16 +152,16 @@ type OggPageOut struct {
Segments [][]byte
type AvcIn struct {
LengthSize uint64
type AvcAuIn struct {
LengthSize uint64 `doc:"Length value size"`
type AvcDcrOut struct {
LengthSize uint64
type HevcIn struct {
LengthSize uint64
type HevcAuIn struct {
LengthSize uint64 `doc:"Length value size"`
type HevcDcrOut struct {
@ -192,7 +186,12 @@ type MPEGASCOut struct {
type AACFrameIn struct {
ObjectType int
ObjectType int `doc:"Audio object type"`
type Mp3In struct {
MaxUniqueHeaderConfigs int `doc:"Max number of unique frame header configs allowed"`
MaxSyncSeek int `doc:"Max byte distance to next sync"`
type MP3FrameOut struct {
@ -261,12 +260,7 @@ func (t TCPStreamIn) MustIsPort(fn func(format string, a ...interface{}), ports
type X86_64In struct {
Base int64
SymLookup func(uint64) (string, uint64)
type ARM64In struct {
Base int64
SymLookup func(uint64) (string, uint64)
type Mp4In struct {
DecodeSamples bool `doc:"Decode supported media samples"`
AllowTruncated bool `doc:"Allow box to be truncated"`

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package macho
// https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference
import (
@ -12,12 +13,17 @@ import (
//go:embed macho.jq
var machoFS embed.FS
func init() {
Name: format.MACHO,
Description: "Mach-O macOS executable",
Groups: []string{format.PROBE},
DecodeFn: machoDecode,
Files: machoFS,
Functions: []string{"_help"},

format/macho/macho.jq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
def _macho__help:
{ notes: "Supports decoding vanilla and FAT Mach-O binaries.",
examples: [
{comment: "Select 64bit load segments", shell: "fq '.load_commands[] | select(.cmd==\"segment_64\")' file"}
links: [
{url: "https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference"}

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Supports decoding vanilla and FAT Mach-O binaries.
#### Examples
To decode the macOS build of `fq`:
fq . /path/to/fq
fq '.load_commands[] | select(.cmd=="segment_64")' /path/to/fq
Note you can use `-d macho` to decode a broken Mach-O binary.
#### References:
- https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed matroska.jq
var matroskaFS embed.FS
var aacFrameFormat decode.Group
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ func init() {
{Names: []string{format.VP9_CFM}, Group: &vp9CFMFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VP9_FRAME}, Group: &vp9FrameFormat},
Files: matroskaFS,
Functions: []string{"_help"},
Files: matroskaFS,
codecToFormat = map[string]*decode.Group{
@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ func matroskaDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected FlacMetadatablockOut got %#+v", v))
if flacMetadatablockOut.HasStreamInfo {
t.formatInArg = format.FlacFrameIn{StreamInfo: flacMetadatablockOut.StreamInfo}
t.formatInArg = format.FlacFrameIn{BitsPerSample: int(flacMetadatablockOut.StreamInfo.BitsPerSample)}
@ -379,14 +380,14 @@ func matroskaDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
if dv != nil && !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected AvcDcrOut got %#+v", v))
t.formatInArg = format.AvcIn{LengthSize: avcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
t.formatInArg = format.AvcAuIn{LengthSize: avcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
dv, v := t.parentD.FieldFormatRange("value", t.codecPrivatePos, t.codecPrivateTagSize, mpegHEVCDCRFormat, nil)
hevcDcrOut, ok := v.(format.HevcDcrOut)
if dv != nil && !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected HevcDcrOut got %#+v", v))
t.formatInArg = format.HevcIn{LengthSize: hevcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
t.formatInArg = format.HevcAuIn{LengthSize: hevcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
case "V_AV1":
t.parentD.FieldFormatRange("value", t.codecPrivatePos, t.codecPrivateTagSize, av1CCRFormat, nil)
case "V_VP9":

View File

@ -4,11 +4,25 @@
def matroska_path(p):
( if format != "matroska" then error("not matroska format") end
| tree_path(.elements; .id; p)
| _tree_path(.elements; .id; p)
def matroska_path:
( . as $c
| format_root
| matroska_path($c)
def _matroska__help:
{ examples: [
{comment: "Lookup element decode value using `matroska_path`", expr: "matroska_path(\".Segment.Tracks[0)\""},
{comment: "Return `matroska_path` string for a box decode value", expr: "grep_by(.id == \"Tracks\") | matroska_path"}
links: [
{url: "https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cellar-ebml-00"},
{url: "https://matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html"},
{url: "https://www.matroska.org/technical/basics.html"},
{url: "https://www.matroska.org/technical/codec_specs.html"},
{url: "https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus"}

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Supports `matroska_path`:
$ fq 'matroska_path(".Segment.Tracks[0]")' file.mkv
│00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09│0123456789│.elements[1].elements[3]{}:
0x122│ 16 54 ae 6b │ .T.k │ id: "Tracks" (0x1654ae6b) (A Top-Level Element of information with many tracks described.)
│ │ │ type: "master" (7)
0x122│ 4d bf │ M. │ size: 3519
0x122│ bf│ .│ elements[0:3]:
0x12c│84 cf 8b db a0 ae 01 00 00 00│..........│
0x136│00 00 00 78 d7 81 01 73 c5 88│...x...s..│
* │until 0xee9.7 (3519) │ │
$ fq 'first(grep_by(.id == "Tracks")) | matroska_path' test.mkv

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ var headerFormat decode.Group
var footerFormat decode.Group
var mp3Frame decode.Group
// TODO: format options default
const maxUniqueHeaderConfigs = 5
const maxSyncSeek = 4 * 1024 * 8
func init() {
Name: format.MP3,
@ -25,6 +21,10 @@ func init() {
Description: "MP3 file",
Groups: []string{format.PROBE},
DecodeFn: mp3Decode,
DecodeInArg: format.Mp3In{
MaxUniqueHeaderConfigs: 5,
MaxSyncSeek: 4 * 1024 * 8,
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.ID3V2}, Group: &headerFormat},
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ func init() {
func mp3Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
mi, _ := in.(format.Mp3In)
// things in a mp3 stream usually have few unique combinations of.
// does not include bitrate on purpose
type headerConfig struct {
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ func mp3Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
decodeFailures := 0
d.FieldArray("frames", func(d *decode.D) {
for d.NotEnd() {
syncLen, _, err := d.TryPeekFind(16, 8, maxSyncSeek, func(v uint64) bool {
syncLen, _, err := d.TryPeekFind(16, 8, int64(mi.MaxSyncSeek), func(v uint64) bool {
return (v&0b1111_1111_1110_0000 == 0b1111_1111_1110_0000 && // sync header
v&0b0000_0000_0001_1000 != 0b0000_0000_0000_1000 && // not reserved mpeg version
v&0b0000_0000_0000_0110 == 0b0000_0000_0000_0010) // layer 3
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ func mp3Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
lastValidEnd = d.Pos()
if len(uniqueHeaderConfigs) >= maxUniqueHeaderConfigs {
if len(uniqueHeaderConfigs) >= mi.MaxUniqueHeaderConfigs {
d.Errorf("too many unique header configurations")

View File

@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ func decodeBoxWithParentData(ctx *decodeContext, d *decode.D, parentData interfa
dataSize = boxSize - 8
// TODO: add truncate to size option?
// if dataSize > uint64(d.BitsLeft()/8) {
// dataSize = uint64(d.BitsLeft() / 8)
// }
if ctx.opts.AllowTruncated && dataSize > uint64(d.BitsLeft()/8) {
dataSize = uint64(d.BitsLeft() / 8)
// TODO: not sure about this
switch {
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ func init() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected AvcDcrOut got %#+v", v))
if ctx.currentTrack != nil {
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.AvcIn{LengthSize: avcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.AvcAuIn{LengthSize: avcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
"hvcC": func(ctx *decodeContext, d *decode.D) {
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ func init() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected HevcDcrOut got %#+v", v))
if ctx.currentTrack != nil {
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.HevcIn{LengthSize: hevcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.HevcAuIn{LengthSize: hevcDcrOut.LengthSize} //nolint:gosimple
"dfLa": func(ctx *decodeContext, d *decode.D) {
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ func init() {
if flacMetadatablockOut.HasStreamInfo {
if ctx.currentTrack != nil {
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.FlacFrameIn{StreamInfo: flacMetadatablockOut.StreamInfo}
ctx.currentTrack.formatInArg = format.FlacFrameIn{BitsPerSample: int(flacMetadatablockOut.StreamInfo.BitsPerSample)}

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed mp4.jq
var mp4FS embed.FS
var aacFrameFormat decode.Group
@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ func init() {
format.IMAGE, // avif
DecodeFn: mp4Decode,
DecodeInArg: format.Mp4In{
DecodeSamples: true,
AllowTruncated: false,
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.AAC_FRAME}, Group: &aacFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AV1_CCR}, Group: &av1CCRFormat},
@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ func init() {
{Names: []string{format.VPX_CCR}, Group: &vpxCCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.ICC_PROFILE}, Group: &iccProfileFormat},
Files: mp4FS,
Files: mp4FS,
Functions: []string{"_help"},
@ -131,6 +136,7 @@ type pathEntry struct {
type decodeContext struct {
opts format.Mp4In
path []pathEntry
tracks map[uint32]*track
currentTrack *track
@ -145,10 +151,10 @@ func (ctx *decodeContext) parent() pathEntry {
return ctx.path[len(ctx.path)-2]
func mp4Tracks(d *decode.D, tracks map[uint32]*track) {
func mp4Tracks(d *decode.D, ctx *decodeContext) {
// keep track order stable
var sortedTracks []*track
for _, t := range tracks {
for _, t := range ctx.tracks {
sortedTracks = append(sortedTracks, t)
sort.Slice(sortedTracks, func(i, j int) bool { return sortedTracks[i].id < sortedTracks[j].id })
@ -157,6 +163,11 @@ func mp4Tracks(d *decode.D, tracks map[uint32]*track) {
for _, t := range sortedTracks {
decodeSampleRange := func(d *decode.D, t *track, dataFormat string, name string, firstBit int64, nBits int64, inArg interface{}) {
d.RangeFn(firstBit, nBits, func(d *decode.D) {
if !ctx.opts.DecodeSamples {
d.FieldRawLen(name, d.BitsLeft())
switch {
case dataFormat == "fLaC":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, flacFrameFormat, inArg)
@ -290,7 +301,10 @@ func mp4Tracks(d *decode.D, tracks map[uint32]*track) {
func mp4Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
mi, _ := in.(format.Mp4In)
ctx := &decodeContext{
opts: mi,
path: []pathEntry{{typ: "root"}},
tracks: map[uint32]*track{},
@ -317,9 +331,8 @@ func mp4Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
decodeBoxes(ctx, d)
if len(ctx.tracks) > 0 {
mp4Tracks(d, ctx.tracks)
mp4Tracks(d, ctx)
return nil

View File

@ -2,13 +2,25 @@
# box -> | mp4_path -> ".moov.trak[1]"
# box -> | mp4_path(<mp4 root>) -> ".moov.trak[1]"
def mp4_path(p):
( if format != "mp4" then error("not mp4 format") end
| tree_path(.boxes; .type; p)
( if format != "mp4" then error("not mp4 format") end
| _tree_path(.boxes; .type; p)
def mp4_path:
( . as $c
| format_root
| mp4_path($c)
( . as $c
| format_root
| mp4_path($c)
def _mp4__help:
{ notes: "Support `mp4_path`",
examples: [
{comment: "Lookup box decode value using `mp4_path`", expr: "mp4_path(\".moov.trak[1]\")"},
{comment: "Return `mp4_path` string for a box decode value", expr: "grep_by(.type == \"trak\") | mp4_path"}
links: [
{title: "ISO/IEC base media file format (MPEG-4 Part 12)", url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_base_media_file_format"},
{title: "Quicktime file format", url: "https://developer.apple.com/standards/qtff-2001.pdf"}

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Supports `mp4_path`:
$ fq 'mp4_path(".moov.trak[1]")' file.mp4
│00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09│0123456789│.boxes[3].boxes[1]{}:
0x4f6│ 00 00 02│ ...│ size: 573
0x500│3d │= │
0x500│ 74 72 61 6b │ trak │ type: "trak" (Container for an individual track or stream)
0x500│ 00 00 00 5c 74│ ...\t│ boxes[0:3]:
0x50a│6b 68 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 00│khd.......│
0x514│00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00│..........│
* │until 0x739.7 (565) │ │
$ fq 'first(grep_by(.type == "trak")) | mp4_path' file.mp4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
$ fq -o decode_samples=false -d mp4 '.tracks | dv' /aac.mp4
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.tracks[0:1]: 0x2c-0x291.7 (614)
| | | [0]{}: track 0x2c-0x291.7 (614)
| | | samples[0:4]: 0x2c-0x291.7 (614)
0x020| de 02 00 4c| ...L| [0]: raw bits sample 0x2c-0xf8.7 (205)
0x030|61 76 63 35 38 2e 39 31 2e 31 30 30 00 02 5c ab|avc58.91.100..\.|
* |until 0xf8.7 (205) | |
0x0f0| 01 22 98 da d8 3d d6| ."...=.| [1]: raw bits sample 0xf9-0x1d2.7 (218)
0x100|93 80 76 db 22 13 6a 38 46 1c 9c 5e ae 85 f1 ab|..v.".j8F..^....|
* |until 0x1d2.7 (218) | |
0x1d0| 01 1a 99 a6 d3 21 41 ad 34 86 c8 cd 9a| .....!A.4....| [2]: raw bits sample 0x1d3-0x28c.7 (186)
0x1e0|f0 3d 04 a1 e7 5f 1d 0c ff 81 d6 bd bc da b0 65|.=..._.........e|
* |until 0x28c.7 (186) | |
0x280| 01 18 81| ...| [3]: raw bits sample 0x28d-0x291.7 (5)
0x290|b4 70 |.p |

View File

@ -18,8 +18,11 @@ func init() {
Name: format.AAC_FRAME,
Description: "Advanced Audio Coding frame",
DecodeFn: aacDecode,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "elements",
DecodeInArg: format.AACFrameIn{
ObjectType: format.MPEGAudioObjectTypeMain,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "elements",

View File

@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ func init() {
Name: format.AVC_AU,
Description: "H.264/AVC Access Unit",
DecodeFn: avcAUDecode,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "access_unit",
DecodeInArg: format.AvcAuIn{
LengthSize: 4,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "access_unit",
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.AVC_NALU}, Group: &avcNALUFormat},
@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ func init() {
func avcAUDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
avcIn, ok := in.(format.AvcIn)
avcIn, ok := in.(format.AvcAuIn)
if !ok {
d.Fatalf("avcIn required")

View File

@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ func init() {
Name: format.HEVC_AU,
Description: "H.265/HEVC Access Unit",
DecodeFn: hevcAUDecode,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "access_unit",
DecodeInArg: format.HevcAuIn{
LengthSize: 4,
RootArray: true,
RootName: "access_unit",
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.HEVC_NALU}, Group: &hevcAUNALFormat},
@ -22,9 +25,9 @@ func init() {
func hevcAUDecode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
hevcIn, ok := in.(format.HevcIn)
hevcIn, ok := in.(format.HevcAuIn)
if !ok {
d.Errorf("hevcIn required")
d.Errorf("HevcAuIn required")
for d.NotEnd() {

format/mpeg/testdata/aac_frame vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

format/mpeg/testdata/aac_frame.fqtest vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
$ fq -d aac_frame dv aac_frame
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.[0:4]: aac_frame (aac_frame) 0x0-0x14c.7 (333)
| | | [0]{}: element 0x0-0x11.6 (17.7)
0x000|de |. | syntax_element: "FIL" (6) 0x0-0x0.2 (0.3)
| | | cnt{}: 0x0.3-0x1.6 (1.4)
0x000|de |. | count: 15 0x0.3-0x0.6 (0.4)
0x000|de 04 |.. | esc_count: 2 0x0.7-0x1.6 (1)
| | | payload_length: 16 0x1.7-NA (0)
| | | extension_payload{}: 0x1.7-0x11.6 (16)
0x000| 04 00 | .. | extension_type: "EXT_FILL" (0) 0x1.7-0x2.2 (0.4)
0x000| 00 | . | fill_nibble: 0 0x2.3-0x2.6 (0.4)
0x000| 00 4c 61 76 63 35 38 2e 31 33 34 2e 31 30| .Lavc58.134.10| fill_byte: raw bits 0x2.7-0x11.6 (15)
0x010|30 00 |0. |
| | | [1]{}: element 0x11.7-0x12.1 (0.3)
0x010| 00 42 | .B | syntax_element: "CPE" (1) 0x11.7-0x12.1 (0.3)
0x010| 42 | B | [2]: raw bits byte_align 0x12.2-0x12.7 (0.6)
0x010| 55 9f ff ff ff c0 01 29 68 a7 33 11 20| U......)h.3. | [3]: raw bits data 0x13-0x14c.7 (314)
0x020|02 6a e5 c4 96 89 11 11 04 20 36 76 e1 e2 ee 35|.j....... 6v...5|
* |until 0x14c.7 (end) (314) | |

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
//go:embed *.jq
//go:embed msgpack.jq
var msgPackFS embed.FS
func init() {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func init() {
Description: "MessagePack",
DecodeFn: decodeMsgPack,
Files: msgPackFS,
ToRepr: "_msgpack_torepr",
Functions: []string{"torepr", "_help"},

View File

@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ def _msgpack_torepr:
elif .type | . == "bin8" or . == "bin16" or . == "bin32" then .value | tostring
else .value | tovalue
def _msgpack__help:
{ links: [
{url: "https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md"}

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Supports `torepr`:
fq -d msgpack torepr file.msgpack

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package protobuf
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
import (
@ -10,11 +12,16 @@ import (
//go:embed protobuf.jq
var protobufFS embed.FS
func init() {
Name: format.PROTOBUF,
Description: "Protobuf",
DecodeFn: protobufDecode,
Functions: []string{"_help"},
Files: protobufFS,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
def _protobuf__help:
{ examples: [
{comment: "Can be used to decode sub messages", shell: "fq -d protobuf '.fields[6].wire_value | protobuf | d'"}
links: [
{url: "https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding"}

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
`protobuf` decoder can be used to decode sub messages:
fq -d protobuf '.fields[6].wire_value | protobuf | d'

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package rtmp
import (
@ -20,6 +21,9 @@ import (
var rtmpAmf0Group decode.Group
var rtmpMpegASCFormat decode.Group
//go:embed rtmp.jq
var rtmpFS embed.FS
func init() {
Name: format.RTMP,
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@ func init() {
{Names: []string{format.AMF0}, Group: &rtmpAmf0Group},
{Names: []string{format.MPEG_ASC}, Group: &rtmpMpegASCFormat},
Functions: []string{"_help"},
Files: rtmpFS,

format/rtmp/rtmp.jq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
def _rtmp__help:
{ notes: "Current only supports plain RTMP (not RTMPT or encrypted variants etc) with AMF0 (not AMF3).",
links: [
{url: "https://rtmp.veriskope.com/docs/spec/"},
{url: "https://rtmp.veriskope.com/pdf/video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf"}

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Current only supports plain RTMP (not RTMPT or encrypted variants etc) with AMF0 (not AMF3).

View File

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ require (
// bump: gomod-gopacket command go get -d github.com/google/gopacket@v$LATEST && go mod tidy
// bump: gomod-gopacket link "Release notes" https://github.com/google/gopacket/releases/tag/v$LATEST
github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19
// bump: gomod-copystructure /github.com\/mitchellh\/copystructure v(.*)/ https://github.com/mitchellh/copystructure.git|^1
// bump: gomod-copystructure command go get -d github.com/mitchellh/copystructure@v$LATEST && go mod tidy
// bump: gomod-copystructure link "CHANGELOG" https://github.com/mitchellh/copystructure/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0
// bump: gomod-mapstructure /github.com\/mitchellh\/mapstructure v(.*)/ https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure.git|^1
// bump: gomod-mapstructure command go get -d github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure@v$LATEST && go mod tidy
// bump: gomod-mapstructure link "CHANGELOG" https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
@ -34,5 +38,6 @@ require (
require (
github.com/itchyny/timefmt-go v0.1.3 // indirect
github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 // indirect
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220227234510-4e6760a101f9 // indirect

View File

@ -7,8 +7,12 @@ github.com/itchyny/timefmt-go v0.1.3 h1:7M3LGVDsqcd0VZH2U+x393obrzZisp7C0uEe921i
github.com/itchyny/timefmt-go v0.1.3/go.mod h1:0osSSCQSASBJMsIZnhAaF1C2fCBTJZXrnj37mG8/c+A=
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.14/go.mod h1:7GGIvUiUoEMVVmxf/4nioHXj79iQHKdU27kJ6hsGG94=
github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.9/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI=
github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0 h1:vpKXTN4ewci03Vljg/q9QvCGUDttBOGBIa15WveJJGw=
github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0/go.mod h1:qLl+cE2AmVv+CoeAwDPye/v+N2HKCj9FbZEVFJRxO9s=
github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0 h1:jeMsZIYE/09sWLaz43PL7Gy6RuMjD2eJVyuac5Z2hdY=
github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo=
github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 h1:G2LzWKi524PWgd3mLHV8Y5k7s6XUvT0Gef6zxSIeXaQ=
github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2/go.mod h1:mSTlrgnPZtwu0c4WaC2kGObEpuNDbx0jmZXqmk4esnw=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
github.com/wader/gojq v0.12.1-0.20220419165350-574a3e400098 h1:lSY999PYhVjCCqhC6ltGkGY6HxHBYpJMvaVK3rt7sA4=

View File

@ -140,12 +140,16 @@ func ToGoJQValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
return big.NewInt(vv), true
case uint64:
return new(big.Int).SetUint64(vv), true
case float32:
return float64(vv), true
case float64:
return vv, true
case *big.Int:
return vv, true
case string:
return vv, true
case []byte:
return string(vv), true
case gojq.JQValue:
return ToGoJQValue(vv.JQValueToGoJQ())
case []interface{}:

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ type Options struct {
FillGaps bool
IsRoot bool
Range ranges.Range // if zero use whole buffer
FormatOptions map[string]interface{}
FormatInArg interface{}
FormatInArgFn func(f Format) (interface{}, error)
ReadBuf *[]byte
@ -61,17 +61,31 @@ func decode(ctx context.Context, br bitio.ReaderAtSeeker, group Group, opts Opti
formatsErr := FormatsError{}
for _, g := range group {
for _, f := range group {
var formatInArg interface{}
if opts.FormatInArgFn != nil {
var err error
formatInArg, err = opts.FormatInArgFn(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
formatInArg = opts.FormatInArg
if formatInArg == nil {
formatInArg = f.DecodeInArg
cBR, err := bitioextra.Range(br, decodeRange.Start, decodeRange.Len)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, IOError{Err: err, Op: "BitBufRange", ReadSize: decodeRange.Len, Pos: decodeRange.Start}
d := newDecoder(ctx, g, cBR, opts)
d := newDecoder(ctx, f, cBR, opts)
var decodeV interface{}
r, rOk := recoverfn.Run(func() {
decodeV = g.DecodeFn(d, opts.FormatInArg)
decodeV = f.DecodeFn(d, formatInArg)
if ctx != nil && ctx.Err() != nil {
@ -83,7 +97,7 @@ func decode(ctx context.Context, br bitio.ReaderAtSeeker, group Group, opts Opti
panicErr, _ := re.(error)
formatErr := FormatError{
Err: panicErr,
Format: g,
Format: f,
Stacktrace: r,
formatsErr.Errs = append(formatsErr.Errs, formatErr)

View File

@ -10,16 +10,40 @@ type Dependency struct {
type Format struct {
Name string
ProbeOrder int // probe order is from low to hi value then by name
Description string
Groups []string
DecodeFn func(d *D, in interface{}) interface{}
RootArray bool
RootName string
Dependencies []Dependency
Files fs.ReadDirFS
ToRepr string
Name string
ProbeOrder int // probe order is from low to hi value then by name
Description string
Groups []string
DecodeFn func(d *D, in interface{}) interface{}
DecodeInArg interface{}
DecodeOutType interface{}
RootArray bool
RootName string
Dependencies []Dependency
Files fs.ReadDirFS
Help FormatHelp
Functions []string
type HelpExample struct {
Comment string
Code string
type HelpFunction struct {
Name string
Examples []HelpExample
type HelpReference struct {
Title string
URL string
type FormatHelp struct {
Notes string
Functions []HelpFunction
References []HelpReference
func FormatFn(d func(d *D, in interface{}) interface{}) Group {

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ def _eval($expr; $filename): empty;
def _eval($expr): empty;
def _extkeys: empty;
def _exttype: empty;
def _format_func($format; $func): empty;
def _global_state: empty;
def _global_state($v): empty;
def _hexdump($opts): empty;
@ -28,5 +29,7 @@ def _tobits($bits; $is_range; $pad): empty;
def _tovalue: empty;
def _tovalue($opts): empty;
def base64: empty;
def format: empty;
def open: empty;
def scope: empty;
def torepr: empty;

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import (
@ -75,7 +77,6 @@ func (i *Interp) _registry(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
"probe_order": f.ProbeOrder,
"root_name": f.RootName,
"root_array": f.RootArray,
"to_repr": f.ToRepr,
var dependenciesVs []interface{}
@ -96,9 +97,33 @@ func (i *Interp) _registry(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
if len(groupsVs) > 0 {
vf["groups"] = groupsVs
if f.DecodeInArg != nil {
doc := map[string]interface{}{}
st := reflect.TypeOf(f.DecodeInArg)
for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
f := st.Field(i)
if v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("doc"); ok {
doc[camelToSnake(f.Name)] = v
vf["decode_in_arg_doc"] = doc
args, err := structToMap(f.DecodeInArg)
if err != nil {
return err
// filter out internal field without documentation
for k := range args {
if _, ok := doc[k]; !ok {
delete(args, k)
vf["decode_in_arg"] = args
if f.Files != nil {
files := map[string]interface{}{}
files := []interface{}{}
entries, err := f.Files.ReadDir(".")
if err != nil {
@ -114,12 +139,24 @@ func (i *Interp) _registry(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
if err != nil {
return err
files[e.Name()] = string(b)
files = append(files, map[string]interface{}{
"name": e.Name(),
"data": string(b),
vf["files"] = files
if f.Functions != nil {
var ss []interface{}
for _, f := range f.Functions {
ss = append(ss, f)
vf["functions"] = ss
formats[f.Name] = vf
@ -139,19 +176,20 @@ func (i *Interp) _toValue(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
func (i *Interp) _decode(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
var opts struct {
Filename string `mapstructure:"filename"`
Force bool `mapstructure:"force"`
Progress string `mapstructure:"_progress"`
Remain map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:",remain"`
_ = mapstructure.Decode(a[1], &opts)
var filename string
// TODO: progress hack
// would be nice to move all progress code into decode but it might be
// tricky to keep track of absolute positions in the underlaying readers
// when it uses BitBuf slices, maybe only in Pos()?
if bbf, ok := c.(*openFile); ok {
opts.Filename = bbf.filename
filename = bbf.filename
if opts.Progress != "" {
evalProgress := func(c interface{}) {
@ -201,14 +239,35 @@ func (i *Interp) _decode(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
return err
dv, _, err := decode.Decode(i.evalInstance.ctx, bv.br, decodeFormat,
dv, formatOut, err := decode.Decode(i.evalInstance.ctx, bv.br, decodeFormat,
IsRoot: true,
FillGaps: true,
Force: opts.Force,
Range: bv.r,
Description: opts.Filename,
FormatOptions: opts.Remain,
IsRoot: true,
FillGaps: true,
Force: opts.Force,
Range: bv.r,
Description: filename,
FormatInArgFn: func(f decode.Format) (interface{}, error) {
inArg := f.DecodeInArg
if inArg == nil {
return nil, nil
var err error
inArg, err = copystructure.Copy(inArg)
if err != nil {
return f.DecodeInArg, err
if len(opts.Remain) > 0 {
if err := mapToStruct(opts.Remain, &inArg); err != nil {
// TODO: currently ignores failed struct mappings
//nolint: nilerr
return f.DecodeInArg, nil
return inArg, nil
if dv == nil {
@ -225,7 +284,16 @@ func (i *Interp) _decode(c interface{}, a []interface{}) interface{} {
return valueError{err}
return makeDecodeValue(dv)
var formatOutMap interface{}
if formatOut != nil {
formatOutMap, err = structToMap(formatOut)
if err != nil {
return err
return makeDecodeValueOut(dv, formatOutMap)
func valueKey(name string, a, b func(name string) interface{}) interface{} {
@ -260,12 +328,16 @@ func toValue(optsFn func() Options, v interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
func makeDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value) interface{} {
return makeDecodeValueOut(dv, nil)
func makeDecodeValueOut(dv *decode.Value, out interface{}) interface{} {
switch vv := dv.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
if vv.IsArray {
return NewArrayDecodeValue(dv, vv)
return NewArrayDecodeValue(dv, out, vv)
return NewStructDecodeValue(dv, vv)
return NewStructDecodeValue(dv, out, vv)
case *scalar.S:
switch vv := vv.Value().(type) {
case bitio.ReaderAtSeeker:
@ -288,58 +360,58 @@ func makeDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value) interface{} {
return gojqextra.String([]rune(buf.String())), nil
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
bitsFormat: true,
case bool:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Boolean(vv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case int:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Number{V: vv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case int64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Number{V: big.NewInt(vv)},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case uint64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Number{V: new(big.Int).SetUint64(vv)},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case float64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Number{V: vv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case string:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.String(vv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case []interface{}:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Array(vv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case map[string]interface{}:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Object(vv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case nil:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Null{},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case *big.Int:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqextra.Number{V: vv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable vv %#+v", vv))
@ -350,7 +422,8 @@ func makeDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value) interface{} {
type decodeValueBase struct {
dv *decode.Value
dv *decode.Value
out interface{}
func (dvb decodeValueBase) DecodeValue() *decode.Value {
@ -386,6 +459,7 @@ func (dvb decodeValueBase) ExtKeys() []string {
kv = append(kv,
if dvb.dv.Index != -1 {
@ -502,6 +576,8 @@ func (dvb decodeValueBase) JQValueKey(name string) interface{} {
return nil
case "_out":
return dvb.out
case "_unknown":
switch vv := dv.V.(type) {
case *scalar.S:
@ -568,9 +644,9 @@ type ArrayDecodeValue struct {
func NewArrayDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, c *decode.Compound) ArrayDecodeValue {
func NewArrayDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, out interface{}, c *decode.Compound) ArrayDecodeValue {
return ArrayDecodeValue{
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv, out: out},
Base: gojqextra.Base{Typ: "array"},
Compound: c,
@ -639,9 +715,9 @@ type StructDecodeValue struct {
func NewStructDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, c *decode.Compound) StructDecodeValue {
func NewStructDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, out interface{}, c *decode.Compound) StructDecodeValue {
return StructDecodeValue{
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv, out: out},
Base: gojqextra.Base{Typ: "object"},
Compound: c,

View File

@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ def decode($name; $decode_opts):
( options as $opts
| _decode(
$opts +
_progress: (
if $opts.decode_progress and $opts.repl and stdout_tty.is_terminal then
else null
} +
( {
_progress: (
if $opts.decode_progress and $opts.repl and stdout_tty.is_terminal then
else null
+ $opts
+ $decode_opts
def decode($name): decode($name; {});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# note this is a "dynamic" include, output string will be used as source
[ _registry.groups
| to_entries[]
# TODO: nicer way to skip "all" which also would override builtin all/*
| select(.key != "all")
| "def \(.key)($opts): decode(\(.key | tojson); $opts);"
, "def \(.key): decode(\(.key | tojson); {});"
] | join("\n")

pkg/interp/format_func.jq Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# note this is a "dynamic" include, output string will be used as source
[ "def _format_func($format; $func):"
, " ( [$format, $func] as $ff"
, " | if false then error(\"unreachable\")"
, ( _registry.formats[] as $f
| $f.functions[]?
| " elif $ff == \([$f.name, .] | tojson) then _\($f.name)_\(.)"
, " else error(\"\\($format) has no \\($func)\")"
, " end"
, " );"
] | join("\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# note this is a "dynamic" include, output string will be used as source
[ _registry.formats[]
| select(.files)
| .files[]
| select(.name | endswith(".jq"))
| .data
] | join("\n")

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# note this is a "dynamic" include, outputted string will be used as source
def _formats_source:
( [ ( _registry.groups
| to_entries[]
# TODO: nicer way to skip "all" which also would override builtin all/*
| select(.key != "all")
| "def \(.key)($opts): decode(\(.key | tojson); $opts);"
, "def \(.key): decode(\(.key | tojson); {});"
, ( _registry.formats[]
| select(.files)
| .files[]
, ( "def torepr:"
, " ( format as $f"
, " | if $f == null then error(\"value is not a format root\") end"
, " | if false then error(\"unreachable\")"
, ( _registry.formats[]
| select(.to_repr != "")
| " elif $f == \(.name | tojson) then \(.to_repr)"
, " else error(\"format has no torepr\")"
, " end"
, " );"
| join("\n")

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
include "internal";
include "options";
include "binary";
include "ansi";
def _display_default_opts:
options({depth: 1});
@ -30,37 +29,6 @@ def hd: hexdump;
def intdiv(a; b): _intdiv(a; b);
# TODO: escape for safe key names
# path ["a", 1, "b"] -> "a[1].b"
def path_to_expr($opts):
( if length == 0 or (.[0] | type) != "string" then
[""] + .
| map(
if type == "number" then
( ("[" | _ansi_if($opts; "array"))
, _ansi_if($opts; "number")
, ("]" | _ansi_if($opts; "array"))
) else
( "."
, # empty (special case for leading index or empty path) or key
if . == "" or _is_ident then _ansi_if($opts; "objectkey")
"\"\(_escape_ident)\"" | _ansi_if($opts; "string")
| join("")
def path_to_expr: path_to_expr(null);
# TODO: don't use eval? should support '.a.b[1]."c.c"' and escapes?
def expr_to_path:
( if type != "string" then error("require string argument") end
| _eval("null | path(\(.))")
def trim: capture("^\\s*(?<str>.*?)\\s*$"; "").str;
# does +1 and [:1] as " "*0 is null
@ -133,58 +101,6 @@ def chunk($size):
# helper to build path query/generate functions for tree structures with
# non-unique children, ex: mp4_path
def tree_path(children; name; $v):
def _lookup:
# add implicit zeros to get first value
# ["a", "b", 1] => ["a", 0, "b", 1]
def _normalize_path:
( . as $np
| if $np | last | type == "string" then $np+[0] end
# state is [path acc, possible pending zero index]
| ( reduce .[] as $np ([[], []];
if $np | type == "string" then
[(.[0]+.[1]+[$np]), [0]]
[.[0]+[$np], []]
( . as $c
| $v
| expr_to_path
| _normalize_path
| reduce .[] as $n ($c;
if $n | type == "string" then
children | map(select(name == $n))
def _path:
[ . as $r
| $v._path as $p
| foreach range(($p | length)/2) as $i (null; null;
( ($r | getpath($p[0:($i+1)*2]) | name) as $name
| [($r | getpath($p[0:($i+1)*2-1]))[] | name][0:$p[($i*2)+1]+1] as $before
| [ $name
, ($before | map(select(. == $name)) | length)-1
| [ ".", .[0],
(.[1] | if . == 0 then empty else "[", ., "]" end)
| flatten
| join("");
if $v | type == "string" then _lookup
else _path
# [{a: 123, ...}, ...]
# colmap maps something into [col, ...]
# render maps [{column: 0, string: "coltext", maxwidth: 12}, ..] into a row
@ -323,3 +239,102 @@ def paste:
| join("")
def tojq($style):
def _is_ident: test("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$");
def _key: if _is_ident | not then tojson end;
def _f($style):
def _r($indent):
( type as $t
| if $t == "null" then tojson
elif $t == "string" then tojson
elif $t == "number" then tojson
elif $t == "boolean" then tojson
elif $t == "array" then
[ "[", $style.compound_newline
, ( [ .[]
| $indent, $style.indent
, _r($indent+$style.indent), $style.array_sep
| .[0:-1]
, $style.compound_newline
, $indent, "]"
elif $t == "object" then
[ "{", $style.compound_newline
, ( [ to_entries[]
| $indent, $style.indent
, (.key | _key), $style.key_sep
, (.value | _r($indent+$style.indent)), $style.value_sep
| .[0:-1]
, $style.compound_newline
, $indent, "}"
else error("unknown type \($t)")
( {
compact: {
indent: "",
key_sep: ":",
value_sep: ",",
array_sep: ",",
compound_newline: "",
fancy_compact: {
indent: "",
key_sep: ": ",
value_sep: ", ",
array_sep: ", ",
compound_newline: "",
verbose: {
indent: " ",
key_sep: ": ",
value_sep: ",\n",
array_sep: ",\n",
compound_newline: "\n",
} as $styles
| _f(
( $style // "compact"
| if type == "string" then $styles[.]
elif type == "object" then .
else error("invalid style")
| flatten
| join("")
def tojq: tojq(null);
# very simple markdown to text converter
# assumes very basic markdown as input
def _markdown_to_text:
( .
# ```
# code
# ```
# -> code
| gsub("\\n```\\n"; "\n"; "m")
# #, ##, ###, ... -> #
| gsub("(?<line>\\n)?#+(?<title>.*)\\n"; "\(.line // "")#\(.title)\n"; "m")
# [title](url) -> title (url)
| gsub("\\[(?<title>.*)\\]\\((?<url>.*)\\)"; "\(.title) (\(.url))")
# `code` -> code
| gsub("`(?<code>.*)`"; .code)
def expr_to_path: _expr_to_path;
def path_to_expr: _path_to_expr;
def torepr:
( format as $f
| if $f == null then error("value is not a format root") end
| _format_func($f; "torepr")

View File

@ -56,6 +56,33 @@ Same as recurse without argument.
def help($_): error("help must be alone or last in pipeline. ex: help(length) or ... | help");
def help: help(null);
def _help_format_enrich($arg0; $f; $include_basic):
( if $include_basic then
.examples +=
[ {comment: "Decode file as \($f.name)", shell: "fq -d \($f.name) file"}
, {comment: "Decode value as \($f.name)", expr: "\($f.name)"}
| (($f.functions // []) | map(select(startswith("_") | not))) as $public_functions
| if ($public_functions | length) > 0 then
.examples +=
[ $public_functions[]
| {comment: "Supports `\(.)`", shell: "fq -d \($f.name) torepr file"}
, {comment: "Supports `\(.)`", expr: "\($f.name) | torepr"}
| if $f.decode_in_arg then
.examples +=
[ { comment: "Decode file using options"
, shell: "\($arg0) -d \($f.name)\($f.decode_in_arg | to_entries | map(" -o ", .key, "=", (.value | tojson)) | join("")) file"
, { comment: "Decode value as \($f.name)"
, expr: "\($f.name)(\($f.decode_in_arg | tojq("fancy_compact")))"
def _help($arg0; $topic):
( $topic
| if . == "usage" then
@ -76,9 +103,9 @@ def _help($arg0; $topic):
elif . == "args" then
elif . == "options" then
elif . == "options" then
( [ ( options
| _opt_cli_arg_fromoptions
| _opt_cli_arg_from_options
| to_entries[]
| [(.key+" "), .value | tostring]
@ -97,9 +124,9 @@ def _help($arg0; $topic):
elif . == "formats" then
( [ formats
| to_entries[]
| [(.key+" "), .value.description]
| to_entries[]
| [(.key+" "), .value.description]
| table(
@ -112,8 +139,98 @@ def _help($arg0; $topic):
) | join("")
elif _registry.formats | has($topic) then
( _registry.formats[$topic] as $f
| (_format_func($f.name; "_help")? // {} | _help_format_enrich($arg0; $f; true)) as $fhelp
| "\($f.name): \($f.description) decoder"
, ($fhelp.notes | if . then _markdown_to_text else empty end)
, if $f.decode_in_arg then
( $f.decode_in_arg
| to_entries
| map([" \(.key)=\(.value) ", $f.decode_in_arg_doc[.key]])
| "Options:"
, table(
( . as $rc
# right pad format name to align description
| if .column == 0 then .string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth)
else $rc.string
) | join("")
else empty
, "Examples:"
, ( $fhelp.examples[]
| " # \(.comment | _markdown_to_text)"
, if .shell then " $ \(.shell)"
elif .expr then " ... | \(.expr)"
else empty
, if isempty($f.functions | select(. == "torepr")) | not then
( "Supports torepr:"
, " ... | \($f.name) | torepr"
else empty
, if $fhelp.links then
( "References and links"
, ( $fhelp.links[]
| if .title then " \(.title) \(.url)"
else " \(.url)"
else empty
elif _help_functions | has($topic) then
( _help_functions[$topic] as $hf
| "\($topic): \($hf.summary)"
, $hf.doc
, if $hf.examples then
( "Examples:"
, ( $hf.examples[]
| . as $e
| if length == 1 then
( "> \($e[0])"
, (null | try (_eval($e[0]) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)")
( "> \($e[0] | tojson) | \($e[1])"
, ($e[0] | try (_eval($e[1]) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)")
error("unknown topic: \($topic)")
# help(unknown)
# TODO: check builtin
( ( . # TODO: extract
| builtins
| map(split("/") | {key: .[0], value: true})
| from_entries
) as $builtins
| ( . # TODO: extract
| scope
| map({key: ., value: true})
| from_entries
) as $scope
| if $builtins | has($topic) then
"\($topic) is builtin function"
elif $scope | has($topic) then
"\($topic) is a function or variable"
"don't know what \($topic) is "
| println
@ -121,6 +238,7 @@ def _help($arg0; $topic):
def _help_slurp($query):
def _name:
if _query_is_func then _query_func_name
elif _query_is_string then _query_string_str
else _query_tostring
if $query.orig | _query_is_func then
@ -129,60 +247,16 @@ def _help($arg0; $topic):
| if $args == null then
# help
( "Type expression to evaluate"
, "help(...) Help for topic. Ex: help(mp4), help(\"mp4\")"
, "\\t Completion"
, "Up/Down History"
, "^C Interrupt execution"
, "... | repl Start a new REPL"
, "^C Interrupt execution"
, "^D Exit REPL"
) | println
elif $argc == 1 then
# help(...)
( ($args[0] | _name) as $name
| _help_functions[$name] as $hf
| if $hf then
# help(name)
( "\($name): \($hf.summary)"
, $hf.doc
, if $hf.examples then
( "Examples:"
, ( $hf.examples[]
| . as $e
| if length == 1 then
( "> \($e[0])"
, (null | try (_eval($e[0]) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)")
( "> \($e[0] | tojson) | \($e[1])"
, ($e[0] | try (_eval($e[1]) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)")
) | println
# help(unknown)
# TODO: check builtin
( ( . # TODO: extract
| builtins
| map(split("/") | {key: .[0], value: true})
| from_entries
) as $builtins
| ( . # TODO: extract
| scope
| map({key: ., value: true})
| from_entries
) as $scope
| if $builtins | has($name) then
"\($name) is builtin function"
elif $scope | has($name) then
"\($name) is a function or variable"
"don't know what \($name) is "
| println
( _help("fq"; $args[0] | _name)
| println
_eval_error("compile"; "help must be last in pipeline. ex: help(length) or ... | help")

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
include "ansi";
# is here to be defined as early as possible to allow debugging
# TODO: move some _* to builtin.jq etc?
@ -136,3 +138,86 @@ def _is_context_canceled_error: . == "context canceled";
def _error_str($contexts): (["error"] + $contexts + [.]) | join(": ");
def _error_str: _error_str([]);
# TODO: escape for safe key names
# path ["a", 1, "b"] -> "a[1].b"
def _path_to_expr($opts):
( if length == 0 or (.[0] | type) != "string" then
[""] + .
| map(
if type == "number" then
( ("[" | _ansi_if($opts; "array"))
, _ansi_if($opts; "number")
, ("]" | _ansi_if($opts; "array"))
) else
( "."
, # empty (special case for leading index or empty path) or key
if . == "" or _is_ident then _ansi_if($opts; "objectkey")
"\"\(_escape_ident)\"" | _ansi_if($opts; "string")
| join("")
def _path_to_expr: _path_to_expr(null);
# TODO: don't use eval? should support '.a.b[1]."c.c"' and escapes?
def _expr_to_path:
( if type != "string" then error("require string argument") end
| _eval("null | path(\(.))")
# helper to build path query/generate functions for tree structures with
# non-unique children, ex: mp4_path
def _tree_path(children; name; $v):
def _lookup:
# add implicit zeros to get first value
# ["a", "b", 1] => ["a", 0, "b", 1]
def _normalize_path:
( . as $np
| if $np | last | type == "string" then $np+[0] end
# state is [path acc, possible pending zero index]
| ( reduce .[] as $np ([[], []];
if $np | type == "string" then
[(.[0]+.[1]+[$np]), [0]]
[.[0]+[$np], []]
( . as $c
| $v
| _expr_to_path
| _normalize_path
| reduce .[] as $n ($c;
if $n | type == "string" then
children | map(select(name == $n))
def _path:
[ . as $r
| $v._path as $p
| foreach range(($p | length)/2) as $i (null; null;
( ($r | getpath($p[0:($i+1)*2]) | name) as $name
| [($r | getpath($p[0:($i+1)*2-1]))[] | name][0:$p[($i*2)+1]+1] as $before
| [ $name
, ($before | map(select(. == $name)) | length)-1
| [ ".", .[0],
(.[1] | if . == 0 then empty else "[", ., "]" end)
| flatten
| join("");
if $v | type == "string" then _lookup
else _path

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import (
@ -47,7 +49,9 @@ import (
//go:embed query.jq
//go:embed repl.jq
//go:embed help.jq
//go:embed formats.jq
//go:embed format_decode.jq
//go:embed format_func.jq
//go:embed format_include.jq
var builtinFS embed.FS
var initSource = `include "@builtin/interp";`
@ -828,7 +832,7 @@ func (i *Interp) Eval(ctx context.Context, c interface{}, expr string, opts Eval
// not identity body means it returns something, threat as dynamic include
if q.Term.Type != gojq.TermTypeIdentity {
if q.Term == nil || q.Term.Type != gojq.TermTypeIdentity {
gc, err := gojq.Compile(q, funcCompilerOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -857,7 +861,7 @@ func (i *Interp) Eval(ctx context.Context, c interface{}, expr string, opts Eval
p := queryErrorPosition(s, err)
return nil, compileError{
err: err,
what: "parse",
what: "dynamic include parse",
filename: filenamePart,
pos: p,
@ -1130,3 +1134,79 @@ func (i *Interp) NewColorJSON(opts Options) (*colorjson.Encoder, error) {
), nil
var camelToSnakeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[[:lower:]][[:upper:]]`)
// "AaaBbb" -> "aaa_bbb"
func camelToSnake(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(camelToSnakeRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(s string) string {
return s[0:1] + "_" + s[1:2]
func mapToStruct(m map[string]interface{}, v interface{}) error {
ms, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
MatchName: func(mapKey, fieldName string) bool {
return camelToSnake(fieldName) == mapKey
DecodeHook: func(
f reflect.Type,
t reflect.Type,
data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
switch d := data.(type) {
case string:
return []byte(d), nil
} else {
switch d := data.(type) {
case *big.Int:
return d.Uint64(), nil
return data, nil
Result: v,
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ms.Decode(m); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func camelCaseMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
nm := map[string]interface{}{}
for k, v := range m {
sk := camelToSnake(k)
if vm, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
v = camelCaseMap(vm)
} else {
// TODO: error
v, _ = gojqextra.ToGoJQValue(v)
nm[sk] = v
return nm
func structToMap(v interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
m := map[string]interface{}{}
ms, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Result: &m,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ms.Decode(v); err != nil {
return nil, err
return camelCaseMap(m), nil

View File

@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ include "internal";
include "options";
include "binary";
include "decode";
include "funcs";
include "format_decode";
include "format_include";
include "format_func";
include "grep";
include "args";
include "eval";
include "query";
include "repl";
include "help";
# generate torepr, format decode helpers and include format specific functions
include "formats";
include "funcs";
# optional user init
include "@config/init?";
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ def _main:
| _options_stack([
( ( _opt_build_default_fixed
+ $parsed_args
+ ($parsed_args.option | _opt_cli_arg_tooptions)
+ ($parsed_args.option | if . then _opt_cli_arg_to_options end)
| . + _opt_eval($rest)

View File

@ -68,8 +68,62 @@ def _opt_build_default_fixed:
def _opt_options:
addrbase: "number",
arg: "array_string_pair",
argjson: "array_string_pair",
array_truncate: "number",
bits_format: "string",
byte_colors: "csv_ranges_array",
color: "boolean",
colors: "csv_kv_obj",
compact: "boolean",
completion_timeout: "number",
decode_file: "array_string_pair",
decode_format: "string",
decode_progress: "boolean",
depth: "number",
display_bytes: "number",
expr: "string",
expr_eval_path: "string",
expr_file: "string",
filenames: "array_string",
force: "boolean",
include_path: "string",
join_string: "string",
line_bytes: "number",
null_input: "boolean",
raw_file: "array_string_pair",
raw_output: "boolean",
raw_string: "boolean",
repl: "boolean",
sizebase: "number",
show_formats: "boolean",
show_help: "boolean",
slurp: "boolean",
string_input: "boolean",
unicode: "boolean",
verbose: "boolean",
width: "number",
def _opt_eval($rest):
( { argjson: (
( with_entries(
( select(.value | type == "string" and startswith("@"))
| .value |=
( . as $v
| try
( .[1:]
| open
| tobytes
| tostring
catch $v
+ { argjson: (
( .argjson
| if . then
@ -155,7 +209,7 @@ def _opt_eval($rest):
# these _to* function do a bit for fuzzy string to type conversions
def _opt_toboolean:
def _opt_to_boolean:
if . == "true" then true
elif . == "false" then false
@ -164,14 +218,14 @@ def _opt_toboolean:
def _opt_fromboolean: tostring;
def _opt_from_boolean: tostring;
def _opt_tonumber:
def _opt_to_number:
try tonumber catch null;
def _opt_fromnumber: tostring;
def _opt_from_number: tostring;
def _opt_tostring:
def _opt_to_string:
if . != null then
( "\"\(.)\""
| try
@ -182,19 +236,22 @@ def _opt_tostring:
def _opt_fromstring: if . then tojson[1:-1] else "" end;
def _opt_from_string: if . then tojson[1:-1] else "" end;
def _opt_toarray(f):
def _opt_is_string_pair:
type == "array" and length == 2 and all(type == "string");
def _opt_to_array(f):
( fromjson
| if type == "array" and (all(f) | not) then null end
catch null;
def _opt_fromarray: tojson;
def _opt_to_array_string_pair: _opt_to_array(_opt_is_string_pair);
def _opt_to_array_string: _opt_to_array(type == "string");
def _opt_is_string_pair:
type == "array" and length == 2 and all(type == "string");
def _opt_from_array: tojson;
# TODO: cleanup
def _trim: capture("^\\s*(?<str>.*?)\\s*$"; "").str;
@ -246,86 +303,53 @@ def _opt_from_csv_kv_obj:
| join(",")
def _opt_cli_arg_tooptions:
( {
addrbase: (.addrbase | _opt_tonumber),
arg: (.arg | _opt_toarray(_opt_is_string_pair)),
argjson: (.argjson | _opt_toarray(_opt_is_string_pair)),
array_truncate: (.array_truncate | _opt_tonumber),
bits_format: (.bits_format | _opt_tostring),
byte_colors: (.byte_colors | _opt_to_csv_ranges_array),
color: (.color | _opt_toboolean),
colors: (.colors | _opt_to_csv_kv_obj),
compact: (.compact | _opt_toboolean),
completion_timeout: (.array_truncate | _opt_tonumber),
decode_file: (.decode_file | _opt_toarray(_opt_is_string_pair)),
decode_format: (.decode_format | _opt_tostring),
decode_progress: (.decode_progress | _opt_toboolean),
depth: (.depth | _opt_tonumber),
display_bytes: (.display_bytes | _opt_tonumber),
expr: (.expr | _opt_tostring),
expr_file: (.expr_file | _opt_tostring),
filenames: (.filenames | _opt_toarray(type == "string")),
force: (.force | _opt_toboolean),
include_path: (.include_path | _opt_tostring),
join_string: (.join_string | _opt_tostring),
line_bytes: (.line_bytes | _opt_tonumber),
null_input: (.null_input | _opt_toboolean),
raw_file: (.raw_file| _opt_toarray(_opt_is_string_pair)),
raw_output: (.raw_output | _opt_toboolean),
raw_string: (.raw_string | _opt_toboolean),
repl: (.repl | _opt_toboolean),
sizebase: (.sizebase | _opt_tonumber),
show_formats: (.show_formats | _opt_toboolean),
show_help: (.show_help | _opt_toboolean),
slurp: (.slurp | _opt_toboolean),
string_input: (.string_input | _opt_toboolean),
unicode: (.unicode | _opt_toboolean),
verbose: (.verbose | _opt_toboolean),
width: (.width | _opt_tonumber),
| with_entries(select(.value != null))
def _opt_to_fuzzy:
( . as $s
| try fromjson
catch $s
def _opt_cli_arg_fromoptions:
( {
addrbase: (.addrbase | _opt_fromnumber),
arg: (.arg | _opt_fromarray),
argjson: (.argjson | _opt_fromarray),
array_truncate: (.array_truncate | _opt_fromnumber),
bits_format: (.bits_format | _opt_fromstring),
byte_colors: (.byte_colors | _opt_from_csv_ranges_array),
color: (.color | _opt_fromboolean),
colors: (.colors | _opt_from_csv_kv_obj),
compact: (.compact | _opt_fromboolean),
completion_timeout: (.array_truncate | _opt_fromnumber),
decode_file: (.decode_file | _opt_fromarray),
decode_format: (.decode_format | _opt_fromstring),
decode_progress: (.decode_progress | _opt_fromboolean),
depth: (.depth | _opt_fromnumber),
display_bytes: (.display_bytes | _opt_fromnumber),
expr: (.expr | _opt_fromstring),
expr_file: (.expr_file | _opt_fromstring),
filenames: (.filenames | _opt_fromarray),
force: (.force | _opt_fromboolean),
include_path: (.include_path | _opt_fromstring),
join_string: (.join_string | _opt_fromstring),
line_bytes: (.line_bytes | _opt_fromnumber),
null_input: (.null_input | _opt_fromboolean),
raw_file: (.raw_file| _opt_fromarray),
raw_output: (.raw_output | _opt_fromboolean),
raw_string: (.raw_string | _opt_fromboolean),
repl: (.repl | _opt_fromboolean),
sizebase: (.sizebase | _opt_fromnumber),
show_formats: (.show_formats | _opt_fromboolean),
show_help: (.show_help | _opt_fromboolean),
slurp: (.slurp | _opt_fromboolean),
string_input: (.string_input | _opt_fromboolean),
unicode: (.unicode | _opt_fromboolean),
verbose: (.verbose | _opt_fromboolean),
width: (.width | _opt_tonumber),
| with_entries(select(.value != null))
def _opt_to($type):
if $type == "array_string" then _opt_to_array_string
elif $type == "array_string_pair" then _opt_to_array_string_pair
elif $type == "boolean" then _opt_to_boolean
elif $type == "csv_kv_obj" then _opt_to_csv_kv_obj
elif $type == "csv_ranges_array" then _opt_to_csv_ranges_array
elif $type == "number" then _opt_to_number
elif $type == "string" then _opt_to_string
elif $type == "fuzzy" then _opt_to_fuzzy
else error("unknown type \($type)")
def _opt_from($type):
if $type == "array_string" then _opt_from_array
elif $type == "array_string_pair" then _opt_from_array
elif $type == "boolean" then _opt_from_boolean
elif $type == "csv_kv_obj" then _opt_from_csv_kv_obj
elif $type == "csv_ranges_array" then _opt_from_csv_ranges_array
elif $type == "number" then _opt_from_number
elif $type == "string" then _opt_from_string
else error("unknown type \($type)")
def _opt_cli_arg_to_options:
( _opt_options as $opts
| with_entries(
( .key as $k
| .value |= _opt_to($opts[$k] // "fuzzy")
| select(.value != null)
def _opt_cli_arg_from_options:
( _opt_options as $opts
| with_entries(
( .key as $k
| .value |= _opt_from($opts[$k] // "string")
| select(.value != null)
def _opt_cli_opts:

View File

@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ def _query_is_func:
def _query_is_func($name):
_query_is_func and _query_func_name == $name;
def _query_is_string:
.term.type == "TermTypeString";
def _query_string_str:
def _query_empty:

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def _prompt($opts):
def _repl_level:
(_options_stack | length | if . > 2 then ((.-2) * ">") else empty end);
def _value_path:
(._path? // []) | if . == [] then empty else path_to_expr($opts) end;
(._path? // []) | if . == [] then empty else _path_to_expr($opts) end;
def _value_preview($depth):
if $depth == 0 and format == null and type == "array" then
[ "["

View File

@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ byte_colors 0-255=brightwhite,0=brightblack,32-126:9-13=white
color false
colors array=white,dumpaddr=yellow,dumpheader=yellow+underline,error=brightred,false=yellow,index=white,null=brightblack,number=cyan,object=white,objectkey=brightblue,prompt_repl_level=brightblack,prompt_value=white,string=green,true=yellow,value=white
compact false
completion_timeout 50
completion_timeout 10
decode_file []
decode_format probe
decode_progress false
depth 0
display_bytes 16
expr .
expr_eval_path arg
filenames [null]
force false
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ adts_frame Audio Data Transport Stream frame
amf0 Action Message Format 0
apev2 APEv2 metadata tag
ar Unix archive
asn1_ber ASN1 Basic Encoding Rules (also CER and DER)
asn1_ber ASN1 BER (basic encoding rules, also CER and DER)
av1_ccr AV1 Codec Configuration Record
av1_frame AV1 frame
av1_obu AV1 Open Bitstream Unit

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ _format_root

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
$ fq -ni
null> help
Type expression to evaluate
help(...) Help for topic. Ex: help(mp4), help("mp4")
\t Completion
Up/Down History
^C Interrupt execution
... | repl Start a new REPL
^C Interrupt execution
^D Exit REPL
null> help | abc
error: expr: function not defined: abc/0
@ -25,6 +26,28 @@ length: Length of string, array, object, etc
- For number the number itself
- For boolean is an error
> [1,2,3] | length
> "abc" | length
> {"a":1,"b":2} | length
> null | length
> 123 | length
> true | length
error: length cannot be applied to: boolean (true)
null> help("length")
length: Length of string, array, object, etc
- For string number of unicode codepoints
- For array number of elements in array
- For object number of key-value pairs
- For null zero
- For number the number itself
- For boolean is an error
> [1,2,3] | length

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ $ fq -i
null> torepr
error: value is not a format root
null> "{}" | json | torepr
error: format has no torepr
error: json has no torepr
null> ^D