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6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mattias Wadman
Merge pull request #954 from wader/usage-rework2
doc: Fix function indent
2024-05-23 19:46:09 +02:00
Mattias Wadman
b818923c26 doc: Fix function indent 2024-05-23 18:33:37 +02:00
Mattias Wadman
Merge pull request #953 from wader/usage-rework
doc: Reorganize and cleanup function descriptions
2024-05-23 18:32:10 +02:00
Mattias Wadman
Merge pull request #952 from wader/bump-gomod-BurntSushi/toml-1.4.0
Update gomod-BurntSushi/toml to 1.4.0 from 1.3.2
2024-05-23 18:20:50 +02:00
Mattias Wadman
40f38a5558 doc: Reorganize and cleanup function descriptions 2024-05-23 18:20:10 +02:00
61f81fbfda Update gomod-BurntSushi/toml to 1.4.0 from 1.3.2
Source diff 1.3.2..1.4.0 https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/compare/v1.3.2..v1.4.0
2024-05-23 16:04:49 +00:00
3 changed files with 166 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -406,8 +406,6 @@ There is also `tobitsrange` and `tobytesrange` which does the same thing but wil
Both `.[index]` and `.[start:end]` support negative indices to index from end.
TODO: tobytesrange, padding
#### Binary array
Is an array of numbers, strings, binaries or other nested binary arrays. When used as input to `tobits`/`tobytes` the following rules are used:
@ -428,92 +426,175 @@ Some examples:
`[(.a | tobytes[-10:]), 255, (.b | tobits[:10])] | tobytes` the concatenation of the last 10 bytes of `.a`, a byte with value 255 and the first 10 bits of `.b`.
The difference between `tobits` and `tobytes` is
TODO: padding and alignment
## Functions
All decode functions are available in two forms, just `<format>` (like `mp3`) that returns a decode value on error and `from_<format>` which throws error on decode error.
fq has all the same standard library jq functions and in addition some new ones.
### Additional generic functions
#### `grep_by(f)`
Recursively select using a filter. Ex: `grep_by(. > 180 and . < 200)`, `first(grep_by(format == "id3v2"))`.
#### `group`
Group values, same as `group_by(.)`.
#### `streaks`, `streaks_by(f)`
Like `group` but groups streaks based on condition.
#### `count`, `count_by(f)`
Like `group` but counts groups lengths based on condition.
#### `delta`, `delta_by(f)`
Array with difference between consecutive. `delta` is same as `delta_by(.b - .a)`.
#### `chunk($size)`
Split array or string into `$size` length chunks. Last chunk might be shorter.
#### `path_to_expr`
Converts a path value `["key", 1]` to a string `".key[1]"`.
#### `expr_to_path`
Converts from a string `".key[1]"` to path value `["key", 1]`.
#### `diff($a; $b)`
Produce a diff between `$a` and `$b`. Differences are represented as a object `{a: <value from a>, b: <value from b>}`.
#### `band`, `bor`, `bxor`, `bsl`, `bsr`, `bnot`.
Bitwise functions. Works the same as jq math functions. Functions with no arguments like `1 | bnot` uses only input, functions with more than one argument ignores input, `bsl(1; 3)`.
#### `repl`/`repl($opts)`
Nested REPL. Must be last in a pipeline. `1 | repl`, can "slurp" outputs. Ex: `1, 2, 3 | repl`, `[1,2,3] | repl({compact: true})`.
#### `slurp("<name>")`
Slurp outputs and save them to `$name`. Must be last in the pipeline. Will be available as a global array `$name`. Ex `1,2,3 | slurp("a")`, `$a[]` same as `spew("a")`.
#### `spew`/`spew("<name>")`
Output previously slurped values.
#### `spew`
Outputs all slurps as an object. `spew("<name>")` outputs one slurp. Ex: `spew("a")`.
#### `paste`
Read string from stdin until ^D. Useful for pasting text. Ex: `paste | from_pem | asn1_ber | repl` read from stdin then decode and start a new sub-REPL with result.
### Format decode functions
Format decode functions are available in two forms, just `mp3` or `mp3($opts)` that returns a decode value even on error and `from_mp3` or `from_mp3($opts)` which throws error on decode error.
The the only general format option currently is `force` to ignore decoder asserts.
For example to decode as mp3 and ignore assets do `mp3({force: true})` or `decode("mp3"; {force: true})`. From command line you can either do `fq -d mp3 -o force=true . file.mp3` or `fq -d bytes 'mp3({force: true})' file.mp3`.
Some formats has own options that can be specificed as part of `$opts` or as `-o name=value`. Too see options for a format do `fq -h mp3` or `help(mp3)` in a REPL. From command line you can either do `fq -d mp3 -o max_sync_seek=100 . file.mp3` or `fq -d bytes 'mp3({max_sync_seek: 100})' file.mp3`.
#### `decode`, `decode("<format>")`, `decode("<format>"; $opts)`
Decode format.
#### `probe`, `probe($opts)`
Probe and decode format.
#### `<format>`, `<format>($opts)`
Same as `decode("<format>")` and `decode("<format>"; $opts)`. Decode as format and return decode value even on decode error.
#### `from_<format>`, `from_<format>($opts)`
Same as `decode("<format>")` and `decode("<format>"; $opts)` decode as format but throw error on decode error.
Note that jq sometimes uses the notation `name/0`, `name/1` etc in error messages and documentation which means `<function-name>/<arity>`. Same function names with different arity are treated as separate functions, but are usually related in some way in practice.
### Function added in fq
#### `print`, `println`, `printerr`, `printerrln`
Print string or if not a string compact JSON value to stdout or stderr.
- All standard library functions from jq
- Adds a few new general functions:
- `print`, `println`, `printerr`, `printerrln` prints to stdout and stderr.
- `group` group values, same as `group_by(.)`.
- `streaks`, `streaks_by(f)` like `group` but groups streaks based on condition.
- `count`, `count_by(f)` like `group` but counts groups lengths.
- `debug(f)` like `debug` but uses arg to produce a debug message. `{a: 123} | debug({a}) | ...`.
- `path_to_expr` from `["key", 1]` to `".key[1]"`.
- `expr_to_path` from `".key[1]"` to `["key", 1]`.
- `diff($a; $b)` produce diff object between two values.
- `delta`, `delta_by(f)`, array with difference between all consecutive pairs.
- `chunk(f)`, split array or string into even chunks
- Bitwise functions `band`, `bor`, `bxor`, `bsl`, `bsr` and `bnot`. Works the same as jq math functions,
unary uses input and if more than one argument all as arguments ignoring the input. Ex: `1 | bnot` `bsl(1; 3)`
- Adds some decode value specific functions:
- `root` tree root for value
- `buffer_root` root value of buffer for value
- `format_root` root value of format for value
- `parent` parent value
- `parents` output parents of value
- `topath` path of value. Use `path_to_expr` to get a string representation.
- `tovalue`, `tovalue($opts)` symbolic value if available otherwise actual value
- `toactual`, `toactual($opts)` actual value (usually the decoded value)
- `tosym`, `tosym($opts)` symbolic value (mapped etc)
- `todescription` description of value
- `torepr` converts decode value into what it represents. For example convert msgpack decode value
into a value representing its JSON representation.
- All regexp functions work with binary as input and pattern argument with these differences
compared to when using string input:
- All offset and length will be in bytes.
- For `capture` the `.string` value is a binary.
- If pattern is a binary it will be matched literally and not as a regexp.
- If pattern is a binary or flags include "b" each input byte will be read as separate code points
- String functions are not overloaded to support binary for now as some of them might have behaviors that might be confusing.
- `explode` is overloaded to work with binary. Will explode into array of the unit of the binary.
end of binary.
instead of possibly multi-byte UTF-8 codepoints. This allows to match raw bytes. Ex: `match("\u00ff"; "b")`
will match the byte `0xff` and not the UTF-8 encoded codepoint for 255, `match("[^\u00ff]"; "b")` will match
all non-`0xff` bytes.
- `grep` functions take 1 or 2 arguments. First is a scalar to match, where a string is
treated as a regexp. A binary will match exact bytes. Second argument are regexp
flags with addition that "b" will treat each byte in the input binary as a code point, this
makes it possible to match exact bytes.
- `grep($v)`, `grep($v; $flags)` recursively match value and binary
- `vgrep($v)`, `vgrep($v; $flags)` recursively match value
- `bgrep($v)`, `bgrep($v; $flags)` recursively match binary
- `fgrep($v)`, `fgrep($v; $flags)` recursively match field name
- `grep_by(f)` recursively match using a filter. Ex: `grep_by(. > 180 and . < 200)`, `first(grep_by(format == "id3v2"))`.
- Binary:
- `tobits` - Transform input to binary with bit as unit, does not preserve source range, will start at zero.
- `tobitsrange` - Transform input to binary with bit as unit, preserves source range if possible.
- `tobytes` - Transform input to binary with byte as unit, does not preserve source range, will start at zero.
- `tobytesrange` - Transform input binary with byte as unit, preserves source range if possible.
- `.[start:end]`, `.[:end]`, `.[start:]` - Slice binary from start to end preserve source range.
- `open` open file for reading
- All decode functions take an optional option argument. The only option currently is `force` to ignore decoder asserts.
For example to decode as mp3 and ignore assets do `mp3({force: true})` or `decode("mp3"; {force: true})`, from command line
you currently have to do `fq -d bytes 'mp3({force: true})' file`.
- `decode`, `decode("<format>")`, `decode("<format>"; $opts)` decode format
- `probe`, `probe($opts)` probe and decode format
- `mp3`, `mp3($opts)`, ..., `<format>`, `<format>($opts)` same as `decode("<format>")`, `decode("<format>"; $opts)` decode as format and return decode value even on decode error.
- `from_mp3`, `from_mp3($opts)`, ..., `from_<format>`, `from_<format>($opts)` same as `decode("<format>")`, `decode("<format>"; $opts)` decode as format but throw error on decode error.
- Display shows hexdump/ASCII/tree for decode values and jq value for other types.
- `d`/`d($opts)` display value and truncate long arrays and binaries
- `da`/`da($opts)` display value and don't truncate arrays
- `dd`/`dd($opts)` display value and don't truncate arrays or binaries
- `dv`/`dv($opts)` verbosely display value and don't truncate arrays but truncate binaries
- `ddv`/`ddv($opts)` verbosely display value and don't truncate arrays or binaries
- `hd`/`hexdump` hexdump value
- `repl`/`repl($opts)` nested REPL, must be last in a pipeline. `1 | repl`, can "slurp" outputs. Ex: `1, 2, 3 | repl`, `[1,2,3] | repl({compact: true})`.
- `slurp("<name>")` slurp outputs and save them to `$name`, must be last in the pipeline. Will be available as a global array `$name`. Ex `1,2,3 | slurp("a")`, `$a[]` same as `spew("a")`.
- `spew`/`spew("<name>")` output previously slurped values. `spew` outputs all slurps as an object, `spew("<name>")` outputs one slurp. Ex: `spew("a")`.
- `paste` read string from stdin until ^D. Useful for pasting text.
- Ex: `paste | from_pem | asn1_ber | repl` read from stdin then decode and start a new sub-REPL with result.
#### `root`
Root decode value for decode value.
#### `buffer_root`
Root decode value of buffer for decode value.
#### `format_root`
Root decode value of format for decode value.
#### `parent`
Parent decode value for decode value.
#### `parents`
Outputs all parent decode values from decode value.
#### `topath`
Path for decode value. Use `path_to_expr` to get a string representation.
#### `tovalue`, `tovalue($opts)`
Symbolic, if available, or actual value for decode value.
#### `toactual`, `toactual($opts)`
Actual value for decode value.
#### `tosym`, `tosym($opts)`
Symbolic value for decode value.
#### `todescription`
Description for decode value.
#### `torepr`
Converts decode value into what it represents. For example converts msgpack decode value into a value representing its JSON representation.
### Display functions
Display shows hexdump, ASCII and tree column dump for decode values and jq value for other types.
#### `d`/`d($opts)`
display value and truncate long arrays and binaries.
#### `da`/`da($opts)`
Display value and don't truncate arrays.
#### `dd`/`dd($opts)`
Display value and don't truncate arrays or binaries.
#### `dv`/`dv($opts)`
Verbosely display value and don't truncate arrays but truncate binaries.
#### `ddv`/`ddv($opts)`
Verbosely display value and don't truncate arrays or binaries.
#### `hd`/`hexdump`
Hexdump value.
### Binary values
Binary values represents raw bits or bytes. When used in standard jq expressions they will behave as strings (UTF-8) with some exceptions listed below.
- All regexp functions work with binary as input and pattern argument with these differences
compared to when using string input:
- All offset and length will be in bytes.
- For `capture` the `.string` value is a binary.
- If pattern is a binary it will be matched literally and not as a regexp.
- If pattern is a binary or flags include "b" each input byte will be read as separate code points
- `explode` is overloaded to work with binary. Will explode into array of the unit of the binary.
- `.[start:end]`, `.[:end]`, `.[start:]` - Slice binary from start to end preserve source range.
#### `grep($v)`, `grep($v; $flags)`, `vgrep($v)`, `vgrep($v; $flags)`, `bgrep($v)`, `bgrep($v; $flags)`
Recursively match `$v`.
`$v` is a scalar to match, where a string is treated as a regexp. A binary will match exact bytes.
`$flags` argument are regexp flags with additional flag "b" that will treat each byte in the input binary
as a code point. This makes it possible to match exact bytes.
#### `fgrep($v)`, `fgrep($v; $flags)`
Recursively match field name in for decode value.
#### `tobits`
Transform input to binary with bit as unit and don't preserve source range.
#### `tobitsrange`
Transform input to binary with bit as unit and preserve source range.
#### `tobytes`
Transform input to binary with byte as unit and don't preserve source range.
#### `tobytesrange`
Transform input to binary with byte as unit and preserve source range.
#### `open`
Open file for reading.
### Naming inconsistencies

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require (
// bump: gomod-BurntSushi/toml /github\.com\/BurntSushi\/toml v(.*)/ https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml.git|^1
// bump: gomod-BurntSushi/toml command go get -d github.com/BurntSushi/toml@v$LATEST && go mod tidy
// bump: gomod-BurntSushi/toml link "Source diff $CURRENT..$LATEST" https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/compare/v$CURRENT..v$LATEST
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.3.2
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.4.0
// bump: gomod-creasty-defaults /github\.com\/creasty\/defaults v(.*)/ https://github.com/creasty/defaults.git|^1
// bump: gomod-creasty-defaults command go get -d github.com/creasty/defaults@v$LATEST && go mod tidy

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.3.2 h1:o7IhLm0Msx3BaB+n3Ag7L8EVlByGnpq14C4YWiu/gL8=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.3.2/go.mod h1:CxXYINrC8qIiEnFrOxCa7Jy5BFHlXnUU2pbicEuybxQ=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.4.0 h1:kuoIxZQy2WRRk1pttg9asf+WVv6tWQuBNVmK8+nqPr0=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.4.0/go.mod h1:ukJfTF/6rtPPRCnwkur4qwRxa8vTRFBF0uk2lLoLwho=
github.com/creasty/defaults v1.7.0 h1:eNdqZvc5B509z18lD8yc212CAqJNvfT1Jq6L8WowdBA=
github.com/creasty/defaults v1.7.0/go.mod h1:iGzKe6pbEHnpMPtfDXZEr0NVxWnPTjb1bbDy08fPzYM=
github.com/ergochat/readline v0.1.1 h1:C8Uuo3ybB23GWOt0uxmHbGzKM9owmtXary6Clrj84s0=