# to test # docker run -ti -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" goreleaser/goreleaser:latest release --snapshot --rm-dist project_name: fq before: hooks: - go mod download release: draft: true builds: - env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goarch: - amd64 - arm64 goos: - linux - windows - darwin flags: - -trimpath ldflags: # omit symbol table and debug information - -s -w - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.CommitDate}} - -X main.builtBy=goreleaser checksum: name_template: "checksums.txt" archives: - files: # skip all other files - none* format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip - goos: darwin format: zip # fq_0.2.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz # fq_0.2.0_macos_arm64.zip name_template: >- {{ .ProjectName }}_ {{- .Version }}_ {{- if eq .Os "darwin" }}macos_ {{- else }}{{ .Os }}_{{ end }} {{- .Arch }} changelog: sort: asc filters: exclude: - "^Merge" brews: - skip_upload: auto repository: owner: wader name: homebrew-tap directory: Formula homepage: https://github.com/wader/fq description: jq for binary formats license: MIT test: | system "#{bin}/fq -v"