$ fq -h avro_ocf avro_ocf: Avro object container file decoder Decode examples =============== # Decode file as avro_ocf $ fq -d avro_ocf . file # Decode value as avro_ocf ... | avro_ocf Supports reading Avro Object Container Format (OCF) files based on the 1.11.0 specification. Capable of handling null, deflate, and snappy codecs for data compression. Limitations: - Schema does not support self-referential types, only built-in types. - Decimal logical types are not supported for decoding, will just be treated as their primitive type References ========== - https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Object+Container+Files Authors ======= - Xentripetal xentripetal@fastmail.com @xentripetal (https://github.com/xentripetal)