$ fq -d tzif dv Pontianak |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: Pontianak (tzif) 0x0-0x386 (902) | | | v1header{}: 0x0-0x2c (44) 0x000|54 5a 69 66 |TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x0-0x4 (4) 0x000| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x4-0x5 (1) 0x000| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ...........| reserved: raw bits 0x5-0x14 (15) 0x010|00 00 00 00 |.... | 0x010| 00 00 00 00 | .... | isutcnt: 0 0x14-0x18 (4) 0x010| 00 00 00 00 | .... | isstdcnt: 0 0x18-0x1c (4) 0x010| 00 00 00 1b| ....| leapcnt: 27 0x1c-0x20 (4) 0x020|00 00 00 09 |.... | timecnt: 9 0x20-0x24 (4) 0x020| 00 00 00 07 | .... | typecnt: 7 0x24-0x28 (4) 0x020| 00 00 00 1f | .... | charcnt: 31 0x28-0x2c (4) | | | v1datablock{}: 0x2c-0x17a (334) | | | transition_times[0:9]: 0x2c-0x50 (36) 0x020| 8b ff 8e 00| ....| [0]: "1908-04-30T16:42:40Z" (-1946186240) transition_time 0x2c-0x30 (4) 0x030|ba 16 df 00 |.... | [1]: "1932-10-31T16:42:40Z" (-1172906240) transition_time 0x30-0x34 (4) 0x030| cb 79 a4 08 | .y.. | [2]: "1942-01-28T16:30:00Z" (-881220600) transition_time 0x34-0x38 (4) 0x030| d2 56 ee 70 | .V.p | [3]: "1945-09-22T15:00:00Z" (-766054800) transition_time 0x38-0x3c (4) 0x030| d7 3c c6 08| .<..| [4]: "1948-04-30T16:30:00Z" (-683883000) transition_time 0x3c-0x40 (4) 0x040|da ff 26 00 |..&. | [5]: "1950-04-30T16:00:00Z" (-620812800) transition_time 0x40-0x44 (4) 0x040| f4 b5 be 88 | .... | [6]: "1963-12-31T16:30:00Z" (-189415800) transition_time 0x44-0x48 (4) 0x040| 21 da 74 8d | !.t. | [7]: "1987-12-31T16:00:13Z" (567964813) transition_time 0x48-0x4c (4) 0x040| 64 9b 78 1b| d.x.| [8]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x4c-0x50 (4) | | | transition_types[0:9]: 0x50-0x59 (9) 0x050|01 |. | [0]: 1 transition_type 0x50-0x51 (1) 0x050| 02 | . | [1]: 2 transition_type 0x51-0x52 (1) 0x050| 03 | . | [2]: 3 transition_type 0x52-0x53 (1) 0x050| 02 | . | [3]: 2 transition_type 0x53-0x54 (1) 0x050| 04 | . | [4]: 4 transition_type 0x54-0x55 (1) 0x050| 02 | . | [5]: 2 transition_type 0x55-0x56 (1) 0x050| 05 | . | [6]: 5 transition_type 0x56-0x57 (1) 0x050| 06 | . | [7]: 6 transition_type 0x57-0x58 (1) 0x050| 06 | . | [8]: 6 transition_type 0x58-0x59 (1) | | | local_time_type_records[0:7]: 0x59-0x83 (42) | | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x59-0x5f (6) 0x050| 00 00 66 80 | ..f. | utoff: 26240 (valid) 0x59-0x5d (4) 0x050| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x5d-0x5e (1) 0x050| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x5e-0x5f (1) | | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x5f-0x65 (6) 0x050| 00| .| utoff: 26240 (valid) 0x5f-0x63 (4) 0x060|00 66 80 |.f. | 0x060| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x63-0x64 (1) 0x060| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x64-0x65 (1) | | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x65-0x6b (6) 0x060| 00 00 69 78 | ..ix | utoff: 27000 (valid) 0x65-0x69 (4) 0x060| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x69-0x6a (1) 0x060| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x6a-0x6b (1) | | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x6b-0x71 (6) 0x060| 00 00 7e 90 | ..~. | utoff: 32400 (valid) 0x6b-0x6f (4) 0x060| 00| .| dst: 0 (valid) 0x6f-0x70 (1) 0x070|0e |. | idx: 14 (valid) 0x70-0x71 (1) | | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x71-0x77 (6) 0x070| 00 00 70 80 | ..p. | utoff: 28800 (valid) 0x71-0x75 (4) 0x070| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x75-0x76 (1) 0x070| 12 | . | idx: 18 (valid) 0x76-0x77 (1) | | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x77-0x7d (6) 0x070| 00 00 70 80 | ..p. | utoff: 28800 (valid) 0x77-0x7b (4) 0x070| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x7b-0x7c (1) 0x070| 16 | . | idx: 22 (valid) 0x7c-0x7d (1) | | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x7d-0x83 (6) 0x070| 00 00 62| ..b| utoff: 25200 (valid) 0x7d-0x81 (4) 0x080|70 |p | 0x080| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x81-0x82 (1) 0x080| 1b | . | idx: 27 (valid) 0x82-0x83 (1) | | | time_zone_designations[0:7]: 0x83-0xa2 (31) 0x080| 4c 4d 54 00 | LMT. | [0]: "LMT" time_zone_designation 0x83-0x87 (4) 0x080| 50 4d 54 00 | PMT. | [1]: "PMT" time_zone_designation 0x87-0x8b (4) 0x080| 2b 30 37 33 30| +0730| [2]: "+0730" time_zone_designation 0x8b-0x91 (6) 0x090|00 |. | 0x090| 2b 30 39 00 | +09. | [3]: "+09" time_zone_designation 0x91-0x95 (4) 0x090| 2b 30 38 00 | +08. | [4]: "+08" time_zone_designation 0x95-0x99 (4) 0x090| 57 49 54 41 00 | WITA. | [5]: "WITA" time_zone_designation 0x99-0x9e (5) 0x090| 57 49| WI| [6]: "WIB" time_zone_designation 0x9e-0xa2 (4) 0x0a0|42 00 |B. | | | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0xa2-0x17a (216) | | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0xa2-0xaa (8) 0x0a0| 04 b2 58 00 | ..X. | occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0xa2-0xa6 (4) 0x0a0| 00 00 00 01 | .... | corr: 1 0xa6-0xaa (4) | | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0xaa-0xb2 (8) 0x0a0| 05 a4 ec 01 | .... | occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0xaa-0xae (4) 0x0a0| 00 00| ..| corr: 2 0xae-0xb2 (4) 0x0b0|00 02 |.. | | | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0xb2-0xba (8) 0x0b0| 07 86 1f 82 | .... | occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0xb2-0xb6 (4) 0x0b0| 00 00 00 03 | .... | corr: 3 0xb6-0xba (4) | | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0xba-0xc2 (8) 0x0b0| 09 67 53 03 | .gS. | occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0xba-0xbe (4) 0x0b0| 00 00| ..| corr: 4 0xbe-0xc2 (4) 0x0c0|00 04 |.. | | | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0xc2-0xca (8) 0x0c0| 0b 48 86 84 | .H.. | occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0xc2-0xc6 (4) 0x0c0| 00 00 00 05 | .... | corr: 5 0xc6-0xca (4) | | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0xca-0xd2 (8) 0x0c0| 0d 2b 0b 85 | .+.. | occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0xca-0xce (4) 0x0c0| 00 00| ..| corr: 6 0xce-0xd2 (4) 0x0d0|00 06 |.. | | | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0xd2-0xda (8) 0x0d0| 0f 0c 3f 06 | ..?. | occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0xd2-0xd6 (4) 0x0d0| 00 00 00 07 | .... | corr: 7 0xd6-0xda (4) | | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0xda-0xe2 (8) 0x0d0| 10 ed 72 87 | ..r. | occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0xda-0xde (4) 0x0d0| 00 00| ..| corr: 8 0xde-0xe2 (4) 0x0e0|00 08 |.. | | | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0xe2-0xea (8) 0x0e0| 12 ce a6 08 | .... | occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0xe2-0xe6 (4) 0x0e0| 00 00 00 09 | .... | corr: 9 0xe6-0xea (4) | | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0xea-0xf2 (8) 0x0e0| 15 9f ca 89 | .... | occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0xea-0xee (4) 0x0e0| 00 00| ..| corr: 10 0xee-0xf2 (4) 0x0f0|00 0a |.. | | | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0xf2-0xfa (8) 0x0f0| 17 80 fe 0a | .... | occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0xf2-0xf6 (4) 0x0f0| 00 00 00 0b | .... | corr: 11 0xf6-0xfa (4) | | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0xfa-0x102 (8) 0x0f0| 19 62 31 8b | .b1. | occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0xfa-0xfe (4) 0x0f0| 00 00| ..| corr: 12 0xfe-0x102 (4) 0x100|00 0c |.. | | | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x102-0x10a (8) 0x100| 1d 25 ea 0c | .%.. | occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x102-0x106 (4) 0x100| 00 00 00 0d | .... | corr: 13 0x106-0x10a (4) | | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x10a-0x112 (8) 0x100| 21 da e5 0d | !... | occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x10a-0x10e (4) 0x100| 00 00| ..| corr: 14 0x10e-0x112 (4) 0x110|00 0e |.. | | | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x112-0x11a (8) 0x110| 25 9e 9d 8e | %... | occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x112-0x116 (4) 0x110| 00 00 00 0f | .... | corr: 15 0x116-0x11a (4) | | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x11a-0x122 (8) 0x110| 27 7f d1 0f | '... | occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x11a-0x11e (4) 0x110| 00 00| ..| corr: 16 0x11e-0x122 (4) 0x120|00 10 |.. | | | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x122-0x12a (8) 0x120| 2a 50 f5 90 | *P.. | occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x122-0x126 (4) 0x120| 00 00 00 11 | .... | corr: 17 0x126-0x12a (4) | | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x12a-0x132 (8) 0x120| 2c 32 29 11 | ,2). | occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x12a-0x12e (4) 0x120| 00 00| ..| corr: 18 0x12e-0x132 (4) 0x130|00 12 |.. | | | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x132-0x13a (8) 0x130| 2e 13 5c 92 | ..\. | occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x132-0x136 (4) 0x130| 00 00 00 13 | .... | corr: 19 0x136-0x13a (4) | | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x13a-0x142 (8) 0x130| 30 e7 24 13 | 0.$. | occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x13a-0x13e (4) 0x130| 00 00| ..| corr: 20 0x13e-0x142 (4) 0x140|00 14 |.. | | | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x142-0x14a (8) 0x140| 33 b8 48 94 | 3.H. | occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x142-0x146 (4) 0x140| 00 00 00 15 | .... | corr: 21 0x146-0x14a (4) | | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x14a-0x152 (8) 0x140| 36 8c 10 15 | 6... | occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x14a-0x14e (4) 0x140| 00 00| ..| corr: 22 0x14e-0x152 (4) 0x150|00 16 |.. | | | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x152-0x15a (8) 0x150| 43 b7 1b 96 | C... | occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x152-0x156 (4) 0x150| 00 00 00 17 | .... | corr: 23 0x156-0x15a (4) | | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x15a-0x162 (8) 0x150| 49 5c 07 97 | I\.. | occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x15a-0x15e (4) 0x150| 00 00| ..| corr: 24 0x15e-0x162 (4) 0x160|00 18 |.. | | | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x162-0x16a (8) 0x160| 4f ef 93 18 | O... | occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x162-0x166 (4) 0x160| 00 00 00 19 | .... | corr: 25 0x166-0x16a (4) | | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x16a-0x172 (8) 0x160| 55 93 2d 99 | U.-. | occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x16a-0x16e (4) 0x160| 00 00| ..| corr: 26 0x16e-0x172 (4) 0x170|00 1a |.. | | | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x172-0x17a (8) 0x170| 58 68 46 9a | XhF. | occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x172-0x176 (4) 0x170| 00 00 00 1b | .... | corr: 27 0x176-0x17a (4) | | | standard_wall_indicators[0:0]: 0x17a-0x17a (0) | | | ut_local_indicators[0:0]: 0x17a-0x17a (0) | | | v2plusheader{}: 0x17a-0x1a6 (44) 0x170| 54 5a 69 66 | TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x17a-0x17e (4) 0x170| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x17e-0x17f (1) 0x170| 00| .| reserved: raw bits 0x17f-0x18e (15) 0x180|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.............. | 0x180| 00 00| ..| isutcnt: 0 0x18e-0x192 (4) 0x190|00 00 |.. | 0x190| 00 00 00 00 | .... | isstdcnt: 0 0x192-0x196 (4) 0x190| 00 00 00 1b | .... | leapcnt: 27 0x196-0x19a (4) 0x190| 00 00 00 09 | .... | timecnt: 9 0x19a-0x19e (4) 0x190| 00 00| ..| typecnt: 7 0x19e-0x1a2 (4) 0x1a0|00 07 |.. | 0x1a0| 00 00 00 1f | .... | charcnt: 31 0x1a2-0x1a6 (4) | | | v2plusdatablock{}: 0x1a6-0x384 (478) | | | transition_times[0:9]: 0x1a6-0x1ee (72) 0x1a0| ff ff ff ff 8b ff 8e 00 | ........ | [0]: "1908-04-30T16:42:40Z" (-1946186240) transition_time 0x1a6-0x1ae (8) 0x1a0| ff ff| ..| [1]: "1932-10-31T16:42:40Z" (-1172906240) transition_time 0x1ae-0x1b6 (8) 0x1b0|ff ff ba 16 df 00 |...... | 0x1b0| ff ff ff ff cb 79 a4 08 | .....y.. | [2]: "1942-01-28T16:30:00Z" (-881220600) transition_time 0x1b6-0x1be (8) 0x1b0| ff ff| ..| [3]: "1945-09-22T15:00:00Z" (-766054800) transition_time 0x1be-0x1c6 (8) 0x1c0|ff ff d2 56 ee 70 |...V.p | 0x1c0| ff ff ff ff d7 3c c6 08 | .....<.. | [4]: "1948-04-30T16:30:00Z" (-683883000) transition_time 0x1c6-0x1ce (8) 0x1c0| ff ff| ..| [5]: "1950-04-30T16:00:00Z" (-620812800) transition_time 0x1ce-0x1d6 (8) 0x1d0|ff ff da ff 26 00 |....&. | 0x1d0| ff ff ff ff f4 b5 be 88 | ........ | [6]: "1963-12-31T16:30:00Z" (-189415800) transition_time 0x1d6-0x1de (8) 0x1d0| 00 00| ..| [7]: "1987-12-31T16:00:13Z" (567964813) transition_time 0x1de-0x1e6 (8) 0x1e0|00 00 21 da 74 8d |..!.t. | 0x1e0| 00 00 00 00 64 9b 78 1b | ....d.x. | [8]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x1e6-0x1ee (8) | | | transition_types[0:9]: 0x1ee-0x1f7 (9) 0x1e0| 01 | . | [0]: 1 transition_type 0x1ee-0x1ef (1) 0x1e0| 02| .| [1]: 2 transition_type 0x1ef-0x1f0 (1) 0x1f0|03 |. | [2]: 3 transition_type 0x1f0-0x1f1 (1) 0x1f0| 02 | . | [3]: 2 transition_type 0x1f1-0x1f2 (1) 0x1f0| 04 | . | [4]: 4 transition_type 0x1f2-0x1f3 (1) 0x1f0| 02 | . | [5]: 2 transition_type 0x1f3-0x1f4 (1) 0x1f0| 05 | . | [6]: 5 transition_type 0x1f4-0x1f5 (1) 0x1f0| 06 | . | [7]: 6 transition_type 0x1f5-0x1f6 (1) 0x1f0| 06 | . | [8]: 6 transition_type 0x1f6-0x1f7 (1) | | | local_time_type_records[0:7]: 0x1f7-0x221 (42) | | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x1f7-0x1fd (6) 0x1f0| 00 00 66 80 | ..f. | utoff: 26240 (valid) 0x1f7-0x1fb (4) 0x1f0| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x1fb-0x1fc (1) 0x1f0| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x1fc-0x1fd (1) | | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x1fd-0x203 (6) 0x1f0| 00 00 66| ..f| utoff: 26240 (valid) 0x1fd-0x201 (4) 0x200|80 |. | 0x200| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x201-0x202 (1) 0x200| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x202-0x203 (1) | | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x203-0x209 (6) 0x200| 00 00 69 78 | ..ix | utoff: 27000 (valid) 0x203-0x207 (4) 0x200| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x207-0x208 (1) 0x200| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x208-0x209 (1) | | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x209-0x20f (6) 0x200| 00 00 7e 90 | ..~. | utoff: 32400 (valid) 0x209-0x20d (4) 0x200| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x20d-0x20e (1) 0x200| 0e | . | idx: 14 (valid) 0x20e-0x20f (1) | | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x20f-0x215 (6) 0x200| 00| .| utoff: 28800 (valid) 0x20f-0x213 (4) 0x210|00 70 80 |.p. | 0x210| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x213-0x214 (1) 0x210| 12 | . | idx: 18 (valid) 0x214-0x215 (1) | | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x215-0x21b (6) 0x210| 00 00 70 80 | ..p. | utoff: 28800 (valid) 0x215-0x219 (4) 0x210| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x219-0x21a (1) 0x210| 16 | . | idx: 22 (valid) 0x21a-0x21b (1) | | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x21b-0x221 (6) 0x210| 00 00 62 70 | ..bp | utoff: 25200 (valid) 0x21b-0x21f (4) 0x210| 00| .| dst: 0 (valid) 0x21f-0x220 (1) 0x220|1b |. | idx: 27 (valid) 0x220-0x221 (1) | | | time_zone_designations[0:7]: 0x221-0x240 (31) 0x220| 4c 4d 54 00 | LMT. | [0]: "LMT" time_zone_designation 0x221-0x225 (4) 0x220| 50 4d 54 00 | PMT. | [1]: "PMT" time_zone_designation 0x225-0x229 (4) 0x220| 2b 30 37 33 30 00 | +0730. | [2]: "+0730" time_zone_designation 0x229-0x22f (6) 0x220| 2b| +| [3]: "+09" time_zone_designation 0x22f-0x233 (4) 0x230|30 39 00 |09. | 0x230| 2b 30 38 00 | +08. | [4]: "+08" time_zone_designation 0x233-0x237 (4) 0x230| 57 49 54 41 00 | WITA. | [5]: "WITA" time_zone_designation 0x237-0x23c (5) 0x230| 57 49 42 00| WIB.| [6]: "WIB" time_zone_designation 0x23c-0x240 (4) | | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0x240-0x384 (324) | | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0x240-0x24c (12) 0x240|00 00 00 00 04 b2 58 00 |......X. | occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0x240-0x248 (8) 0x240| 00 00 00 01 | .... | corr: 1 0x248-0x24c (4) | | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0x24c-0x258 (12) 0x240| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0x24c-0x254 (8) 0x250|05 a4 ec 01 |.... | 0x250| 00 00 00 02 | .... | corr: 2 0x254-0x258 (4) | | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0x258-0x264 (12) 0x250| 00 00 00 00 07 86 1f 82| ........| occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0x258-0x260 (8) 0x260|00 00 00 03 |.... | corr: 3 0x260-0x264 (4) | | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0x264-0x270 (12) 0x260| 00 00 00 00 09 67 53 03 | .....gS. | occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0x264-0x26c (8) 0x260| 00 00 00 04| ....| corr: 4 0x26c-0x270 (4) | | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0x270-0x27c (12) 0x270|00 00 00 00 0b 48 86 84 |.....H.. | occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0x270-0x278 (8) 0x270| 00 00 00 05 | .... | corr: 5 0x278-0x27c (4) | | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0x27c-0x288 (12) 0x270| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0x27c-0x284 (8) 0x280|0d 2b 0b 85 |.+.. | 0x280| 00 00 00 06 | .... | corr: 6 0x284-0x288 (4) | | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0x288-0x294 (12) 0x280| 00 00 00 00 0f 0c 3f 06| ......?.| occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0x288-0x290 (8) 0x290|00 00 00 07 |.... | corr: 7 0x290-0x294 (4) | | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0x294-0x2a0 (12) 0x290| 00 00 00 00 10 ed 72 87 | ......r. | occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0x294-0x29c (8) 0x290| 00 00 00 08| ....| corr: 8 0x29c-0x2a0 (4) | | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0x2a0-0x2ac (12) 0x2a0|00 00 00 00 12 ce a6 08 |........ | occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0x2a0-0x2a8 (8) 0x2a0| 00 00 00 09 | .... | corr: 9 0x2a8-0x2ac (4) | | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0x2ac-0x2b8 (12) 0x2a0| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0x2ac-0x2b4 (8) 0x2b0|15 9f ca 89 |.... | 0x2b0| 00 00 00 0a | .... | corr: 10 0x2b4-0x2b8 (4) | | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0x2b8-0x2c4 (12) 0x2b0| 00 00 00 00 17 80 fe 0a| ........| occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0x2b8-0x2c0 (8) 0x2c0|00 00 00 0b |.... | corr: 11 0x2c0-0x2c4 (4) | | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0x2c4-0x2d0 (12) 0x2c0| 00 00 00 00 19 62 31 8b | .....b1. | occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0x2c4-0x2cc (8) 0x2c0| 00 00 00 0c| ....| corr: 12 0x2cc-0x2d0 (4) | | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x2d0-0x2dc (12) 0x2d0|00 00 00 00 1d 25 ea 0c |.....%.. | occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x2d0-0x2d8 (8) 0x2d0| 00 00 00 0d | .... | corr: 13 0x2d8-0x2dc (4) | | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x2dc-0x2e8 (12) 0x2d0| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x2dc-0x2e4 (8) 0x2e0|21 da e5 0d |!... | 0x2e0| 00 00 00 0e | .... | corr: 14 0x2e4-0x2e8 (4) | | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x2e8-0x2f4 (12) 0x2e0| 00 00 00 00 25 9e 9d 8e| ....%...| occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x2e8-0x2f0 (8) 0x2f0|00 00 00 0f |.... | corr: 15 0x2f0-0x2f4 (4) | | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x2f4-0x300 (12) 0x2f0| 00 00 00 00 27 7f d1 0f | ....'... | occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x2f4-0x2fc (8) 0x2f0| 00 00 00 10| ....| corr: 16 0x2fc-0x300 (4) | | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x300-0x30c (12) 0x300|00 00 00 00 2a 50 f5 90 |....*P.. | occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x300-0x308 (8) 0x300| 00 00 00 11 | .... | corr: 17 0x308-0x30c (4) | | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x30c-0x318 (12) 0x300| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x30c-0x314 (8) 0x310|2c 32 29 11 |,2). | 0x310| 00 00 00 12 | .... | corr: 18 0x314-0x318 (4) | | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x318-0x324 (12) 0x310| 00 00 00 00 2e 13 5c 92| ......\.| occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x318-0x320 (8) 0x320|00 00 00 13 |.... | corr: 19 0x320-0x324 (4) | | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x324-0x330 (12) 0x320| 00 00 00 00 30 e7 24 13 | ....0.$. | occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x324-0x32c (8) 0x320| 00 00 00 14| ....| corr: 20 0x32c-0x330 (4) | | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x330-0x33c (12) 0x330|00 00 00 00 33 b8 48 94 |....3.H. | occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x330-0x338 (8) 0x330| 00 00 00 15 | .... | corr: 21 0x338-0x33c (4) | | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x33c-0x348 (12) 0x330| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x33c-0x344 (8) 0x340|36 8c 10 15 |6... | 0x340| 00 00 00 16 | .... | corr: 22 0x344-0x348 (4) | | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x348-0x354 (12) 0x340| 00 00 00 00 43 b7 1b 96| ....C...| occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x348-0x350 (8) 0x350|00 00 00 17 |.... | corr: 23 0x350-0x354 (4) | | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x354-0x360 (12) 0x350| 00 00 00 00 49 5c 07 97 | ....I\.. | occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x354-0x35c (8) 0x350| 00 00 00 18| ....| corr: 24 0x35c-0x360 (4) | | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x360-0x36c (12) 0x360|00 00 00 00 4f ef 93 18 |....O... | occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x360-0x368 (8) 0x360| 00 00 00 19 | .... | corr: 25 0x368-0x36c (4) | | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x36c-0x378 (12) 0x360| 00 00 00 00| ....| occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x36c-0x374 (8) 0x370|55 93 2d 99 |U.-. | 0x370| 00 00 00 1a | .... | corr: 26 0x374-0x378 (4) | | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x378-0x384 (12) 0x370| 00 00 00 00 58 68 46 9a| ....XhF.| occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x378-0x380 (8) 0x380|00 00 00 1b |.... | corr: 27 0x380-0x384 (4) | | | standard_wall_indicators[0:0]: 0x384-0x384 (0) | | | ut_local_indicators[0:0]: 0x384-0x384 (0) | | | footer{}: 0x384-0x386 (2) 0x380| 0a | . | nl1: 10 (valid) 0x384-0x385 (1) | | | tz_string: "" 0x385-0x385 (0) 0x380| 0a| | .| | nl2: 10 (valid) 0x385-0x386 (1)