include "internal"; include "interp"; include "query"; include "eval"; include "repl"; include "decode"; include "funcs"; include "options"; include "args"; # TODO: variants, values, keywords? # TODO: store some other way? def _help_functions: { length: { summary: "Length of string, array, object, etc", doc: "- For string number of unicode codepoints - For array number of elements in array - For object number of key-value pairs - For null zero - For number the number itself - For boolean is an error ", examples: [ [[1,2,3], "length"] , ["abc", "length"] , [{a: 1, b: 2}, "length"] , [null, "length"] , [123, "length"] , [true, "length"] ] }, "..": { summary: "Recursive descent of .", doc: "Recursively descend . and output each value. Same as recurse without argument. ", examples: [ ["a", ".."] , [[1,2,3], ".."] , [{a: 1, b: {c: 3}}, ".."] ] }, empty: { summary: "Output nothing", doc: "Output no value, not even null, and cause backtrack. ", examples: [ ["empty"] , ["[1,empty,2]"] ] } }; def help($_): error("help must be alone or last in pipeline. ex: help(length) or ... | help"); def help: help(null); def _help_format_enrich($arg0; $f; $include_basic): ( if $include_basic then .examples += [ {comment: "Decode file as \($", shell: "fq -d \($ . file"} , {comment: "Decode value as \($", expr: "\($"} ] end | if $f.decode_in_arg then .examples += [ { comment: "Decode file using \($ options" , shell: "\($arg0) -d \($\($f.decode_in_arg | to_entries | map(" -o ", .key, "=", (.value | tojson)) | join("")) . file" } , { comment: "Decode value as \($" , expr: "\($\($f.decode_in_arg | tojq))" } ] end ); def _help($arg0; $topic): ( $topic | if . == "usage" then "Usage: \($arg0) [OPTIONS] [--] [EXPR] [FILE...]" elif . == "example_usage" then ( "Example usages:" , " fq . file" , " fq d file" , " fq tovalue file" , " fq -r totoml file.yml" , " fq -s -d html 'map(.html.head.title?)' *.html" , " cat file.cbor | fq -d cbor torepr" , " fq 'grep(\"^main$\") | parent' /bin/ls" , " fq -r 'grep_by(.protocol==\"icmp\").source_ip | tovalue' *.pcap" , " fq -i" ) elif . == "banner" then ( "fq - jq for binary formats" , "Tool, language and decoders for working with binary data." , "For more information see" ) elif . == "args" then args_help_text(_opt_cli_opts) elif . == "options" then ( [ ( options | _opt_cli_arg_from_options ) | to_entries[] | [(.key+" "), .value | tostring] ] | table( .; map( ( . as $rc # right pad format name to align description | if .column == 0 then .string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth) else $rc.string end ) ) | join("") ) ) elif . == "formats" then ( [ formats | to_entries[] | [(.key+" "), .value.description] ] | table( .; map( ( . as $rc # right pad format name to align description | if .column == 0 then .string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth) else $rc.string end ) ) | join("") ) ) elif _registry.formats | has($topic) then ( _registry.formats[$topic] as $f | (_format_func($; "_help")? // {} | _help_format_enrich($arg0; $f; true)) as $fhelp | ((_registry.files[][] | select(.name=="\($topic).md").data) // false) as $doc | "\($ \($f.description) decoder" , if $f.decode_in_arg then ( $f.decode_in_arg | to_entries | map([" \(.key)=\(.value) ", $f.decode_in_arg_doc[.key]]) | "# Options" , "" , table( .; map( ( . as $rc # right pad format name to align description | if .column == 0 then .string | rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth) else $rc.string end ) ) | join("") ) ) else empty end , "" , "# Decode examples" , "" , ( $fhelp.examples[] | " # \(.comment)" , if .shell then " $ \(.shell)" elif .expr then " ... | \(.expr)" else empty end ) , "" # TODO: [:-1] hack to remove extra newline as we use println later , if $doc then $doc | markdown | _markdown_to_text(options.width; -2)[:-1] else empty end ) elif _help_functions | has($topic) then ( _help_functions[$topic] as $hf | "\($topic): \($hf.summary)" , $hf.doc , if $hf.examples then ( "Examples:" , ( $hf.examples[] | . as $e | if length == 1 then ( "> \($e[0])" , (null | try (_eval($e[0]; {}) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)") ) else ( "> \($e[0] | tojson) | \($e[1])" , ($e[0] | try (_eval($e[1]; {}) | tojson) catch "error: \(.)") ) end ) ) end ) else # help(unknown) # TODO: check builtin ( ( . # TODO: extract | builtins | map(split("/") | {key: .[0], value: true}) | from_entries ) as $builtins | ( . # TODO: extract | scope | map({key: ., value: true}) | from_entries ) as $scope | if $builtins | has($topic) then "\($topic) is builtin function" elif $scope | has($topic) then "\($topic) is a function or variable" else "don't know what \($topic) is " end | println ) end ); # TODO: refactor def _help_slurp($query): def _name: if _query_is_func then _query_func_name elif _query_is_string then _query_string_str else _query_tostring end; if $query.orig | _query_is_func then ( ($query.orig | _query_func_args) as $args | ($args | length) as $argc | if $args == null then # help ( "Type expression to evaluate" , "help(...) Help for topic. Ex: help(mp4), help(\"mp4\")" , "\\t Completion" , "Up/Down History" , "... | repl Start a new REPL" , "^C Interrupt execution" , "^D Exit REPL" ) | println elif $argc == 1 then ( _help("fq"; $args[0] | _name) | println ) else _eval_error("compile"; "help must be last in pipeline. ex: help(length) or ... | help") end ) else # ... | help # TODO: check builtin ( _repl_slurp_eval($query.rewrite) as $outputs | "value help" , $outputs | display ) end;