include "internal"; include "options"; include "binary"; include "decode"; def intdiv(a; b): _intdiv(a; b); def trim: capture("^\\s*(?.*?)\\s*$"; "").str; # does +1 and [:1] as " "*0 is null def rpad($s; $w): . + ($s * ($w+1-length))[1:]; # add missing group/0 function # def group: group_by(.); # like group but groups streaks based on condition def streaks_by(f): ( . as $a | length as $l | if $l == 0 then [] else ( [ foreach $a[] as $v ( {cf: ($a[0] | f), index: 0, start: 0, extract: null}; ( ($v | f) as $vf | (.index == 0 or (.cf == $vf)) as $equal | if $equal then ( .extract = null ) else ( .cf = $vf | .extract = [.start, .index] | .start = .index ) end | .index += 1 ); ( if .extract then .extract else empty end , if .index == $l then [.start, .index] else empty end ) ) ] | map($a[.[0]:.[1]]) ) end ); # [1, 2, 2, 3] => [[1], [2, 2], [3]] def streaks: streaks_by(.); # same as group_by but counts, array or pairs with [value, count] def count_by(exp): group_by(exp) | map([(.[0] | exp), length]); def count: count_by(.); # array of result of applying f on all consecutive pairs def delta_by(f): ( . as $a | if length < 1 then [] else [ range(length-1) as $i | {a: $a[$i], b: $a[$i+1]} | f ] end ); # array of minus between all consecutive pairs def delta: delta_by(.b - .a); # split array or string into even chunks, except maybe the last def chunk($size): if length == 0 then [] else [ ( range( ( (length / $size) | ceil | if . == 0 then 1 end ) ) as $i | .[$i * $size:($i + 1) * $size] ) ] end; # [{a: 123, ...}, ...] # colmap maps something into [col, ...] # render maps [{column: 0, string: "coltext", maxwidth: 12}, ..] into a row def table(colmap; render): def _column_widths: [ . as $rs | range($rs[0] | length) as $i | [$rs[] | colmap | (.[$i] | length)] | max ]; if length == 0 then "" else ( _column_widths as $cw | . as $rs | ( $rs[] | . as $r | [ range($r | length) as $i | ($r | colmap | {column: $i, string: .[$i], maxwidth: $cw[$i]}) ] | render ) ) end; # TODO: rename keys and add more, ascii/utf8/utf16/codepoint name?, le/be, signed/unsigned? # TODO: move? def iprint: { bin: "0b\(toradix(2))", oct: "0o\(toradix(8))", dec: "\(.)", hex: "0x\(toradix(16))", str: (try ([.] | implode) catch null), }; # produce a/b pairs for diffing values def diff($a; $b): ( ( $a | type) as $at | ( $b | type) as $bt | if $at != $bt then {a: $a, b: $b} elif ($at == "array" or $at == "object") then ( [ ((($a | keys) + ($b | keys)) | unique)[] as $k | { ($k | tostring): ( [($a | has($k)), ($b | has($k))] | if . == [true, true] then diff($a[$k]; $b[$k]) elif . == [true, false] then {a: $a[$k]} elif . == [false, true] then {b: $b[$k]} else empty # TODO: can't happen? error? end ) } ] | add | if . == null then empty end ) else if $a == $b then empty else {a: $a, b: $b} end end ); def paste: if _is_completing | not then ( [ _repeat_break( try _stdin(64*1024) catch if . == "eof" then error("break") end ) ] | join("") ) end; def expr_to_path: _expr_to_path; def path_to_expr: _path_to_expr; def torepr: ( format as $f | if $f == null then error("value is not a format root") end | _format_func($f; "torepr") );