# fq jq for binary formats Mattias Wadman mattias.wadman@gmail.com https://github.com/wader/fq @mwader ## Background .html style.html - Use various tools to extract data - ffprobe, gm identify, mp4dump, mediainfo, wireshark, one off programs, ... - Convert to usable format and do queries - jq, grep, sqlite, sort, awk, sed, one off programs, ... - Digging into and slicing binaries - Hexfiend, hexdump, dd, cat, one off programs, ... ## Wishlist "Want to see everything about this picture except the picture" - A very verbose version of file(1) - gdb for files - Select and query things using a language - Make all parts of a file symbolically addressable - Nested formats and binaries - Convenient bit-oriented decoder DSL ## Experiments and prototypes - Decoder DSL - TCL, lisp, tengo, Starlark, JavaScript, Go - Query language - JSONPath, SQL, jq, JavaScript - How to use - IR-JSON: `fq file | jq ... | fq` - Extend existing project - Decode and query in same tool ## Result Go - Tests showed fast enough to decode big files - Found gojq - Previous good experience - Good tooling ## jq "The JSON indenter" - JSON in/out - Syntax kind of a superset of JSON with same types - Functional language based on generators and backtracking - Expressions can return or "output" zero, one or more values - No more outputs backtracks - Implicit input and output similar to shell pipes - Extraordinary iteration and combinatorial abilities - Great for traversing tree structures ## Examples .code jq1 ## Examples .code jq2 ## Examples .code jq3 ## Examples .code jq4 ## fq "The binary indenter" - Superset of jq - Re-implements most of jq's CLI interface - 83 input formats, 22 supports probe - Additional standard library functions - Additional types that act as standard jq types but has special abilities - _Decode value_ has bit range, actual and symbolic value, description, ... - _Binary_ has a unit size, bit or bytes, and can be sliced - Output fancy hexdump, JSON and binary - Interactive REPL with completion and sub-REPL support ## .image formats.svg _ 1024 ## Usage - Basic usage - `fq . file`, `cat file | fq` - Multiple input files - `fq 'grep_by(format == "exif")' *.png *.jpeg` - Hexdump, JSON and binary output - `fq '.frames[10] | d' file.mp3` - `fq '[grep_by(format == "dns").questions[].name.value]' file.pcap` - `fq 'first(grep_by(format == "jpeg")) | tobytes' file > file.jpeg` - Interactive REPL - `fq -i . *.png` ## .background %3D .image usage.svg _ 900 ## fq specific functions - Standard library - `streaks`, `count`, `delta`, `chunk`, `diff`, `grep`, `grep_by`, ... - `toradix`, `fromradix`, `hex`, `base64`, ... - Decode value - `display` (alias `d`, `dv`, `da` ...) - `parent`, `format`, ... - `tobytes`, `tovalue`, `toactual`, ... - `torepr`, ... - Binary - Regexp functions `test`, `match`, ... - Decode functions `probe`, `mp3_frame`, ... ## Binary and binary array - A binary is created using `tobits`, `tobytes`, `tobitsrange` or `tobytesrange`. - From decode value `.frames[1] | tobytes` - String or number `"hello" | tobits` - Binary array `[0xab, ["hello", .name]] | tobytes` - Can be sliced using normal jq slice syntax. - `"hello" | tobits[8:8+16]` are the bits for `"el"` - Can be decoded - `[tobytes[-10:], 0, 0, 0, 0] | flac_frame` ## Example queries - Slice and decode - `tobits[8:8+8000] | mp3_frame | d` - `match([0xff,0xd8]) as $m | tobytes[$m.offset:] | jpeg` - ASN1 BER, CBOR, msgpack, BSON, ... has `torepr` support - `fq -d cbor torepr file.cbor` - `fq -d msgpack '[torepr.items[].name]' file.msgpack` - PCAP with TCP reassembly, look for GET requests - `fq 'grep("GET .*")' file.pcap` - Parent of scalar value that includes bit 100 - `grep_by(scalars and in_bits_range(100)) | parent` ## Use as script interpreter .code fqscript ## Use as script interpreter .code fqscriptout ## Implementation - Library of jq function implemented in Go - Decoders, decode value, binary, bit reader, IO, tty, ... - CLI and REPL is mostly written in jq ``` ( open | decode | if $repl then repeat(read as $expr | eval($expr) | print) else eval($arg) | print end ) ``` - All current decoders in Go - Uses a forked version of gojq - Helped add native functions and iterators support - JQValue interface, bin/hex/oct literals, reflection, query AST functions, ... ## Decode API SPS HRD parameters from ITU-T H.264 specification .code avc_sps_hdr_params.go ## Decode API .image avc_sps_hdr_params.png _ 900 ## Decode API Formats can use other formats. Simplified version of mp3 decoder: .code mp3.go ## Future - Declarative decoding like kaitai struct, decoder in jq - Nicer way to handle checksums, encoding, validation etc - Schemas for ASN1, protobuf, ... - Better support for modifying data - More formats like tls, http, http2, grpc, filesystems, ... - Encoders - More efficient, lazy decoding, smarter representation - GUI - Streaming input, read network traffic `tap("eth0") | select(...)`? - Hope for more contributors ## Thanks and useful tools - @itchyny for gojq - Stephen Dolan and others for jq - HexFiend - GNU poke - Kaitai struct - Wireshark - [vscode-jq](https://github.com/wader/vscode-jq) - [jq-lsp](https://github.com/wader/jq-lsp)