$ fq -d tzif dv Tijuana |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: Tijuana (tzif) 0x0-0x9c4 (2500) | | | v1header{}: 0x0-0x2c (44) 0x000|54 5a 69 66 |TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x0-0x4 (4) 0x000| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x4-0x5 (1) 0x000| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ...........| reserved: raw bits 0x5-0x14 (15) 0x010|00 00 00 00 |.... | 0x010| 00 00 00 08 | .... | isutcnt: 8 0x14-0x18 (4) 0x010| 00 00 00 08 | .... | isstdcnt: 8 0x18-0x1c (4) 0x010| 00 00 00 1b| ....| leapcnt: 27 0x1c-0x20 (4) 0x020|00 00 00 79 |...y | timecnt: 121 0x20-0x24 (4) 0x020| 00 00 00 08 | .... | typecnt: 8 0x24-0x28 (4) 0x020| 00 00 00 18 | .... | charcnt: 24 0x28-0x2c (4) | | | v1datablock{}: 0x2c-0x3b9 (909) | | | transition_times[0:121]: 0x2c-0x210 (484) 0x020| a5 b6 e8 70| ...p| [0]: "1922-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1514739600) transition_time 0x2c-0x30 (4) 0x030|a9 79 4f 70 |.yOp | [1]: "1924-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1451667600) transition_time 0x30-0x34 (4) 0x030| af f2 7c f0 | ..|. | [2]: "1927-06-11T07:00:00Z" (-1343062800) transition_time 0x34-0x38 (4) 0x030| b6 66 64 70 | .fdp | [3]: "1930-11-15T07:00:00Z" (-1234803600) transition_time 0x38-0x3c (4) 0x030| b7 1b 10 00| ....| [4]: "1931-04-01T08:00:00Z" (-1222963200) transition_time 0x3c-0x40 (4) 0x040|b8 0a f2 f0 |.... | [5]: "1931-09-30T07:00:00Z" (-1207242000) transition_time 0x40-0x44 (4) 0x040| cb ea 8d 80 | .... | [6]: "1942-04-24T08:00:00Z" (-873820800) transition_time 0x44-0x48 (4) 0x040| d2 23 f4 70 | .#.p | [7]: "1945-08-14T23:00:00Z" (-769395600) transition_time 0x48-0x4c (4) 0x040| d2 99 ba 70| ...p| [8]: "1945-11-12T07:00:00Z" (-761677200) transition_time 0x4c-0x50 (4) 0x050|d7 1b 59 00 |..Y. | [9]: "1948-04-05T08:00:00Z" (-686073600) transition_time 0x50-0x54 (4) 0x050| d8 91 b4 f0 | .... | [10]: "1949-01-14T07:00:00Z" (-661539600) transition_time 0x54-0x58 (4) 0x050| e2 7e 4b 90 | .~K. | [11]: "1954-04-25T09:00:00Z" (-495039600) transition_time 0x58-0x5c (4) 0x050| e3 49 52 90| .IR.| [12]: "1954-09-26T09:00:00Z" (-481734000) transition_time 0x5c-0x60 (4) 0x060|e4 5e 2d 90 |.^-. | [13]: "1955-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-463590000) transition_time 0x60-0x64 (4) 0x060| e5 29 34 90 | .)4. | [14]: "1955-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-450284400) transition_time 0x64-0x68 (4) 0x060| e6 47 4a 10 | .GJ. | [15]: "1956-04-29T09:00:00Z" (-431535600) transition_time 0x68-0x6c (4) 0x060| e7 12 51 10| ..Q.| [16]: "1956-09-30T09:00:00Z" (-418230000) transition_time 0x6c-0x70 (4) 0x070|e8 27 2c 10 |.',. | [17]: "1957-04-28T09:00:00Z" (-400086000) transition_time 0x70-0x74 (4) 0x070| e8 f2 33 10 | ..3. | [18]: "1957-09-29T09:00:00Z" (-386780400) transition_time 0x74-0x78 (4) 0x070| ea 07 0e 10 | .... | [19]: "1958-04-27T09:00:00Z" (-368636400) transition_time 0x78-0x7c (4) 0x070| ea d2 15 10| ....| [20]: "1958-09-28T09:00:00Z" (-355330800) transition_time 0x7c-0x80 (4) 0x080|eb e6 f0 10 |.... | [21]: "1959-04-26T09:00:00Z" (-337186800) transition_time 0x80-0x84 (4) 0x080| ec b1 f7 10 | .... | [22]: "1959-09-27T09:00:00Z" (-323881200) transition_time 0x84-0x88 (4) 0x080| ed c6 d2 10 | .... | [23]: "1960-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-305737200) transition_time 0x88-0x8c (4) 0x080| ee 91 d9 10| ....| [24]: "1960-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-292431600) transition_time 0x8c-0x90 (4) 0x090|0b e0 af a5 |.... | [25]: "1976-04-25T10:00:05Z" (199274405) transition_time 0x90-0x94 (4) 0x090| 0c d9 cd 15 | .... | [26]: "1976-10-31T09:00:05Z" (215600405) transition_time 0x94-0x98 (4) 0x090| 0d c0 91 a6 | .... | [27]: "1977-04-24T10:00:06Z" (230724006) transition_time 0x98-0x9c (4) 0x090| 0e b9 af 16| ....| [28]: "1977-10-30T09:00:06Z" (247050006) transition_time 0x9c-0xa0 (4) 0x0a0|0f a9 ae 27 |...' | [29]: "1978-04-30T10:00:07Z" (262778407) transition_time 0xa0-0xa4 (4) 0x0a0| 10 99 91 17 | .... | [30]: "1978-10-29T09:00:07Z" (278499607) transition_time 0xa4-0xa8 (4) 0x0a0| 11 89 90 28 | ...( | [31]: "1979-04-29T10:00:08Z" (294228008) transition_time 0xa8-0xac (4) 0x0a0| 12 79 73 18| .ys.| [32]: "1979-10-28T09:00:08Z" (309949208) transition_time 0xac-0xb0 (4) 0x0b0|13 69 72 29 |.ir) | [33]: "1980-04-27T10:00:09Z" (325677609) transition_time 0xb0-0xb4 (4) 0x0b0| 14 59 55 19 | .YU. | [34]: "1980-10-26T09:00:09Z" (341398809) transition_time 0xb4-0xb8 (4) 0x0b0| 15 49 54 29 | .IT) | [35]: "1981-04-26T10:00:09Z" (357127209) transition_time 0xb8-0xbc (4) 0x0b0| 16 39 37 1a| .97.| [36]: "1981-10-25T09:00:10Z" (372848410) transition_time 0xbc-0xc0 (4) 0x0c0|17 29 36 2a |.)6* | [37]: "1982-04-25T10:00:10Z" (388576810) transition_time 0xc0-0xc4 (4) 0x0c0| 18 22 53 9b | ."S. | [38]: "1982-10-31T09:00:11Z" (404902811) transition_time 0xc4-0xc8 (4) 0x0c0| 19 09 18 2b | ...+ | [39]: "1983-04-24T10:00:11Z" (420026411) transition_time 0xc8-0xcc (4) 0x0c0| 1a 02 35 9c| ..5.| [40]: "1983-10-30T09:00:12Z" (436352412) transition_time 0xcc-0xd0 (4) 0x0d0|1a f2 34 ac |..4. | [41]: "1984-04-29T10:00:12Z" (452080812) transition_time 0xd0-0xd4 (4) 0x0d0| 1b e2 17 9c | .... | [42]: "1984-10-28T09:00:12Z" (467802012) transition_time 0xd4-0xd8 (4) 0x0d0| 1c d2 16 ac | .... | [43]: "1985-04-28T10:00:12Z" (483530412) transition_time 0xd8-0xdc (4) 0x0d0| 1d c1 f9 9d| ....| [44]: "1985-10-27T09:00:13Z" (499251613) transition_time 0xdc-0xe0 (4) 0x0e0|1e b1 f8 ad |.... | [45]: "1986-04-27T10:00:13Z" (514980013) transition_time 0xe0-0xe4 (4) 0x0e0| 1f a1 db 9d | .... | [46]: "1986-10-26T09:00:13Z" (530701213) transition_time 0xe4-0xe8 (4) 0x0e0| 20 76 2b 2d | v+- | [47]: "1987-04-05T10:00:13Z" (544615213) transition_time 0xe8-0xec (4) 0x0e0| 21 81 bd 9d| !...| [48]: "1987-10-25T09:00:13Z" (562150813) transition_time 0xec-0xf0 (4) 0x0f0|22 56 0d 2e |"V.. | [49]: "1988-04-03T10:00:14Z" (576064814) transition_time 0xf0-0xf4 (4) 0x0f0| 23 6a da 1e | #j.. | [50]: "1988-10-30T09:00:14Z" (594205214) transition_time 0xf4-0xf8 (4) 0x0f0| 24 35 ef 2e | $5.. | [51]: "1989-04-02T10:00:14Z" (607514414) transition_time 0xf8-0xfc (4) 0x0f0| 25 4a bc 1e| %J..| [52]: "1989-10-29T09:00:14Z" (625654814) transition_time 0xfc-0x100 (4) 0x100|26 15 d1 2f |&../ | [53]: "1990-04-01T10:00:15Z" (638964015) transition_time 0x100-0x104 (4) 0x100| 27 2a 9e 1f | '*.. | [54]: "1990-10-28T09:00:15Z" (657104415) transition_time 0x104-0x108 (4) 0x100| 27 fe ed b0 | '... | [55]: "1991-04-07T10:00:16Z" (671018416) transition_time 0x108-0x10c (4) 0x100| 29 0a 80 20| ).. | [56]: "1991-10-27T09:00:16Z" (688554016) transition_time 0x10c-0x110 (4) 0x110|29 de cf b0 |)... | [57]: "1992-04-05T10:00:16Z" (702468016) transition_time 0x110-0x114 (4) 0x110| 2a ea 62 21 | *.b! | [58]: "1992-10-25T09:00:17Z" (720003617) transition_time 0x114-0x118 (4) 0x110| 2b be b1 b1 | +... | [59]: "1993-04-04T10:00:17Z" (733917617) transition_time 0x118-0x11c (4) 0x110| 2c d3 7e a2| ,.~.| [60]: "1993-10-31T09:00:18Z" (752058018) transition_time 0x11c-0x120 (4) 0x120|2d 9e 93 b2 |-... | [61]: "1994-04-03T10:00:18Z" (765367218) transition_time 0x120-0x124 (4) 0x120| 2e b3 60 a3 | ..`. | [62]: "1994-10-30T09:00:19Z" (783507619) transition_time 0x124-0x128 (4) 0x120| 2f 7e 75 b3 | /~u. | [63]: "1995-04-02T10:00:19Z" (796816819) transition_time 0x128-0x12c (4) 0x120| 30 93 42 a3| 0.B.| [64]: "1995-10-29T09:00:19Z" (814957219) transition_time 0x12c-0x130 (4) 0x130|31 67 92 34 |1g.4 | [65]: "1996-04-07T10:00:20Z" (828871220) transition_time 0x130-0x134 (4) 0x130| 32 73 24 a4 | 2s$. | [66]: "1996-10-27T09:00:20Z" (846406820) transition_time 0x134-0x138 (4) 0x130| 33 47 74 34 | 3Gt4 | [67]: "1997-04-06T10:00:20Z" (860320820) transition_time 0x138-0x13c (4) 0x130| 34 53 06 a5| 4S..| [68]: "1997-10-26T09:00:21Z" (877856421) transition_time 0x13c-0x140 (4) 0x140|35 27 56 35 |5'V5 | [69]: "1998-04-05T10:00:21Z" (891770421) transition_time 0x140-0x144 (4) 0x140| 36 32 e8 a5 | 62.. | [70]: "1998-10-25T09:00:21Z" (909306021) transition_time 0x144-0x148 (4) 0x140| 37 07 38 36 | 7.86 | [71]: "1999-04-04T10:00:22Z" (923220022) transition_time 0x148-0x14c (4) 0x140| 38 1c 05 26| 8..&| [72]: "1999-10-31T09:00:22Z" (941360422) transition_time 0x14c-0x150 (4) 0x150|38 e7 1a 36 |8..6 | [73]: "2000-04-02T10:00:22Z" (954669622) transition_time 0x150-0x154 (4) 0x150| 39 fb e7 26 | 9..& | [74]: "2000-10-29T09:00:22Z" (972810022) transition_time 0x154-0x158 (4) 0x150| 3a c6 fc 36 | :..6 | [75]: "2001-04-01T10:00:22Z" (986119222) transition_time 0x158-0x15c (4) 0x150| 3b db c9 26| ;..&| [76]: "2001-10-28T09:00:22Z" (1004259622) transition_time 0x15c-0x160 (4) 0x160|3c b0 18 b6 |<... | [77]: "2002-04-07T10:00:22Z" (1018173622) transition_time 0x160-0x164 (4) 0x160| 3d bb ab 26 | =..& | [78]: "2002-10-27T09:00:22Z" (1035709222) transition_time 0x164-0x168 (4) 0x160| 3e 8f fa b6 | >... | [79]: "2003-04-06T10:00:22Z" (1049623222) transition_time 0x168-0x16c (4) 0x160| 3f 9b 8d 26| ?..&| [80]: "2003-10-26T09:00:22Z" (1067158822) transition_time 0x16c-0x170 (4) 0x170|40 6f dc b6 |@o.. | [81]: "2004-04-04T10:00:22Z" (1081072822) transition_time 0x170-0x174 (4) 0x170| 41 84 a9 a6 | A... | [82]: "2004-10-31T09:00:22Z" (1099213222) transition_time 0x174-0x178 (4) 0x170| 42 4f be b6 | BO.. | [83]: "2005-04-03T10:00:22Z" (1112522422) transition_time 0x178-0x17c (4) 0x170| 43 64 8b a6| Cd..| [84]: "2005-10-30T09:00:22Z" (1130662822) transition_time 0x17c-0x180 (4) 0x180|44 2f a0 b7 |D/.. | [85]: "2006-04-02T10:00:23Z" (1143972023) transition_time 0x180-0x184 (4) 0x180| 45 44 6d a7 | EDm. | [86]: "2006-10-29T09:00:23Z" (1162112423) transition_time 0x184-0x188 (4) 0x180| 46 0f 82 b7 | F... | [87]: "2007-04-01T10:00:23Z" (1175421623) transition_time 0x188-0x18c (4) 0x180| 47 24 4f a7| G$O.| [88]: "2007-10-28T09:00:23Z" (1193562023) transition_time 0x18c-0x190 (4) 0x190|47 f8 9f 37 |G..7 | [89]: "2008-04-06T10:00:23Z" (1207476023) transition_time 0x190-0x194 (4) 0x190| 49 04 31 a7 | I.1. | [90]: "2008-10-26T09:00:23Z" (1225011623) transition_time 0x194-0x198 (4) 0x190| 49 d8 81 38 | I..8 | [91]: "2009-04-05T10:00:24Z" (1238925624) transition_time 0x198-0x19c (4) 0x190| 4a e4 13 a8| J...| [92]: "2009-10-25T09:00:24Z" (1256461224) transition_time 0x19c-0x1a0 (4) 0x1a0|4b 9c b3 b8 |K... | [93]: "2010-03-14T10:00:24Z" (1268560824) transition_time 0x1a0-0x1a4 (4) 0x1a0| 4c d6 6a a8 | L.j. | [94]: "2010-11-07T09:00:24Z" (1289120424) transition_time 0x1a4-0x1a8 (4) 0x1a0| 4d 7c 95 b8 | M|.. | [95]: "2011-03-13T10:00:24Z" (1300010424) transition_time 0x1a8-0x1ac (4) 0x1a0| 4e b6 4c a8| N.L.| [96]: "2011-11-06T09:00:24Z" (1320570024) transition_time 0x1ac-0x1b0 (4) 0x1b0|4f 5c 77 b8 |O\w. | [97]: "2012-03-11T10:00:24Z" (1331460024) transition_time 0x1b0-0x1b4 (4) 0x1b0| 50 96 2e a9 | P... | [98]: "2012-11-04T09:00:25Z" (1352019625) transition_time 0x1b4-0x1b8 (4) 0x1b0| 51 3c 59 b9 | Q... | 0x660| 00 00 00 00 3f 9b 8d 26 | ....?..& | [80]: "2003-10-26T09:00:22Z" (1067158822) transition_time 0x665-0x66d (8) 0x660| 00 00 00| ...| [81]: "2004-04-04T10:00:22Z" (1081072822) transition_time 0x66d-0x675 (8) 0x670|00 40 6f dc b6 |.@o.. | 0x670| 00 00 00 00 41 84 a9 a6 | ....A... | [82]: "2004-10-31T09:00:22Z" (1099213222) transition_time 0x675-0x67d (8) 0x670| 00 00 00| ...| [83]: "2005-04-03T10:00:22Z" (1112522422) transition_time 0x67d-0x685 (8) 0x680|00 42 4f be b6 |.BO.. | 0x680| 00 00 00 00 43 64 8b a6 | ....Cd.. | [84]: "2005-10-30T09:00:22Z" (1130662822) transition_time 0x685-0x68d (8) 0x680| 00 00 00| ...| [85]: "2006-04-02T10:00:23Z" (1143972023) transition_time 0x68d-0x695 (8) 0x690|00 44 2f a0 b7 |.D/.. | 0x690| 00 00 00 00 45 44 6d a7 | ....EDm. | [86]: "2006-10-29T09:00:23Z" (1162112423) transition_time 0x695-0x69d (8) 0x690| 00 00 00| ...| [87]: "2007-04-01T10:00:23Z" (1175421623) transition_time 0x69d-0x6a5 (8) 0x6a0|00 46 0f 82 b7 |.F... | 0x6a0| 00 00 00 00 47 24 4f a7 | ....G$O. | [88]: "2007-10-28T09:00:23Z" (1193562023) transition_time 0x6a5-0x6ad (8) 0x6a0| 00 00 00| ...| [89]: "2008-04-06T10:00:23Z" (1207476023) transition_time 0x6ad-0x6b5 (8) 0x6b0|00 47 f8 9f 37 |.G..7 | 0x6b0| 00 00 00 00 49 04 31 a7 | ....I.1. | [90]: "2008-10-26T09:00:23Z" (1225011623) transition_time 0x6b5-0x6bd (8) 0x6b0| 00 00 00| ...| [91]: "2009-04-05T10:00:24Z" (1238925624) transition_time 0x6bd-0x6c5 (8) 0x6c0|00 49 d8 81 38 |.I..8 | 0x6c0| 00 00 00 00 4a e4 13 a8 | ....J... | [92]: "2009-10-25T09:00:24Z" (1256461224) transition_time 0x6c5-0x6cd (8) 0x6c0| 00 00 00| ...| [93]: "2010-03-14T10:00:24Z" (1268560824) transition_time 0x6cd-0x6d5 (8) 0x6d0|00 4b 9c b3 b8 |.K... | 0x6d0| 00 00 00 00 4c d6 6a a8 | ....L.j. | [94]: "2010-11-07T09:00:24Z" (1289120424) transition_time 0x6d5-0x6dd (8) 0x6d0| 00 00 00| ...| [95]: "2011-03-13T10:00:24Z" (1300010424) transition_time 0x6dd-0x6e5 (8) 0x6e0|00 4d 7c 95 b8 |.M|.. | 0x6e0| 00 00 00 00 4e b6 4c a8 | ....N.L. | [96]: "2011-11-06T09:00:24Z" (1320570024) transition_time 0x6e5-0x6ed (8) 0x6e0| 00 00 00| ...| [97]: "2012-03-11T10:00:24Z" (1331460024) transition_time 0x6ed-0x6f5 (8) 0x6f0|00 4f 5c 77 b8 |.O\w. | 0x6f0| 00 00 00 00 50 96 2e a9 | ....P... | [98]: "2012-11-04T09:00:25Z" (1352019625) transition_time 0x6f5-0x6fd (8) 0x6f0| 00 00 00| ...| [99]: "2013-03-10T10:00:25Z" (1362909625) transition_time 0x6fd-0x705 (8) 0x700|00 51 3c 59 b9 |.Q