$ fq -i -d mp3 . test.mp3 mp3> .headers[0].flags | ., tovalue, toactual, tosym, type, length? |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.headers[0].flags{}: 0x0| 00 | . | unsynchronisation: false 0x0| 00 | . | extended_header: false 0x0| 00 | . | experimental_indicator: false 0x0| 00 | . | unused: 0 { "experimental_indicator": false, "extended_header": false, "unsynchronisation": false, "unused": 0 } null null "object" 4 mp3> .headers[0].flags[0] | ., type, length? error: expected an array with index 0 but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags[-1000] | ., type, length? error: expected an array with index -2 but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags[1000] | ., type, length? error: expected an array with index -1 but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags[1:3] | ., type, length? error: expected an array but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags[0:-1] | ., type, length? error: expected an array but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags[-1000:2000] | ., type, length? error: expected an array but got: object mp3> .headers[0].flags["test"] | ., type, length? null "null" 0 mp3> [.headers[0].flags[]] | type, length? "array" 4 mp3> .headers[0].flags | keys [ "unsynchronisation", "extended_header", "experimental_indicator", "unused" ] mp3> .headers[0].flags | has("a") false mp3> .headers[0].flags | has(0) error: cannot check whether object has a key: 0 mp3> .headers[0].flags | type "object" mp3> .headers[0].flags | tonumber error: tonumber cannot be applied to: object mp3> .headers[0].flags | tostring "{\"experimental_indicator\":false,\"extended_header\":false,\"unsynchronisation\":false,\"unused\":0}" mp3> .headers[0].flags + "" error: cannot add: object ({"experimental_indicator" ...}) and string ("") mp3> .headers[0].flags + 1 error: cannot add: object ({"experimental_indicator" ...}) and number (1) mp3> .headers[0].flags._start | ., type, length? 40 "number" 40 mp3> .headers[0].flags._stop | ., type, length? 48 "number" 48 mp3> .headers[0].flags._len | ., type, length? 8 "number" 8 mp3> .headers[0].flags._name | ., type, length? "flags" "string" 5 mp3> .headers[0].flags._actual | ., type, length? null "null" 0 mp3> .headers[0].flags._sym | ., type, length? null "null" 0 mp3> .headers[0].flags._description | ., type, length? null "null" 0 mp3> .headers[0].flags._path | ., type, length? [ "headers", 0, "flags" ] "array" 3 mp3> .headers[0].flags._bits | ., type, length? |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef| 0x0| 00 | . |.: raw bits 0x5-0x5.7 (1) "string" 8 mp3> .headers[0].flags._bytes | ., type, length? |00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef| 0x0| 00 | . |.: raw bits 0x5-0x5.7 (1) "string" 1 mp3> .headers[0].flags._error | ., type, length? null "null" 0 mp3> .headers[0].flags._unknown | ., type, length? false "boolean" mp3> .headers[0].flags.a = 1 { "footers": [], "frames": [ { "audio_data": "<5>AAAAAAA=", "crc_calculated": "827a", "header": { "bitrate": 56000, "channel_mode": "none", "channels": "mono", "copyright": 0, "emphasis": "none", "layer": 3, "mpeg_version": "1", "original": 0, "padding": "not_padded", "private": 0, "protection_absent": true, "sample_count": 1152, "sample_rate": 44100, "sync": 2047 }, "side_info": { "granules": [ [ { "big_values": 0, "blocksplit_flag": 0, "count1table_select": 0, 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