include "internal"; include "options"; include "binary"; include "decode"; include "match"; include "funcs"; include "grep"; include "args"; include "repl"; # generated decode functions per format and format helpers include "formats"; # optional user init include "@config/init?"; def d($opts): display($opts); def d: display({}); def da($opts): display({array_truncate: 0} + $opts); def da: da({}); def dd($opts): display({array_truncate: 0, display_bytes: 0} + $opts); def dd: dd({}); def dv($opts): display({array_truncate: 0, verbose: true} + $opts); def dv: dv({}); def ddv($opts): display({array_truncate: 0, display_bytes: 0, verbose: true} + $opts); def ddv: ddv({}); # next valid input def input: def _input($opts; f): ( _input_filenames | if length == 0 then error("break") end | [.[0], .[1:]] as [$h, $t] | _input_filenames($t) | _input_filename(null) as $_ | ($h // "") as $name | $h | try # null input here means stdin ( open | _input_filename($name) as $_ | . ) catch ( . as $err | _input_io_errors(. += {($name): $err}) as $_ | $err | (_error_str | printerrln) , _input($opts; f) ) | try f catch ( . as $err | _input_decode_errors(. += {($name): $err}) as $_ | [ "\($name): \($opts.decode_format)" , if $err | type == "string" then ": \($err)" # TODO: if not string assume decode itself failed for now else ": failed to decode (try -d FORMAT)" end ] | join("") | (_error_str | printerrln) , _input($opts; f) ) ); def _input_string($opts): ( _input_strings_lines | if . then # we're already iterating lines if length == 0 then error("break") else ( [.[0], .[1:]] as [$h, $t] | _input_strings_lines($t) | $h ) end else ( [_repeat_break(_input($opts; tobytes | tostring))] | . as $chunks | if $opts.slurp then # jq --raw-input combined with --slurp reads all inputs into a string # make next input break ( _input_strings_lines([]) as $_ | $chunks | join("") ) else # TODO: different line endings? # jq strips last newline, "a\nb" and "a\nb\n" behaves the same # also jq -R . <(echo -ne 'a\nb') <(echo c) produces "a" and "bc" if ($chunks | length) > 0 then ( _input_strings_lines( ( $chunks | join("") | rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n") ) ) as $_ | input ) else error("break") end end ) end ); # TODO: don't rebuild options each time ( options as $opts # this is a bit strange as jq for --raw-input can return one string # instead of iterating lines | if $opts.string_input then _input_string($opts) else _input($opts; decode) end ); # iterate all valid inputs def inputs: _repeat_break(input); def input_filename: _input_filename; def var: _variables; def var($k; f): ( . as $c | if ($k | _is_ident | not) then error("invalid variable name: \($k)") end | _variables(.[$k] |= f) | empty ); def var($k): . as $c | var($k; $c); def _cli_expr_on_error: ( . as $err | _cli_last_expr_error($err) as $_ | (_error_str | printerrln) ); def _cli_expr_on_compile_error: ( _eval_compile_error_tostring | halt_error(_exit_code_compile_error) ); # _cli_expr_eval halts on compile errors def _cli_expr_eval($expr; $filename; f): _eval($expr; $filename; f; _cli_expr_on_error; _cli_expr_on_compile_error); def _cli_expr_eval($expr; $filename): _eval($expr; $filename; .; _cli_expr_on_error; _cli_expr_on_compile_error); def _main: def _banner: ( "fq - jq for binary formats" , "Tool, language and decoders for inspecting binary data." , "For more information see" ); def _usage($arg0): "Usage: \($arg0) [OPTIONS] [--] [EXPR] [FILE...]"; def _help($arg0): ( _banner , "" , _usage($arg0) , "" , "Example usages:" , " fq . file" , " fq d file" , " fq tovalue file" , " cat file.cbor | fq -d cbor torepr" , " fq 'grep(\"^main$\") | parent' /bin/ls" , " fq 'grep_by(format == \"exif\") | d' *.png *.jpeg" , "" , args_help_text(_opt_cli_opts) ); def _formats_list: [ ( formats | to_entries[] | [(.key+" "), .value.description] ) ] | table( .; map( ( . as $rc | .string | if $rc.column != 1 then rpad(" "; $rc.maxwidth) end ) ) | join("") ); def _map_decode_file: map( ( . as $a | .[1] |= try (open | decode) catch ( "--decode-file \($a[0]): \(.)" | halt_error(_exit_code_args_error) ) ) ); ( . as {$version, $os, $arch, $args, args: [$arg0]} # make sure we don't unintentionally use . to make things clearer | null | ( try _args_parse($args[1:]; _opt_cli_opts) catch halt_error(_exit_code_args_error) ) as {parsed: $parsed_args, $rest} # combine default fixed opt, parsed args and -o key=value opts | _options_stack([ ( ( _opt_build_default_fixed + $parsed_args + ($parsed_args.option | _opt_cli_arg_options) ) | . + _opt_eval($rest) ) ]) as $_ | _opt_build_default_fixed as $default_fixed_opts # combine default fixed opt, --args opts and -o key=value opts | ( $default_fixed_opts + $parsed_args + ($parsed_args.option | _opt_cli_arg_options) ) as $combined_opts | options as $opts | if $opts.show_help then _help($arg0) | println elif $opts.show_version then "\($version) (\($os) \($arch))" | println elif $opts.show_formats then _formats_list | println elif ( $opts.filenames == [null] and $opts.null_input == false and ($opts.repl | not) and ($opts.expr_file | not) and stdin_tty.is_terminal and stdout_tty.is_terminal ) then ( (_usage($arg0) | printerrln) , null | halt_error(_exit_code_args_error) ) else # use _finally as display etc prints and outputs empty _finally( # store some globals ( _include_paths($opts.include_path) as $_ | _input_filenames($opts.filenames) as $_ | _variables( ( $opts.arg + $opts.argjson + $opts.raw_file + ($opts.decode_file | if . then _map_decode_file end) | map({key: .[0], value: .[1]}) | from_entries ) ) # for inputs a, b, c: # repl: [a,b,c] | repl # repl slurp: [[a, b, c]] | repl # cli a, b, c | expr # cli slurp [a ,b c] | expr | ( def _inputs: ( if $opts.null_input then null # note that jq --slurp --raw-input (string_input) is special, will concat # all files into one string instead of iterating lines elif $opts.string_input then inputs elif $opts.slurp then [inputs] else inputs end ); if $opts.repl then ( [_inputs] | map(_cli_expr_eval($opts.expr; $opts.expr_eval_path)) | _repl({}) ) else ( _inputs # iterate all inputs | _cli_last_expr_error(null) as $_ | _cli_expr_eval($opts.expr; $opts.expr_eval_path; _repl_display) ) end ) ) ; # finally ( if _input_io_errors then null | halt_error(_exit_code_input_io_error) end | if _input_decode_errors then null | halt_error(_exit_code_input_decode_error) end | if _cli_last_expr_error then null | halt_error(_exit_code_expr_error) end ) ) end );