package pcap // import ( "encoding/binary" "net" "" "" "" "" "" ) var pcapngLinkFrameGroup decode.Group var pcapngTCPStreamGroup decode.Group var pcapngIPvPacket4Group decode.Group func init() { interp.RegisterFormat( format.Pcapng, &decode.Format{ Description: "PCAPNG packet capture", RootArray: true, Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Probe}, Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{ {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.LinkFrame}, Out: &pcapngLinkFrameGroup}, {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.TcpStream}, Out: &pcapngTCPStreamGroup}, {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Ipv4Packet}, Out: &pcapngIPvPacket4Group}, }, DecodeFn: decodePcapng, }) } const ( ngBigEndian = 0x1a2b3c4d ngLittleEndian = 0x4d3c2b1a ) var ngEndianMap = scalar.UintMapSymStr{ ngBigEndian: "big_endian", ngLittleEndian: "little_endian", } const ( blockTypeSectionHeader = 0x0a0d0d0a blockTypeInterfaceDescription = 0x00000001 blockTypeNameResolution = 0x00000004 blockTypeInterfaceStatistics = 0x00000005 blockTypeEnhancedPacketBlock = 0x00000006 ) // from var blockTypeMap = scalar.UintMap{ blockTypeInterfaceDescription: {Sym: "interface_description", Description: "Interface Description Block"}, 0x00000002: {Description: "Packet Block"}, 0x00000003: {Description: "Simple Packet Block"}, blockTypeNameResolution: {Sym: "name_resolution", Description: "Name Resolution Block"}, blockTypeInterfaceStatistics: {Sym: "interface_statistics", Description: "Interface Statistics Block"}, blockTypeEnhancedPacketBlock: {Sym: "enhanced_packet", Description: "Enhanced Packet Block"}, 0x00000007: {Description: "IRIG Timestamp Block"}, 0x00000008: {Description: "ARINC 429 in AFDX Encapsulation Information Block"}, 0x00000009: {Description: "systemd Journal Export Block"}, 0x0000000a: {Description: "Decryption Secrets Block"}, 0x00000101: {Description: "Hone Project Machine Info Block"}, 0x00000102: {Description: "Hone Project Connection Event Block"}, 0x00000201: {Description: "Sysdig Machine Info Block"}, 0x00000202: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 1"}, 0x00000203: {Description: "Sysdig FD List Block"}, 0x00000204: {Description: "Sysdig Event Block"}, 0x00000205: {Description: "Sysdig Interface List Block"}, 0x00000206: {Description: "Sysdig User List Block"}, 0x00000207: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 2"}, 0x00000208: {Description: "Sysdig Event Block with flags"}, 0x00000209: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 3"}, 0x00000210: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 4"}, 0x00000211: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 5"}, 0x00000212: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 6"}, 0x00000213: {Description: "Sysdig Process Info Block, version 7"}, 0x00000bad: {Description: "Custom Block that rewriters can copy into new files"}, 0x40000bad: {Description: "Custom Block that rewriters should not copy into new files"}, blockTypeSectionHeader: {Sym: "section_header", Description: "Section Header Block"}, } const ( optionEnd = 0 optionComment = 1 sectionHeaderOptionHardware = 2 sectionHeaderOptionOS = 3 sectionHeaderOptionUserAppl = 4 interfaceDescriptionName = 2 interfaceDescriptionDescription = 3 interfaceDescriptionIPv4addr = 4 interfaceDescriptionMACaddr = 6 interfaceDescriptionEUIaddr = 7 interfaceDescriptionSpeed = 8 interfaceDescriptionTsresol = 9 interfaceDescriptionTzone = 10 interfaceDescriptionFilter = 11 interfaceDescriptionOS = 12 interfaceDescriptionFcslen = 13 interfaceDescriptionTsoffset = 14 enhancedPacketFlags = 2 enhancedPacketHash = 3 enhancedPacketDropcount = 4 nameResolutionDNSName = 2 nameResolutionDNSIP4addr = 3 nameResolutionDNSIP6addr = 4 interfaceStatisticsStarttime = 2 interfaceStatisticsEndtime = 3 interfaceStatisticsIfRecv = 4 interfaceStatisticsIfDrop = 5 interfaceStatisticsFilterAccept = 6 interfaceStatisticsOSDrop = 7 interfaceStatisticsUsrdeliv = 8 ) var sectionHeaderOptionsMap = scalar.UintMap{ optionEnd: {Sym: "end", Description: "End of options"}, optionComment: {Sym: "comment", Description: "Comment"}, sectionHeaderOptionHardware: {Sym: "hardware"}, sectionHeaderOptionOS: {Sym: "os"}, sectionHeaderOptionUserAppl: {Sym: "userappl"}, } var interfaceDescriptionOptionsMap = scalar.UintMap{ optionEnd: {Sym: "end", Description: "End of options"}, optionComment: {Sym: "comment", Description: "Comment"}, interfaceDescriptionName: {Sym: "name"}, interfaceDescriptionDescription: {Sym: "description"}, interfaceDescriptionIPv4addr: {Sym: "ipv4addr"}, interfaceDescriptionMACaddr: {Sym: "macaddr"}, interfaceDescriptionEUIaddr: {Sym: "euiaddr"}, interfaceDescriptionSpeed: {Sym: "speed"}, interfaceDescriptionTsresol: {Sym: "tsresol"}, interfaceDescriptionTzone: {Sym: "tzone"}, interfaceDescriptionFilter: {Sym: "filter"}, interfaceDescriptionOS: {Sym: "os"}, interfaceDescriptionFcslen: {Sym: "fcslen"}, interfaceDescriptionTsoffset: {Sym: "tsoffset"}, } var enhancedPacketOptionsMap = scalar.UintMap{ optionEnd: {Sym: "end", Description: "End of options"}, optionComment: {Sym: "comment", Description: "Comment"}, enhancedPacketFlags: {Sym: "flags"}, enhancedPacketHash: {Sym: "hash"}, enhancedPacketDropcount: {Sym: "dropcount"}, } var nameResolutionOptionsMap = scalar.UintMap{ optionEnd: {Sym: "end", Description: "End of options"}, optionComment: {Sym: "comment", Description: "Comment"}, nameResolutionDNSName: {Sym: "dnsname"}, nameResolutionDNSIP4addr: {Sym: "dnsip4addr"}, nameResolutionDNSIP6addr: {Sym: "dnsip6addr"}, } var interfaceStatisticsOptionsMap = scalar.UintMap{ optionEnd: {Sym: "end", Description: "End of options"}, optionComment: {Sym: "comment", Description: "Comment"}, interfaceStatisticsStarttime: {Sym: "starttime"}, interfaceStatisticsEndtime: {Sym: "endtime"}, interfaceStatisticsIfRecv: {Sym: "ifrecv"}, interfaceStatisticsIfDrop: {Sym: "ifdrop"}, interfaceStatisticsFilterAccept: {Sym: "filteraccept"}, interfaceStatisticsOSDrop: {Sym: "osdrop"}, interfaceStatisticsUsrdeliv: {Sym: "usrdeliv"}, } const ( nameResolutionRecordEnd = 0x0000 nameResolutionRecordIpv4 = 0x0001 nameResolutionRecordIpv6 = 0x0002 ) var nameResolutionRecordMap = scalar.UintMapSymStr{ nameResolutionRecordEnd: "end", nameResolutionRecordIpv4: "ipv4", nameResolutionRecordIpv6: "ipv6", } func decoodeOptions(d *decode.D, opts scalar.UintMap) { if d.BitsLeft() < 32 { return } seenEnd := false for !seenEnd { d.FieldStruct("option", func(d *decode.D) { code := d.FieldU16("code", opts) length := d.FieldU16("length") if code == optionEnd { seenEnd = true return } d.FieldUTF8NullFixedLen("value", int(length)) d.FieldRawLen("padding", int64(d.AlignBits(32))) }) } } // TODO: share var mapUToIPv4Sym = scalar.UintFn(func(s scalar.Uint) (scalar.Uint, error) { var b [4]byte binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[:], uint32(s.Actual)) s.Sym = net.IP(b[:]).String() return s, nil }) var blockFns = map[uint64]func(d *decode.D, dc *decodeContext){ // TODO: SimplePacket // TODO: Packet blockTypeInterfaceDescription: func(d *decode.D, dc *decodeContext) { typ := d.FieldU16("link_type", format.LinkTypeMap) d.FieldU16("reserved") d.FieldU32("snap_len") d.FieldArray("options", func(d *decode.D) { decoodeOptions(d, interfaceDescriptionOptionsMap) }) dc.interfaceTypes[len(dc.interfaceTypes)] = int(typ) }, blockTypeEnhancedPacketBlock: func(d *decode.D, dc *decodeContext) { interfaceID := d.FieldU32("interface_id") d.FieldU32("timestamp_high") d.FieldU32("timestamp_low") capturedLength := d.FieldU32("capture_packet_length") d.FieldU32("original_packet_length") bs := d.ReadAllBits(d.BitBufRange(d.Pos(), int64(capturedLength)*8)) linkType := dc.interfaceTypes[int(interfaceID)] if fn, ok := linkToDecodeFn[linkType]; ok { // TODO: report decode errors _ = fn(dc.flowDecoder, bs) } d.FieldFormatOrRawLen( "packet", int64(capturedLength)*8, &pcapngLinkFrameGroup, format.LinkFrameIn{ Type: linkType, IsLittleEndian: d.Endian == decode.LittleEndian, }, ) d.FieldRawLen("padding", int64(d.AlignBits(32))) d.FieldArray("options", func(d *decode.D) { decoodeOptions(d, enhancedPacketOptionsMap) }) }, blockTypeNameResolution: func(d *decode.D, _ *decodeContext) { seenEnd := false d.FieldArray("records", func(d *decode.D) { for !seenEnd { d.FieldStruct("record", func(d *decode.D) { typ := d.FieldU16("type", nameResolutionRecordMap) length := d.FieldU16("length") if typ == nameResolutionRecordEnd { seenEnd = true return } d.FramedFn(int64(length)*8, func(d *decode.D) { switch typ { case nameResolutionRecordIpv4: d.FieldU32BE("address", mapUToIPv4Sym, scalar.UintHex) d.FieldArray("entries", func(d *decode.D) { for !d.End() { d.FieldUTF8Null("string") } }) default: d.FieldUTF8NullFixedLen("value", int(d.BitsLeft()/8)) } }) d.FieldRawLen("padding", int64(d.AlignBits(32))) }) } }) d.FieldArray("options", func(d *decode.D) { decoodeOptions(d, nameResolutionOptionsMap) }) }, blockTypeInterfaceStatistics: func(d *decode.D, _ *decodeContext) { d.FieldU32("interface_id") d.FieldU32("timestamp_high") d.FieldU32("timestamp_low") d.FieldRawLen("padding", int64(d.AlignBits(32))) d.FieldArray("options", func(d *decode.D) { decoodeOptions(d, interfaceStatisticsOptionsMap) }) }, } func decodeBlock(d *decode.D, dc *decodeContext) { typ := d.FieldU32("type", blockTypeMap, scalar.UintHex) length := d.FieldU32("length") - 8 const footerLengthSize = 32 blockLen := int64(length)*8 - footerLengthSize if blockLen <= 0 { d.Fatalf("%d blockLen < 0", blockLen) } d.FramedFn(blockLen, func(d *decode.D) { if fn, ok := blockFns[typ]; ok { fn(d, dc) } else { d.FieldRawLen("data", d.BitsLeft()) } }) d.FieldU32("footer_length") } func decodeSection(d *decode.D, dc *decodeContext) { d.FieldArray("blocks", func(d *decode.D) { sectionLength := int64(-1) sectionD := d sectionStart := d.Pos() // treat header block differently as it has endian info d.FieldStruct("block", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU32("type", d.UintAssert(blockTypeSectionHeader), blockTypeMap, scalar.UintHex) d.SeekRel(32) endian := d.FieldU32("byte_order_magic", ngEndianMap, scalar.UintHex) // peeks length and byte-order magic and marks away length switch endian { case ngBigEndian: d.Endian = decode.BigEndian case ngLittleEndian: d.Endian = decode.LittleEndian default: d.Fatalf("unknown endian %d", endian) } sectionD.Endian = d.Endian d.SeekRel(-64) length := d.FieldU32("length") - 8 - 4 d.SeekRel(32) d.FramedFn(int64(length)*8, func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU16("major_version") d.FieldU16("minor_version") sectionLength = d.FieldS64("section_length") d.FramedFn(d.BitsLeft()-32, func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldArray("options", func(d *decode.D) { decoodeOptions(d, sectionHeaderOptionsMap) }) }) d.FieldU32("footer_total_length") }) dc.sectionHeaderFound = true }) for (sectionLength == -1 && !d.End()) || (sectionLength != -1 && d.Pos()-sectionStart < sectionLength*8) { d.FieldStruct("block", func(d *decode.D) { decodeBlock(d, dc) }) } }) } type decodeContext struct { sectionHeaderFound bool interfaceTypes map[int]int flowDecoder *flowsdecoder.Decoder } func decodePcapng(d *decode.D) any { sectionHeaders := 0 for !d.End() { fd := flowsdecoder.New(flowsdecoder.DecoderOptions{CheckTCPOptions: false}) dc := decodeContext{ interfaceTypes: map[int]int{}, flowDecoder: fd, } d.FieldStruct("section", func(d *decode.D) { decodeSection(d, &dc) fd.Flush() fieldFlows(d, dc.flowDecoder, pcapngTCPStreamGroup, pcapngIPvPacket4Group) }) if dc.sectionHeaderFound { sectionHeaders++ } } if sectionHeaders == 0 { d.Fatalf("no section headers found") } return nil }