mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-02 12:45:53 +03:00
Mattias Wadman 9b81d4d3ab decode: More type safe API and split scalar into multiple types
Preparation to make decoder use less memory and API more type safe.
Now each scalar type has it's own struct type so it can store different
things and enables to have a scalar interface.
Also own types will enable experimenting with decode DLS designs like
using chained methods that are type aware.
2022-12-14 16:23:58 +01:00

775 lines
17 KiB

package interp
import (
func init() {
RegisterFunc0("_registry", (*Interp)._registry)
RegisterFunc1("_tovalue", (*Interp)._toValue)
RegisterFunc2("_decode", (*Interp)._decode)
type expectedExtkeyError struct {
Key string
func (err expectedExtkeyError) Error() string {
return "expected a extkey but got: " + err.Key
// TODO: redo/rename
// used by _isDecodeValue
type DecodeValue interface {
DecodeValue() *decode.Value
func (i *Interp) _registry(c any) any {
uniqueFormats := map[string]decode.Format{}
groups := map[string]any{}
formats := map[string]any{}
for groupName := range i.Registry.FormatGroups {
var group []any
for _, f := range i.Registry.MustFormatGroup(groupName) {
group = append(group, f.Name)
if _, ok := uniqueFormats[f.Name]; ok {
uniqueFormats[f.Name] = f
groups[groupName] = group
for _, f := range uniqueFormats {
vf := map[string]any{
"name": f.Name,
"description": f.Description,
"probe_order": f.ProbeOrder,
"root_name": f.RootName,
"root_array": f.RootArray,
"skip_decode_function": f.SkipDecodeFunction,
var dependenciesVs []any
for _, d := range f.Dependencies {
var dNamesVs []any
for _, n := range d.Names {
dNamesVs = append(dNamesVs, n)
dependenciesVs = append(dependenciesVs, dNamesVs)
if len(dependenciesVs) > 0 {
vf["dependencies"] = dependenciesVs
var groupsVs []any
for _, n := range f.Groups {
groupsVs = append(groupsVs, n)
if len(groupsVs) > 0 {
vf["groups"] = groupsVs
if f.DecodeInArg != nil {
doc := map[string]any{}
st := reflect.TypeOf(f.DecodeInArg)
for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
f := st.Field(i)
if v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("doc"); ok {
doc[mapstruct.CamelToSnake(f.Name)] = v
vf["decode_in_arg_doc"] = doc
args, err := mapstruct.ToMap(f.DecodeInArg)
if err != nil {
return err
// filter out internal field without documentation
for k := range args {
if _, ok := doc[k]; !ok {
delete(args, k)
vf["decode_in_arg"] = gojqex.Normalize(args)
if f.Functions != nil {
var ss []any
for _, f := range f.Functions {
ss = append(ss, f)
vf["functions"] = ss
formats[f.Name] = vf
var files []any
for _, fs := range i.Registry.FSs {
ventries := []any{}
entries, err := fs.ReadDir(".")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range entries {
f, err := fs.Open(e.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
b, err := io.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return err
ventries = append(ventries, map[string]any{
"name": e.Name(),
"data": string(b),
files = append(files, ventries)
return map[string]any{
"groups": groups,
"formats": formats,
"files": files,
func (i *Interp) _toValue(c any, opts map[string]any) any {
v, _ := toValue(
func() Options { return OptionsFromValue(opts) },
return v
type decodeOpts struct {
Force bool
Progress string
Remain map[string]any `mapstruct:",remain"`
func (i *Interp) _decode(c any, format string, opts decodeOpts) any {
var filename string
// TODO: progress hack
// would be nice to move all progress code into decode but it might be
// tricky to keep track of absolute positions in the underlaying readers
// when it uses BitBuf slices, maybe only in Pos()?
if bbf, ok := c.(*openFile); ok {
filename = bbf.filename
if opts.Progress != "" {
evalProgress := func(c any) {
// {approx_read_bytes: 123, total_size: 123} | opts.Progress
_, _ = i.EvalFuncValues(
EvalOpts{output: ioex.DiscardCtxWriter{Ctx: i.EvalInstance.Ctx}},
lastProgress := time.Now()
bbf.progressFn = func(approxReadBytes, totalSize int64) {
// make sure to not call too often as it's quite expensive
n := time.Now()
if n.Sub(lastProgress) < 200*time.Millisecond {
lastProgress = n
"approx_read_bytes": approxReadBytes,
"total_size": totalSize,
// when done decoding, tell progress function were done and disable it
defer func() {
bbf.progressFn = nil
bv, err := toBinary(c)
if err != nil {
return err
formatName, err := toString(format)
if err != nil {
return err
decodeFormat, err := i.Registry.FormatGroup(formatName)
if err != nil {
return err
dv, formatOut, err := decode.Decode(i.EvalInstance.Ctx, bv.br, decodeFormat,
IsRoot: true,
FillGaps: true,
Force: opts.Force,
Range: bv.r,
Description: filename,
FormatInArgFn: func(f decode.Format) (any, error) {
inArg := f.DecodeInArg
if inArg == nil {
return nil, nil
var err error
inArg, err = copystructure.Copy(inArg)
if err != nil {
return f.DecodeInArg, err
if len(opts.Remain) > 0 {
if err := mapstruct.ToStruct(opts.Remain, &inArg); err != nil {
// TODO: currently ignores failed struct mappings
//nolint: nilerr
return f.DecodeInArg, nil
return inArg, nil
if dv == nil {
var decodeFormatsErr decode.FormatsError
if errors.As(err, &decodeFormatsErr) {
var vs []any
for _, fe := range decodeFormatsErr.Errs {
vs = append(vs, fe.Value())
return valueError{vs}
return valueError{err}
var formatOutMap any
if formatOut != nil {
formatOutMap, err = mapstruct.ToMap(formatOut)
if err != nil {
return err
return makeDecodeValueOut(dv, decodeValueValue, formatOutMap)
func valueKey(name string, a, b func(name string) any) any {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "_") {
return a(name)
return b(name)
func valueHas(key any, a func(name string) any, b func(key any) any) any {
stringKey, ok := key.(string)
if ok && strings.HasPrefix(stringKey, "_") {
if err, ok := a(stringKey).(error); ok {
return err
return true
return b(key)
// optsFn is a function as toValue is used by tovalue/0 so needs to be fast
func toValue(optsFn func() Options, v any) (any, bool) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case JQValueEx:
if optsFn == nil {
return v.JQValueToGoJQ(), true
return v.JQValueToGoJQEx(optsFn), true
case gojq.JQValue:
return v.JQValueToGoJQ(), true
case nil, bool, float64, int, string, *big.Int, map[string]any, []any:
return v, true
return nil, false
type decodeValueKind int
const (
decodeValueValue decodeValueKind = iota
func makeDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, kind decodeValueKind) any {
return makeDecodeValueOut(dv, kind, nil)
func makeDecodeValueOut(dv *decode.Value, kind decodeValueKind, out any) any {
switch vv := dv.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
if vv.IsArray {
return NewArrayDecodeValue(dv, out, vv)
return NewStructDecodeValue(dv, out, vv)
case Scalarable:
// TODO: rethink value/actual/sym handling
var vvv any
switch kind {
case decodeValueValue:
vvv = vv.ScalarValue()
case decodeValueActual:
vvv = vv.ScalarActual()
case decodeValueSym:
vvv = vv.ScalarSym()
switch vvv := vvv.(type) {
case bitio.ReaderAtSeeker:
// is lazy so that in situations where the decode value is only used to
// create another binary we don't have to read and create a string, ex:
// .unknown0 | tobytes[1:] | ...
return decodeValue{
JQValue: &gojqex.Lazy{
Type: "string",
IsScalar: true,
Fn: func() (gojq.JQValue, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
vvvC, err := bitio.CloneReader(vvv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := bitioex.CopyBits(buf, vvvC); err != nil {
return nil, err
return gojqex.String([]rune(buf.String())), nil
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
bitsFormat: true,
case bool:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Boolean(vvv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case int:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Number{V: vvv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case int64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Number{V: big.NewInt(vvv)},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case uint64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Number{V: new(big.Int).SetUint64(vvv)},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case float64:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Number{V: vvv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case string:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.String(vvv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case []any:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Array(vvv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case map[string]any:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Object(vvv),
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case nil:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Null{},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case *big.Int:
return decodeValue{
JQValue: gojqex.Number{V: vvv},
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv},
case Binary:
// used by bytes and bits format
return vvv
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable vv %#+v", vvv))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable dv %#+v", dv))
type decodeValueBase struct {
dv *decode.Value
out any
func (dvb decodeValueBase) DecodeValue() *decode.Value {
return dvb.dv
func (dvb decodeValueBase) Display(w io.Writer, opts Options) error { return dump(dvb.dv, w, opts) }
func (dvb decodeValueBase) ToBinary() (Binary, error) {
return Binary{br: dvb.dv.RootReader, r: dvb.dv.InnerRange(), unit: 8}, nil
func (decodeValueBase) ExtType() string { return "decode_value" }
func (dvb decodeValueBase) ExtKeys() []string {
kv := []string{
"_index", // TODO: only if parent is array?
if _, ok := dvb.dv.V.(*decode.Compound); ok {
kv = append(kv,
if dvb.dv.Index != -1 {
kv = append(kv, "_index")
return kv
func (dvb decodeValueBase) JQValueKey(name string) any {
dv := dvb.dv
switch name {
case "_start":
return big.NewInt(dv.Range.Start)
case "_stop":
return big.NewInt(dv.Range.Stop())
case "_len":
return big.NewInt(dv.Range.Len)
case "_name":
return dv.Name
case "_root":
return makeDecodeValue(dv.Root(), decodeValueValue)
case "_buffer_root":
// TODO: rename?
return makeDecodeValue(dv.BufferRoot(), decodeValueValue)
case "_format_root":
// TODO: rename?
return makeDecodeValue(dv.FormatRoot(), decodeValueValue)
case "_parent":
if dv.Parent == nil {
return nil
return makeDecodeValue(dv.Parent, decodeValueValue)
case "_actual":
switch dv.V.(type) {
case Scalarable:
return makeDecodeValue(dv, decodeValueActual)
return nil
case "_sym":
switch dv.V.(type) {
case Scalarable:
return makeDecodeValue(dv, decodeValueSym)
return nil
case "_description":
switch vv := dv.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
if vv.Description == "" {
return nil
return vv.Description
case Scalarable:
desc := vv.ScalarDescription()
if desc == "" {
return nil
return desc
return nil
case "_path":
return valuePath(dv)
case "_error":
var formatErr decode.FormatError
if errors.As(dv.Err, &formatErr) {
return formatErr.Value()
return nil
case "_bits":
return Binary{
br: dv.RootReader,
r: dv.Range,
unit: 1,
case "_bytes":
return Binary{
br: dv.RootReader,
r: dv.Range,
unit: 8,
case "_format":
if dv.Format != nil {
return dv.Format.Name
return nil
case "_out":
return dvb.out
case "_gap":
switch vv := dv.V.(type) {
case Scalarable:
return vv.ScalarGap()
return false
case "_index":
if dv.Index != -1 {
return dv.Index
return expectedExtkeyError{Key: name}
var _ DecodeValue = decodeValue{}
type decodeValue struct {
bitsFormat bool
func (v decodeValue) JQValueKey(name string) any {
return valueKey(name, v.decodeValueBase.JQValueKey, v.JQValue.JQValueKey)
func (v decodeValue) JQValueHas(key any) any {
return valueHas(key, v.decodeValueBase.JQValueKey, v.JQValue.JQValueHas)
func (v decodeValue) JQValueToGoJQEx(optsFn func() Options) any {
if !v.bitsFormat {
return v.JQValueToGoJQ()
bv, err := v.decodeValueBase.ToBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
br, err := bv.toReader()
if err != nil {
return err
brC, err := bitio.CloneReaderAtSeeker(br)
if err != nil {
return err
s, err := optsFn().BitsFormatFn(brC)
if err != nil {
return err
return s
// decode value array
var _ DecodeValue = ArrayDecodeValue{}
type ArrayDecodeValue struct {
func NewArrayDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, out any, c *decode.Compound) ArrayDecodeValue {
return ArrayDecodeValue{
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv, out: out},
Base: gojqex.Base{Typ: gojq.JQTypeArray},
Compound: c,
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueKey(name string) any {
return valueKey(name, v.decodeValueBase.JQValueKey, v.Base.JQValueKey)
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueSliceLen() any { return len(v.Compound.Children) }
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueLength() any { return len(v.Compound.Children) }
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueIndex(index int) any {
// -1 outside after string, -2 outside before string
if index < 0 {
return nil
return makeDecodeValue((v.Compound.Children)[index], decodeValueValue)
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueSlice(start int, end int) any {
vs := make([]any, end-start)
for i, e := range (v.Compound.Children)[start:end] {
vs[i] = makeDecodeValue(e, decodeValueValue)
return vs
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueEach() any {
props := make([]gojq.PathValue, len(v.Compound.Children))
for i, f := range v.Compound.Children {
props[i] = gojq.PathValue{Path: i, Value: makeDecodeValue(f, decodeValueValue)}
return props
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueKeys() any {
vs := make([]any, len(v.Compound.Children))
for i := range v.Compound.Children {
vs[i] = i
return vs
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueHas(key any) any {
return valueHas(
func(key any) any {
intKey, ok := key.(int)
if !ok {
return gojqex.HasKeyTypeError{L: gojq.JQTypeArray, R: fmt.Sprintf("%v", key)}
return intKey >= 0 && intKey < len(v.Compound.Children)
func (v ArrayDecodeValue) JQValueToGoJQ() any {
vs := make([]any, len(v.Compound.Children))
for i, f := range v.Compound.Children {
vs[i] = makeDecodeValue(f, decodeValueValue)
return vs
// decode value struct
var _ DecodeValue = StructDecodeValue{}
type StructDecodeValue struct {
func NewStructDecodeValue(dv *decode.Value, out any, c *decode.Compound) StructDecodeValue {
return StructDecodeValue{
decodeValueBase: decodeValueBase{dv: dv, out: out},
Base: gojqex.Base{Typ: gojq.JQTypeObject},
Compound: c,
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueLength() any { return len(v.Compound.Children) }
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueSliceLen() any { return len(v.Compound.Children) }
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueKey(name string) any {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "_") {
return v.decodeValueBase.JQValueKey(name)
if v.Compound.ByName != nil {
if f, ok := v.Compound.ByName[name]; ok {
return makeDecodeValue(f, decodeValueValue)
return nil
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueEach() any {
props := make([]gojq.PathValue, len(v.Compound.Children))
for i, f := range v.Compound.Children {
props[i] = gojq.PathValue{Path: f.Name, Value: makeDecodeValue(f, decodeValueValue)}
return props
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueKeys() any {
vs := make([]any, len(v.Compound.Children))
for i, f := range v.Compound.Children {
vs[i] = f.Name
return vs
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueHas(key any) any {
return valueHas(
func(key any) any {
stringKey, ok := key.(string)
if !ok {
return gojqex.HasKeyTypeError{L: gojq.JQTypeObject, R: fmt.Sprintf("%v", key)}
for _, f := range v.Compound.Children {
if f.Name == stringKey {
return true
return false
func (v StructDecodeValue) JQValueToGoJQ() any {
vm := make(map[string]any, len(v.Compound.Children))
for _, f := range v.Compound.Children {
vm[f.Name] = makeDecodeValue(f, decodeValueValue)
return vm