mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-29 00:22:38 +03:00
2022-12-04 21:02:39 +09:00

901 lines
108 KiB

$ fq -d tzif dv Tijuana
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: Tijuana (tzif) 0x0-0x9c3.7 (2500)
| | | v1header{}: 0x0-0x2b.7 (44)
0x000|54 5a 69 66 |TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x0-0x3.7 (4)
0x000| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x4-0x4.7 (1)
0x000| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00| ...........| reserved: raw bits 0x5-0x13.7 (15)
0x010|00 00 00 00 |.... |
0x010| 00 00 00 08 | .... | isutcnt: 8 0x14-0x17.7 (4)
0x010| 00 00 00 08 | .... | isstdcnt: 8 0x18-0x1b.7 (4)
0x010| 00 00 00 1b| ....| leapcnt: 27 0x1c-0x1f.7 (4)
0x020|00 00 00 79 |...y | timecnt: 121 0x20-0x23.7 (4)
0x020| 00 00 00 08 | .... | typecnt: 8 0x24-0x27.7 (4)
0x020| 00 00 00 18 | .... | charcnt: 24 0x28-0x2b.7 (4)
| | | v1datablock{}: 0x2c-0x3b8.7 (909)
| | | transition_times[0:121]: 0x2c-0x20f.7 (484)
0x020| a5 b6 e8 70| ...p| [0]: "1922-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1514739600) transition_time 0x2c-0x2f.7 (4)
0x030|a9 79 4f 70 |.yOp | [1]: "1924-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1451667600) transition_time 0x30-0x33.7 (4)
0x030| af f2 7c f0 | ..|. | [2]: "1927-06-11T07:00:00Z" (-1343062800) transition_time 0x34-0x37.7 (4)
0x030| b6 66 64 70 | .fdp | [3]: "1930-11-15T07:00:00Z" (-1234803600) transition_time 0x38-0x3b.7 (4)
0x030| b7 1b 10 00| ....| [4]: "1931-04-01T08:00:00Z" (-1222963200) transition_time 0x3c-0x3f.7 (4)
0x040|b8 0a f2 f0 |.... | [5]: "1931-09-30T07:00:00Z" (-1207242000) transition_time 0x40-0x43.7 (4)
0x040| cb ea 8d 80 | .... | [6]: "1942-04-24T08:00:00Z" (-873820800) transition_time 0x44-0x47.7 (4)
0x040| d2 23 f4 70 | .#.p | [7]: "1945-08-14T23:00:00Z" (-769395600) transition_time 0x48-0x4b.7 (4)
0x040| d2 99 ba 70| ...p| [8]: "1945-11-12T07:00:00Z" (-761677200) transition_time 0x4c-0x4f.7 (4)
0x050|d7 1b 59 00 |..Y. | [9]: "1948-04-05T08:00:00Z" (-686073600) transition_time 0x50-0x53.7 (4)
0x050| d8 91 b4 f0 | .... | [10]: "1949-01-14T07:00:00Z" (-661539600) transition_time 0x54-0x57.7 (4)
0x050| e2 7e 4b 90 | .~K. | [11]: "1954-04-25T09:00:00Z" (-495039600) transition_time 0x58-0x5b.7 (4)
0x050| e3 49 52 90| .IR.| [12]: "1954-09-26T09:00:00Z" (-481734000) transition_time 0x5c-0x5f.7 (4)
0x060|e4 5e 2d 90 |.^-. | [13]: "1955-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-463590000) transition_time 0x60-0x63.7 (4)
0x060| e5 29 34 90 | .)4. | [14]: "1955-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-450284400) transition_time 0x64-0x67.7 (4)
0x060| e6 47 4a 10 | .GJ. | [15]: "1956-04-29T09:00:00Z" (-431535600) transition_time 0x68-0x6b.7 (4)
0x060| e7 12 51 10| ..Q.| [16]: "1956-09-30T09:00:00Z" (-418230000) transition_time 0x6c-0x6f.7 (4)
0x070|e8 27 2c 10 |.',. | [17]: "1957-04-28T09:00:00Z" (-400086000) transition_time 0x70-0x73.7 (4)
0x070| e8 f2 33 10 | ..3. | [18]: "1957-09-29T09:00:00Z" (-386780400) transition_time 0x74-0x77.7 (4)
0x070| ea 07 0e 10 | .... | [19]: "1958-04-27T09:00:00Z" (-368636400) transition_time 0x78-0x7b.7 (4)
0x070| ea d2 15 10| ....| [20]: "1958-09-28T09:00:00Z" (-355330800) transition_time 0x7c-0x7f.7 (4)
0x080|eb e6 f0 10 |.... | [21]: "1959-04-26T09:00:00Z" (-337186800) transition_time 0x80-0x83.7 (4)
0x080| ec b1 f7 10 | .... | [22]: "1959-09-27T09:00:00Z" (-323881200) transition_time 0x84-0x87.7 (4)
0x080| ed c6 d2 10 | .... | [23]: "1960-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-305737200) transition_time 0x88-0x8b.7 (4)
0x080| ee 91 d9 10| ....| [24]: "1960-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-292431600) transition_time 0x8c-0x8f.7 (4)
0x090|0b e0 af a5 |.... | [25]: "1976-04-25T10:00:05Z" (199274405) transition_time 0x90-0x93.7 (4)
0x090| 0c d9 cd 15 | .... | [26]: "1976-10-31T09:00:05Z" (215600405) transition_time 0x94-0x97.7 (4)
0x090| 0d c0 91 a6 | .... | [27]: "1977-04-24T10:00:06Z" (230724006) transition_time 0x98-0x9b.7 (4)
0x090| 0e b9 af 16| ....| [28]: "1977-10-30T09:00:06Z" (247050006) transition_time 0x9c-0x9f.7 (4)
0x0a0|0f a9 ae 27 |...' | [29]: "1978-04-30T10:00:07Z" (262778407) transition_time 0xa0-0xa3.7 (4)
0x0a0| 10 99 91 17 | .... | [30]: "1978-10-29T09:00:07Z" (278499607) transition_time 0xa4-0xa7.7 (4)
0x0a0| 11 89 90 28 | ...( | [31]: "1979-04-29T10:00:08Z" (294228008) transition_time 0xa8-0xab.7 (4)
0x0a0| 12 79 73 18| .ys.| [32]: "1979-10-28T09:00:08Z" (309949208) transition_time 0xac-0xaf.7 (4)
0x0b0|13 69 72 29 |.ir) | [33]: "1980-04-27T10:00:09Z" (325677609) transition_time 0xb0-0xb3.7 (4)
0x0b0| 14 59 55 19 | .YU. | [34]: "1980-10-26T09:00:09Z" (341398809) transition_time 0xb4-0xb7.7 (4)
0x0b0| 15 49 54 29 | .IT) | [35]: "1981-04-26T10:00:09Z" (357127209) transition_time 0xb8-0xbb.7 (4)
0x0b0| 16 39 37 1a| .97.| [36]: "1981-10-25T09:00:10Z" (372848410) transition_time 0xbc-0xbf.7 (4)
0x0c0|17 29 36 2a |.)6* | [37]: "1982-04-25T10:00:10Z" (388576810) transition_time 0xc0-0xc3.7 (4)
0x0c0| 18 22 53 9b | ."S. | [38]: "1982-10-31T09:00:11Z" (404902811) transition_time 0xc4-0xc7.7 (4)
0x0c0| 19 09 18 2b | ...+ | [39]: "1983-04-24T10:00:11Z" (420026411) transition_time 0xc8-0xcb.7 (4)
0x0c0| 1a 02 35 9c| ..5.| [40]: "1983-10-30T09:00:12Z" (436352412) transition_time 0xcc-0xcf.7 (4)
0x0d0|1a f2 34 ac |..4. | [41]: "1984-04-29T10:00:12Z" (452080812) transition_time 0xd0-0xd3.7 (4)
0x0d0| 1b e2 17 9c | .... | [42]: "1984-10-28T09:00:12Z" (467802012) transition_time 0xd4-0xd7.7 (4)
0x0d0| 1c d2 16 ac | .... | [43]: "1985-04-28T10:00:12Z" (483530412) transition_time 0xd8-0xdb.7 (4)
0x0d0| 1d c1 f9 9d| ....| [44]: "1985-10-27T09:00:13Z" (499251613) transition_time 0xdc-0xdf.7 (4)
0x0e0|1e b1 f8 ad |.... | [45]: "1986-04-27T10:00:13Z" (514980013) transition_time 0xe0-0xe3.7 (4)
0x0e0| 1f a1 db 9d | .... | [46]: "1986-10-26T09:00:13Z" (530701213) transition_time 0xe4-0xe7.7 (4)
0x0e0| 20 76 2b 2d | v+- | [47]: "1987-04-05T10:00:13Z" (544615213) transition_time 0xe8-0xeb.7 (4)
0x0e0| 21 81 bd 9d| !...| [48]: "1987-10-25T09:00:13Z" (562150813) transition_time 0xec-0xef.7 (4)
0x0f0|22 56 0d 2e |"V.. | [49]: "1988-04-03T10:00:14Z" (576064814) transition_time 0xf0-0xf3.7 (4)
0x0f0| 23 6a da 1e | #j.. | [50]: "1988-10-30T09:00:14Z" (594205214) transition_time 0xf4-0xf7.7 (4)
0x0f0| 24 35 ef 2e | $5.. | [51]: "1989-04-02T10:00:14Z" (607514414) transition_time 0xf8-0xfb.7 (4)
0x0f0| 25 4a bc 1e| %J..| [52]: "1989-10-29T09:00:14Z" (625654814) transition_time 0xfc-0xff.7 (4)
0x100|26 15 d1 2f |&../ | [53]: "1990-04-01T10:00:15Z" (638964015) transition_time 0x100-0x103.7 (4)
0x100| 27 2a 9e 1f | '*.. | [54]: "1990-10-28T09:00:15Z" (657104415) transition_time 0x104-0x107.7 (4)
0x100| 27 fe ed b0 | '... | [55]: "1991-04-07T10:00:16Z" (671018416) transition_time 0x108-0x10b.7 (4)
0x100| 29 0a 80 20| ).. | [56]: "1991-10-27T09:00:16Z" (688554016) transition_time 0x10c-0x10f.7 (4)
0x110|29 de cf b0 |)... | [57]: "1992-04-05T10:00:16Z" (702468016) transition_time 0x110-0x113.7 (4)
0x110| 2a ea 62 21 | *.b! | [58]: "1992-10-25T09:00:17Z" (720003617) transition_time 0x114-0x117.7 (4)
0x110| 2b be b1 b1 | +... | [59]: "1993-04-04T10:00:17Z" (733917617) transition_time 0x118-0x11b.7 (4)
0x110| 2c d3 7e a2| ,.~.| [60]: "1993-10-31T09:00:18Z" (752058018) transition_time 0x11c-0x11f.7 (4)
0x120|2d 9e 93 b2 |-... | [61]: "1994-04-03T10:00:18Z" (765367218) transition_time 0x120-0x123.7 (4)
0x120| 2e b3 60 a3 | ..`. | [62]: "1994-10-30T09:00:19Z" (783507619) transition_time 0x124-0x127.7 (4)
0x120| 2f 7e 75 b3 | /~u. | [63]: "1995-04-02T10:00:19Z" (796816819) transition_time 0x128-0x12b.7 (4)
0x120| 30 93 42 a3| 0.B.| [64]: "1995-10-29T09:00:19Z" (814957219) transition_time 0x12c-0x12f.7 (4)
0x130|31 67 92 34 |1g.4 | [65]: "1996-04-07T10:00:20Z" (828871220) transition_time 0x130-0x133.7 (4)
0x130| 32 73 24 a4 | 2s$. | [66]: "1996-10-27T09:00:20Z" (846406820) transition_time 0x134-0x137.7 (4)
0x130| 33 47 74 34 | 3Gt4 | [67]: "1997-04-06T10:00:20Z" (860320820) transition_time 0x138-0x13b.7 (4)
0x130| 34 53 06 a5| 4S..| [68]: "1997-10-26T09:00:21Z" (877856421) transition_time 0x13c-0x13f.7 (4)
0x140|35 27 56 35 |5'V5 | [69]: "1998-04-05T10:00:21Z" (891770421) transition_time 0x140-0x143.7 (4)
0x140| 36 32 e8 a5 | 62.. | [70]: "1998-10-25T09:00:21Z" (909306021) transition_time 0x144-0x147.7 (4)
0x140| 37 07 38 36 | 7.86 | [71]: "1999-04-04T10:00:22Z" (923220022) transition_time 0x148-0x14b.7 (4)
0x140| 38 1c 05 26| 8..&| [72]: "1999-10-31T09:00:22Z" (941360422) transition_time 0x14c-0x14f.7 (4)
0x150|38 e7 1a 36 |8..6 | [73]: "2000-04-02T10:00:22Z" (954669622) transition_time 0x150-0x153.7 (4)
0x150| 39 fb e7 26 | 9..& | [74]: "2000-10-29T09:00:22Z" (972810022) transition_time 0x154-0x157.7 (4)
0x150| 3a c6 fc 36 | :..6 | [75]: "2001-04-01T10:00:22Z" (986119222) transition_time 0x158-0x15b.7 (4)
0x150| 3b db c9 26| ;..&| [76]: "2001-10-28T09:00:22Z" (1004259622) transition_time 0x15c-0x15f.7 (4)
0x160|3c b0 18 b6 |<... | [77]: "2002-04-07T10:00:22Z" (1018173622) transition_time 0x160-0x163.7 (4)
0x160| 3d bb ab 26 | =..& | [78]: "2002-10-27T09:00:22Z" (1035709222) transition_time 0x164-0x167.7 (4)
0x160| 3e 8f fa b6 | >... | [79]: "2003-04-06T10:00:22Z" (1049623222) transition_time 0x168-0x16b.7 (4)
0x160| 3f 9b 8d 26| ?..&| [80]: "2003-10-26T09:00:22Z" (1067158822) transition_time 0x16c-0x16f.7 (4)
0x170|40 6f dc b6 |@o.. | [81]: "2004-04-04T10:00:22Z" (1081072822) transition_time 0x170-0x173.7 (4)
0x170| 41 84 a9 a6 | A... | [82]: "2004-10-31T09:00:22Z" (1099213222) transition_time 0x174-0x177.7 (4)
0x170| 42 4f be b6 | BO.. | [83]: "2005-04-03T10:00:22Z" (1112522422) transition_time 0x178-0x17b.7 (4)
0x170| 43 64 8b a6| Cd..| [84]: "2005-10-30T09:00:22Z" (1130662822) transition_time 0x17c-0x17f.7 (4)
0x180|44 2f a0 b7 |D/.. | [85]: "2006-04-02T10:00:23Z" (1143972023) transition_time 0x180-0x183.7 (4)
0x180| 45 44 6d a7 | EDm. | [86]: "2006-10-29T09:00:23Z" (1162112423) transition_time 0x184-0x187.7 (4)
0x180| 46 0f 82 b7 | F... | [87]: "2007-04-01T10:00:23Z" (1175421623) transition_time 0x188-0x18b.7 (4)
0x180| 47 24 4f a7| G$O.| [88]: "2007-10-28T09:00:23Z" (1193562023) transition_time 0x18c-0x18f.7 (4)
0x190|47 f8 9f 37 |G..7 | [89]: "2008-04-06T10:00:23Z" (1207476023) transition_time 0x190-0x193.7 (4)
0x190| 49 04 31 a7 | I.1. | [90]: "2008-10-26T09:00:23Z" (1225011623) transition_time 0x194-0x197.7 (4)
0x190| 49 d8 81 38 | I..8 | [91]: "2009-04-05T10:00:24Z" (1238925624) transition_time 0x198-0x19b.7 (4)
0x190| 4a e4 13 a8| J...| [92]: "2009-10-25T09:00:24Z" (1256461224) transition_time 0x19c-0x19f.7 (4)
0x1a0|4b 9c b3 b8 |K... | [93]: "2010-03-14T10:00:24Z" (1268560824) transition_time 0x1a0-0x1a3.7 (4)
0x1a0| 4c d6 6a a8 | L.j. | [94]: "2010-11-07T09:00:24Z" (1289120424) transition_time 0x1a4-0x1a7.7 (4)
0x1a0| 4d 7c 95 b8 | M|.. | [95]: "2011-03-13T10:00:24Z" (1300010424) transition_time 0x1a8-0x1ab.7 (4)
0x1a0| 4e b6 4c a8| N.L.| [96]: "2011-11-06T09:00:24Z" (1320570024) transition_time 0x1ac-0x1af.7 (4)
0x1b0|4f 5c 77 b8 |O\w. | [97]: "2012-03-11T10:00:24Z" (1331460024) transition_time 0x1b0-0x1b3.7 (4)
0x1b0| 50 96 2e a9 | P... | [98]: "2012-11-04T09:00:25Z" (1352019625) transition_time 0x1b4-0x1b7.7 (4)
0x1b0| 51 3c 59 b9 | Q<Y. | [99]: "2013-03-10T10:00:25Z" (1362909625) transition_time 0x1b8-0x1bb.7 (4)
0x1b0| 52 76 10 a9| Rv..| [100]: "2013-11-03T09:00:25Z" (1383469225) transition_time 0x1bc-0x1bf.7 (4)
0x1c0|53 1c 3b b9 |S.;. | [101]: "2014-03-09T10:00:25Z" (1394359225) transition_time 0x1c0-0x1c3.7 (4)
0x1c0| 54 55 f2 a9 | TU.. | [102]: "2014-11-02T09:00:25Z" (1414918825) transition_time 0x1c4-0x1c7.7 (4)
0x1c0| 54 fc 1d b9 | T... | [103]: "2015-03-08T10:00:25Z" (1425808825) transition_time 0x1c8-0x1cb.7 (4)
0x1c0| 56 35 d4 aa| V5..| [104]: "2015-11-01T09:00:26Z" (1446368426) transition_time 0x1cc-0x1cf.7 (4)
0x1d0|56 e5 3a 3a |V.:: | [105]: "2016-03-13T10:00:26Z" (1457863226) transition_time 0x1d0-0x1d3.7 (4)
0x1d0| 58 1e f1 2a | X..* | [106]: "2016-11-06T09:00:26Z" (1478422826) transition_time 0x1d4-0x1d7.7 (4)
0x1d0| 58 c5 1c 3b | X..; | [107]: "2017-03-12T10:00:27Z" (1489312827) transition_time 0x1d8-0x1db.7 (4)
0x1d0| 59 fe d3 2b| Y..+| [108]: "2017-11-05T09:00:27Z" (1509872427) transition_time 0x1dc-0x1df.7 (4)
0x1e0|5a a4 fe 3b |Z..; | [109]: "2018-03-11T10:00:27Z" (1520762427) transition_time 0x1e0-0x1e3.7 (4)
0x1e0| 5b de b5 2b | [..+ | [110]: "2018-11-04T09:00:27Z" (1541322027) transition_time 0x1e4-0x1e7.7 (4)
0x1e0| 5c 84 e0 3b | \..; | [111]: "2019-03-10T10:00:27Z" (1552212027) transition_time 0x1e8-0x1eb.7 (4)
0x1e0| 5d be 97 2b| ]..+| [112]: "2019-11-03T09:00:27Z" (1572771627) transition_time 0x1ec-0x1ef.7 (4)
0x1f0|5e 64 c2 3b |^d.; | [113]: "2020-03-08T10:00:27Z" (1583661627) transition_time 0x1f0-0x1f3.7 (4)
0x1f0| 5f 9e 79 2b | _.y+ | [114]: "2020-11-01T09:00:27Z" (1604221227) transition_time 0x1f4-0x1f7.7 (4)
0x1f0| 60 4d de bb | `M.. | [115]: "2021-03-14T10:00:27Z" (1615716027) transition_time 0x1f8-0x1fb.7 (4)
0x1f0| 61 87 95 ab| a...| [116]: "2021-11-07T09:00:27Z" (1636275627) transition_time 0x1fc-0x1ff.7 (4)
0x200|62 2d c0 bb |b-.. | [117]: "2022-03-13T10:00:27Z" (1647165627) transition_time 0x200-0x203.7 (4)
0x200| 63 67 77 ab | cgw. | [118]: "2022-11-06T09:00:27Z" (1667725227) transition_time 0x204-0x207.7 (4)
0x200| 64 0d a2 bb | d... | [119]: "2023-03-12T10:00:27Z" (1678615227) transition_time 0x208-0x20b.7 (4)
0x200| 64 9b 78 1b| d.x.| [120]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x20c-0x20f.7 (4)
| | | transition_types[0:121]: 0x210-0x288.7 (121)
0x210|01 |. | [0]: 1 transition_type 0x210-0x210.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [1]: 2 transition_type 0x211-0x211.7 (1)
0x210| 03 | . | [2]: 3 transition_type 0x212-0x212.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [3]: 2 transition_type 0x213-0x213.7 (1)
0x210| 04 | . | [4]: 4 transition_type 0x214-0x214.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [5]: 2 transition_type 0x215-0x215.7 (1)
0x210| 05 | . | [6]: 5 transition_type 0x216-0x216.7 (1)
0x210| 06 | . | [7]: 6 transition_type 0x217-0x217.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [8]: 2 transition_type 0x218-0x218.7 (1)
0x210| 04 | . | [9]: 4 transition_type 0x219-0x219.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [10]: 2 transition_type 0x21a-0x21a.7 (1)
0x210| 04 | . | [11]: 4 transition_type 0x21b-0x21b.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [12]: 2 transition_type 0x21c-0x21c.7 (1)
0x210| 04 | . | [13]: 4 transition_type 0x21d-0x21d.7 (1)
0x210| 02 | . | [14]: 2 transition_type 0x21e-0x21e.7 (1)
0x210| 04| .| [15]: 4 transition_type 0x21f-0x21f.7 (1)
0x220|02 |. | [16]: 2 transition_type 0x220-0x220.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [17]: 4 transition_type 0x221-0x221.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [18]: 2 transition_type 0x222-0x222.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [19]: 4 transition_type 0x223-0x223.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [20]: 2 transition_type 0x224-0x224.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [21]: 4 transition_type 0x225-0x225.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [22]: 2 transition_type 0x226-0x226.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [23]: 4 transition_type 0x227-0x227.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [24]: 2 transition_type 0x228-0x228.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [25]: 4 transition_type 0x229-0x229.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [26]: 2 transition_type 0x22a-0x22a.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [27]: 4 transition_type 0x22b-0x22b.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [28]: 2 transition_type 0x22c-0x22c.7 (1)
0x220| 04 | . | [29]: 4 transition_type 0x22d-0x22d.7 (1)
0x220| 02 | . | [30]: 2 transition_type 0x22e-0x22e.7 (1)
0x220| 04| .| [31]: 4 transition_type 0x22f-0x22f.7 (1)
0x230|02 |. | [32]: 2 transition_type 0x230-0x230.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [33]: 4 transition_type 0x231-0x231.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [34]: 2 transition_type 0x232-0x232.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [35]: 4 transition_type 0x233-0x233.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [36]: 2 transition_type 0x234-0x234.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [37]: 4 transition_type 0x235-0x235.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [38]: 2 transition_type 0x236-0x236.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [39]: 4 transition_type 0x237-0x237.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [40]: 2 transition_type 0x238-0x238.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [41]: 4 transition_type 0x239-0x239.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [42]: 2 transition_type 0x23a-0x23a.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [43]: 4 transition_type 0x23b-0x23b.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [44]: 2 transition_type 0x23c-0x23c.7 (1)
0x230| 04 | . | [45]: 4 transition_type 0x23d-0x23d.7 (1)
0x230| 02 | . | [46]: 2 transition_type 0x23e-0x23e.7 (1)
0x230| 04| .| [47]: 4 transition_type 0x23f-0x23f.7 (1)
0x240|02 |. | [48]: 2 transition_type 0x240-0x240.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [49]: 4 transition_type 0x241-0x241.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [50]: 2 transition_type 0x242-0x242.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [51]: 4 transition_type 0x243-0x243.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [52]: 2 transition_type 0x244-0x244.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [53]: 4 transition_type 0x245-0x245.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [54]: 2 transition_type 0x246-0x246.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [55]: 4 transition_type 0x247-0x247.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [56]: 2 transition_type 0x248-0x248.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [57]: 4 transition_type 0x249-0x249.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [58]: 2 transition_type 0x24a-0x24a.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [59]: 4 transition_type 0x24b-0x24b.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [60]: 2 transition_type 0x24c-0x24c.7 (1)
0x240| 04 | . | [61]: 4 transition_type 0x24d-0x24d.7 (1)
0x240| 02 | . | [62]: 2 transition_type 0x24e-0x24e.7 (1)
0x240| 04| .| [63]: 4 transition_type 0x24f-0x24f.7 (1)
0x250|02 |. | [64]: 2 transition_type 0x250-0x250.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [65]: 4 transition_type 0x251-0x251.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [66]: 2 transition_type 0x252-0x252.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [67]: 4 transition_type 0x253-0x253.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [68]: 2 transition_type 0x254-0x254.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [69]: 4 transition_type 0x255-0x255.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [70]: 2 transition_type 0x256-0x256.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [71]: 4 transition_type 0x257-0x257.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [72]: 2 transition_type 0x258-0x258.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [73]: 4 transition_type 0x259-0x259.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [74]: 2 transition_type 0x25a-0x25a.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [75]: 4 transition_type 0x25b-0x25b.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [76]: 2 transition_type 0x25c-0x25c.7 (1)
0x250| 04 | . | [77]: 4 transition_type 0x25d-0x25d.7 (1)
0x250| 02 | . | [78]: 2 transition_type 0x25e-0x25e.7 (1)
0x250| 04| .| [79]: 4 transition_type 0x25f-0x25f.7 (1)
0x260|02 |. | [80]: 2 transition_type 0x260-0x260.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [81]: 4 transition_type 0x261-0x261.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [82]: 2 transition_type 0x262-0x262.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [83]: 4 transition_type 0x263-0x263.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [84]: 2 transition_type 0x264-0x264.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [85]: 4 transition_type 0x265-0x265.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [86]: 2 transition_type 0x266-0x266.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [87]: 4 transition_type 0x267-0x267.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [88]: 2 transition_type 0x268-0x268.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [89]: 4 transition_type 0x269-0x269.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [90]: 2 transition_type 0x26a-0x26a.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [91]: 4 transition_type 0x26b-0x26b.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [92]: 2 transition_type 0x26c-0x26c.7 (1)
0x260| 04 | . | [93]: 4 transition_type 0x26d-0x26d.7 (1)
0x260| 02 | . | [94]: 2 transition_type 0x26e-0x26e.7 (1)
0x260| 04| .| [95]: 4 transition_type 0x26f-0x26f.7 (1)
0x270|02 |. | [96]: 2 transition_type 0x270-0x270.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [97]: 4 transition_type 0x271-0x271.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [98]: 2 transition_type 0x272-0x272.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [99]: 4 transition_type 0x273-0x273.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [100]: 2 transition_type 0x274-0x274.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [101]: 4 transition_type 0x275-0x275.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [102]: 2 transition_type 0x276-0x276.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [103]: 4 transition_type 0x277-0x277.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [104]: 2 transition_type 0x278-0x278.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [105]: 4 transition_type 0x279-0x279.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [106]: 2 transition_type 0x27a-0x27a.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [107]: 4 transition_type 0x27b-0x27b.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [108]: 2 transition_type 0x27c-0x27c.7 (1)
0x270| 04 | . | [109]: 4 transition_type 0x27d-0x27d.7 (1)
0x270| 02 | . | [110]: 2 transition_type 0x27e-0x27e.7 (1)
0x270| 04| .| [111]: 4 transition_type 0x27f-0x27f.7 (1)
0x280|02 |. | [112]: 2 transition_type 0x280-0x280.7 (1)
0x280| 04 | . | [113]: 4 transition_type 0x281-0x281.7 (1)
0x280| 02 | . | [114]: 2 transition_type 0x282-0x282.7 (1)
0x280| 04 | . | [115]: 4 transition_type 0x283-0x283.7 (1)
0x280| 02 | . | [116]: 2 transition_type 0x284-0x284.7 (1)
0x280| 04 | . | [117]: 4 transition_type 0x285-0x285.7 (1)
0x280| 02 | . | [118]: 2 transition_type 0x286-0x286.7 (1)
0x280| 04 | . | [119]: 4 transition_type 0x287-0x287.7 (1)
0x280| 04 | . | [120]: 4 transition_type 0x288-0x288.7 (1)
| | | local_time_type_records[0:8]: 0x289-0x2b8.7 (48)
| | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x289-0x28e.7 (6)
0x280| ff ff 92 4c | ...L | utoff: -28084 (valid) 0x289-0x28c.7 (4)
0x280| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x28d-0x28d.7 (1)
0x280| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x28e-0x28e.7 (1)
| | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x28f-0x294.7 (6)
0x280| ff| .| utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x28f-0x292.7 (4)
0x290|ff 9d 90 |... |
0x290| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x293-0x293.7 (1)
0x290| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x294-0x294.7 (1)
| | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x295-0x29a.7 (6)
0x290| ff ff 8f 80 | .... | utoff: -28800 (valid) 0x295-0x298.7 (4)
0x290| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x299-0x299.7 (1)
0x290| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x29a-0x29a.7 (1)
| | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x29b-0x2a0.7 (6)
0x290| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x29b-0x29e.7 (4)
0x290| 00| .| dst: 0 (valid) 0x29f-0x29f.7 (1)
0x2a0|04 |. | idx: 4 (valid) 0x2a0-0x2a0.7 (1)
| | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x2a1-0x2a6.7 (6)
0x2a0| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x2a1-0x2a4.7 (4)
0x2a0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x2a5-0x2a5.7 (1)
0x2a0| 0c | . | idx: 12 (valid) 0x2a6-0x2a6.7 (1)
| | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x2a7-0x2ac.7 (6)
0x2a0| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x2a7-0x2aa.7 (4)
0x2a0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x2ab-0x2ab.7 (1)
0x2a0| 10 | . | idx: 16 (valid) 0x2ac-0x2ac.7 (1)
| | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x2ad-0x2b2.7 (6)
0x2a0| ff ff 9d| ...| utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x2ad-0x2b0.7 (4)
0x2b0|90 |. |
0x2b0| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x2b1-0x2b1.7 (1)
0x2b0| 14 | . | idx: 20 (valid) 0x2b2-0x2b2.7 (1)
| | | [7]{}: local_time_type 0x2b3-0x2b8.7 (6)
0x2b0| ff ff 8f 80 | .... | utoff: -28800 (valid) 0x2b3-0x2b6.7 (4)
0x2b0| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x2b7-0x2b7.7 (1)
0x2b0| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x2b8-0x2b8.7 (1)
| | | time_zone_designations[0:6]: 0x2b9-0x2d0.7 (24)
0x2b0| 4c 4d 54 00 | LMT. | [0]: "LMT" time_zone_designation 0x2b9-0x2bc.7 (4)
0x2b0| 4d 53 54| MST| [1]: "MST" time_zone_designation 0x2bd-0x2c0.7 (4)
0x2c0|00 |. |
0x2c0| 50 53 54 00 | PST. | [2]: "PST" time_zone_designation 0x2c1-0x2c4.7 (4)
0x2c0| 50 44 54 00 | PDT. | [3]: "PDT" time_zone_designation 0x2c5-0x2c8.7 (4)
0x2c0| 50 57 54 00 | PWT. | [4]: "PWT" time_zone_designation 0x2c9-0x2cc.7 (4)
0x2c0| 50 50 54| PPT| [5]: "PPT" time_zone_designation 0x2cd-0x2d0.7 (4)
0x2d0|00 |. |
| | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0x2d1-0x3a8.7 (216)
| | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0x2d1-0x2d8.7 (8)
0x2d0| 04 b2 58 00 | ..X. | occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0x2d1-0x2d4.7 (4)
0x2d0| 00 00 00 01 | .... | corr: 1 0x2d5-0x2d8.7 (4)
| | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0x2d9-0x2e0.7 (8)
0x2d0| 05 a4 ec 01 | .... | occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0x2d9-0x2dc.7 (4)
0x2d0| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 2 0x2dd-0x2e0.7 (4)
0x2e0|02 |. |
| | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0x2e1-0x2e8.7 (8)
0x2e0| 07 86 1f 82 | .... | occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0x2e1-0x2e4.7 (4)
0x2e0| 00 00 00 03 | .... | corr: 3 0x2e5-0x2e8.7 (4)
| | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0x2e9-0x2f0.7 (8)
0x2e0| 09 67 53 03 | .gS. | occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0x2e9-0x2ec.7 (4)
0x2e0| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 4 0x2ed-0x2f0.7 (4)
0x2f0|04 |. |
| | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0x2f1-0x2f8.7 (8)
0x2f0| 0b 48 86 84 | .H.. | occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0x2f1-0x2f4.7 (4)
0x2f0| 00 00 00 05 | .... | corr: 5 0x2f5-0x2f8.7 (4)
| | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0x2f9-0x300.7 (8)
0x2f0| 0d 2b 0b 85 | .+.. | occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0x2f9-0x2fc.7 (4)
0x2f0| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 6 0x2fd-0x300.7 (4)
0x300|06 |. |
| | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0x301-0x308.7 (8)
0x300| 0f 0c 3f 06 | ..?. | occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0x301-0x304.7 (4)
0x300| 00 00 00 07 | .... | corr: 7 0x305-0x308.7 (4)
| | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0x309-0x310.7 (8)
0x300| 10 ed 72 87 | ..r. | occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0x309-0x30c.7 (4)
0x300| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 8 0x30d-0x310.7 (4)
0x310|08 |. |
| | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0x311-0x318.7 (8)
0x310| 12 ce a6 08 | .... | occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0x311-0x314.7 (4)
0x310| 00 00 00 09 | .... | corr: 9 0x315-0x318.7 (4)
| | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0x319-0x320.7 (8)
0x310| 15 9f ca 89 | .... | occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0x319-0x31c.7 (4)
0x310| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 10 0x31d-0x320.7 (4)
0x320|0a |. |
| | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0x321-0x328.7 (8)
0x320| 17 80 fe 0a | .... | occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0x321-0x324.7 (4)
0x320| 00 00 00 0b | .... | corr: 11 0x325-0x328.7 (4)
| | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0x329-0x330.7 (8)
0x320| 19 62 31 8b | .b1. | occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0x329-0x32c.7 (4)
0x320| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 12 0x32d-0x330.7 (4)
0x330|0c |. |
| | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x331-0x338.7 (8)
0x330| 1d 25 ea 0c | .%.. | occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x331-0x334.7 (4)
0x330| 00 00 00 0d | .... | corr: 13 0x335-0x338.7 (4)
| | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x339-0x340.7 (8)
0x330| 21 da e5 0d | !... | occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x339-0x33c.7 (4)
0x330| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 14 0x33d-0x340.7 (4)
0x340|0e |. |
| | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x341-0x348.7 (8)
0x340| 25 9e 9d 8e | %... | occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x341-0x344.7 (4)
0x340| 00 00 00 0f | .... | corr: 15 0x345-0x348.7 (4)
| | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x349-0x350.7 (8)
0x340| 27 7f d1 0f | '... | occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x349-0x34c.7 (4)
0x340| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 16 0x34d-0x350.7 (4)
0x350|10 |. |
| | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x351-0x358.7 (8)
0x350| 2a 50 f5 90 | *P.. | occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x351-0x354.7 (4)
0x350| 00 00 00 11 | .... | corr: 17 0x355-0x358.7 (4)
| | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x359-0x360.7 (8)
0x350| 2c 32 29 11 | ,2). | occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x359-0x35c.7 (4)
0x350| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 18 0x35d-0x360.7 (4)
0x360|12 |. |
| | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x361-0x368.7 (8)
0x360| 2e 13 5c 92 | ..\. | occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x361-0x364.7 (4)
0x360| 00 00 00 13 | .... | corr: 19 0x365-0x368.7 (4)
| | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x369-0x370.7 (8)
0x360| 30 e7 24 13 | 0.$. | occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x369-0x36c.7 (4)
0x360| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 20 0x36d-0x370.7 (4)
0x370|14 |. |
| | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x371-0x378.7 (8)
0x370| 33 b8 48 94 | 3.H. | occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x371-0x374.7 (4)
0x370| 00 00 00 15 | .... | corr: 21 0x375-0x378.7 (4)
| | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x379-0x380.7 (8)
0x370| 36 8c 10 15 | 6... | occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x379-0x37c.7 (4)
0x370| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 22 0x37d-0x380.7 (4)
0x380|16 |. |
| | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x381-0x388.7 (8)
0x380| 43 b7 1b 96 | C... | occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x381-0x384.7 (4)
0x380| 00 00 00 17 | .... | corr: 23 0x385-0x388.7 (4)
| | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x389-0x390.7 (8)
0x380| 49 5c 07 97 | I\.. | occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x389-0x38c.7 (4)
0x380| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 24 0x38d-0x390.7 (4)
0x390|18 |. |
| | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x391-0x398.7 (8)
0x390| 4f ef 93 18 | O... | occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x391-0x394.7 (4)
0x390| 00 00 00 19 | .... | corr: 25 0x395-0x398.7 (4)
| | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x399-0x3a0.7 (8)
0x390| 55 93 2d 99 | U.-. | occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x399-0x39c.7 (4)
0x390| 00 00 00| ...| corr: 26 0x39d-0x3a0.7 (4)
0x3a0|1a |. |
| | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x3a1-0x3a8.7 (8)
0x3a0| 58 68 46 9a | XhF. | occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x3a1-0x3a4.7 (4)
0x3a0| 00 00 00 1b | .... | corr: 27 0x3a5-0x3a8.7 (4)
| | | standard_wall_indicators[0:8]: 0x3a9-0x3b0.7 (8)
0x3a0| 00 | . | [0]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3a9-0x3a9.7 (1)
0x3a0| 01 | . | [1]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3aa-0x3aa.7 (1)
0x3a0| 00 | . | [2]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3ab-0x3ab.7 (1)
0x3a0| 00 | . | [3]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3ac-0x3ac.7 (1)
0x3a0| 00 | . | [4]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3ad-0x3ad.7 (1)
0x3a0| 00 | . | [5]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3ae-0x3ae.7 (1)
0x3a0| 01| .| [6]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3af-0x3af.7 (1)
0x3b0|00 |. | [7]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x3b0-0x3b0.7 (1)
| | | ut_local_indicators[0:8]: 0x3b1-0x3b8.7 (8)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [0]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b1-0x3b1.7 (1)
0x3b0| 01 | . | [1]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b2-0x3b2.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [2]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b3-0x3b3.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [3]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b4-0x3b4.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [4]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b5-0x3b5.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [5]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b6-0x3b6.7 (1)
0x3b0| 01 | . | [6]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b7-0x3b7.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 | . | [7]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x3b8-0x3b8.7 (1)
| | | v2plusheader{}: 0x3b9-0x3e4.7 (44)
0x3b0| 54 5a 69 66 | TZif | magic: 0x545a6966 (valid) 0x3b9-0x3bc.7 (4)
0x3b0| 32 | 2 | ver: "2" (0x32) (valid) 0x3bd-0x3bd.7 (1)
0x3b0| 00 00| ..| reserved: raw bits 0x3be-0x3cc.7 (15)
0x3c0|00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |............. |
0x3c0| 00 00 00| ...| isutcnt: 8 0x3cd-0x3d0.7 (4)
0x3d0|08 |. |
0x3d0| 00 00 00 08 | .... | isstdcnt: 8 0x3d1-0x3d4.7 (4)
0x3d0| 00 00 00 1b | .... | leapcnt: 27 0x3d5-0x3d8.7 (4)
0x3d0| 00 00 00 79 | ...y | timecnt: 121 0x3d9-0x3dc.7 (4)
0x3d0| 00 00 00| ...| typecnt: 8 0x3dd-0x3e0.7 (4)
0x3e0|08 |. |
0x3e0| 00 00 00 18 | .... | charcnt: 24 0x3e1-0x3e4.7 (4)
| | | v2plusdatablock{}: 0x3e5-0x9c1.7 (1501)
| | | transition_times[0:121]: 0x3e5-0x7ac.7 (968)
0x3e0| ff ff ff ff a5 b6 e8 70 | .......p | [0]: "1922-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1514739600) transition_time 0x3e5-0x3ec.7 (8)
0x3e0| ff ff ff| ...| [1]: "1924-01-01T07:00:00Z" (-1451667600) transition_time 0x3ed-0x3f4.7 (8)
0x3f0|ff a9 79 4f 70 |..yOp |
0x3f0| ff ff ff ff af f2 7c f0 | ......|. | [2]: "1927-06-11T07:00:00Z" (-1343062800) transition_time 0x3f5-0x3fc.7 (8)
0x3f0| ff ff ff| ...| [3]: "1930-11-15T07:00:00Z" (-1234803600) transition_time 0x3fd-0x404.7 (8)
0x400|ff b6 66 64 70 |..fdp |
0x400| ff ff ff ff b7 1b 10 00 | ........ | [4]: "1931-04-01T08:00:00Z" (-1222963200) transition_time 0x405-0x40c.7 (8)
0x400| ff ff ff| ...| [5]: "1931-09-30T07:00:00Z" (-1207242000) transition_time 0x40d-0x414.7 (8)
0x410|ff b8 0a f2 f0 |..... |
0x410| ff ff ff ff cb ea 8d 80 | ........ | [6]: "1942-04-24T08:00:00Z" (-873820800) transition_time 0x415-0x41c.7 (8)
0x410| ff ff ff| ...| [7]: "1945-08-14T23:00:00Z" (-769395600) transition_time 0x41d-0x424.7 (8)
0x420|ff d2 23 f4 70 |..#.p |
0x420| ff ff ff ff d2 99 ba 70 | .......p | [8]: "1945-11-12T07:00:00Z" (-761677200) transition_time 0x425-0x42c.7 (8)
0x420| ff ff ff| ...| [9]: "1948-04-05T08:00:00Z" (-686073600) transition_time 0x42d-0x434.7 (8)
0x430|ff d7 1b 59 00 |...Y. |
0x430| ff ff ff ff d8 91 b4 f0 | ........ | [10]: "1949-01-14T07:00:00Z" (-661539600) transition_time 0x435-0x43c.7 (8)
0x430| ff ff ff| ...| [11]: "1954-04-25T09:00:00Z" (-495039600) transition_time 0x43d-0x444.7 (8)
0x440|ff e2 7e 4b 90 |..~K. |
0x440| ff ff ff ff e3 49 52 90 | .....IR. | [12]: "1954-09-26T09:00:00Z" (-481734000) transition_time 0x445-0x44c.7 (8)
0x440| ff ff ff| ...| [13]: "1955-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-463590000) transition_time 0x44d-0x454.7 (8)
0x450|ff e4 5e 2d 90 |..^-. |
0x450| ff ff ff ff e5 29 34 90 | .....)4. | [14]: "1955-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-450284400) transition_time 0x455-0x45c.7 (8)
0x450| ff ff ff| ...| [15]: "1956-04-29T09:00:00Z" (-431535600) transition_time 0x45d-0x464.7 (8)
0x460|ff e6 47 4a 10 |..GJ. |
0x460| ff ff ff ff e7 12 51 10 | ......Q. | [16]: "1956-09-30T09:00:00Z" (-418230000) transition_time 0x465-0x46c.7 (8)
0x460| ff ff ff| ...| [17]: "1957-04-28T09:00:00Z" (-400086000) transition_time 0x46d-0x474.7 (8)
0x470|ff e8 27 2c 10 |..',. |
0x470| ff ff ff ff e8 f2 33 10 | ......3. | [18]: "1957-09-29T09:00:00Z" (-386780400) transition_time 0x475-0x47c.7 (8)
0x470| ff ff ff| ...| [19]: "1958-04-27T09:00:00Z" (-368636400) transition_time 0x47d-0x484.7 (8)
0x480|ff ea 07 0e 10 |..... |
0x480| ff ff ff ff ea d2 15 10 | ........ | [20]: "1958-09-28T09:00:00Z" (-355330800) transition_time 0x485-0x48c.7 (8)
0x480| ff ff ff| ...| [21]: "1959-04-26T09:00:00Z" (-337186800) transition_time 0x48d-0x494.7 (8)
0x490|ff eb e6 f0 10 |..... |
0x490| ff ff ff ff ec b1 f7 10 | ........ | [22]: "1959-09-27T09:00:00Z" (-323881200) transition_time 0x495-0x49c.7 (8)
0x490| ff ff ff| ...| [23]: "1960-04-24T09:00:00Z" (-305737200) transition_time 0x49d-0x4a4.7 (8)
0x4a0|ff ed c6 d2 10 |..... |
0x4a0| ff ff ff ff ee 91 d9 10 | ........ | [24]: "1960-09-25T09:00:00Z" (-292431600) transition_time 0x4a5-0x4ac.7 (8)
0x4a0| 00 00 00| ...| [25]: "1976-04-25T10:00:05Z" (199274405) transition_time 0x4ad-0x4b4.7 (8)
0x4b0|00 0b e0 af a5 |..... |
0x4b0| 00 00 00 00 0c d9 cd 15 | ........ | [26]: "1976-10-31T09:00:05Z" (215600405) transition_time 0x4b5-0x4bc.7 (8)
0x4b0| 00 00 00| ...| [27]: "1977-04-24T10:00:06Z" (230724006) transition_time 0x4bd-0x4c4.7 (8)
0x4c0|00 0d c0 91 a6 |..... |
0x4c0| 00 00 00 00 0e b9 af 16 | ........ | [28]: "1977-10-30T09:00:06Z" (247050006) transition_time 0x4c5-0x4cc.7 (8)
0x4c0| 00 00 00| ...| [29]: "1978-04-30T10:00:07Z" (262778407) transition_time 0x4cd-0x4d4.7 (8)
0x4d0|00 0f a9 ae 27 |....' |
0x4d0| 00 00 00 00 10 99 91 17 | ........ | [30]: "1978-10-29T09:00:07Z" (278499607) transition_time 0x4d5-0x4dc.7 (8)
0x4d0| 00 00 00| ...| [31]: "1979-04-29T10:00:08Z" (294228008) transition_time 0x4dd-0x4e4.7 (8)
0x4e0|00 11 89 90 28 |....( |
0x4e0| 00 00 00 00 12 79 73 18 | .....ys. | [32]: "1979-10-28T09:00:08Z" (309949208) transition_time 0x4e5-0x4ec.7 (8)
0x4e0| 00 00 00| ...| [33]: "1980-04-27T10:00:09Z" (325677609) transition_time 0x4ed-0x4f4.7 (8)
0x4f0|00 13 69 72 29 |..ir) |
0x4f0| 00 00 00 00 14 59 55 19 | .....YU. | [34]: "1980-10-26T09:00:09Z" (341398809) transition_time 0x4f5-0x4fc.7 (8)
0x4f0| 00 00 00| ...| [35]: "1981-04-26T10:00:09Z" (357127209) transition_time 0x4fd-0x504.7 (8)
0x500|00 15 49 54 29 |..IT) |
0x500| 00 00 00 00 16 39 37 1a | .....97. | [36]: "1981-10-25T09:00:10Z" (372848410) transition_time 0x505-0x50c.7 (8)
0x500| 00 00 00| ...| [37]: "1982-04-25T10:00:10Z" (388576810) transition_time 0x50d-0x514.7 (8)
0x510|00 17 29 36 2a |..)6* |
0x510| 00 00 00 00 18 22 53 9b | ....."S. | [38]: "1982-10-31T09:00:11Z" (404902811) transition_time 0x515-0x51c.7 (8)
0x510| 00 00 00| ...| [39]: "1983-04-24T10:00:11Z" (420026411) transition_time 0x51d-0x524.7 (8)
0x520|00 19 09 18 2b |....+ |
0x520| 00 00 00 00 1a 02 35 9c | ......5. | [40]: "1983-10-30T09:00:12Z" (436352412) transition_time 0x525-0x52c.7 (8)
0x520| 00 00 00| ...| [41]: "1984-04-29T10:00:12Z" (452080812) transition_time 0x52d-0x534.7 (8)
0x530|00 1a f2 34 ac |...4. |
0x530| 00 00 00 00 1b e2 17 9c | ........ | [42]: "1984-10-28T09:00:12Z" (467802012) transition_time 0x535-0x53c.7 (8)
0x530| 00 00 00| ...| [43]: "1985-04-28T10:00:12Z" (483530412) transition_time 0x53d-0x544.7 (8)
0x540|00 1c d2 16 ac |..... |
0x540| 00 00 00 00 1d c1 f9 9d | ........ | [44]: "1985-10-27T09:00:13Z" (499251613) transition_time 0x545-0x54c.7 (8)
0x540| 00 00 00| ...| [45]: "1986-04-27T10:00:13Z" (514980013) transition_time 0x54d-0x554.7 (8)
0x550|00 1e b1 f8 ad |..... |
0x550| 00 00 00 00 1f a1 db 9d | ........ | [46]: "1986-10-26T09:00:13Z" (530701213) transition_time 0x555-0x55c.7 (8)
0x550| 00 00 00| ...| [47]: "1987-04-05T10:00:13Z" (544615213) transition_time 0x55d-0x564.7 (8)
0x560|00 20 76 2b 2d |. v+- |
0x560| 00 00 00 00 21 81 bd 9d | ....!... | [48]: "1987-10-25T09:00:13Z" (562150813) transition_time 0x565-0x56c.7 (8)
0x560| 00 00 00| ...| [49]: "1988-04-03T10:00:14Z" (576064814) transition_time 0x56d-0x574.7 (8)
0x570|00 22 56 0d 2e |."V.. |
0x570| 00 00 00 00 23 6a da 1e | ....#j.. | [50]: "1988-10-30T09:00:14Z" (594205214) transition_time 0x575-0x57c.7 (8)
0x570| 00 00 00| ...| [51]: "1989-04-02T10:00:14Z" (607514414) transition_time 0x57d-0x584.7 (8)
0x580|00 24 35 ef 2e |.$5.. |
0x580| 00 00 00 00 25 4a bc 1e | ....%J.. | [52]: "1989-10-29T09:00:14Z" (625654814) transition_time 0x585-0x58c.7 (8)
0x580| 00 00 00| ...| [53]: "1990-04-01T10:00:15Z" (638964015) transition_time 0x58d-0x594.7 (8)
0x590|00 26 15 d1 2f |.&../ |
0x590| 00 00 00 00 27 2a 9e 1f | ....'*.. | [54]: "1990-10-28T09:00:15Z" (657104415) transition_time 0x595-0x59c.7 (8)
0x590| 00 00 00| ...| [55]: "1991-04-07T10:00:16Z" (671018416) transition_time 0x59d-0x5a4.7 (8)
0x5a0|00 27 fe ed b0 |.'... |
0x5a0| 00 00 00 00 29 0a 80 20 | ....).. | [56]: "1991-10-27T09:00:16Z" (688554016) transition_time 0x5a5-0x5ac.7 (8)
0x5a0| 00 00 00| ...| [57]: "1992-04-05T10:00:16Z" (702468016) transition_time 0x5ad-0x5b4.7 (8)
0x5b0|00 29 de cf b0 |.)... |
0x5b0| 00 00 00 00 2a ea 62 21 | ....*.b! | [58]: "1992-10-25T09:00:17Z" (720003617) transition_time 0x5b5-0x5bc.7 (8)
0x5b0| 00 00 00| ...| [59]: "1993-04-04T10:00:17Z" (733917617) transition_time 0x5bd-0x5c4.7 (8)
0x5c0|00 2b be b1 b1 |.+... |
0x5c0| 00 00 00 00 2c d3 7e a2 | ....,.~. | [60]: "1993-10-31T09:00:18Z" (752058018) transition_time 0x5c5-0x5cc.7 (8)
0x5c0| 00 00 00| ...| [61]: "1994-04-03T10:00:18Z" (765367218) transition_time 0x5cd-0x5d4.7 (8)
0x5d0|00 2d 9e 93 b2 |.-... |
0x5d0| 00 00 00 00 2e b3 60 a3 | ......`. | [62]: "1994-10-30T09:00:19Z" (783507619) transition_time 0x5d5-0x5dc.7 (8)
0x5d0| 00 00 00| ...| [63]: "1995-04-02T10:00:19Z" (796816819) transition_time 0x5dd-0x5e4.7 (8)
0x5e0|00 2f 7e 75 b3 |./~u. |
0x5e0| 00 00 00 00 30 93 42 a3 | ....0.B. | [64]: "1995-10-29T09:00:19Z" (814957219) transition_time 0x5e5-0x5ec.7 (8)
0x5e0| 00 00 00| ...| [65]: "1996-04-07T10:00:20Z" (828871220) transition_time 0x5ed-0x5f4.7 (8)
0x5f0|00 31 67 92 34 |.1g.4 |
0x5f0| 00 00 00 00 32 73 24 a4 | ....2s$. | [66]: "1996-10-27T09:00:20Z" (846406820) transition_time 0x5f5-0x5fc.7 (8)
0x5f0| 00 00 00| ...| [67]: "1997-04-06T10:00:20Z" (860320820) transition_time 0x5fd-0x604.7 (8)
0x600|00 33 47 74 34 |.3Gt4 |
0x600| 00 00 00 00 34 53 06 a5 | ....4S.. | [68]: "1997-10-26T09:00:21Z" (877856421) transition_time 0x605-0x60c.7 (8)
0x600| 00 00 00| ...| [69]: "1998-04-05T10:00:21Z" (891770421) transition_time 0x60d-0x614.7 (8)
0x610|00 35 27 56 35 |.5'V5 |
0x610| 00 00 00 00 36 32 e8 a5 | ....62.. | [70]: "1998-10-25T09:00:21Z" (909306021) transition_time 0x615-0x61c.7 (8)
0x610| 00 00 00| ...| [71]: "1999-04-04T10:00:22Z" (923220022) transition_time 0x61d-0x624.7 (8)
0x620|00 37 07 38 36 |.7.86 |
0x620| 00 00 00 00 38 1c 05 26 | ....8..& | [72]: "1999-10-31T09:00:22Z" (941360422) transition_time 0x625-0x62c.7 (8)
0x620| 00 00 00| ...| [73]: "2000-04-02T10:00:22Z" (954669622) transition_time 0x62d-0x634.7 (8)
0x630|00 38 e7 1a 36 |.8..6 |
0x630| 00 00 00 00 39 fb e7 26 | ....9..& | [74]: "2000-10-29T09:00:22Z" (972810022) transition_time 0x635-0x63c.7 (8)
0x630| 00 00 00| ...| [75]: "2001-04-01T10:00:22Z" (986119222) transition_time 0x63d-0x644.7 (8)
0x640|00 3a c6 fc 36 |.:..6 |
0x640| 00 00 00 00 3b db c9 26 | ....;..& | [76]: "2001-10-28T09:00:22Z" (1004259622) transition_time 0x645-0x64c.7 (8)
0x640| 00 00 00| ...| [77]: "2002-04-07T10:00:22Z" (1018173622) transition_time 0x64d-0x654.7 (8)
0x650|00 3c b0 18 b6 |.<... |
0x650| 00 00 00 00 3d bb ab 26 | ....=..& | [78]: "2002-10-27T09:00:22Z" (1035709222) transition_time 0x655-0x65c.7 (8)
0x650| 00 00 00| ...| [79]: "2003-04-06T10:00:22Z" (1049623222) transition_time 0x65d-0x664.7 (8)
0x660|00 3e 8f fa b6 |.>... |
0x660| 00 00 00 00 3f 9b 8d 26 | ....?..& | [80]: "2003-10-26T09:00:22Z" (1067158822) transition_time 0x665-0x66c.7 (8)
0x660| 00 00 00| ...| [81]: "2004-04-04T10:00:22Z" (1081072822) transition_time 0x66d-0x674.7 (8)
0x670|00 40 6f dc b6 |.@o.. |
0x670| 00 00 00 00 41 84 a9 a6 | ....A... | [82]: "2004-10-31T09:00:22Z" (1099213222) transition_time 0x675-0x67c.7 (8)
0x670| 00 00 00| ...| [83]: "2005-04-03T10:00:22Z" (1112522422) transition_time 0x67d-0x684.7 (8)
0x680|00 42 4f be b6 |.BO.. |
0x680| 00 00 00 00 43 64 8b a6 | ....Cd.. | [84]: "2005-10-30T09:00:22Z" (1130662822) transition_time 0x685-0x68c.7 (8)
0x680| 00 00 00| ...| [85]: "2006-04-02T10:00:23Z" (1143972023) transition_time 0x68d-0x694.7 (8)
0x690|00 44 2f a0 b7 |.D/.. |
0x690| 00 00 00 00 45 44 6d a7 | ....EDm. | [86]: "2006-10-29T09:00:23Z" (1162112423) transition_time 0x695-0x69c.7 (8)
0x690| 00 00 00| ...| [87]: "2007-04-01T10:00:23Z" (1175421623) transition_time 0x69d-0x6a4.7 (8)
0x6a0|00 46 0f 82 b7 |.F... |
0x6a0| 00 00 00 00 47 24 4f a7 | ....G$O. | [88]: "2007-10-28T09:00:23Z" (1193562023) transition_time 0x6a5-0x6ac.7 (8)
0x6a0| 00 00 00| ...| [89]: "2008-04-06T10:00:23Z" (1207476023) transition_time 0x6ad-0x6b4.7 (8)
0x6b0|00 47 f8 9f 37 |.G..7 |
0x6b0| 00 00 00 00 49 04 31 a7 | ....I.1. | [90]: "2008-10-26T09:00:23Z" (1225011623) transition_time 0x6b5-0x6bc.7 (8)
0x6b0| 00 00 00| ...| [91]: "2009-04-05T10:00:24Z" (1238925624) transition_time 0x6bd-0x6c4.7 (8)
0x6c0|00 49 d8 81 38 |.I..8 |
0x6c0| 00 00 00 00 4a e4 13 a8 | ....J... | [92]: "2009-10-25T09:00:24Z" (1256461224) transition_time 0x6c5-0x6cc.7 (8)
0x6c0| 00 00 00| ...| [93]: "2010-03-14T10:00:24Z" (1268560824) transition_time 0x6cd-0x6d4.7 (8)
0x6d0|00 4b 9c b3 b8 |.K... |
0x6d0| 00 00 00 00 4c d6 6a a8 | ....L.j. | [94]: "2010-11-07T09:00:24Z" (1289120424) transition_time 0x6d5-0x6dc.7 (8)
0x6d0| 00 00 00| ...| [95]: "2011-03-13T10:00:24Z" (1300010424) transition_time 0x6dd-0x6e4.7 (8)
0x6e0|00 4d 7c 95 b8 |.M|.. |
0x6e0| 00 00 00 00 4e b6 4c a8 | ....N.L. | [96]: "2011-11-06T09:00:24Z" (1320570024) transition_time 0x6e5-0x6ec.7 (8)
0x6e0| 00 00 00| ...| [97]: "2012-03-11T10:00:24Z" (1331460024) transition_time 0x6ed-0x6f4.7 (8)
0x6f0|00 4f 5c 77 b8 |.O\w. |
0x6f0| 00 00 00 00 50 96 2e a9 | ....P... | [98]: "2012-11-04T09:00:25Z" (1352019625) transition_time 0x6f5-0x6fc.7 (8)
0x6f0| 00 00 00| ...| [99]: "2013-03-10T10:00:25Z" (1362909625) transition_time 0x6fd-0x704.7 (8)
0x700|00 51 3c 59 b9 |.Q<Y. |
0x700| 00 00 00 00 52 76 10 a9 | ....Rv.. | [100]: "2013-11-03T09:00:25Z" (1383469225) transition_time 0x705-0x70c.7 (8)
0x700| 00 00 00| ...| [101]: "2014-03-09T10:00:25Z" (1394359225) transition_time 0x70d-0x714.7 (8)
0x710|00 53 1c 3b b9 |.S.;. |
0x710| 00 00 00 00 54 55 f2 a9 | ....TU.. | [102]: "2014-11-02T09:00:25Z" (1414918825) transition_time 0x715-0x71c.7 (8)
0x710| 00 00 00| ...| [103]: "2015-03-08T10:00:25Z" (1425808825) transition_time 0x71d-0x724.7 (8)
0x720|00 54 fc 1d b9 |.T... |
0x720| 00 00 00 00 56 35 d4 aa | ....V5.. | [104]: "2015-11-01T09:00:26Z" (1446368426) transition_time 0x725-0x72c.7 (8)
0x720| 00 00 00| ...| [105]: "2016-03-13T10:00:26Z" (1457863226) transition_time 0x72d-0x734.7 (8)
0x730|00 56 e5 3a 3a |.V.:: |
0x730| 00 00 00 00 58 1e f1 2a | ....X..* | [106]: "2016-11-06T09:00:26Z" (1478422826) transition_time 0x735-0x73c.7 (8)
0x730| 00 00 00| ...| [107]: "2017-03-12T10:00:27Z" (1489312827) transition_time 0x73d-0x744.7 (8)
0x740|00 58 c5 1c 3b |.X..; |
0x740| 00 00 00 00 59 fe d3 2b | ....Y..+ | [108]: "2017-11-05T09:00:27Z" (1509872427) transition_time 0x745-0x74c.7 (8)
0x740| 00 00 00| ...| [109]: "2018-03-11T10:00:27Z" (1520762427) transition_time 0x74d-0x754.7 (8)
0x750|00 5a a4 fe 3b |.Z..; |
0x750| 00 00 00 00 5b de b5 2b | ....[..+ | [110]: "2018-11-04T09:00:27Z" (1541322027) transition_time 0x755-0x75c.7 (8)
0x750| 00 00 00| ...| [111]: "2019-03-10T10:00:27Z" (1552212027) transition_time 0x75d-0x764.7 (8)
0x760|00 5c 84 e0 3b |.\..; |
0x760| 00 00 00 00 5d be 97 2b | ....]..+ | [112]: "2019-11-03T09:00:27Z" (1572771627) transition_time 0x765-0x76c.7 (8)
0x760| 00 00 00| ...| [113]: "2020-03-08T10:00:27Z" (1583661627) transition_time 0x76d-0x774.7 (8)
0x770|00 5e 64 c2 3b |.^d.; |
0x770| 00 00 00 00 5f 9e 79 2b | ...._.y+ | [114]: "2020-11-01T09:00:27Z" (1604221227) transition_time 0x775-0x77c.7 (8)
0x770| 00 00 00| ...| [115]: "2021-03-14T10:00:27Z" (1615716027) transition_time 0x77d-0x784.7 (8)
0x780|00 60 4d de bb |.`M.. |
0x780| 00 00 00 00 61 87 95 ab | ....a... | [116]: "2021-11-07T09:00:27Z" (1636275627) transition_time 0x785-0x78c.7 (8)
0x780| 00 00 00| ...| [117]: "2022-03-13T10:00:27Z" (1647165627) transition_time 0x78d-0x794.7 (8)
0x790|00 62 2d c0 bb |.b-.. |
0x790| 00 00 00 00 63 67 77 ab | ....cgw. | [118]: "2022-11-06T09:00:27Z" (1667725227) transition_time 0x795-0x79c.7 (8)
0x790| 00 00 00| ...| [119]: "2023-03-12T10:00:27Z" (1678615227) transition_time 0x79d-0x7a4.7 (8)
0x7a0|00 64 0d a2 bb |.d... |
0x7a0| 00 00 00 00 64 9b 78 1b | ....d.x. | [120]: "2023-06-28T00:00:27Z" (1687910427) transition_time 0x7a5-0x7ac.7 (8)
| | | transition_types[0:121]: 0x7ad-0x825.7 (121)
0x7a0| 01 | . | [0]: 1 transition_type 0x7ad-0x7ad.7 (1)
0x7a0| 02 | . | [1]: 2 transition_type 0x7ae-0x7ae.7 (1)
0x7a0| 03| .| [2]: 3 transition_type 0x7af-0x7af.7 (1)
0x7b0|02 |. | [3]: 2 transition_type 0x7b0-0x7b0.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [4]: 4 transition_type 0x7b1-0x7b1.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [5]: 2 transition_type 0x7b2-0x7b2.7 (1)
0x7b0| 05 | . | [6]: 5 transition_type 0x7b3-0x7b3.7 (1)
0x7b0| 06 | . | [7]: 6 transition_type 0x7b4-0x7b4.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [8]: 2 transition_type 0x7b5-0x7b5.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [9]: 4 transition_type 0x7b6-0x7b6.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [10]: 2 transition_type 0x7b7-0x7b7.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [11]: 4 transition_type 0x7b8-0x7b8.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [12]: 2 transition_type 0x7b9-0x7b9.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [13]: 4 transition_type 0x7ba-0x7ba.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [14]: 2 transition_type 0x7bb-0x7bb.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [15]: 4 transition_type 0x7bc-0x7bc.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02 | . | [16]: 2 transition_type 0x7bd-0x7bd.7 (1)
0x7b0| 04 | . | [17]: 4 transition_type 0x7be-0x7be.7 (1)
0x7b0| 02| .| [18]: 2 transition_type 0x7bf-0x7bf.7 (1)
0x7c0|04 |. | [19]: 4 transition_type 0x7c0-0x7c0.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [20]: 2 transition_type 0x7c1-0x7c1.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [21]: 4 transition_type 0x7c2-0x7c2.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [22]: 2 transition_type 0x7c3-0x7c3.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [23]: 4 transition_type 0x7c4-0x7c4.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [24]: 2 transition_type 0x7c5-0x7c5.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [25]: 4 transition_type 0x7c6-0x7c6.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [26]: 2 transition_type 0x7c7-0x7c7.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [27]: 4 transition_type 0x7c8-0x7c8.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [28]: 2 transition_type 0x7c9-0x7c9.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [29]: 4 transition_type 0x7ca-0x7ca.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [30]: 2 transition_type 0x7cb-0x7cb.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [31]: 4 transition_type 0x7cc-0x7cc.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02 | . | [32]: 2 transition_type 0x7cd-0x7cd.7 (1)
0x7c0| 04 | . | [33]: 4 transition_type 0x7ce-0x7ce.7 (1)
0x7c0| 02| .| [34]: 2 transition_type 0x7cf-0x7cf.7 (1)
0x7d0|04 |. | [35]: 4 transition_type 0x7d0-0x7d0.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [36]: 2 transition_type 0x7d1-0x7d1.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [37]: 4 transition_type 0x7d2-0x7d2.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [38]: 2 transition_type 0x7d3-0x7d3.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [39]: 4 transition_type 0x7d4-0x7d4.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [40]: 2 transition_type 0x7d5-0x7d5.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [41]: 4 transition_type 0x7d6-0x7d6.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [42]: 2 transition_type 0x7d7-0x7d7.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [43]: 4 transition_type 0x7d8-0x7d8.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [44]: 2 transition_type 0x7d9-0x7d9.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [45]: 4 transition_type 0x7da-0x7da.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [46]: 2 transition_type 0x7db-0x7db.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [47]: 4 transition_type 0x7dc-0x7dc.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02 | . | [48]: 2 transition_type 0x7dd-0x7dd.7 (1)
0x7d0| 04 | . | [49]: 4 transition_type 0x7de-0x7de.7 (1)
0x7d0| 02| .| [50]: 2 transition_type 0x7df-0x7df.7 (1)
0x7e0|04 |. | [51]: 4 transition_type 0x7e0-0x7e0.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [52]: 2 transition_type 0x7e1-0x7e1.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [53]: 4 transition_type 0x7e2-0x7e2.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [54]: 2 transition_type 0x7e3-0x7e3.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [55]: 4 transition_type 0x7e4-0x7e4.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [56]: 2 transition_type 0x7e5-0x7e5.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [57]: 4 transition_type 0x7e6-0x7e6.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [58]: 2 transition_type 0x7e7-0x7e7.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [59]: 4 transition_type 0x7e8-0x7e8.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [60]: 2 transition_type 0x7e9-0x7e9.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [61]: 4 transition_type 0x7ea-0x7ea.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [62]: 2 transition_type 0x7eb-0x7eb.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [63]: 4 transition_type 0x7ec-0x7ec.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02 | . | [64]: 2 transition_type 0x7ed-0x7ed.7 (1)
0x7e0| 04 | . | [65]: 4 transition_type 0x7ee-0x7ee.7 (1)
0x7e0| 02| .| [66]: 2 transition_type 0x7ef-0x7ef.7 (1)
0x7f0|04 |. | [67]: 4 transition_type 0x7f0-0x7f0.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [68]: 2 transition_type 0x7f1-0x7f1.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [69]: 4 transition_type 0x7f2-0x7f2.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [70]: 2 transition_type 0x7f3-0x7f3.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [71]: 4 transition_type 0x7f4-0x7f4.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [72]: 2 transition_type 0x7f5-0x7f5.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [73]: 4 transition_type 0x7f6-0x7f6.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [74]: 2 transition_type 0x7f7-0x7f7.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [75]: 4 transition_type 0x7f8-0x7f8.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [76]: 2 transition_type 0x7f9-0x7f9.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [77]: 4 transition_type 0x7fa-0x7fa.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [78]: 2 transition_type 0x7fb-0x7fb.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [79]: 4 transition_type 0x7fc-0x7fc.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02 | . | [80]: 2 transition_type 0x7fd-0x7fd.7 (1)
0x7f0| 04 | . | [81]: 4 transition_type 0x7fe-0x7fe.7 (1)
0x7f0| 02| .| [82]: 2 transition_type 0x7ff-0x7ff.7 (1)
0x800|04 |. | [83]: 4 transition_type 0x800-0x800.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [84]: 2 transition_type 0x801-0x801.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [85]: 4 transition_type 0x802-0x802.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [86]: 2 transition_type 0x803-0x803.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [87]: 4 transition_type 0x804-0x804.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [88]: 2 transition_type 0x805-0x805.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [89]: 4 transition_type 0x806-0x806.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [90]: 2 transition_type 0x807-0x807.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [91]: 4 transition_type 0x808-0x808.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [92]: 2 transition_type 0x809-0x809.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [93]: 4 transition_type 0x80a-0x80a.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [94]: 2 transition_type 0x80b-0x80b.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [95]: 4 transition_type 0x80c-0x80c.7 (1)
0x800| 02 | . | [96]: 2 transition_type 0x80d-0x80d.7 (1)
0x800| 04 | . | [97]: 4 transition_type 0x80e-0x80e.7 (1)
0x800| 02| .| [98]: 2 transition_type 0x80f-0x80f.7 (1)
0x810|04 |. | [99]: 4 transition_type 0x810-0x810.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [100]: 2 transition_type 0x811-0x811.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [101]: 4 transition_type 0x812-0x812.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [102]: 2 transition_type 0x813-0x813.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [103]: 4 transition_type 0x814-0x814.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [104]: 2 transition_type 0x815-0x815.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [105]: 4 transition_type 0x816-0x816.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [106]: 2 transition_type 0x817-0x817.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [107]: 4 transition_type 0x818-0x818.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [108]: 2 transition_type 0x819-0x819.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [109]: 4 transition_type 0x81a-0x81a.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [110]: 2 transition_type 0x81b-0x81b.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [111]: 4 transition_type 0x81c-0x81c.7 (1)
0x810| 02 | . | [112]: 2 transition_type 0x81d-0x81d.7 (1)
0x810| 04 | . | [113]: 4 transition_type 0x81e-0x81e.7 (1)
0x810| 02| .| [114]: 2 transition_type 0x81f-0x81f.7 (1)
0x820|04 |. | [115]: 4 transition_type 0x820-0x820.7 (1)
0x820| 02 | . | [116]: 2 transition_type 0x821-0x821.7 (1)
0x820| 04 | . | [117]: 4 transition_type 0x822-0x822.7 (1)
0x820| 02 | . | [118]: 2 transition_type 0x823-0x823.7 (1)
0x820| 04 | . | [119]: 4 transition_type 0x824-0x824.7 (1)
0x820| 04 | . | [120]: 4 transition_type 0x825-0x825.7 (1)
| | | local_time_type_records[0:8]: 0x826-0x855.7 (48)
| | | [0]{}: local_time_type 0x826-0x82b.7 (6)
0x820| ff ff 92 4c | ...L | utoff: -28084 (valid) 0x826-0x829.7 (4)
0x820| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x82a-0x82a.7 (1)
0x820| 00 | . | idx: 0 (valid) 0x82b-0x82b.7 (1)
| | | [1]{}: local_time_type 0x82c-0x831.7 (6)
0x820| ff ff 9d 90| ....| utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x82c-0x82f.7 (4)
0x830|00 |. | dst: 0 (valid) 0x830-0x830.7 (1)
0x830| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x831-0x831.7 (1)
| | | [2]{}: local_time_type 0x832-0x837.7 (6)
0x830| ff ff 8f 80 | .... | utoff: -28800 (valid) 0x832-0x835.7 (4)
0x830| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x836-0x836.7 (1)
0x830| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x837-0x837.7 (1)
| | | [3]{}: local_time_type 0x838-0x83d.7 (6)
0x830| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x838-0x83b.7 (4)
0x830| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x83c-0x83c.7 (1)
0x830| 04 | . | idx: 4 (valid) 0x83d-0x83d.7 (1)
| | | [4]{}: local_time_type 0x83e-0x843.7 (6)
0x830| ff ff| ..| utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x83e-0x841.7 (4)
0x840|9d 90 |.. |
0x840| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x842-0x842.7 (1)
0x840| 0c | . | idx: 12 (valid) 0x843-0x843.7 (1)
| | | [5]{}: local_time_type 0x844-0x849.7 (6)
0x840| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x844-0x847.7 (4)
0x840| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x848-0x848.7 (1)
0x840| 10 | . | idx: 16 (valid) 0x849-0x849.7 (1)
| | | [6]{}: local_time_type 0x84a-0x84f.7 (6)
0x840| ff ff 9d 90 | .... | utoff: -25200 (valid) 0x84a-0x84d.7 (4)
0x840| 01 | . | dst: 1 (valid) 0x84e-0x84e.7 (1)
0x840| 14| .| idx: 20 (valid) 0x84f-0x84f.7 (1)
| | | [7]{}: local_time_type 0x850-0x855.7 (6)
0x850|ff ff 8f 80 |.... | utoff: -28800 (valid) 0x850-0x853.7 (4)
0x850| 00 | . | dst: 0 (valid) 0x854-0x854.7 (1)
0x850| 08 | . | idx: 8 (valid) 0x855-0x855.7 (1)
| | | time_zone_designations[0:6]: 0x856-0x86d.7 (24)
0x850| 4c 4d 54 00 | LMT. | [0]: "LMT" time_zone_designation 0x856-0x859.7 (4)
0x850| 4d 53 54 00 | MST. | [1]: "MST" time_zone_designation 0x85a-0x85d.7 (4)
0x850| 50 53| PS| [2]: "PST" time_zone_designation 0x85e-0x861.7 (4)
0x860|54 00 |T. |
0x860| 50 44 54 00 | PDT. | [3]: "PDT" time_zone_designation 0x862-0x865.7 (4)
0x860| 50 57 54 00 | PWT. | [4]: "PWT" time_zone_designation 0x866-0x869.7 (4)
0x860| 50 50 54 00 | PPT. | [5]: "PPT" time_zone_designation 0x86a-0x86d.7 (4)
| | | leap_second_records[0:27]: 0x86e-0x9b1.7 (324)
| | | [0]{}: leap_second_record 0x86e-0x879.7 (12)
0x860| 00 00| ..| occur: "1972-07-01T00:00:00Z" (78796800) 0x86e-0x875.7 (8)
0x870|00 00 04 b2 58 00 |....X. |
0x870| 00 00 00 01 | .... | corr: 1 0x876-0x879.7 (4)
| | | [1]{}: leap_second_record 0x87a-0x885.7 (12)
0x870| 00 00 00 00 05 a4| ......| occur: "1973-01-01T00:00:01Z" (94694401) 0x87a-0x881.7 (8)
0x880|ec 01 |.. |
0x880| 00 00 00 02 | .... | corr: 2 0x882-0x885.7 (4)
| | | [2]{}: leap_second_record 0x886-0x891.7 (12)
0x880| 00 00 00 00 07 86 1f 82 | ........ | occur: "1974-01-01T00:00:02Z" (126230402) 0x886-0x88d.7 (8)
0x880| 00 00| ..| corr: 3 0x88e-0x891.7 (4)
0x890|00 03 |.. |
| | | [3]{}: leap_second_record 0x892-0x89d.7 (12)
0x890| 00 00 00 00 09 67 53 03 | .....gS. | occur: "1975-01-01T00:00:03Z" (157766403) 0x892-0x899.7 (8)
0x890| 00 00 00 04 | .... | corr: 4 0x89a-0x89d.7 (4)
| | | [4]{}: leap_second_record 0x89e-0x8a9.7 (12)
0x890| 00 00| ..| occur: "1976-01-01T00:00:04Z" (189302404) 0x89e-0x8a5.7 (8)
0x8a0|00 00 0b 48 86 84 |...H.. |
0x8a0| 00 00 00 05 | .... | corr: 5 0x8a6-0x8a9.7 (4)
| | | [5]{}: leap_second_record 0x8aa-0x8b5.7 (12)
0x8a0| 00 00 00 00 0d 2b| .....+| occur: "1977-01-01T00:00:05Z" (220924805) 0x8aa-0x8b1.7 (8)
0x8b0|0b 85 |.. |
0x8b0| 00 00 00 06 | .... | corr: 6 0x8b2-0x8b5.7 (4)
| | | [6]{}: leap_second_record 0x8b6-0x8c1.7 (12)
0x8b0| 00 00 00 00 0f 0c 3f 06 | ......?. | occur: "1978-01-01T00:00:06Z" (252460806) 0x8b6-0x8bd.7 (8)
0x8b0| 00 00| ..| corr: 7 0x8be-0x8c1.7 (4)
0x8c0|00 07 |.. |
| | | [7]{}: leap_second_record 0x8c2-0x8cd.7 (12)
0x8c0| 00 00 00 00 10 ed 72 87 | ......r. | occur: "1979-01-01T00:00:07Z" (283996807) 0x8c2-0x8c9.7 (8)
0x8c0| 00 00 00 08 | .... | corr: 8 0x8ca-0x8cd.7 (4)
| | | [8]{}: leap_second_record 0x8ce-0x8d9.7 (12)
0x8c0| 00 00| ..| occur: "1980-01-01T00:00:08Z" (315532808) 0x8ce-0x8d5.7 (8)
0x8d0|00 00 12 ce a6 08 |...... |
0x8d0| 00 00 00 09 | .... | corr: 9 0x8d6-0x8d9.7 (4)
| | | [9]{}: leap_second_record 0x8da-0x8e5.7 (12)
0x8d0| 00 00 00 00 15 9f| ......| occur: "1981-07-01T00:00:09Z" (362793609) 0x8da-0x8e1.7 (8)
0x8e0|ca 89 |.. |
0x8e0| 00 00 00 0a | .... | corr: 10 0x8e2-0x8e5.7 (4)
| | | [10]{}: leap_second_record 0x8e6-0x8f1.7 (12)
0x8e0| 00 00 00 00 17 80 fe 0a | ........ | occur: "1982-07-01T00:00:10Z" (394329610) 0x8e6-0x8ed.7 (8)
0x8e0| 00 00| ..| corr: 11 0x8ee-0x8f1.7 (4)
0x8f0|00 0b |.. |
| | | [11]{}: leap_second_record 0x8f2-0x8fd.7 (12)
0x8f0| 00 00 00 00 19 62 31 8b | .....b1. | occur: "1983-07-01T00:00:11Z" (425865611) 0x8f2-0x8f9.7 (8)
0x8f0| 00 00 00 0c | .... | corr: 12 0x8fa-0x8fd.7 (4)
| | | [12]{}: leap_second_record 0x8fe-0x909.7 (12)
0x8f0| 00 00| ..| occur: "1985-07-01T00:00:12Z" (489024012) 0x8fe-0x905.7 (8)
0x900|00 00 1d 25 ea 0c |...%.. |
0x900| 00 00 00 0d | .... | corr: 13 0x906-0x909.7 (4)
| | | [13]{}: leap_second_record 0x90a-0x915.7 (12)
0x900| 00 00 00 00 21 da| ....!.| occur: "1988-01-01T00:00:13Z" (567993613) 0x90a-0x911.7 (8)
0x910|e5 0d |.. |
0x910| 00 00 00 0e | .... | corr: 14 0x912-0x915.7 (4)
| | | [14]{}: leap_second_record 0x916-0x921.7 (12)
0x910| 00 00 00 00 25 9e 9d 8e | ....%... | occur: "1990-01-01T00:00:14Z" (631152014) 0x916-0x91d.7 (8)
0x910| 00 00| ..| corr: 15 0x91e-0x921.7 (4)
0x920|00 0f |.. |
| | | [15]{}: leap_second_record 0x922-0x92d.7 (12)
0x920| 00 00 00 00 27 7f d1 0f | ....'... | occur: "1991-01-01T00:00:15Z" (662688015) 0x922-0x929.7 (8)
0x920| 00 00 00 10 | .... | corr: 16 0x92a-0x92d.7 (4)
| | | [16]{}: leap_second_record 0x92e-0x939.7 (12)
0x920| 00 00| ..| occur: "1992-07-01T00:00:16Z" (709948816) 0x92e-0x935.7 (8)
0x930|00 00 2a 50 f5 90 |..*P.. |
0x930| 00 00 00 11 | .... | corr: 17 0x936-0x939.7 (4)
| | | [17]{}: leap_second_record 0x93a-0x945.7 (12)
0x930| 00 00 00 00 2c 32| ....,2| occur: "1993-07-01T00:00:17Z" (741484817) 0x93a-0x941.7 (8)
0x940|29 11 |). |
0x940| 00 00 00 12 | .... | corr: 18 0x942-0x945.7 (4)
| | | [18]{}: leap_second_record 0x946-0x951.7 (12)
0x940| 00 00 00 00 2e 13 5c 92 | ......\. | occur: "1994-07-01T00:00:18Z" (773020818) 0x946-0x94d.7 (8)
0x940| 00 00| ..| corr: 19 0x94e-0x951.7 (4)
0x950|00 13 |.. |
| | | [19]{}: leap_second_record 0x952-0x95d.7 (12)
0x950| 00 00 00 00 30 e7 24 13 | ....0.$. | occur: "1996-01-01T00:00:19Z" (820454419) 0x952-0x959.7 (8)
0x950| 00 00 00 14 | .... | corr: 20 0x95a-0x95d.7 (4)
| | | [20]{}: leap_second_record 0x95e-0x969.7 (12)
0x950| 00 00| ..| occur: "1997-07-01T00:00:20Z" (867715220) 0x95e-0x965.7 (8)
0x960|00 00 33 b8 48 94 |..3.H. |
0x960| 00 00 00 15 | .... | corr: 21 0x966-0x969.7 (4)
| | | [21]{}: leap_second_record 0x96a-0x975.7 (12)
0x960| 00 00 00 00 36 8c| ....6.| occur: "1999-01-01T00:00:21Z" (915148821) 0x96a-0x971.7 (8)
0x970|10 15 |.. |
0x970| 00 00 00 16 | .... | corr: 22 0x972-0x975.7 (4)
| | | [22]{}: leap_second_record 0x976-0x981.7 (12)
0x970| 00 00 00 00 43 b7 1b 96 | ....C... | occur: "2006-01-01T00:00:22Z" (1136073622) 0x976-0x97d.7 (8)
0x970| 00 00| ..| corr: 23 0x97e-0x981.7 (4)
0x980|00 17 |.. |
| | | [23]{}: leap_second_record 0x982-0x98d.7 (12)
0x980| 00 00 00 00 49 5c 07 97 | ....I\.. | occur: "2009-01-01T00:00:23Z" (1230768023) 0x982-0x989.7 (8)
0x980| 00 00 00 18 | .... | corr: 24 0x98a-0x98d.7 (4)
| | | [24]{}: leap_second_record 0x98e-0x999.7 (12)
0x980| 00 00| ..| occur: "2012-07-01T00:00:24Z" (1341100824) 0x98e-0x995.7 (8)
0x990|00 00 4f ef 93 18 |..O... |
0x990| 00 00 00 19 | .... | corr: 25 0x996-0x999.7 (4)
| | | [25]{}: leap_second_record 0x99a-0x9a5.7 (12)
0x990| 00 00 00 00 55 93| ....U.| occur: "2015-07-01T00:00:25Z" (1435708825) 0x99a-0x9a1.7 (8)
0x9a0|2d 99 |-. |
0x9a0| 00 00 00 1a | .... | corr: 26 0x9a2-0x9a5.7 (4)
| | | [26]{}: leap_second_record 0x9a6-0x9b1.7 (12)
0x9a0| 00 00 00 00 58 68 46 9a | ....XhF. | occur: "2017-01-01T00:00:26Z" (1483228826) 0x9a6-0x9ad.7 (8)
0x9a0| 00 00| ..| corr: 27 0x9ae-0x9b1.7 (4)
0x9b0|00 1b |.. |
| | | standard_wall_indicators[0:8]: 0x9b2-0x9b9.7 (8)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [0]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b2-0x9b2.7 (1)
0x9b0| 01 | . | [1]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b3-0x9b3.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [2]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b4-0x9b4.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [3]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b5-0x9b5.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [4]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b6-0x9b6.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [5]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b7-0x9b7.7 (1)
0x9b0| 01 | . | [6]: 1 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b8-0x9b8.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [7]: 0 standard_wall_indicator (valid) 0x9b9-0x9b9.7 (1)
| | | ut_local_indicators[0:8]: 0x9ba-0x9c1.7 (8)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [0]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9ba-0x9ba.7 (1)
0x9b0| 01 | . | [1]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9bb-0x9bb.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [2]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9bc-0x9bc.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [3]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9bd-0x9bd.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00 | . | [4]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9be-0x9be.7 (1)
0x9b0| 00| .| [5]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9bf-0x9bf.7 (1)
0x9c0|01 |. | [6]: 1 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9c0-0x9c0.7 (1)
0x9c0| 00 | . | [7]: 0 ut_local_indicator (valid) 0x9c1-0x9c1.7 (1)
| | | footer{}: 0x9c2-0x9c3.7 (2)
0x9c0| 0a | . | nl1: 10 (valid) 0x9c2-0x9c2.7 (1)
| | | tz_string: "" 0x9c3-NA (0)
0x9c0| 0a| | .| | nl2: 10 (valid) 0x9c3-0x9c3.7 (1)