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synced 2024-12-23 13:22:58 +03:00
Refactor mp4 decoder to be simpler and have fallback for unknown box type Cleanup some old ilst hacks Add generic string reader to decode API that takes an encoding parameters
456 lines
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package mp4
// Tries to decode ISOBMFF quicktime mov
// Uses naming from ISOBMFF when possible
// ISO/IEC 14496-12
// Quicktime file format https://developer.apple.com/standards/qtff-2001.pdf
// FLAC in ISOBMFF https://github.com/xiph/flac/blob/master/doc/isoflac.txt
// vp9 in ISOBMFF https://www.webmproject.org/vp9/mp4/
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH1-SW43
// TODO: validate structure better? trak/stco etc
// TODO: keep track of structure somehow to detect errors
// TODO: ISO-14496 says mp4 mdat can begin and end with original header/trailer (no used?)
// TODO: split into mov and mp4 decoder?
// TODO: split into mp4_box decoder? needs complex in/out args?
// TODO: better probe, find first 2 boxes, should be free,ftyp or mdat?
import (
//go:embed mp4.jq
//go:embed mp4.md
var mp4FS embed.FS
var aacFrameFormat decode.Group
var av1CCRFormat decode.Group
var av1FrameFormat decode.Group
var avcAUFormat decode.Group
var avcDCRFormat decode.Group
var flacFrameFormat decode.Group
var flacMetadatablocksFormat decode.Group
var hevcAUFormat decode.Group
var hevcCDCRFormat decode.Group
var iccProfileFormat decode.Group
var id3v2Format decode.Group
var imageFormat decode.Group
var jpegFormat decode.Group
var mp3FrameFormat decode.Group
var mpegESFormat decode.Group
var mpegPESPacketSampleFormat decode.Group
var opusPacketFrameFormat decode.Group
var pngFormat decode.Group
var proResFrameFormat decode.Group
var protoBufWidevineFormat decode.Group
var psshPlayreadyFormat decode.Group
var vorbisPacketFormat decode.Group
var vp9FrameFormat decode.Group
var vpxCCRFormat decode.Group
func init() {
Name: format.MP4,
Description: "ISOBMFF, QuickTime and similar",
Groups: []string{
format.IMAGE, // avif
DecodeFn: mp4Decode,
DecodeInArg: format.Mp4In{
DecodeSamples: true,
AllowTruncated: false,
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.AAC_FRAME}, Group: &aacFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AV1_CCR}, Group: &av1CCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AV1_FRAME}, Group: &av1FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AVC_AU}, Group: &avcAUFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AVC_DCR}, Group: &avcDCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.FLAC_FRAME}, Group: &flacFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.FLAC_METADATABLOCKS}, Group: &flacMetadatablocksFormat},
{Names: []string{format.HEVC_AU}, Group: &hevcAUFormat},
{Names: []string{format.HEVC_DCR}, Group: &hevcCDCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.ICC_PROFILE}, Group: &iccProfileFormat},
{Names: []string{format.ID3V2}, Group: &id3v2Format},
{Names: []string{format.IMAGE}, Group: &imageFormat},
{Names: []string{format.JPEG}, Group: &jpegFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MP3_FRAME}, Group: &mp3FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MPEG_ES}, Group: &mpegESFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MPEG_PES_PACKET}, Group: &mpegPESPacketSampleFormat},
{Names: []string{format.OPUS_PACKET}, Group: &opusPacketFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.PNG}, Group: &pngFormat},
{Names: []string{format.PRORES_FRAME}, Group: &proResFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.PROTOBUF_WIDEVINE}, Group: &protoBufWidevineFormat},
{Names: []string{format.PSSH_PLAYREADY}, Group: &psshPlayreadyFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VORBIS_PACKET}, Group: &vorbisPacketFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VP9_FRAME}, Group: &vp9FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VPX_CCR}, Group: &vpxCCRFormat},
type stsc struct {
firstChunk int
samplesPerChunk int
type moof struct {
offset int64
defaultSampleSize int64
defaultSampleDescriptionIndex int
truns []trun
sencs []senc
// TODO: nothing for now
type senc struct {
entries []struct{}
type trun struct {
dataOffset int64
samplesSizes []int64
type sampleDescription struct {
dataFormat string
originalFormat string
type stsz struct {
size int64
count int
type track struct {
seenHdlr bool
id int
sampleDescriptions []sampleDescription
subType string
stco []int64
stsc []stsc
stsz []stsz
formatInArg any
objectType int // if data format is "mp4a"
defaultIVSize int
moofs []*moof // for fmp4
type pathEntry struct {
typ string
data any
type decodeContext struct {
opts format.Mp4In
path []pathEntry
tracks map[int]*track
func (ctx *decodeContext) lookupTrack(id int) *track {
t, ok := ctx.tracks[id]
if !ok {
t = &track{id: id}
ctx.tracks[id] = t
return t
func (ctx *decodeContext) isParent(typ string) bool {
return ctx.parent().typ == typ
func (ctx *decodeContext) parent() pathEntry {
return ctx.path[len(ctx.path)-2]
func (ctx *decodeContext) findParent(typ string) any {
for i := len(ctx.path) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
p := ctx.path[i]
if p.typ == typ {
return p.data
return nil
func (ctx *decodeContext) currentTrakBox() *trakBox {
t, _ := ctx.findParent("trak").(*trakBox)
return t
func (ctx *decodeContext) currentTrafBox() *trafBox {
t, _ := ctx.findParent("traf").(*trafBox)
return t
func (ctx *decodeContext) currentMoofBox() *moofBox {
t, _ := ctx.findParent("moof").(*moofBox)
return t
func (ctx *decodeContext) currentMetaBox() *metaBox {
t, _ := ctx.findParent("meta").(*metaBox)
return t
func (ctx *decodeContext) currentTrack() *track {
if t := ctx.currentTrakBox(); t != nil {
return ctx.lookupTrack(t.trackID)
if t := ctx.currentTrafBox(); t != nil {
return ctx.lookupTrack(t.trackID)
return nil
func mp4Tracks(d *decode.D, ctx *decodeContext) {
// keep track order stable
var sortedTracks []*track
for _, t := range ctx.tracks {
sortedTracks = append(sortedTracks, t)
slices.SortFunc(sortedTracks, func(a, b *track) bool { return a.id < b.id })
d.FieldArray("tracks", func(d *decode.D) {
for _, t := range sortedTracks {
decodeSampleRange := func(d *decode.D, t *track, decodeSample bool, dataFormat string, name string, firstBit int64, nBits int64, inArg any) {
d.RangeFn(firstBit, nBits, func(d *decode.D) {
if !decodeSample {
d.FieldRawLen(name, d.BitsLeft())
switch {
case dataFormat == "fLaC":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, flacFrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "Opus":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, opusPacketFrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "vp09":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, vp9FrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "avc1":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, avcAUFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "hev1",
dataFormat == "hvc1":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, hevcAUFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "av01":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, av1FrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4a" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypeMP3:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, mp3FrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4a" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypeAAC:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, aacFrameFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4a" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, vorbisPacketFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4v" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, mpegPESPacketSampleFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4v" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, jpegFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "mp4v" && t.objectType == format.MPEGObjectTypePNG:
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, pngFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "jpeg":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, jpegFormat, inArg)
case dataFormat == "apch",
dataFormat == "apcn",
dataFormat == "scpa",
dataFormat == "apco",
dataFormat == "ap4h":
d.FieldFormatLen(name, nBits, proResFrameFormat, inArg)
d.FieldRawLen(name, d.BitsLeft())
d.FieldStruct("track", func(d *decode.D) {
d.FieldValueU("id", uint64(t.id))
trackSDDataFormat := "unknown"
if len(t.sampleDescriptions) > 0 {
sd := t.sampleDescriptions[0]
trackSDDataFormat = sd.dataFormat
if sd.originalFormat != "" {
trackSDDataFormat = sd.originalFormat
d.FieldValueStr("data_format", trackSDDataFormat, dataFormatNames)
switch trackSDDataFormat {
case "lpcm",
"raw ",
// TODO: treat raw samples format differently, a bit too much to have one field per sample.
// maybe in some future fq could have smart array fields
d.FieldArray("samples", func(d *decode.D) {
// TODO: warning? could also be init fragment etc
if len(t.stsz) > 0 && len(t.stsc) > 0 && len(t.stco) > 0 {
stszIndex := 0
stszEntryNr := 0
sampleNr := 0
stscIndex := 0
stscEntryNr := 0
stcoIndex := 0
stszEntry := t.stsz[stszIndex]
stscEntry := t.stsc[stscIndex]
sampleOffset := t.stco[stcoIndex]
logStrFn := func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s: nr=%d: stsz[%d/%d] nr=%d %#v stsc[%d/%d] nr=%d %#v stco[%d/%d]=%d \n",
stszIndex, len(t.stsz), stszEntryNr, stszEntry,
stscIndex, len(t.stsc), stscEntryNr, stscEntry,
stcoIndex, len(t.stco), sampleOffset,
for stszIndex < len(t.stsz) {
if stszEntryNr >= stszEntry.count {
if stszIndex >= len(t.stsz) {
// TODO: warning if unused stsc/stco entries?
stszEntry = t.stsz[stszIndex]
stszEntryNr = 0
if stscEntryNr >= stscEntry.samplesPerChunk {
stscEntryNr = 0
if stcoIndex >= len(t.stco) {
d.Fatalf("outside stco: %s", logStrFn())
sampleOffset = t.stco[stcoIndex]
if stscIndex < len(t.stsc)-1 && stcoIndex >= t.stsc[stscIndex+1].firstChunk-1 {
if stscIndex >= len(t.stsc) {
d.Fatalf("outside stsc: %s", logStrFn())
stscEntry = t.stsc[stscIndex]
// log.Println(logStrFn())
decodeSampleRange(d, t, ctx.opts.DecodeSamples, trackSDDataFormat, "sample", sampleOffset*8, stszEntry.size*8, t.formatInArg)
sampleOffset += stszEntry.size
sampleNr := 0
for _, m := range t.moofs {
for trunNr, trun := range m.truns {
var senc senc
if trunNr < len(m.sencs) {
senc = m.sencs[trunNr]
sampleOffset := m.offset + trun.dataOffset
for trunSampleNr, sz := range trun.samplesSizes {
dataFormat := trackSDDataFormat
if m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex != 0 && m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex-1 < len(t.sampleDescriptions) {
sd := t.sampleDescriptions[m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex-1]
dataFormat = sd.dataFormat
if sd.originalFormat != "" {
dataFormat = sd.originalFormat
// logStrFn := func() string {
// return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s: %d: (%s): sz=%d %d+%d=%d",
// t.id,
// dataFormat,
// sampleNr,
// trackSDDataFormat,
// sz,
// m.offset,
// m.dataOffset,
// sampleOffset,
// )
// }
// log.Println(logStrFn())
decodeSample := ctx.opts.DecodeSamples
if trunSampleNr < len(senc.entries) {
// TODO: encrypted
decodeSample = false
decodeSampleRange(d, t, decodeSample, dataFormat, "sample", sampleOffset*8, sz*8, t.formatInArg)
sampleOffset += sz
func mp4Decode(d *decode.D, in any) any {
mi, _ := in.(format.Mp4In)
ctx := &decodeContext{
opts: mi,
path: []pathEntry{{typ: "root"}},
tracks: map[int]*track{},
// TODO: nicer, validate functions without field?
size := d.U32()
if size < 8 {
d.Fatalf("first box size too small < 8")
firstType := d.UTF8(4)
switch firstType {
case "styp", // mp4 segment
"ftyp", // mp4 file
"free", // seems to happen
"moov", // seems to happen
"pnot", // video preview file
"jP ": // JPEG 2000
d.Errorf("no styp, ftyp, free or moov box found")
d.SeekRel(-8 * 8)
decodeBoxes(ctx, d)
if len(ctx.tracks) > 0 {
mp4Tracks(d, ctx)
return nil