mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-18 10:52:44 +03:00
Mattias Wadman 691688022f fqtest: Refactor our script part to own package
Hopefully can be reused for docs generation
2021-10-06 18:49:03 +02:00

94 lines
9.7 KiB

# gm convert -size 4x4 'xc:#000' 'xc:#fff' 4x4.gif
$ fq -d gif verbose /4x4.gif
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.: {} /4x4.gif (gif) 0x0-0x5e.7 (95)
0x00|47 49 46 38 39 61 |GIF89a | header: "GIF89a" (Correct) 0x0-0x5.7 (6)
0x00| 04 00 | .. | width: 4 0x6-0x7.7 (2)
0x00| 04 00 | .. | height: 4 0x8-0x9.7 (2)
0x00| f0 | . | gcp_follows: true 0xa-0xa (0.1)
0x00| f0 | . | color_resolution: 8 0xa.1-0xa.3 (0.3)
0x00| f0 | . | zero: 0 0xa.4-0xa.4 (0.1)
0x00| f0 | . | bit_depth: 1 0xa.5-0xa.7 (0.3)
0x00| 00 | . | black_color: 0 0xb-0xb.7 (1)
0x00| 00 | . | pixel_aspect_ratio: 0 0xc-0xc.7 (1)
| | | global_color_map: [2] 0xd-0x12.7 (6)
| | | [0]: color [3] 0xd-0xf.7 (3)
0x00| 00 | . | [0]: r 0 0xd-0xd.7 (1)
0x00| 00 | . | [1]: g 0 0xe-0xe.7 (1)
0x00| 00| .| [2]: b 0 0xf-0xf.7 (1)
| | | [1]: color [3] 0x10-0x12.7 (3)
0x10|00 |. | [0]: r 0 0x10-0x10.7 (1)
0x10| 00 | . | [1]: g 0 0x11-0x11.7 (1)
0x10| 00 | . | [2]: b 0 0x12-0x12.7 (1)
| | | blocks: [5] 0x13-0x5d.7 (75)
| | | [0]: extension_block {} 0x13-0x1a.7 (8)
0x10| 21 | ! | introducer: 33 0x13-0x13.7 (1)
0x10| f9 | . | function_code: GraphicalControl (0xf9) 0x14-0x14.7 (1)
| | | func_data_bytes: [1] 0x15-0x1a.7 (6)
| | | [0]: func_data_byte {} 0x15-0x1a.7 (6)
0x10| 04 | . | byte_count: 4 0x15-0x15.7 (1)
0x10| 00 00 00 00 | .... | data: 00000000 0x16-0x19.7 (4)
0x10| 00 | . | terminator: 0 0x1a-0x1a.7 (1)
| | | [1]: extension_block {} 0x1b-0x2d.7 (19)
0x10| 21 | ! | introducer: 33 0x1b-0x1b.7 (1)
0x10| ff | . | function_code: Application (0xff) 0x1c-0x1c.7 (1)
| | | func_data_bytes: [2] 0x1d-0x2d.7 (17)
| | | [0]: func_data_byte {} 0x1d-0x28.7 (12)
0x10| 0b | . | byte_count: 11 0x1d-0x1d.7 (1)
0x10| 4e 45| NE| data: 4e45545343415045322e30 0x1e-0x28.7 (11)
0x20|54 53 43 41 50 45 32 2e 30 |TSCAPE2.0 |
| | | [1]: func_data_byte {} 0x29-0x2d.7 (5)
0x20| 03 | . | byte_count: 3 0x29-0x29.7 (1)
0x20| 01 00 00 | ... | data: 010000 0x2a-0x2c.7 (3)
0x20| 00 | . | terminator: 0 0x2d-0x2d.7 (1)
| | | [2]: image {} 0x2e-0x3e.7 (17)
0x20| 2c | , | separator_character: 44 0x2e-0x2e.7 (1)
0x20| 00| .| left: 0 0x2f-0x30.7 (2)
0x30|00 |. |
0x30| 00 00 | .. | top: 0 0x31-0x32.7 (2)
0x30| 04 00 | .. | width: 4 0x33-0x34.7 (2)
0x30| 04 00 | .. | height: 4 0x35-0x36.7 (2)
0x30| 00 | . | local_color_map_follows: false 0x37-0x37 (0.1)
0x30| 00 | . | image_interlaced: false 0x37.1-0x37.1 (0.1)
0x30| 00 | . | zero: 0 0x37.2-0x37.4 (0.3)
0x30| 00 | . | bit_depth: 1 0x37.5-0x37.7 (0.3)
0x30| 02 | . | code_size: 2 0x38-0x38.7 (1)
| | | image_bytes: [1] 0x39-0x3e.7 (6)
| | | [0]: func_data_byte {} 0x39-0x3e.7 (6)
0x30| 04 | . | byte_count: 4 0x39-0x39.7 (1)
0x30| 84 8f 09 05 | .... | data: 848f0905 0x3a-0x3d.7 (4)
0x30| 00 | . | terminator: 0 0x3e-0x3e.7 (1)
| | | [3]: extension_block {} 0x3f-0x46.7 (8)
0x30| 21| !| introducer: 33 0x3f-0x3f.7 (1)
0x40|f9 |. | function_code: GraphicalControl (0xf9) 0x40-0x40.7 (1)
| | | func_data_bytes: [1] 0x41-0x46.7 (6)
| | | [0]: func_data_byte {} 0x41-0x46.7 (6)
0x40| 04 | . | byte_count: 4 0x41-0x41.7 (1)
0x40| 00 00 00 00 | .... | data: 00000000 0x42-0x45.7 (4)
0x40| 00 | . | terminator: 0 0x46-0x46.7 (1)
| | | [4]: image {} 0x47-0x5d.7 (23)
0x40| 2c | , | separator_character: 44 0x47-0x47.7 (1)
0x40| 00 00 | .. | left: 0 0x48-0x49.7 (2)
0x40| 00 00 | .. | top: 0 0x4a-0x4b.7 (2)
0x40| 04 00 | .. | width: 4 0x4c-0x4d.7 (2)
0x40| 04 00| ..| height: 4 0x4e-0x4f.7 (2)
0x50|80 |. | local_color_map_follows: true 0x50-0x50 (0.1)
0x50|80 |. | image_interlaced: false 0x50.1-0x50.1 (0.1)
0x50|80 |. | zero: 0 0x50.2-0x50.4 (0.3)
0x50|80 |. | bit_depth: 1 0x50.5-0x50.7 (0.3)
0x50| ff | . | code_size: 255 0x51-0x51.7 (1)
| | | local_color_map: [2] 0x52-0x57.7 (6)
| | | [0]: color [3] 0x52-0x54.7 (3)
0x50| ff | . | [0]: r 255 0x52-0x52.7 (1)
0x50| ff | . | [1]: g 255 0x53-0x53.7 (1)
0x50| 00 | . | [2]: b 0 0x54-0x54.7 (1)
| | | [1]: color [3] 0x55-0x57.7 (3)
0x50| 00 | . | [0]: r 0 0x55-0x55.7 (1)
0x50| 00 | . | [1]: g 0 0x56-0x56.7 (1)
0x50| 02 | . | [2]: b 2 0x57-0x57.7 (1)
| | | image_bytes: [1] 0x58-0x5d.7 (6)
| | | [0]: func_data_byte {} 0x58-0x5d.7 (6)
0x50| 04 | . | byte_count: 4 0x58-0x58.7 (1)
0x50| 84 8f 09 05 | .... | data: 848f0905 0x59-0x5c.7 (4)
0x50| 00 | . | terminator: 0 0x5d-0x5d.7 (1)
0x50| 3b| | ;|| terminator: 59 0x5e-0x5e.7 (1)