mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-18 02:41:44 +03:00
2021-09-12 13:08:49 +02:00

478 lines
11 KiB

package fqtest
import (
type testCaseReadline struct {
input string
expectedPrompt string
expectedStdout string
type testCaseRunOutput struct {
func (o testCaseRunOutput) Size() (int, int) { return 130, 25 }
func (o testCaseRunOutput) IsTerminal() bool { return true }
type testCaseRun struct {
lineNr int
testCase *testCase
args string
stdin string
expectedStdout string
expectedStderr string
expectedExitCode int
actualStdoutBuf *bytes.Buffer
actualStderrBuf *bytes.Buffer
actualExitCode int
readlines []testCaseReadline
readlinesPos int
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Line() int { return tcr.lineNr }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Stdin() fs.File {
return interp.FileReader{R: bytes.NewBufferString(tcr.stdin)}
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Stdout() interp.Output { return testCaseRunOutput{tcr.actualStdoutBuf} }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Stderr() io.Writer { return tcr.actualStderrBuf }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Interrupt() chan struct{} { return nil }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Environ() []string {
return []string{
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Args() []string { return shquote.Split(tcr.args) }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) ConfigDir() (string, error) { return "/config", nil }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) FS() fs.FS { return tcr.testCase }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) Readline(prompt string, complete func(line string, pos int) (newLine []string, shared int)) (string, error) {
if tcr.readlinesPos >= len(tcr.readlines) {
return "", io.EOF
lineRaw := tcr.readlines[tcr.readlinesPos].input
line := Unescape(lineRaw)
if strings.HasSuffix(line, "\t") {
tcr.actualStdoutBuf.WriteString(lineRaw + "\n")
l := len(line) - 1
newLine, shared := complete(line[0:l], l)
// TODO: shared
_ = shared
for _, nl := range newLine {
tcr.actualStdoutBuf.WriteString(nl + "\n")
return "", nil
tcr.actualStdoutBuf.WriteString(lineRaw + "\n")
if line == "^D" {
return "", io.EOF
return line, nil
func (tcr *testCaseRun) History() ([]string, error) { return nil, nil }
func (tcr *testCaseRun) ToExpectedStdout() string {
sb := &strings.Builder{}
if len(tcr.readlines) == 0 {
fmt.Fprint(sb, tcr.expectedStdout)
} else {
for _, rl := range tcr.readlines {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "%s%s\n", rl.expectedPrompt, rl.input)
if rl.expectedStdout != "" {
fmt.Fprint(sb, rl.expectedStdout)
return sb.String()
func (tcr *testCaseRun) ToExpectedStderr() string {
return tcr.expectedStderr
type part interface {
Line() int
type testCaseFile struct {
lineNr int
name string
data []byte
func (tcf *testCaseFile) Line() int { return tcf.lineNr }
type testCaseComment struct {
lineNr int
comment string
func (tcr *testCaseComment) Line() int { return tcr.lineNr }
type testCase struct {
path string
parts []part
wasTested bool
func (tc *testCase) ToActual() string {
var partsLineSorted []part
partsLineSorted = append(partsLineSorted, tc.parts...)
sort.Slice(partsLineSorted, func(i, j int) bool {
return partsLineSorted[i].Line() < partsLineSorted[j].Line()
sb := &strings.Builder{}
for _, p := range partsLineSorted {
switch p := p.(type) {
case *testCaseComment:
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "#%s\n", p.comment)
case *testCaseRun:
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "$%s\n", p.args)
fmt.Fprint(sb, p.actualStdoutBuf.String())
if p.actualExitCode != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "exitcode: %d\n", p.actualExitCode)
if p.stdin != "" {
fmt.Fprint(sb, "stdin:\n")
fmt.Fprint(sb, p.stdin)
if p.actualStderrBuf.Len() > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(sb, "stderr:\n")
fmt.Fprint(sb, p.actualStderrBuf.String())
case *testCaseFile:
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "%s:\n", p.name)
return sb.String()
func (tc *testCase) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) {
for _, p := range tc.parts {
f, ok := p.(*testCaseFile)
if ok && f.name == name {
// if no data assume it's a real file
if len(f.data) == 0 {
return os.Open(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(tc.path), name))
return interp.FileReader{
R: io.NewSectionReader(bytes.NewReader(f.data), 0, int64(len(f.data))),
FileInfo: interp.FixedFileInfo{
FName: filepath.Base(name),
FSize: int64(len(f.data)),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: file not found", name)
type Section struct {
LineNr int
Name string
Value string
var unescapeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\\(?:t|b|n|r|0(?:b[01]{8}|x[0-f]{2}))`)
func Unescape(s string) string {
return unescapeRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(r string) string {
switch {
case r == `\n`:
return "\n"
case r == `\r`:
return "\r"
case r == `\t`:
return "\t"
case r == `\b`:
return "\b"
case strings.HasPrefix(r, `\0b`):
b, _ := bitio.BytesFromBitString(r[3:])
return string(b)
case strings.HasPrefix(r, `\0x`):
b, _ := hex.DecodeString(r[3:])
return string(b)
return r
func SectionParser(re *regexp.Regexp, s string) []Section {
var sections []Section
firstMatch := func(ss []string, fn func(s string) bool) string {
for _, s := range ss {
if fn(s) {
return s
return ""
const lineDelim = "\n"
var cs *Section
lineNr := 0
lines := strings.Split(s, lineDelim)
// skip last if empty because of how split works "a\n" -> ["a", ""]
if lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
for _, l := range lines {
sm := re.FindStringSubmatch(l)
if cs == nil || len(sm) > 0 {
sections = append(sections, Section{})
cs = &sections[len(sections)-1]
cs.LineNr = lineNr
cs.Name = firstMatch(sm, func(s string) bool { return len(s) != 0 })
} else {
// TODO: use builder somehow if performance is needed
cs.Value += l + lineDelim
return sections
func parseTestCases(s string) *testCase {
te := &testCase{}
te.parts = []part{}
var currentTestRun *testCaseRun
const promptEnd = "> "
replDepth := 0
// TODO: better section splitter, too much heuristics now
for _, section := range SectionParser(regexp.MustCompile(`^\$ .*$|^stdin:$|^stderr:$|^exitcode:.*$|^#.*$|^/.*:|^(?:>* )?[a-z\d]+> .*$`), s) {
n, v := section.Name, section.Value
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "#"):
comment := n[1:]
te.parts = append(te.parts, &testCaseComment{lineNr: section.LineNr, comment: comment})
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "/"):
name := n[0 : len(n)-1]
te.parts = append(te.parts, &testCaseFile{lineNr: section.LineNr, name: name, data: []byte(v)})
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "$"):
if currentTestRun != nil {
te.parts = append(te.parts, currentTestRun)
currentTestRun = &testCaseRun{
lineNr: section.LineNr,
testCase: te,
args: strings.TrimPrefix(n, "$"),
expectedStdout: v,
actualStdoutBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
actualStderrBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "exitcode:"):
currentTestRun.expectedExitCode, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(n, "exitcode:")))
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "stdin"):
currentTestRun.stdin = v
case strings.HasPrefix(n, "stderr"):
currentTestRun.expectedStderr = v
case strings.Contains(n, promptEnd): // TODO: better
i := strings.LastIndex(n, promptEnd)
prompt := n[0:i] + promptEnd
input := n[i+2:]
currentTestRun.readlines = append(currentTestRun.readlines, testCaseReadline{
input: input,
expectedPrompt: prompt,
expectedStdout: v,
// TODO: hack
if strings.Contains(input, "| repl") {
if input == "^D" {
if replDepth == 0 {
te.parts = append(te.parts, currentTestRun)
currentTestRun = nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d: unexpected section %q %q", section.LineNr, n, v))
if currentTestRun != nil {
te.parts = append(te.parts, currentTestRun)
return te
// func TestParseTestCase(t *testing.T) {
// actualTestCase := parseTestCases(`
// /a:
// input content a
// $ a b
// /a:
// expected content a
// >stdout:
// expected stdout
// >stderr:
// expected stderr
// ---
// /a2:
// input content a2
// $ a2 b2
// /a2:
// expected content a2
// >stdout:
// expected stdout2
// >stderr:
// expected stderr2
// `[1:])
// expectedTestCase := []testCase{
// {
// RunArgs: []string{"a", "b"},
// Files: map[string]string{"a": "input content a\n"},
// ExpectedFiles: map[string]string{"a": "expected content a\n"},
// ExpectedStdout: "expected stdout\n",
// ExpectedStderr: "expected stderr\n",
// ActualStdoutBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
// ActualStderrBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
// ActualFiles: map[string]string{},
// },
// {
// RunArgs: []string{"a2", "b2"},
// Files: map[string]string{"a2": "input content a2\n"},
// ExpectedFiles: map[string]string{"a2": "expected content a2\n"},
// ExpectedStdout: "expected stdout2\n",
// ExpectedStderr: "expected stderr2\n",
// ActualStdoutBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
// ActualStderrBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
// ActualFiles: map[string]string{},
// },
// }
// deepequal.Error(t, "testcase", expectedTestCase, actualTestCase)
// }
func testDecodedTestCaseRun(t *testing.T, registry *registry.Registry, tcr *testCaseRun) {
q, err := interp.New(tcr, registry)
if err != nil {
err = q.Main(context.Background(), tcr.Stdout(), "dev")
if err != nil {
if ex, ok := err.(interp.Exiter); ok { //nolint:errorlint
tcr.actualExitCode = ex.ExitCode()
// cli.Command{Version: "test", OS: &te}.Run()
// deepequal.Error(t, "files", te.ExpectedFiles, te.ActualFiles)
deepequal.Error(t, "exitcode", tcr.expectedExitCode, tcr.actualExitCode)
deepequal.Error(t, "stdout", tcr.ToExpectedStdout(), tcr.actualStdoutBuf.String())
deepequal.Error(t, "stderr", tcr.ToExpectedStderr(), tcr.actualStderrBuf.String())
func TestPath(t *testing.T, registry *registry.Registry) {
tcs := []*testCase{}
err := filepath.Walk(".", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if filepath.Ext(path) != ".fqtest" {
return nil
t.Run(path, func(t *testing.T) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
tc := parseTestCases(string(b))
tcs = append(tcs, tc)
tc.path = path
for _, p := range tc.parts {
tcr, ok := p.(*testCaseRun)
if !ok {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(tcr.lineNr)+":"+tcr.args, func(t *testing.T) {
testDecodedTestCaseRun(t, registry, tcr)
tc.wasTested = true
return nil
if err != nil {
if v := os.Getenv("WRITE_ACTUAL"); v != "" {
for _, tc := range tcs {
if !tc.wasTested {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tc.path, []byte(tc.ToActual()), 0644); err != nil { //nolint:gosec