mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-25 22:34:14 +03:00
2022-08-19 18:47:50 +09:00

51 lines
5.2 KiB

$ fq -d wasm dv const-3.wasm
|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f|0123456789abcdef|.{}: const-3.wasm (wasm) 0x0-0x22.7 (35)
0x00|00 61 73 6d |.asm | magic: raw bits (valid) 0x0-0x3.7 (4)
0x00| 01 00 00 00 | .... | version: 1 0x4-0x7.7 (4)
| | | sections[0:3]: 0x8-0x22.7 (27)
| | | [0]{}: section 0x8-0xd.7 (6)
0x00| 01 | . | id: "type_section" (1) 0x8-0x8.7 (1)
0x00| 04 | . | size: 4 0x9-0x9.7 (1)
| | | content{}: 0xa-0xd.7 (4)
| | | ft{}: 0xa-0xd.7 (4)
0x00| 01 | . | n: 1 0xa-0xa.7 (1)
| | | x[0:1]: 0xb-0xd.7 (3)
| | | [0]{}: ft 0xb-0xd.7 (3)
0x00| 60 | ` | tag: 0x60 (valid) 0xb-0xb.7 (1)
| | | rt1{}: 0xc-0xc.7 (1)
0x00| 00 | . | n: 0 0xc-0xc.7 (1)
| | | x[0:0]: 0xd-NA (0)
| | | rt2{}: 0xd-0xd.7 (1)
0x00| 00 | . | n: 0 0xd-0xd.7 (1)
| | | x[0:0]: 0xe-NA (0)
| | | [1]{}: section 0xe-0x11.7 (4)
0x00| 03 | . | id: "function_section" (3) 0xe-0xe.7 (1)
0x00| 02| .| size: 2 0xf-0xf.7 (1)
| | | content{}: 0x10-0x11.7 (2)
| | | x{}: 0x10-0x11.7 (2)
0x10|01 |. | n: 1 0x10-0x10.7 (1)
| | | x[0:1]: 0x11-0x11.7 (1)
0x10| 00 | . | [0]: 0 x 0x11-0x11.7 (1)
| | | [2]{}: section 0x12-0x22.7 (17)
0x10| 0a | . | id: "code_section" (10) 0x12-0x12.7 (1)
0x10| 0f | . | size: 15 0x13-0x13.7 (1)
| | | content{}: 0x14-0x22.7 (15)
| | | code{}: 0x14-0x22.7 (15)
0x10| 01 | . | n: 1 0x14-0x14.7 (1)
| | | x[0:1]: 0x15-0x22.7 (14)
| | | [0]{}: code 0x15-0x22.7 (14)
0x10| 0d | . | size: 13 0x15-0x15.7 (1)
| | | code{}: 0x16-0x22.7 (13)
| | | t{}: 0x16-0x16.7 (1)
0x10| 00 | . | n: 0 0x16-0x16.7 (1)
| | | x[0:0]: 0x17-NA (0)
| | | e[0:3]: 0x17-0x22.7 (12)
| | | [0]{}: in 0x17-0x20.7 (10)
0x10| 42 | B | opcode: "i64.const" (0x42) (valid) 0x17-0x17.7 (1)
0x10| ef f9 be ef 9a f1 d9 92| ........| n: 82586009202572527 0x18-0x20.7 (9)
0x20|01 |. |
| | | [1]{}: in 0x21-0x21.7 (1)
0x20| 1a | . | opcode: "drop" (0x1a) (valid) 0x21-0x21.7 (1)
| | | [2]{}: in 0x22-0x22.7 (1)
0x20| 0b| | .| | opcode: "end" (0xb) (valid) 0x22-0x22.7 (1)