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2021-09-12 13:08:50 +02:00

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package mp4
// Tries to decode both ISOBMFF and quicktime
// Uses naming from ISOBMFF when possible
// ISO/IEC 14496-12
// Quicktime file format https://developer.apple.com/standards/qtff-2001.pdf
// FLAC in ISOBMFF https://github.com/xiph/flac/blob/master/doc/isoflac.txt
// https://www.webmproject.org/vp9/mp4/
// TODO: validate structure better? trak/stco etc
// TODO: fmp4, default samples sizes etc
// TODO: keep track of structure somehow to detect errors
// TODO: ISO-14496 says mp4 mdat can begin and end with original header/trailer (no used i guess?)
// TODO: more metadata
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH1-SW43
// TODO: split into mov and mp4 decoder?
// TODO: split into mp4_box decoder? needs complex in/out args?
// TODO: fragmented: tracks per fragment? fragment_index in samples?
// TODO: better probe, find first 2 boxes, should be free,ftyp or mdat?
// TODO: mime
import (
//go:embed *.jq
var mp4FS embed.FS
var aacFrameFormat []*decode.Format
var av1CCRFormat []*decode.Format
var av1FrameFormat []*decode.Format
var flacFrameFormat []*decode.Format
var flacMetadatablockFormat []*decode.Format
var id3v2Format []*decode.Format
var imageFormat []*decode.Format
var jpegFormat []*decode.Format
var mp3FrameFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegAVCAUFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegAVCDCRFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegESFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegHEVCDCRFrameFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegHEVCSampleFormat []*decode.Format
var mpegPESPacketSampleFormat []*decode.Format
var opusPacketFrameFormat []*decode.Format
var protoBufWidevineFormat []*decode.Format
var vorbisPacketFormat []*decode.Format
var vp9FrameFormat []*decode.Format
var vpxCCRFormat []*decode.Format
func init() {
Name: format.MP4,
Description: "MPEG-4 file and similar",
Groups: []string{format.PROBE},
DecodeFn: mp4Decode,
Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{
{Names: []string{format.AAC_FRAME}, Formats: &aacFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AV1_CCR}, Formats: &av1CCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AV1_FRAME}, Formats: &av1FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.FLAC_FRAME}, Formats: &flacFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.FLAC_METADATABLOCK}, Formats: &flacMetadatablockFormat},
{Names: []string{format.ID3V2}, Formats: &id3v2Format},
{Names: []string{format.IMAGE}, Formats: &imageFormat},
{Names: []string{format.JPEG}, Formats: &jpegFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MP3_FRAME}, Formats: &mp3FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AVC_AU}, Formats: &mpegAVCAUFormat},
{Names: []string{format.AVC_DCR}, Formats: &mpegAVCDCRFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MPEG_ES}, Formats: &mpegESFormat},
{Names: []string{format.HEVC_AU}, Formats: &mpegHEVCSampleFormat},
{Names: []string{format.HEVC_DCR}, Formats: &mpegHEVCDCRFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.MPEG_PES_PACKET}, Formats: &mpegPESPacketSampleFormat},
{Names: []string{format.OPUS_PACKET}, Formats: &opusPacketFrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.PROTOBUF_WIDEVINE}, Formats: &protoBufWidevineFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VORBIS_PACKET}, Formats: &vorbisPacketFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VP9_FRAME}, Formats: &vp9FrameFormat},
{Names: []string{format.VPX_CCR}, Formats: &vpxCCRFormat},
FS: mp4FS,
type stsc struct {
firstChunk uint32
samplesPerChunk uint32
type moof struct {
offset int64
defaultSampleSize uint32
defaultSampleDescriptionIndex uint32
dataOffset uint32
samplesSizes []uint32
type sampleDescription struct {
dataFormat string
type track struct {
id uint32
sampleDescriptions []sampleDescription
subType string
stco []uint64 //
stsc []stsc
stsz []uint32
decodeOpts []decode.Options
objectType int // if data format is "mp4a"
moofs []*moof // for fmp4
currentMoof *moof
type decodeContext struct {
path []string
tracks map[uint32]*track
currentTrack *track
currentMoofOffset int64
func isParent(ctx *decodeContext, typ string) bool {
return len(ctx.path) >= 2 && ctx.path[len(ctx.path)-2] == typ
func mp4Decode(d *decode.D, in interface{}) interface{} {
ctx := &decodeContext{
tracks: map[uint32]*track{},
// TODO: nicer, validate functions without field?
size := d.U32()
if size < 8 {
d.Invalid("first box size too small < 8")
firstType := d.UTF8(4)
switch firstType {
case "styp", "ftyp", "free", "moov":
d.Invalid("no styp, ftyp, free or moov box found")
d.SeekRel(-8 * 8)
decodeBoxes(ctx, d)
// keep track order stable
var sortedTracks []*track
for _, t := range ctx.tracks {
sortedTracks = append(sortedTracks, t)
sort.Slice(sortedTracks, func(i, j int) bool { return sortedTracks[i].id < sortedTracks[j].id })
d.FieldArrayFn("tracks", func(d *decode.D) {
for _, t := range sortedTracks {
decodeSampleRange := func(d *decode.D, t *track, dataFormat string, name string, firstBit int64, nBits int64, opts ...decode.Options) {
switch dataFormat {
case "fLaC":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, flacFrameFormat, opts...)
case "Opus":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, opusPacketFrameFormat, opts...)
case "vp09":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, vp9FrameFormat, opts...)
case "avc1":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, mpegAVCAUFormat, opts...)
case "hev1", "hvc1":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, mpegHEVCSampleFormat, opts...)
case "av01":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, av1FrameFormat, opts...)
case "mp4a":
switch t.objectType {
case format.MPEGObjectTypeMP3:
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, mp3FrameFormat, opts...)
case format.MPEGObjectTypeAAC:
// TODO: MPEGObjectTypeAACLow, Main etc?
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, aacFrameFormat, opts...)
case format.MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS:
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, vorbisPacketFormat, opts...)
d.FieldBitBufRange(name, firstBit, nBits)
case "mp4v":
switch t.objectType {
case format.MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain:
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, mpegPESPacketSampleFormat, opts...)
case format.MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG:
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, jpegFormat, opts...)
d.FieldBitBufRange(name, firstBit, nBits)
case "jpeg":
d.FieldFormatRange(name, firstBit, nBits, jpegFormat, opts...)
d.FieldBitBufRange(name, firstBit, nBits)
d.FieldStructFn("track", func(d *decode.D) {
// TODO: handle progressive/fragmented mp4 differently somehow?
if t.moofs == nil && len(t.sampleDescriptions) > 0 {
d.FieldStrFn("data_format", func() (string, string) { return t.sampleDescriptions[0].dataFormat, "" })
d.FieldArrayFn("samples", func(d *decode.D) {
stscIndex := 0
chunkNr := uint32(0)
sampleNr := uint64(0)
for sampleNr < uint64(len(t.stsz)) {
if stscIndex >= len(t.stsc) {
// TODO: add warning
stscEntry := t.stsc[stscIndex]
if int(chunkNr) >= len(t.stco) {
// TODO: add warning
sampleOffset := t.stco[chunkNr]
for i := uint32(0); i < stscEntry.samplesPerChunk; i++ {
if int(sampleNr) >= len(t.stsz) {
// TODO: add warning
sampleSize := t.stsz[sampleNr]
dataFormat := "unknown"
if len(t.sampleDescriptions) > 0 {
dataFormat = t.sampleDescriptions[0].dataFormat
decodeSampleRange(d, t, dataFormat, "sample", int64(sampleOffset)*8, int64(sampleSize)*8, t.decodeOpts...)
// log.Printf("%s %d/%d %d/%d sample=%d/%d chunk=%d size=%d %d-%d\n", t.dataFormat, stscIndex, len(t.stsc), i, stscEntry.samplesPerChunk, sampleNr, len(t.stsz), chunkNr, sampleSize, sampleOffset, sampleOffset+uint64(sampleSize))
sampleOffset += uint64(sampleSize)
if stscIndex < len(t.stsc)-1 && chunkNr >= t.stsc[stscIndex+1].firstChunk-1 {
for _, m := range t.moofs {
sampleOffset := m.offset + int64(m.dataOffset)
for _, sz := range m.samplesSizes {
// log.Printf("moof sample %s %d-%d\n", t.dataFormat, sampleOffset, int64(sz))
dataFormat := "unknown"
if len(t.sampleDescriptions) > 0 {
dataFormat = t.sampleDescriptions[0].dataFormat
if m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex != 0 && int(m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex-1) < len(t.sampleDescriptions) {
dataFormat = t.sampleDescriptions[m.defaultSampleDescriptionIndex-1].dataFormat
// log.Printf("moof %#+v dataFormat: %#+v\n", m, dataFormat)
decodeSampleRange(d, t, dataFormat, "sample", sampleOffset*8, int64(sz)*8, t.decodeOpts...)
sampleOffset += int64(sz)
return nil