mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2025-01-06 05:07:00 +03:00
Mattias Wadman 913f5780f4 columnwriter,dump: Add Column interface and refactor into BarColumn and MultiLineColumn
This removes bar column drawing responsility from already complicated dump code.

Start of dump code refactor that will enable configurable columns and proper column truncate/wrap.
2022-08-24 21:48:56 +02:00

430 lines
12 KiB

package interp
import (
// TODO: refactor this
// move more things to jq?
// select columns?
// smart line wrap instead of truncate?
// binary/octal/... dump?
// 0 12 34 56
// addr|hexdump|ascii|field
const (
colAddr = 0
colHex = 2
colASCII = 4
colField = 6
const rootIndentWidth = 2
const treeIndentWidth = 2
func isCompound(v *decode.Value) bool {
switch v.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
return true
return false
type dumpCtx struct {
opts Options
buf []byte
cw *columnwriter.Writer
hexHeader string
asciiHeader string
func indentStr(n int) string {
const spaces = " "
for n > len(spaces) {
return strings.Repeat(" ", n)
return spaces[0:n]
func dumpEx(v *decode.Value, ctx *dumpCtx, depth int, rootV *decode.Value, rootDepth int, addrWidth int) error {
opts := ctx.opts
cw := ctx.cw
buf := ctx.buf
deco := ctx.opts.Decorator
// no error check as we write into buffering column
// we check for err later for Flush()
cprint := func(c int, a ...any) {
fmt.Fprint(cw.Columns[c], a...)
cfmt := func(c int, format string, a ...any) {
fmt.Fprintf(cw.Columns[c], format, a...)
isInArray := false
inArrayLen := 0
if v.Parent != nil {
if dc, ok := v.Parent.V.(*decode.Compound); ok {
isInArray = dc.IsArray
inArrayLen = len(dc.Children)
nameV := v
name := nameV.Name
if isInArray {
nameV = v.Parent
name = ""
if depth == 0 {
name = valuePathExprDecorated(nameV, deco)
} else {
name = deco.ObjectKey.Wrap(name)
rootIndent := indentStr(rootIndentWidth * rootDepth)
indent := indentStr(treeIndentWidth * depth)
if opts.ArrayTruncate != 0 && depth != 0 && isInArray && v.Index >= opts.ArrayTruncate {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s%s:%s%s: ...",
return decode.ErrWalkBreak
innerRange := v.InnerRange()
willDisplayData := innerRange.Len > 0 && (!isCompound(v) || (opts.Depth != 0 && opts.Depth == depth))
// show address bar on root, nested root and format change
if depth == 0 || v.IsRoot || v.Format != nil {
cfmt(colHex, "%s", deco.DumpHeader.F(ctx.hexHeader))
cfmt(colASCII, "%s", deco.DumpHeader.F(ctx.asciiHeader))
if willDisplayData {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s", indent, name)
if isInArray {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(v.Index)), deco.Index.F("]"))
var valueErr error
// TODO: cleanup map[string]any []any or json format
// dump should use some internal interface instead?
switch vv := v.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
if vv.IsArray {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s:%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F("0"), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(len(vv.Children))), deco.Index.F("]"))
} else {
cfmt(colField, "%s", deco.Object.F("{}"))
cprint(colField, ":")
if isInArray {
cfmt(colField, " %s", v.Name)
if vv.Description != "" {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.Value.F(vv.Description))
case *scalar.S:
switch av := vv.Actual.(type) {
case map[string]any:
cfmt(colField, ": %s", deco.Object.F("{}"))
case []any:
// TODO: format?
cfmt(colField, ": %s%s:%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F("0"), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(len(av))), deco.Index.F("]"))
cprint(colField, ":")
if vv.Sym == nil {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.ValueColor(vv.Actual).F(previewValue(vv.Actual, vv.ActualDisplay)))
} else {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.ValueColor(vv.Sym).F(previewValue(vv.Sym, vv.SymDisplay)))
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.ValueColor(vv.Actual).F(previewValue(vv.Actual, vv.ActualDisplay)))
if opts.Verbose && isInArray {
cfmt(colField, " %s", v.Name)
if vv.Description != "" {
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.Value.F(vv.Description))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable vv %#+v", vv))
if v.Format != nil {
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.Value.F(v.Format.Name))
valueErr = v.Err
if opts.Verbose {
cfmt(colField, " %s (%s)",
mathex.BitRange(innerRange).StringByteBits(opts.Addrbase), mathex.Bits(innerRange.Len).StringByteBits(opts.Sizebase))
cprint(colField, "\n")
if valueErr != nil {
var printErrs func(depth int, err error)
printErrs = func(depth int, err error) {
indent := indentStr(treeIndentWidth * depth)
var formatErr decode.FormatError
var decodeFormatsErr decode.FormatsError
switch {
case errors.As(err, &formatErr):
cfmt(colField, "%s %s: %s: %s\n", indent, deco.Error.F("error"), formatErr.Format.Name, formatErr.Err.Error())
if opts.Verbose {
for _, f := range formatErr.Stacktrace.Frames() {
cfmt(colField, "%s %s\n", indent, f.Function)
cfmt(colField, "%s %s:%d\n", indent, f.File, f.Line)
switch {
case errors.Is(formatErr.Err, decode.FormatsError{}):
printErrs(depth+1, formatErr.Err)
case errors.As(err, &decodeFormatsErr):
cfmt(colField, "%s %s\n", indent, err)
for _, e := range decodeFormatsErr.Errs {
printErrs(depth+1, e)
cfmt(colField, "%s!%s\n", indent, deco.Error.F(err.Error()))
printErrs(depth, valueErr)
rootBitLen, err := bitioex.Len(rootV.RootReader)
if err != nil {
return err
bufferLastBit := rootBitLen - 1
startBit := innerRange.Start
stopBit := innerRange.Stop() - 1
sizeBits := innerRange.Len
lastDisplayBit := stopBit
if opts.DisplayBytes > 0 && sizeBits > int64(opts.DisplayBytes)*8 {
lastDisplayBit = startBit + (int64(opts.DisplayBytes)*8 - 1)
if lastDisplayBit%(int64(opts.LineBytes)*8) != 0 {
lastDisplayBit += (int64(opts.LineBytes) * 8) - lastDisplayBit%(int64(opts.LineBytes)*8) - 1
if lastDisplayBit > stopBit || stopBit-lastDisplayBit <= int64(opts.LineBytes)*8 {
lastDisplayBit = stopBit
bufferLastByte := bufferLastBit / 8
startByte := startBit / 8
stopByte := stopBit / 8
lastDisplayByte := lastDisplayBit / 8
displaySizeBytes := lastDisplayByte - startByte + 1
displaySizeBits := displaySizeBytes * 8
maxDisplaySizeBits := bufferLastBit - startByte*8 + 1
if sizeBits == 0 {
displaySizeBits = 0
if displaySizeBits > maxDisplaySizeBits {
displaySizeBits = maxDisplaySizeBits
startLine := startByte / int64(opts.LineBytes)
startLineByteOffset := startByte % int64(opts.LineBytes)
startLineByte := startLine * int64(opts.LineBytes)
lastDisplayLine := lastDisplayByte / int64(opts.LineBytes)
// has length and is not compound or a collapsed struct/array (max depth)
if willDisplayData {
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n",
rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F(mathex.PadFormatInt(startLineByte, opts.Addrbase, true, addrWidth)))
vBR, err := bitioex.Range(rootV.RootReader, startByte*8, displaySizeBits)
if err != nil {
return err
addrLines := lastDisplayLine - startLine + 1
hexpairFn := func(b byte) string { return deco.ByteColor(b).Wrap(hexpairwriter.Pair(b)) }
asciiFn := func(b byte) string { return deco.ByteColor(b).Wrap(asciiwriter.SafeASCII(b)) }
hexBR, err := bitio.CloneReadSeeker(vBR)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := bitioex.CopyBitsBuffer(
hexpairwriter.New(cw.Columns[colHex], opts.LineBytes, int(startLineByteOffset), hexpairFn),
buf); err != nil {
return err
asciiBR, err := bitio.CloneReadSeeker(vBR)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := bitioex.CopyBitsBuffer(
asciiwriter.New(cw.Columns[colASCII], opts.LineBytes, int(startLineByteOffset), asciiFn),
buf); err != nil {
return err
for i := int64(1); i < addrLines; i++ {
lineStartByte := startLineByte + i*int64(opts.LineBytes)
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n", rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F(mathex.PadFormatInt(lineStartByte, opts.Addrbase, true, addrWidth)))
// TODO: correct? should rethink columnwriter api maybe?
lastLineStopByte := startLineByte + addrLines*int64(opts.LineBytes) - 1
if lastDisplayByte == bufferLastByte && lastDisplayByte != lastLineStopByte {
// extra "|" as end markers
cfmt(colHex, "%s\n", deco.Column)
cfmt(colASCII, "%s\n", deco.Column)
if stopByte != lastDisplayByte {
isEnd := ""
if stopBit == bufferLastBit {
isEnd = " (end)"
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n", rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F("*"))
cprint(colHex, "\n")
// TODO: truncate if display_bytes is small?
cfmt(colHex, "until %s%s (%s)",
mathex.PadFormatInt(bitio.BitsByteCount(sizeBits), opts.Sizebase, true, 0))
// TODO: dump last line?
if err := cw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func dump(v *decode.Value, w io.Writer, opts Options) error {
maxAddrIndentWidth := 0
makeWalkFn := func(fn decode.WalkFn) decode.WalkFn {
return func(v *decode.Value, rootV *decode.Value, depth int, rootDepth int) error {
if opts.Depth != 0 && depth > opts.Depth {
return decode.ErrWalkSkipChildren
return fn(v, rootV, depth, rootDepth)
_ = v.WalkPreOrder(makeWalkFn(func(v *decode.Value, _ *decode.Value, _ int, rootDepth int) error {
maxAddrIndentWidth = mathex.Max(
rootIndentWidth*rootDepth+mathex.DigitsInBase(bitio.BitsByteCount(v.InnerRange().Stop()), true, opts.Addrbase),
return nil
var displayLenFn func(s string) int
var displayTruncateFn func(s string, start, stop int) string
if opts.Color {
displayLenFn = ansi.Len
displayTruncateFn = ansi.Slice
addrColumnWidth := maxAddrIndentWidth
hexColumnWidth := opts.LineBytes*3 - 1
asciiColumnWidth := opts.LineBytes
treeColumnWidth := -1
// TODO: set with and truncate/wrap properly
// if opts.Width != 0 {
// treeColumnWidth = mathex.Max(0, opts.Width-(addrColumnWidth+hexColumnWidth+asciiColumnWidth+3 /* bars */))
// }
cw := columnwriter.New(
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: addrColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: hexColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: asciiColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: treeColumnWidth, Wrap: false, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
buf := make([]byte, 32*1024)
var hexHeader string
var asciiHeader string
for i := 0; i < opts.LineBytes; i++ {
s := mathex.PadFormatInt(int64(i), opts.Addrbase, false, 2)
hexHeader += s
if i < opts.LineBytes-1 {
hexHeader += " "
asciiHeader += s[len(s)-1:]
ctx := &dumpCtx{
opts: opts,
buf: buf,
cw: cw,
hexHeader: hexHeader,
asciiHeader: asciiHeader,
return v.WalkPreOrder(makeWalkFn(func(v *decode.Value, rootV *decode.Value, depth int, rootDepth int) error {
return dumpEx(v, ctx, depth, rootV, rootDepth, maxAddrIndentWidth-rootDepth)
func hexdump(w io.Writer, bv Binary, opts Options) error {
br, err := bitioex.Range(bv.br, bv.r.Start, bv.r.Len)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: hack
opts.Verbose = true
return dump(
// TODO: hack
V: &scalar.S{Actual: br},
Range: bv.r,
RootReader: bv.br,