mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 05:07:00 +03:00
This removes bar column drawing responsility from already complicated dump code. Start of dump code refactor that will enable configurable columns and proper column truncate/wrap.
430 lines
12 KiB
430 lines
12 KiB
package interp
import (
// TODO: refactor this
// move more things to jq?
// select columns?
// smart line wrap instead of truncate?
// binary/octal/... dump?
// 0 12 34 56
// addr|hexdump|ascii|field
const (
colAddr = 0
colHex = 2
colASCII = 4
colField = 6
const rootIndentWidth = 2
const treeIndentWidth = 2
func isCompound(v *decode.Value) bool {
switch v.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
return true
return false
type dumpCtx struct {
opts Options
buf []byte
cw *columnwriter.Writer
hexHeader string
asciiHeader string
func indentStr(n int) string {
const spaces = " "
for n > len(spaces) {
return strings.Repeat(" ", n)
return spaces[0:n]
func dumpEx(v *decode.Value, ctx *dumpCtx, depth int, rootV *decode.Value, rootDepth int, addrWidth int) error {
opts := ctx.opts
cw := ctx.cw
buf := ctx.buf
deco := ctx.opts.Decorator
// no error check as we write into buffering column
// we check for err later for Flush()
cprint := func(c int, a ...any) {
fmt.Fprint(cw.Columns[c], a...)
cfmt := func(c int, format string, a ...any) {
fmt.Fprintf(cw.Columns[c], format, a...)
isInArray := false
inArrayLen := 0
if v.Parent != nil {
if dc, ok := v.Parent.V.(*decode.Compound); ok {
isInArray = dc.IsArray
inArrayLen = len(dc.Children)
nameV := v
name := nameV.Name
if isInArray {
nameV = v.Parent
name = ""
if depth == 0 {
name = valuePathExprDecorated(nameV, deco)
} else {
name = deco.ObjectKey.Wrap(name)
rootIndent := indentStr(rootIndentWidth * rootDepth)
indent := indentStr(treeIndentWidth * depth)
if opts.ArrayTruncate != 0 && depth != 0 && isInArray && v.Index >= opts.ArrayTruncate {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s%s:%s%s: ...",
return decode.ErrWalkBreak
innerRange := v.InnerRange()
willDisplayData := innerRange.Len > 0 && (!isCompound(v) || (opts.Depth != 0 && opts.Depth == depth))
// show address bar on root, nested root and format change
if depth == 0 || v.IsRoot || v.Format != nil {
cfmt(colHex, "%s", deco.DumpHeader.F(ctx.hexHeader))
cfmt(colASCII, "%s", deco.DumpHeader.F(ctx.asciiHeader))
if willDisplayData {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s", indent, name)
if isInArray {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(v.Index)), deco.Index.F("]"))
var valueErr error
// TODO: cleanup map[string]any []any or json format
// dump should use some internal interface instead?
switch vv := v.V.(type) {
case *decode.Compound:
if vv.IsArray {
cfmt(colField, "%s%s:%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F("0"), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(len(vv.Children))), deco.Index.F("]"))
} else {
cfmt(colField, "%s", deco.Object.F("{}"))
cprint(colField, ":")
if isInArray {
cfmt(colField, " %s", v.Name)
if vv.Description != "" {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.Value.F(vv.Description))
case *scalar.S:
switch av := vv.Actual.(type) {
case map[string]any:
cfmt(colField, ": %s", deco.Object.F("{}"))
case []any:
// TODO: format?
cfmt(colField, ": %s%s:%s%s", deco.Index.F("["), deco.Number.F("0"), deco.Number.F(strconv.Itoa(len(av))), deco.Index.F("]"))
cprint(colField, ":")
if vv.Sym == nil {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.ValueColor(vv.Actual).F(previewValue(vv.Actual, vv.ActualDisplay)))
} else {
cfmt(colField, " %s", deco.ValueColor(vv.Sym).F(previewValue(vv.Sym, vv.SymDisplay)))
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.ValueColor(vv.Actual).F(previewValue(vv.Actual, vv.ActualDisplay)))
if opts.Verbose && isInArray {
cfmt(colField, " %s", v.Name)
if vv.Description != "" {
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.Value.F(vv.Description))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unreachable vv %#+v", vv))
if v.Format != nil {
cfmt(colField, " (%s)", deco.Value.F(v.Format.Name))
valueErr = v.Err
if opts.Verbose {
cfmt(colField, " %s (%s)",
mathex.BitRange(innerRange).StringByteBits(opts.Addrbase), mathex.Bits(innerRange.Len).StringByteBits(opts.Sizebase))
cprint(colField, "\n")
if valueErr != nil {
var printErrs func(depth int, err error)
printErrs = func(depth int, err error) {
indent := indentStr(treeIndentWidth * depth)
var formatErr decode.FormatError
var decodeFormatsErr decode.FormatsError
switch {
case errors.As(err, &formatErr):
cfmt(colField, "%s %s: %s: %s\n", indent, deco.Error.F("error"), formatErr.Format.Name, formatErr.Err.Error())
if opts.Verbose {
for _, f := range formatErr.Stacktrace.Frames() {
cfmt(colField, "%s %s\n", indent, f.Function)
cfmt(colField, "%s %s:%d\n", indent, f.File, f.Line)
switch {
case errors.Is(formatErr.Err, decode.FormatsError{}):
printErrs(depth+1, formatErr.Err)
case errors.As(err, &decodeFormatsErr):
cfmt(colField, "%s %s\n", indent, err)
for _, e := range decodeFormatsErr.Errs {
printErrs(depth+1, e)
cfmt(colField, "%s!%s\n", indent, deco.Error.F(err.Error()))
printErrs(depth, valueErr)
rootBitLen, err := bitioex.Len(rootV.RootReader)
if err != nil {
return err
bufferLastBit := rootBitLen - 1
startBit := innerRange.Start
stopBit := innerRange.Stop() - 1
sizeBits := innerRange.Len
lastDisplayBit := stopBit
if opts.DisplayBytes > 0 && sizeBits > int64(opts.DisplayBytes)*8 {
lastDisplayBit = startBit + (int64(opts.DisplayBytes)*8 - 1)
if lastDisplayBit%(int64(opts.LineBytes)*8) != 0 {
lastDisplayBit += (int64(opts.LineBytes) * 8) - lastDisplayBit%(int64(opts.LineBytes)*8) - 1
if lastDisplayBit > stopBit || stopBit-lastDisplayBit <= int64(opts.LineBytes)*8 {
lastDisplayBit = stopBit
bufferLastByte := bufferLastBit / 8
startByte := startBit / 8
stopByte := stopBit / 8
lastDisplayByte := lastDisplayBit / 8
displaySizeBytes := lastDisplayByte - startByte + 1
displaySizeBits := displaySizeBytes * 8
maxDisplaySizeBits := bufferLastBit - startByte*8 + 1
if sizeBits == 0 {
displaySizeBits = 0
if displaySizeBits > maxDisplaySizeBits {
displaySizeBits = maxDisplaySizeBits
startLine := startByte / int64(opts.LineBytes)
startLineByteOffset := startByte % int64(opts.LineBytes)
startLineByte := startLine * int64(opts.LineBytes)
lastDisplayLine := lastDisplayByte / int64(opts.LineBytes)
// has length and is not compound or a collapsed struct/array (max depth)
if willDisplayData {
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n",
rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F(mathex.PadFormatInt(startLineByte, opts.Addrbase, true, addrWidth)))
vBR, err := bitioex.Range(rootV.RootReader, startByte*8, displaySizeBits)
if err != nil {
return err
addrLines := lastDisplayLine - startLine + 1
hexpairFn := func(b byte) string { return deco.ByteColor(b).Wrap(hexpairwriter.Pair(b)) }
asciiFn := func(b byte) string { return deco.ByteColor(b).Wrap(asciiwriter.SafeASCII(b)) }
hexBR, err := bitio.CloneReadSeeker(vBR)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := bitioex.CopyBitsBuffer(
hexpairwriter.New(cw.Columns[colHex], opts.LineBytes, int(startLineByteOffset), hexpairFn),
buf); err != nil {
return err
asciiBR, err := bitio.CloneReadSeeker(vBR)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := bitioex.CopyBitsBuffer(
asciiwriter.New(cw.Columns[colASCII], opts.LineBytes, int(startLineByteOffset), asciiFn),
buf); err != nil {
return err
for i := int64(1); i < addrLines; i++ {
lineStartByte := startLineByte + i*int64(opts.LineBytes)
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n", rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F(mathex.PadFormatInt(lineStartByte, opts.Addrbase, true, addrWidth)))
// TODO: correct? should rethink columnwriter api maybe?
lastLineStopByte := startLineByte + addrLines*int64(opts.LineBytes) - 1
if lastDisplayByte == bufferLastByte && lastDisplayByte != lastLineStopByte {
// extra "|" as end markers
cfmt(colHex, "%s\n", deco.Column)
cfmt(colASCII, "%s\n", deco.Column)
if stopByte != lastDisplayByte {
isEnd := ""
if stopBit == bufferLastBit {
isEnd = " (end)"
cfmt(colAddr, "%s%s\n", rootIndent, deco.DumpAddr.F("*"))
cprint(colHex, "\n")
// TODO: truncate if display_bytes is small?
cfmt(colHex, "until %s%s (%s)",
mathex.PadFormatInt(bitio.BitsByteCount(sizeBits), opts.Sizebase, true, 0))
// TODO: dump last line?
if err := cw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func dump(v *decode.Value, w io.Writer, opts Options) error {
maxAddrIndentWidth := 0
makeWalkFn := func(fn decode.WalkFn) decode.WalkFn {
return func(v *decode.Value, rootV *decode.Value, depth int, rootDepth int) error {
if opts.Depth != 0 && depth > opts.Depth {
return decode.ErrWalkSkipChildren
return fn(v, rootV, depth, rootDepth)
_ = v.WalkPreOrder(makeWalkFn(func(v *decode.Value, _ *decode.Value, _ int, rootDepth int) error {
maxAddrIndentWidth = mathex.Max(
rootIndentWidth*rootDepth+mathex.DigitsInBase(bitio.BitsByteCount(v.InnerRange().Stop()), true, opts.Addrbase),
return nil
var displayLenFn func(s string) int
var displayTruncateFn func(s string, start, stop int) string
if opts.Color {
displayLenFn = ansi.Len
displayTruncateFn = ansi.Slice
addrColumnWidth := maxAddrIndentWidth
hexColumnWidth := opts.LineBytes*3 - 1
asciiColumnWidth := opts.LineBytes
treeColumnWidth := -1
// TODO: set with and truncate/wrap properly
// if opts.Width != 0 {
// treeColumnWidth = mathex.Max(0, opts.Width-(addrColumnWidth+hexColumnWidth+asciiColumnWidth+3 /* bars */))
// }
cw := columnwriter.New(
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: addrColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: hexColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: asciiColumnWidth, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
&columnwriter.MultiLineColumn{Width: treeColumnWidth, Wrap: false, LenFn: displayLenFn, SliceFn: displayTruncateFn},
buf := make([]byte, 32*1024)
var hexHeader string
var asciiHeader string
for i := 0; i < opts.LineBytes; i++ {
s := mathex.PadFormatInt(int64(i), opts.Addrbase, false, 2)
hexHeader += s
if i < opts.LineBytes-1 {
hexHeader += " "
asciiHeader += s[len(s)-1:]
ctx := &dumpCtx{
opts: opts,
buf: buf,
cw: cw,
hexHeader: hexHeader,
asciiHeader: asciiHeader,
return v.WalkPreOrder(makeWalkFn(func(v *decode.Value, rootV *decode.Value, depth int, rootDepth int) error {
return dumpEx(v, ctx, depth, rootV, rootDepth, maxAddrIndentWidth-rootDepth)
func hexdump(w io.Writer, bv Binary, opts Options) error {
br, err := bitioex.Range(bv.br, bv.r.Start, bv.r.Len)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: hack
opts.Verbose = true
return dump(
// TODO: hack
V: &scalar.S{Actual: br},
Range: bv.r,
RootReader: bv.br,