mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-10-27 04:09:37 +03:00
2023-08-18 07:41:17 -07:00

166 lines
5.8 KiB

$ fq -n _registry.groups.probe
$ fq --help formats
aac_frame Advanced Audio Coding frame
adts Audio Data Transport Stream
adts_frame Audio Data Transport Stream frame
aiff Audio Interchange File Format
amf0 Action Message Format 0
apev2 APEv2 metadata tag
apple_bookmark Apple BookmarkData
ar Unix archive
asn1_ber ASN1 BER (basic encoding rules, also CER and DER)
av1_ccr AV1 Codec Configuration Record
av1_frame AV1 frame
av1_obu AV1 Open Bitstream Unit
avc_annexb H.264/AVC Annex B
avc_au H.264/AVC Access Unit
avc_dcr H.264/AVC Decoder Configuration Record
avc_nalu H.264/AVC Network Access Layer Unit
avc_pps H.264/AVC Picture Parameter Set
avc_sei H.264/AVC Supplemental Enhancement Information
avc_sps H.264/AVC Sequence Parameter Set
avi Audio Video Interleaved
avro_ocf Avro object container file
bencode BitTorrent bencoding
bitcoin_blkdat Bitcoin blk.dat
bitcoin_block Bitcoin block
bitcoin_script Bitcoin script
bitcoin_transaction Bitcoin transaction
bits Raw bits
bplist Apple Binary Property List
bsd_loopback_frame BSD loopback frame
bson Binary JSON
bytes Raw bytes
bzip2 bzip2 compression
caff Live2D Cubism archive
cbor Concise Binary Object Representation
csv Comma separated values
dns DNS packet
dns_tcp DNS packet (TCP)
elf Executable and Linkable Format
ether8023_frame Ethernet 802.3 frame
exif Exchangeable Image File Format
fairplay_spc FairPlay Server Playback Context
flac Free Lossless Audio Codec file
flac_frame FLAC frame
flac_metadatablock FLAC metadatablock
flac_metadatablocks FLAC metadatablocks
flac_picture FLAC metadatablock picture
flac_streaminfo FLAC streaminfo
gif Graphics Interchange Format
gzip gzip compression
hevc_annexb H.265/HEVC Annex B
hevc_au H.265/HEVC Access Unit
hevc_dcr H.265/HEVC Decoder Configuration Record
hevc_nalu H.265/HEVC Network Access Layer Unit
hevc_pps H.265/HEVC Picture Parameter Set
hevc_sps H.265/HEVC Sequence Parameter Set
hevc_vps H.265/HEVC Video Parameter Set
html HyperText Markup Language
icc_profile International Color Consortium profile
icmp Internet Control Message Protocol
icmpv6 Internet Control Message Protocol v6
id3v1 ID3v1 metadata
id3v11 ID3v1.1 metadata
id3v2 ID3v2 metadata
ipv4_packet Internet protocol v4 packet
ipv6_packet Internet protocol v6 packet
jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group file
json JavaScript Object Notation
jsonl JavaScript Object Notation Lines
luajit LuaJIT 2.0 bytecode
macho Mach-O macOS executable
macho_fat Fat Mach-O macOS executable (multi-architecture)
markdown Markdown
matroska Matroska file
moc3 MOC3 file
mp3 MP3 file
mp3_frame MPEG audio layer 3 frame
mp3_frame_vbri MP3 frame Fraunhofer encoder variable bitrate tag
mp3_frame_xing MP3 frame Xing/Info tag
mp4 ISOBMFF, QuickTime and similar
mpeg_asc MPEG-4 Audio Specific Config
mpeg_es MPEG Elementary Stream
mpeg_pes MPEG Packetized elementary stream
mpeg_pes_packet MPEG Packetized elementary stream packet
mpeg_spu Sub Picture Unit (DVD subtitle)
mpeg_ts MPEG Transport Stream
msgpack MessagePack
ogg OGG file
ogg_page OGG page
opus_packet Opus packet
pcap PCAP packet capture
pcapng PCAPNG packet capture
pg_btree PostgreSQL btree index file
pg_control PostgreSQL control file
pg_heap PostgreSQL heap file
png Portable Network Graphics file
prores_frame Apple ProRes frame
protobuf Protobuf
protobuf_widevine Widevine protobuf
pssh_playready PlayReady PSSH
rtmp Real-Time Messaging Protocol
sll2_packet Linux cooked capture encapsulation v2
sll_packet Linux cooked capture encapsulation
tar Tar archive
tcp_segment Transmission control protocol segment
tiff Tag Image File Format
tls Transport layer security
toml Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
tzif Time Zone Information Format
udp_datagram User datagram protocol
vorbis_comment Vorbis comment
vorbis_packet Vorbis packet
vp8_frame VP8 frame
vp9_cfm VP9 Codec Feature Metadata
vp9_frame VP9 frame
vpx_ccr VPX Codec Configuration Record
wasm WebAssembly Binary Format
wav WAV file
webp WebP image
xml Extensible Markup Language
yaml YAML Ain't Markup Language
zip ZIP archive