#!/bin/bash if [ -z ${CI+x} ]; then # Local build, not in CI, format source gofmt -s -w . fi VERSION="$(git describe --tags --dirty --always)" BINARY="moar" if [ -n "${GOOS}${GOARCH}" ]; then EXE="" if [ "${GOOS}" = "windows" ]; then EXE=".exe" fi BINARY="releases/${BINARY}-${VERSION}-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}${EXE}" fi # Linker flags version number trick below from here: # https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/4cpi2y/question_where_to_keep_the_version_number_of_a_go/d1kbap7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x # Linker flags -s and -w strips debug data, but keeps whatever is needed for # proper panic backtraces, this makes binaries smaller: # https://boyter.org/posts/trimming-golang-binary-fat/ # This line must be last in the script so that its return code # propagates properly to its caller #go build -ldflags="-s -w -X main.versionString=${VERSION}" -o "${BINARY}" # Alternative build line, if you want to attach to the running process in the Go debugger: go build -ldflags="-X main.versionString=${VERSION}" -gcflags='-N -l' -o "${BINARY}"