.TH MOAR 1 2022-07-21 .SH NAME moar \- the nice pager .SH SYNOPSIS .B moar [options] .IR file .br .B "moar \-\-help" .br .B "moar \-\-version" .SH DESCRIPTION .B moar is a pager much like .I less (1), but with generally nicer out-of-the-box behavior. .PP More information and screenshots: https://github.com/walles/moar#readme .PP Inside of \fBmoar\fR, press .B ? to access the built-in help. .PP Input is expected to be (optionally compressed) UTF-8 text. Invalid / unprintable characters are by default rendered as '?'. .SH OPTIONS Multiple-choice options all have the default value listed first. .PP All of these options can be appended to the .B MOAR environment variable for persistent configuration. .PP Doing .B moar --help will also list these options. .TP \fB\-\-colors\fR={\fBauto\fR | \fB8\fR | \fB16\fR | \fB256\fR | \fB16M\fR} Size of color palette we output to the terminal .TP \fB\-\-debug\fR Print debug logs after exiting, less verbose than .B \-\-trace .TP \fB\-\-follow\fR Scrolls automatically to follow piped input, just like .B tail \-f .TP \fB\-\-no\-clear\-on\-exit\fR Retain screen contents when exiting moar .TP \fB\-\-no\-linenumbers\fR Hide line numbers on startup, press left arrow key to show .TP \fB\-\-no\-statusbar\fR Hide the status bar, toggle with .B = .TP \fB\-\-quit\-if\-one\-screen\fR Print input contents without paging if the input fits on one screen .TP \fB\-\-render\-unprintable\fR={\fBhighlight\fR | \fBwhitespace\fR} How unprintable characters are rendered .TP \fB\-\-scroll\-left\-hint\fR=string UTF-8 character indicating the view can scroll left, defaults to an inverse \fB<\fR. This can be a string containing ANSI formatting. The word .B ESC in caps will be interpreted as one escape character. Example value for faint (using ANSI SGR code 2) tilde characters: .B ESC[2m~ .TP \fB\-\-scroll\-right\-hint\fR=string UTF-8 character indicating the view can scroll right, defaults to an inverse \fB>\fR. This can be a string containing ANSI formatting. The word .B ESC in caps will be interpreted as one escape character. Example value for faint (using ANSI SGR code 2) tilde characters: .B ESC[2m~ .TP \fB\-\-shift\fR=int Arrow keys side scroll amount. Or try ALT+arrow to scroll one column at a time. .TP \fB\-\-statusbar\fR={\fBinverse\fR | \fBplain\fR | \fBbold\fR} Status bar style .TP \fB\-\-style\fR={\fBnative\fR | \fIstyle\fR} Highlighting style from https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/longer/all.html .TP \fB\-\-trace\fR Print trace logs after exiting, more verbose than .B \-\-debug .TP \fB\-\-wrap\fR Wrap long lines, toggle with .B w .TP \fB\+\1234\fR Immediately scroll to line .B 1234 .SH ENVIRONMENT Having .B PAGER=moar in your environment will make lots of different programs use .B moar as their pager. .PP Additional options are read from the .B MOAR environment variable if set, just as if those same options had been manually added to each .B moar invocation. .SH BUGS Kindly report any bugs here: https://github.com/walles/moar/issues