mirror of https://github.com/walles/moar.git synced 2024-09-11 20:17:13 +03:00

636 lines
15 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

package m
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const _TabSize = 4
const BACKSPACE = '\b'
var manPageBold = twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrBold)
var manPageUnderline = twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrUnderline)
// ESC[...m: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR
var sgrSequencePattern = regexp.MustCompile("\x1b\\[([0-9;]*m)")
// A Line represents a line of text that can / will be paged
type Line struct {
raw string
plain *string
// NewLine creates a new Line from a (potentially ANSI / man page formatted) string
func NewLine(raw string) *Line {
return &Line{
raw: raw,
plain: nil,
// Returns a representation of the string split into styled tokens. Any regexp
// matches are highlighted in inverse video. A nil regexp means no highlighting.
func (line *Line) HighlightedTokens(search *regexp.Regexp) []twin.Cell {
searchHitDelta := 0
plain := line.Plain()
matchRanges := getMatchRanges(&plain, search)
cells := cellsFromString(line.raw)
returnMe := make([]twin.Cell, 0, len(cells))
for _, token := range cells {
style := token.Style
if matchRanges.InRange(len(returnMe) + searchHitDelta) {
// Search hits in reverse video
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrReverse)
returnMe = append(returnMe, twin.Cell{
Rune: token.Rune,
Style: style,
return returnMe
// Plain returns a plain text representation of the initial string
func (line *Line) Plain() string {
if line.plain == nil {
plain := withoutFormatting(line.raw)
line.plain = &plain
return *line.plain
// SetManPageFormatFromEnv parses LESS_TERMCAP_xx environment variables and
// adapts the moar output accordingly.
func SetManPageFormatFromEnv() {
// Requested here: https://github.com/walles/moar/issues/14
lessTermcapMd := os.Getenv("LESS_TERMCAP_md")
if lessTermcapMd != "" {
manPageBold = termcapToStyle(lessTermcapMd)
lessTermcapUs := os.Getenv("LESS_TERMCAP_us")
if lessTermcapUs != "" {
manPageUnderline = termcapToStyle(lessTermcapUs)
func termcapToStyle(termcap string) twin.Style {
// Add a character to be sure we have one to take the format from
cells := cellsFromString(termcap + "x")
return cells[len(cells)-1].Style
func isPlain(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
byteAtIndex := s[i]
if byteAtIndex < 32 {
return false
if byteAtIndex > 127 {
return false
return true
func withoutFormatting(s string) string {
if isPlain(s) {
return s
stripped := strings.Builder{}
runeCount := 0
for _, styledString := range styledStringsFromString(s) {
for _, runeValue := range runesFromStyledString(styledString) {
switch runeValue {
case '\x09': // TAB
for {
stripped.WriteRune(' ')
if runeCount%_TabSize == 0 {
// We arrived at the next tab stop
case '<27>': // Go's broken-UTF8 marker
if !unicode.IsPrint(runeValue) {
return stripped.String()
// Turn a (formatted) string into a series of screen cells
func cellsFromString(s string) []twin.Cell {
var cells []twin.Cell
// Specs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#3-bit_and_4-bit
styleBrokenUtf8 := twin.StyleDefault.Background(twin.NewColor16(1)).Foreground(twin.NewColor16(7))
for _, styledString := range styledStringsFromString(s) {
for _, token := range tokensFromStyledString(styledString) {
switch token.Rune {
case '\x09': // TAB
for {
cells = append(cells, twin.Cell{
Rune: ' ',
Style: styledString.Style,
if (len(cells))%_TabSize == 0 {
// We arrived at the next tab stop
case '<27>': // Go's broken-UTF8 marker
cells = append(cells, twin.Cell{
Rune: '?',
Style: styleBrokenUtf8,
cells = append(cells, twin.Cell{
Rune: '<',
Style: styleBrokenUtf8,
if !unicode.IsPrint(token.Rune) {
cells = append(cells, twin.Cell{
Rune: '?',
Style: styleBrokenUtf8,
cells = append(cells, token)
return cells
// Consume 'x<x', where '<' is backspace and the result is a bold 'x'
func consumeBold(runes []rune, index int) (int, *twin.Cell) {
if index+2 >= len(runes) {
// Not enough runes left for a bold
return index, nil
if runes[index+1] != BACKSPACE {
// No backspace in the middle, never mind
return index, nil
if runes[index] != runes[index+2] {
// First and last rune not the same, never mind
return index, nil
// We have a match!
return index + 3, &twin.Cell{
Rune: runes[index],
Style: manPageBold,
// Consume '_<x', where '<' is backspace and the result is an underlined 'x'
func consumeUnderline(runes []rune, index int) (int, *twin.Cell) {
if index+2 >= len(runes) {
// Not enough runes left for a underline
return index, nil
if runes[index+1] != BACKSPACE {
// No backspace in the middle, never mind
return index, nil
if runes[index] != '_' {
// No underline, never mind
return index, nil
// We have a match!
return index + 3, &twin.Cell{
Rune: runes[index+2],
Style: manPageUnderline,
// Consume '+<+<o<o' / '+<o', where '<' is backspace and the result is a unicode bullet.
// Used on man pages, try "man printf" on macOS for one example.
func consumeBullet(runes []rune, index int) (int, *twin.Cell) {
patterns := [][]byte{[]byte("+\bo"), []byte("+\b+\bo\bo")}
for _, pattern := range patterns {
if index+len(pattern) > len(runes) {
// Not enough runes left for a bullet
mismatch := false
for delta, patternByte := range pattern {
if patternByte != byte(runes[index+delta]) {
// Bullet pattern mismatch, never mind
mismatch = true
if mismatch {
// We have a match!
return index + len(pattern), &twin.Cell{
Rune: '•', // Unicode bullet point
Style: twin.StyleDefault,
return index, nil
func runesFromStyledString(styledString _StyledString) string {
hasBackspace := false
for _, byteValue := range []byte(styledString.String) {
if byteValue == BACKSPACE {
hasBackspace = true
if !hasBackspace {
// Shortcut when there's no backspace based formatting to worry about
return styledString.String
// Special handling for man page formatted lines
cells := tokensFromStyledString(styledString)
returnMe := strings.Builder{}
for _, cell := range cells {
return returnMe.String()
func tokensFromStyledString(styledString _StyledString) []twin.Cell {
runes := []rune(styledString.String)
hasBackspace := false
for _, runeValue := range runes {
if runeValue == BACKSPACE {
hasBackspace = true
tokens := make([]twin.Cell, 0, len(runes))
if !hasBackspace {
// Shortcut when there's no backspace based formatting to worry about
for _, runeValue := range runes {
tokens = append(tokens, twin.Cell{
Rune: runeValue,
Style: styledString.Style,
return tokens
// Special handling for man page formatted lines
for index := 0; index < len(runes); index++ {
nextIndex, token := consumeBullet(runes, index)
if nextIndex != index {
tokens = append(tokens, *token)
index = nextIndex - 1
nextIndex, token = consumeBold(runes, index)
if nextIndex != index {
tokens = append(tokens, *token)
index = nextIndex - 1
nextIndex, token = consumeUnderline(runes, index)
if nextIndex != index {
tokens = append(tokens, *token)
index = nextIndex - 1
tokens = append(tokens, twin.Cell{
Rune: runes[index],
Style: styledString.Style,
return tokens
type _StyledString struct {
String string
Style twin.Style
func styledStringsFromString(s string) []_StyledString {
hasEsc := false
for _, currentByte := range []byte(s) {
if currentByte == '\x1b' {
hasEsc = true
if !hasEsc {
return []_StyledString{{
String: s,
Style: twin.StyleDefault,
// The rest of this function was inspired by the
// https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.Split source code
matches := sgrSequencePattern.FindAllStringIndex(s, -1)
styledStrings := make([]_StyledString, 0, len(matches)+1)
style := twin.StyleDefault
beg := 0
end := 0
for _, match := range matches {
end = match[0]
if end > beg {
// Found non-zero length string
styledStrings = append(styledStrings, _StyledString{
String: s[beg:end],
Style: style,
matchedPart := s[match[0]:match[1]]
style = updateStyle(style, matchedPart)
beg = match[1]
if end != len(s) {
styledStrings = append(styledStrings, _StyledString{
String: s[beg:],
Style: style,
return styledStrings
// updateStyle parses a string of the form "ESC[33m" into changes to style
func updateStyle(style twin.Style, escapeSequence string) twin.Style {
numbers := strings.Split(escapeSequence[2:len(escapeSequence)-1], ";")
index := 0
for index < len(numbers) {
number := numbers[index]
switch strings.TrimLeft(number, "0") {
case "":
style = twin.StyleDefault
case "1":
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrBold)
case "2":
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrDim)
case "3":
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrItalic)
case "4":
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrUnderline)
case "7":
style = style.WithAttr(twin.AttrReverse)
case "22":
style = style.WithoutAttr(twin.AttrBold).WithoutAttr(twin.AttrDim)
case "23":
style = style.WithoutAttr(twin.AttrItalic)
case "24":
style = style.WithoutAttr(twin.AttrUnderline)
case "27":
style = style.WithoutAttr(twin.AttrReverse)
// Foreground colors, https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gdamore/tcell#Color
case "30":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(0))
case "31":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(1))
case "32":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(2))
case "33":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(3))
case "34":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(4))
case "35":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(5))
case "36":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(6))
case "37":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(7))
case "38":
var err error = nil
var color *twin.Color
index, color, err = consumeCompositeColor(numbers, index-1)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Foreground: %s", err.Error())
return style
style = style.Foreground(*color)
case "39":
style = style.Foreground(twin.ColorDefault)
// Background colors, see https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gdamore/Color
case "40":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(0))
case "41":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(1))
case "42":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(2))
case "43":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(3))
case "44":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(4))
case "45":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(5))
case "46":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(6))
case "47":
style = style.Background(twin.NewColor16(7))
case "48":
var err error = nil
var color *twin.Color
index, color, err = consumeCompositeColor(numbers, index-1)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Background: %s", err.Error())
return style
style = style.Background(*color)
case "49":
style = style.Background(twin.ColorDefault)
// Bright foreground colors: see https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gdamore/Color
// After testing vs less and cat on iTerm2 3.3.9 / macOS Catalina
// 10.15.4 that's how they seem to handle this, tested with:
// * TERM=xterm-256color
// * TERM=screen-256color
case "90":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(8))
case "91":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(9))
case "92":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(10))
case "93":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(11))
case "94":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(12))
case "95":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(13))
case "96":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(14))
case "97":
style = style.Foreground(twin.NewColor16(15))
log.Warnf("Unrecognized ANSI SGR code <%s>", number)
return style
// numbers is a list of numbers from a ANSI SGR string
// index points to either 38 or 48 in that string
// This method will return:
// * The first index in the string that this function did not consume
// * A color value that can be applied to a style
func consumeCompositeColor(numbers []string, index int) (int, *twin.Color, error) {
baseIndex := index
if numbers[index] != "38" && numbers[index] != "48" {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"unknown start of color sequence <%s>, expected 38 (foreground) or 48 (background): <CSI %sm>",
strings.Join(numbers[baseIndex:], ";"))
return -1, nil, err
if index >= len(numbers) {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"incomplete color sequence: <CSI %sm>",
strings.Join(numbers[baseIndex:], ";"))
return -1, nil, err
if numbers[index] == "5" {
// Handle 8 bit color
if index >= len(numbers) {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"incomplete 8 bit color sequence: <CSI %sm>",
strings.Join(numbers[baseIndex:], ";"))
return -1, nil, err
colorNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(numbers[index])
if err != nil {
return -1, nil, err
colorValue := twin.NewColor256(uint8(colorNumber))
return index + 1, &colorValue, nil
if numbers[index] == "2" {
// Handle 24 bit color
rIndex := index + 1
gIndex := index + 2
bIndex := index + 3
if bIndex >= len(numbers) {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"incomplete 24 bit color sequence, expected N8;2;R;G;Bm: <CSI %sm>",
strings.Join(numbers[baseIndex:], ";"))
return -1, nil, err
rValueX, err := strconv.ParseInt(numbers[rIndex], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return -1, nil, err
rValue := uint8(rValueX)
gValueX, err := strconv.Atoi(numbers[gIndex])
if err != nil {
return -1, nil, err
gValue := uint8(gValueX)
bValueX, err := strconv.Atoi(numbers[bIndex])
if err != nil {
return -1, nil, err
bValue := uint8(bValueX)
colorValue := twin.NewColor24Bit(rValue, gValue, bValue)
return bIndex + 1, &colorValue, nil
err := fmt.Errorf(
"unknown color type <%s>, expected 5 (8 bit color) or 2 (24 bit color): <CSI %sm>",
strings.Join(numbers[baseIndex:], ";"))
return -1, nil, err