mirror of https://github.com/walles/moar.git synced 2024-09-11 12:15:43 +03:00
2022-08-07 15:26:14 +02:00

497 lines
11 KiB

package m
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type _PagerMode int
const (
_Viewing _PagerMode = iota
type StatusBarStyle int
const (
// How do we render unprintable characters?
type UnprintableStyle int
const (
type eventSpinnerUpdate struct {
spinner string
type eventMoreLinesAvailable struct{}
// Styling of line numbers
var _numberStyle = twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrDim)
// Pager is the main on-screen pager
type Pager struct {
reader *Reader
screen twin.Screen
quit bool
scrollPosition scrollPosition
leftColumnZeroBased int
mode _PagerMode
searchString string
searchPattern *regexp.Regexp
gotoLineString string
isShowingHelp bool
preHelpState *_PreHelpState
// NewPager shows lines by default, this field can hide them
ShowLineNumbers bool
StatusBarStyle StatusBarStyle
ShowStatusBar bool
UnprintableStyle UnprintableStyle
WrapLongLines bool
// Ref: https://github.com/walles/moar/issues/94
ScrollLeftHint twin.Cell
ScrollRightHint twin.Cell
// If true, pager will clear the screen on return. If false, pager will
// clear the last line, and show the cursor.
DeInit bool
type _PreHelpState struct {
reader *Reader
scrollPosition scrollPosition
leftColumnZeroBased int
const _EofMarkerFormat = "\x1b[7m" // Reverse video
var _HelpReader = NewReaderFromText("Help", `
Welcome to Moar, the nice pager!
* Press 'q' or ESC to quit
* Press 'w' to toggle wrapping of long lines
* Press '=' to toggle showing the status bar at the bottom
Moving around
* Arrow keys
* SPACE moves down a page
* 'g' for going to a specific line number
* Left / right can be used to hide / show line numbers
* PageUp / 'b' and PageDown / 'f'
* Home and End for start / end of the document
* < to go to the start of the document
* > / 'G' to go to the end of the document
* 'h', 'l' for left and right (as in vim)
* Half page 'u'p / 'd'own, or CTRL-u / CTRL-d
* RETURN moves down one line
* Type / to start searching, then type what you want to find
* Type RETURN to stop searching
* Find next by typing 'n' (for "next")
* Find previous by typing SHIFT-N or 'p' (for "previous")
* Search is case sensitive if it contains any UPPER CASE CHARACTERS
* Search is interpreted as a regexp if it is a valid one
Reporting bugs
File issues at https://github.com/walles/moar/issues, or post
questions to johan.walles@gmail.com.
Installing Moar as your default pager
Put the following line in your ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc:
export PAGER=moar
Source Code
Available at https://github.com/walles/moar/.
// NewPager creates a new Pager
func NewPager(r *Reader) *Pager {
var name string
if r == nil || r.name == nil || len(*r.name) == 0 {
name = "Pager"
} else {
name = "Pager " + *r.name
return &Pager{
reader: r,
quit: false,
ShowLineNumbers: true,
ShowStatusBar: true,
DeInit: true,
ScrollLeftHint: twin.NewCell('<', twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrReverse)),
ScrollRightHint: twin.NewCell('>', twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrReverse)),
scrollPosition: newScrollPosition(name),
func (p *Pager) setFooter(footer string) {
width, height := p.screen.Size()
pos := 0
var footerStyle twin.Style
if p.StatusBarStyle == STATUSBAR_STYLE_INVERSE {
footerStyle = twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrReverse)
} else if p.StatusBarStyle == STATUSBAR_STYLE_PLAIN {
footerStyle = twin.StyleDefault
} else if p.StatusBarStyle == STATUSBAR_STYLE_BOLD {
footerStyle = twin.StyleDefault.WithAttr(twin.AttrBold)
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Unrecognized footer style: ", footerStyle))
for _, token := range footer {
p.screen.SetCell(pos, height-1, twin.NewCell(token, footerStyle))
for ; pos < width; pos++ {
p.screen.SetCell(pos, height-1, twin.NewCell(' ', footerStyle))
// Quit leaves the help screen or quits the pager
func (p *Pager) Quit() {
if !p.isShowingHelp {
p.quit = true
// Reset help
p.isShowingHelp = false
p.reader = p.preHelpState.reader
p.scrollPosition = p.preHelpState.scrollPosition
p.leftColumnZeroBased = p.preHelpState.leftColumnZeroBased
p.preHelpState = nil
func (p *Pager) moveRight(delta int) {
if p.ShowLineNumbers && delta > 0 {
p.ShowLineNumbers = false
if p.leftColumnZeroBased == 0 && delta < 0 {
p.ShowLineNumbers = true
result := p.leftColumnZeroBased + delta
if result < 0 {
p.leftColumnZeroBased = 0
} else {
p.leftColumnZeroBased = result
func (p *Pager) onKey(keyCode twin.KeyCode) {
if p.mode == _Searching {
if p.mode == _GotoLine {
if p.mode != _Viewing && p.mode != _NotFound {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Unhandled mode: ", p.mode))
// Reset the not-found marker on non-search keypresses
p.mode = _Viewing
switch keyCode {
case twin.KeyEscape:
case twin.KeyUp:
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(1)
case twin.KeyDown, twin.KeyEnter:
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(1)
case twin.KeyRight:
case twin.KeyLeft:
case twin.KeyHome:
p.scrollPosition = newScrollPosition("Pager scroll position")
case twin.KeyEnd:
case twin.KeyPgDown:
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(height - 1)
case twin.KeyPgUp:
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(height - 1)
log.Debugf("Unhandled key event %v", keyCode)
func (p *Pager) onRune(char rune) {
if p.mode == _Searching {
if p.mode == _GotoLine {
if p.mode != _Viewing && p.mode != _NotFound {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Unhandled mode: ", p.mode))
switch char {
case 'q':
case '?':
if !p.isShowingHelp {
p.preHelpState = &_PreHelpState{
reader: p.reader,
scrollPosition: p.scrollPosition,
leftColumnZeroBased: p.leftColumnZeroBased,
p.reader = _HelpReader
p.scrollPosition = newScrollPosition("Pager scroll position")
p.leftColumnZeroBased = 0
p.isShowingHelp = true
case '=':
p.ShowStatusBar = !p.ShowStatusBar
case 'k', 'y':
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(1)
case 'j', 'e':
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(1)
case 'l':
// vim right
case 'h':
// vim left
case '<':
p.scrollPosition = newScrollPosition("Pager scroll position")
case '>', 'G':
case 'f', ' ':
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(height - 1)
case 'b':
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(height - 1)
// '\x15' = CTRL-u, should work like just 'u'.
// Ref: https://github.com/walles/moar/issues/90
case 'u', '\x15':
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(height / 2)
// '\x04' = CTRL-d, should work like just 'd'.
// Ref: https://github.com/walles/moar/issues/90
case 'd', '\x04':
_, height := p.screen.Size()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(height / 2)
case '/':
p.mode = _Searching
p.searchString = ""
p.searchPattern = nil
case 'g':
p.mode = _GotoLine
p.gotoLineString = ""
case 'n':
case 'p', 'N':
case 'w':
p.WrapLongLines = !p.WrapLongLines
log.Debugf("Unhandled rune keypress '%s'/0x%08x", string(char), int32(char))
// StartPaging brings up the pager on screen
func (p *Pager) StartPaging(screen twin.Screen) {
unprintableStyle = p.UnprintableStyle
p.screen = screen
go func() {
for {
// Wait for new lines to appear...
// ... and notify the main loop so it can show them:
screen.Events() <- eventMoreLinesAvailable{}
// Delay updates a bit so that we don't waste time refreshing
// the screen too often.
// Note that the delay is *after* reacting, this way single-line
// updates are reacted to immediately, and the first output line
// read will appear on screen without delay.
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
go func() {
// Spin the spinner as long as contents is still loading
done := false
spinnerFrames := [...]string{"/.\\", "-o-", "\\O/", "| |"}
spinnerIndex := 0
for {
// Break this loop on the reader.done signal...
select {
case <-p.reader.done:
done = true
// This default case makes this an async read
if done {
screen.Events() <- eventSpinnerUpdate{spinnerFrames[spinnerIndex]}
if spinnerIndex >= len(spinnerFrames) {
spinnerIndex = 0
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
// Empty our spinner, loading done!
screen.Events() <- eventSpinnerUpdate{""}
// Main loop
spinner := ""
for !p.quit {
if len(screen.Events()) == 0 {
// Nothing more to process for now, redraw the screen!
event := <-screen.Events()
switch event := event.(type) {
case twin.EventKeyCode:
log.Tracef("Handling key event %d...", event.KeyCode())
case twin.EventRune:
log.Tracef("Handling rune event '%c'/0x%04x...", event.Rune(), event.Rune())
case twin.EventMouse:
log.Tracef("Handling mouse event %d...", event.Buttons())
switch event.Buttons() {
case twin.MouseWheelUp:
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.PreviousLine(1)
case twin.MouseWheelDown:
// Clipping is done in _Redraw()
p.scrollPosition = p.scrollPosition.NextLine(1)
case twin.MouseWheelLeft:
case twin.MouseWheelRight:
case twin.EventResize:
// We'll be implicitly redrawn just by taking another lap in the loop
case eventMoreLinesAvailable:
// Doing nothing here is fine; screen will be refreshed on the next
// iteration of the main loop.
case eventSpinnerUpdate:
spinner = event.spinner
log.Warnf("Unhandled event type: %v", event)
if p.reader.err != nil {
log.Warnf("Reader reported an error: %s", p.reader.err.Error())
// After the pager has exited and the normal screen has been restored, you can
// call this method to print the pager contents to screen again, faking
// "leaving" pager contents on screen after exit.
func (p *Pager) ReprintAfterExit() error {
// Figure out how many screen lines are used by pager contents
renderedScreenLines, _ := p.renderScreenLines()
screenLinesCount := len(renderedScreenLines)
_, screenHeight := p.screen.Size()
screenHeightWithoutFooter := screenHeight - 1
if screenLinesCount > screenHeightWithoutFooter {
screenLinesCount = screenHeightWithoutFooter
if screenLinesCount > 0 {
return nil