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synced 2024-12-02 09:15:46 +03:00
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396 lines
9.3 KiB
396 lines
9.3 KiB
package m
import (
// Reader reads a file into an array of strings.
// When this thing grows up it's going to do the reading in the
// background, and it will return parts of the read data upon
// request.
// This package should provide query methods for the struct, no peeking!!
type Reader struct {
lines []string
name *string
lock *sync.Mutex
err error
done chan bool
moreLinesAdded chan bool
// Lines contains a number of lines from the reader, plus metadata
type Lines struct {
lines []string
// One-based line number of the first line returned
firstLineOneBased int
// "monkey.txt: 1-23/45 51%"
statusText string
func _ReadStream(stream io.Reader, reader *Reader, fromFilter *exec.Cmd) {
// FIXME: Close the stream when done reading it?
defer func() {
defer reader.lock.Unlock()
if fromFilter == nil {
reader.done <- true
// Give the filter a little time to go away
timer := time.AfterFunc(2*time.Second, func() {
err := fromFilter.Wait()
if reader.err == nil {
// Don't overwrite any existing problem report
// FIXME: Add filter stderr contents to the error reported here
reader.err = err
// FIXME: Report any filter printouts to stderr to the user
// Must send non-blocking since the channel has no buffer and sometimes no reader
select {
case reader.done <- true:
// Empty default statement required for the write to be non-blocking,
// without this the write blocks and just hangs. Then we never get to
// the deferred reader.lock.Unlock() (see above), and the pager hangs
// when trying to take the lock for getting more lines.
bufioReader := bufio.NewReader(stream)
for {
keepReadingLine := true
var completeLine []byte
eof := false
var lineBytes []byte
var err error
for keepReadingLine {
lineBytes, keepReadingLine, err = bufioReader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
eof = true
if reader.err == nil {
// Store the error unless it overwrites one we already have
reader.err = fmt.Errorf("Error reading line from input stream: %w", err)
completeLine = append(completeLine, lineBytes...)
if eof {
if reader.err != nil {
reader.lines = append(reader.lines, string(completeLine))
// This is how to do a non-blocking write to a channel:
// https://gobyexample.com/non-blocking-channel-operations
select {
case reader.moreLinesAdded <- true:
// Default case required for the write to be non-blocking
// NewReaderFromStream creates a new stream reader
// If fromFilter is not nil this method will wait() for it,
// and effectively takes over ownership for it.
func NewReaderFromStream(reader io.Reader, fromFilter *exec.Cmd) *Reader {
var lines []string
var lock = &sync.Mutex{}
done := make(chan bool, 1)
// This needs to be size 1. If it would be 0, and we add more lines while the
// pager is processing, the pager would miss the lines added while it was
// processing.
moreLinesAdded := make(chan bool, 1)
returnMe := Reader{
lines: lines,
lock: lock,
done: done,
moreLinesAdded: moreLinesAdded,
// FIXME: Make sure that if we panic somewhere inside of this goroutine,
// the main program terminates and prints our panic stack trace.
go _ReadStream(reader, &returnMe, fromFilter)
return &returnMe
// NewReaderFromText creates a Reader from a block of text
func NewReaderFromText(name string, text string) *Reader {
noExternalNewlines := strings.Trim(text, "\n")
return &Reader{
name: &name,
lines: strings.Split(noExternalNewlines, "\n"),
lock: &sync.Mutex{},
// Wait for reader to finish reading. Used by tests.
func (r *Reader) _Wait() error {
// Wait for our goroutine to finish
defer r.lock.Unlock()
return r.err
// NewReaderFromCommand creates a new reader by running a file through a filter
func NewReaderFromCommand(filename string, filterCommand ...string) (*Reader, error) {
filterWithFilename := append(filterCommand, filename)
filter := exec.Command(filterWithFilename[0], filterWithFilename[1:]...)
filterOut, err := filter.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = filter.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reader := NewReaderFromStream(filterOut, filter)
reader.name = &filename
return reader, nil
func _CanHighlight(filename string) bool {
extension := filepath.Ext(filename)
if len(extension) <= 1 {
// No extension or a single "."
return false
// Remove leading dot from the extension
extension = extension[1:]
// Check file extension vs "highlight --list-scripts=langs" before calling
// highlight, otherwise files with unsupported extensions (like .log) get
// messed upp.
highlight := exec.Command("highlight", "--list-scripts=langs")
outBytes, err := highlight.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return false
extensionMatcher := regexp.MustCompile("[^() ]+")
outString := string(outBytes)
outLines := strings.Split(outString, "\n")
for _, line := range outLines {
parts := strings.Split(line, ": ")
if len(parts) < 2 {
// Pick out all extensions from this line
for _, supportedExtension := range extensionMatcher.FindAllString(parts[1], -1) {
if extension == supportedExtension {
return true
// No match
return false
func _TryOpen(filename string) error {
// Try opening the file
tryMe, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer tryMe.Close()
// Try reading a byte
buffer := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = tryMe.Read(buffer)
if err != nil && err.Error() == "EOF" {
// Empty file, this is fine
return nil
return err
// NewReaderFromFilename creates a new file reader
func NewReaderFromFilename(filename string) (*Reader, error) {
fileError := _TryOpen(filename)
if fileError != nil {
return nil, fileError
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".gz") {
return NewReaderFromCommand(filename, "gzip", "-d", "-c")
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".bz2") {
return NewReaderFromCommand(filename, "bzip2", "-d", "-c")
if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".xz") {
return NewReaderFromCommand(filename, "xz", "-d", "-c")
// Highlight input file using highlight:
// http://www.andre-simon.de/doku/highlight/en/highlight.php
if _CanHighlight(filename) {
highlighted, err := NewReaderFromCommand(filename, "highlight", "--out-format=esc", "-i")
if err == nil {
return highlighted, err
stream, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reader := NewReaderFromStream(stream, nil)
reader.name = &filename
return reader, nil
// _CreateStatusUnlocked() assumes that its caller is holding the lock
func (r *Reader) _CreateStatusUnlocked(firstLineOneBased int, lastLineOneBased int) string {
prefix := ""
if r.name != nil {
prefix = path.Base(*r.name) + ": "
if len(r.lines) == 0 {
return prefix + "<empty>"
percent := int(math.Floor(100.0 * float64(lastLineOneBased) / float64(len(r.lines))))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d-%d/%d %d%%",
// GetLineCount returns the number of lines available for viewing
func (r *Reader) GetLineCount() int {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
return len(r.lines)
// GetLine gets a line. If the requested line number is out of bounds, nil is returned.
func (r *Reader) GetLine(lineNumberOneBased int) *string {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
if lineNumberOneBased < 1 {
return nil
if lineNumberOneBased > len(r.lines) {
return nil
return &r.lines[lineNumberOneBased-1]
// GetLines gets the indicated lines from the input
func (r *Reader) GetLines(firstLineOneBased int, wantedLineCount int) *Lines {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
return r._GetLinesUnlocked(firstLineOneBased, wantedLineCount)
func (r *Reader) _GetLinesUnlocked(firstLineOneBased int, wantedLineCount int) *Lines {
if firstLineOneBased < 1 {
firstLineOneBased = 1
if len(r.lines) == 0 {
return &Lines{
lines: nil,
// The line number set here won't matter, we'll clip it anyway when we get it back
firstLineOneBased: 0,
statusText: r._CreateStatusUnlocked(0, 0),
firstLineZeroBased := firstLineOneBased - 1
lastLineZeroBased := firstLineZeroBased + wantedLineCount - 1
if lastLineZeroBased >= len(r.lines) {
lastLineZeroBased = len(r.lines) - 1
// Prevent reading past the end of the available lines
actualLineCount := lastLineZeroBased - firstLineZeroBased + 1
if actualLineCount < wantedLineCount && firstLineOneBased > 1 {
overshoot := wantedLineCount - actualLineCount
firstLineOneBased -= overshoot
if firstLineOneBased < 1 {
firstLineOneBased = 1
return r._GetLinesUnlocked(firstLineOneBased, wantedLineCount)
return &Lines{
lines: r.lines[firstLineZeroBased : lastLineZeroBased+1],
firstLineOneBased: firstLineOneBased,
statusText: r._CreateStatusUnlocked(firstLineOneBased, lastLineZeroBased+1),