mirror of https://github.com/walles/moar.git synced 2024-09-11 20:17:13 +03:00
2024-06-21 09:23:56 +02:00

661 lines
16 KiB

package m
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Files larger than this won't be highlighted
const MAX_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE int64 = 1024 * 1024
// Reader reads a file into an array of strings.
// It does the reading in the background, and it returns parts of the read data
// upon request.
// This package provides query methods for the struct, no peeking!!
type Reader struct {
lines []*Line
name *string
// If this is set, it will point out the file we are reading from. If this
// is not set, we are not reading from a file.
fileName *string
err error
// Have we had our contents replaced using setText()?
replaced bool
done *atomic.Bool
highlightingDone *atomic.Bool
highlightingStyle chan chroma.Style
// This channel expects to be read exactly once. All other uses will lead to
// undefined behavior.
doneWaitingForFirstByte chan bool
// For telling the UI it should recheck the --quit-if-one-screen conditions.
// Signalled when either highlighting is done or reading is done.
maybeDone chan bool
moreLinesAdded chan bool
// InputLines contains a number of lines from the reader, plus metadata
type InputLines struct {
lines []*Line
// Line number of the first line returned
firstLine linenumbers.LineNumber
// "monkey.txt: 1-23/45 51%"
statusText string
// Count lines in the original file and preallocate space for them. Good
// performance improvement:
// go test -benchmem -benchtime=10s -run='^$' -bench 'ReadLargeFile'
func (reader *Reader) preAllocLines(originalFileName string) {
lineCount, err := countLines(originalFileName)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Line counting failed: ", err)
defer reader.Unlock()
if len(reader.lines) == 0 {
// We had no lines since before, this is the expected happy path.
reader.lines = make([]*Line, 0, lineCount)
// There are already lines in here, this is unexpected.
if reader.replaced {
// Highlighting already done (because that's how reader.replaced gets
// set to true)
log.Debug("Highlighting was faster than line counting for a ",
len(reader.lines), " lines file, this is unexpected")
} else {
// Highlighing not done, where the heck did those lines come from?
log.Warn("Already had ", len(reader.lines),
" lines by the time counting was done, and it's not highlighting")
// This function will update the Reader struct in the background.
func (reader *Reader) readStream(stream io.Reader, originalFileName *string, onDone func()) {
defer func() {
select {
case reader.maybeDone <- true:
if originalFileName != nil {
bufioReader := bufio.NewReader(stream)
completeLine := make([]byte, 0)
t0 := time.Now()
for {
keepReadingLine := true
eof := false
var lineBytes []byte
var err error
for keepReadingLine {
lineBytes, keepReadingLine, err = bufioReader.ReadLine()
if err == nil {
// Async write, we probably already wrote to it during the last
// iteration
select {
case reader.doneWaitingForFirstByte <- true:
completeLine = append(completeLine, lineBytes...)
// Something went wrong
if err == io.EOF {
eof = true
if reader.err == nil {
// Store the error unless it overwrites one we already have
reader.err = fmt.Errorf("error reading line from input stream: %w", err)
if eof {
if reader.err != nil {
newLineString := string(completeLine)
newLine := NewLine(newLineString)
if reader.replaced {
// Somebody called setText(), never mind reading the rest of this stream
reader.lines = append(reader.lines, &newLine)
completeLine = completeLine[:0]
// This is how to do a non-blocking write to a channel:
// https://gobyexample.com/non-blocking-channel-operations
select {
case reader.moreLinesAdded <- true:
// Default case required for the write to be non-blocking
// If the stream was empty we never got any first byte. Make sure people
// stop waiting in this case. Async write since it might already have been
// written to.
select {
case reader.doneWaitingForFirstByte <- true:
log.Debug("Stream read in ", time.Since(t0))
if onDone != nil {
t1 := time.Now()
log.Debug("onDone() took ", time.Since(t1))
// Note that you must call reader.SetStyleForHighlighting() after this to get
// highlighting.
func NewReaderFromStreamWithoutStyle(name string, reader io.Reader, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) *Reader {
mReader := newReaderFromStream(reader, nil, formatter, lexer)
if len(name) > 0 {
mReader.name = &name
if lexer == nil {
return mReader
// NewReaderFromStream creates a new stream reader
// The name can be an empty string ("").
// If non-empty, the name will be displayed by the pager in the bottom left
// corner to help the user keep track of what is being paged.
func NewReaderFromStream(name string, reader io.Reader, style chroma.Style, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) *Reader {
mReader := NewReaderFromStreamWithoutStyle(name, reader, formatter, lexer)
return mReader
// newReaderFromStream creates a new stream reader
// originalFileName is used for counting the lines in the file. nil for
// don't-know (streams) or not countable (compressed files). The line count is
// then used for pre-allocating the lines slice, which improves large file
// loading performance.
// If lexer is not nil, the file will be highlighted after being fully read.
// Note that you must call reader.SetStyleForHighlighting() after this to get
// highlighting.
func newReaderFromStream(reader io.Reader, originalFileName *string, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) *Reader {
done := atomic.Bool{}
highlightingDone := atomic.Bool{}
returnMe := Reader{
// This needs to be size 1. If it would be 0, and we add more
// lines while the pager is processing, the pager would miss
// the lines added while it was processing.
moreLinesAdded: make(chan bool, 1),
maybeDone: make(chan bool, 1),
highlightingStyle: make(chan chroma.Style, 1),
doneWaitingForFirstByte: make(chan bool, 1),
highlightingDone: &highlightingDone,
done: &done,
// FIXME: Make sure that if we panic somewhere inside of this goroutine,
// the main program terminates and prints our panic stack trace.
go returnMe.readStream(reader, originalFileName, func() {
if lexer != nil {
highlightFromMemory(&returnMe, <-returnMe.highlightingStyle, formatter, lexer)
return &returnMe
// NewReaderFromText creates a Reader from a block of text.
// First parameter is the name of this Reader. This name will be displayed by
// Moar in the bottom left corner of the screen.
// Calling _wait() on this Reader will always return immediately, no
// asynchronous ops will be performed.
func NewReaderFromText(name string, text string) *Reader {
noExternalNewlines := strings.Trim(text, "\n")
lines := []*Line{}
if len(noExternalNewlines) > 0 {
for _, lineString := range strings.Split(noExternalNewlines, "\n") {
line := NewLine(lineString)
lines = append(lines, &line)
done := atomic.Bool{}
highlightingDone := atomic.Bool{}
highlightingDone.Store(true) // No highlighting to do = nothing left = Done!
returnMe := &Reader{
lines: lines,
done: &done,
highlightingDone: &highlightingDone,
doneWaitingForFirstByte: make(chan bool, 1),
if name != "" {
returnMe.name = &name
return returnMe
// Duplicate of moar/moar.go:tryOpen
func tryOpen(filename string) error {
// Try opening the file
tryMe, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
// Try reading a byte
buffer := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = tryMe.Read(buffer)
if err != nil && err.Error() == "EOF" {
// Empty file, this is fine
err = nil
closeErr := tryMe.Close()
if err == nil && closeErr != nil {
// Everything worked up until Close(), report the Close() error
return closeErr
return err
// From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52153000/473672
func countLines(filename string) (uint64, error) {
const lineBreak = '\n'
sliceWithSingleLineBreak := []byte{lineBreak}
reader, _, err := ZOpen(filename)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer func() {
err := reader.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Error closing file after counting the lines: ", err)
var count uint64
t0 := time.Now()
buf := make([]byte, bufio.MaxScanTokenSize)
lastReadEndsInNewline := true
for {
bufferSize, err := reader.Read(buf)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return 0, err
if bufferSize > 0 {
lastReadEndsInNewline = (buf[bufferSize-1] == lineBreak)
count += uint64(bytes.Count(buf[:bufferSize], sliceWithSingleLineBreak))
if err == io.EOF {
if !lastReadEndsInNewline {
// No trailing line feed, this needs special handling
t1 := time.Now()
if count == 0 {
log.Debug("Counted ", count, " lines in ", t1.Sub(t0))
} else {
log.Debug("Counted ", count, " lines in ", t1.Sub(t0), " at ", t1.Sub(t0)/time.Duration(count), "/line")
return count, nil
// Note that you must call reader.SetStyleForHighlighting() after this to get
// highlighting.
func NewReaderFromFilenameWithoutStyle(filename string, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) (*Reader, error) {
fileError := tryOpen(filename)
if fileError != nil {
return nil, fileError
stream, highlightingFilename, err := ZOpen(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lexer == nil {
lexer = lexers.Match(highlightingFilename)
returnMe := newReaderFromStream(stream, &filename, formatter, lexer)
returnMe.name = &filename
returnMe.fileName = &filename
if lexer == nil {
return returnMe, nil
// NewReaderFromFilename creates a new file reader.
// If lexer is nil it will be determined from the input file name.
// The Reader will try to uncompress various compressed file format, and also
// apply highlighting to the file using Chroma:
// https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma
func NewReaderFromFilename(filename string, style chroma.Style, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) (*Reader, error) {
mReader, err := NewReaderFromFilenameWithoutStyle(filename, formatter, lexer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mReader, nil
// We expect this to be executed in a goroutine
func highlightFromMemory(reader *Reader, style chroma.Style, formatter chroma.Formatter, lexer chroma.Lexer) {
if lexer == nil {
defer func() {
select {
case reader.maybeDone <- true:
var byteCount int64
for _, line := range reader.lines {
byteCount += int64(len(line.raw))
if byteCount > MAX_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE {
log.Debug("File too large for highlighting: ", byteCount)
textBuilder := strings.Builder{}
for _, line := range reader.lines {
highlighted, err := highlight(textBuilder.String(), style, formatter, lexer)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Highlighting failed: ", err)
if highlighted == nil {
// No highlighting would be done, never mind
// createStatusUnlocked() assumes that its caller is holding the lock
func (reader *Reader) createStatusUnlocked(lastLine linenumbers.LineNumber) string {
prefix := ""
if reader.name != nil {
prefix = path.Base(*reader.name) + ": "
if len(reader.lines) == 0 {
return prefix + "<empty>"
if len(reader.lines) == 1 {
return prefix + "1 line 100%"
percent := int(100 * float64(lastLine.AsOneBased()) / float64(len(reader.lines)))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s lines %d%%",
// Wait for the first line to be read.
// Used for making sudo work:
// https://github.com/walles/moar/issues/199
func (reader *Reader) AwaitFirstByte() {
// GetLineCount returns the number of lines available for viewing
func (reader *Reader) GetLineCount() int {
defer reader.Unlock()
return len(reader.lines)
// GetLine gets a line. If the requested line number is out of bounds, nil is returned.
func (reader *Reader) GetLine(lineNumber linenumbers.LineNumber) *Line {
defer reader.Unlock()
if lineNumber.AsOneBased() > len(reader.lines) {
return nil
return reader.lines[lineNumber.AsZeroBased()]
// GetLines gets the indicated lines from the input
// Overflow state will be didFit if we returned all lines we currently have, or
// didOverflow otherwise.
func (reader *Reader) GetLines(firstLine linenumbers.LineNumber, wantedLineCount int) (*InputLines, overflowState) {
defer reader.Unlock()
return reader.getLinesUnlocked(firstLine, wantedLineCount)
func (reader *Reader) getLinesUnlocked(firstLine linenumbers.LineNumber, wantedLineCount int) (*InputLines, overflowState) {
if len(reader.lines) == 0 || wantedLineCount == 0 {
return &InputLines{
lines: nil,
firstLine: firstLine,
statusText: reader.createStatusUnlocked(firstLine),
didFit // Empty files always fit
lastLine := firstLine.NonWrappingAdd(wantedLineCount - 1)
// Prevent reading past the end of the available lines
maxLineNumber := *linenumbers.LineNumberFromLength(len(reader.lines))
if lastLine.IsAfter(maxLineNumber) {
lastLine = maxLineNumber
// If one line was requested, then first and last should be exactly the
// same, and we would get there by adding zero.
firstLine = lastLine.NonWrappingAdd(1 - wantedLineCount)
return reader.getLinesUnlocked(firstLine, firstLine.CountLinesTo(lastLine))
returnLines := reader.lines[firstLine.AsZeroBased() : lastLine.AsZeroBased()+1]
overflow := didFit
if len(returnLines) != len(reader.lines) {
overflow = didOverflow // We're not returning all available lines
return &InputLines{
lines: returnLines,
firstLine: firstLine,
statusText: reader.createStatusUnlocked(lastLine),
func (reader *Reader) PumpToStdout() {
const wantedLineCount = 100
firstNotPrintedLine := linenumbers.LineNumberFromOneBased(1)
drainLines := func() bool {
lines, _ := reader.GetLines(firstNotPrintedLine, wantedLineCount)
// Print the lines we got
printed := false
for index, line := range lines.lines {
lineNumber := lines.firstLine.NonWrappingAdd(index)
if lineNumber.IsBefore(firstNotPrintedLine) {
printed = true
firstNotPrintedLine = lineNumber.NonWrappingAdd(1)
return printed
drainAllLines := func() {
for drainLines() {
// Loop here until nothing was printed
done := false
for !done {
select {
case <-reader.moreLinesAdded:
case <-reader.maybeDone:
done = true
// Print any remaining lines
// Replace reader contents with the given text and mark as done
func (reader *Reader) setText(text string) {
lines := []*Line{}
for _, lineString := range strings.Split(text, "\n") {
line := NewLine(lineString)
lines = append(lines, &line)
if len(lines) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(text, "\n") {
// Input ends with an empty line. This makes our line count be
// off-by-one, fix that!
lines = lines[0 : len(lines)-1]
reader.lines = lines
reader.replaced = true
select {
case reader.maybeDone <- true:
log.Trace("Reader done, contents explicitly set")
select {
case reader.moreLinesAdded <- true:
func (reader *Reader) SetStyleForHighlighting(style chroma.Style) {
reader.highlightingStyle <- style