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module GoldenTest
( runGoldenTest,
import Common (getTestOutputsDir)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AesonPretty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (pack, replace, unpack)
import ShellCommands
( ShellCommand,
ShellCommandContext (..),
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Directory.Recursive (getDirFiltered)
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, takeFileName)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import System.Process (callCommand)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsFileDiff)
data GoldenTest = GoldenTest {_goldenTestName :: String, _goldenTestCommands :: ShellCommandBuilder [ShellCommand]}
makeGoldenTest :: String -> ShellCommandBuilder [ShellCommand] -> GoldenTest
makeGoldenTest name commands = GoldenTest {_goldenTestName = name, _goldenTestCommands = commands}
-- | This runs a golden test by creating a Wasp project (via `wasp-cli new`), running commands,
-- and then comparing all file outputs to the corresponding golden test output directory.
runGoldenTest :: GoldenTest -> IO TestTree
runGoldenTest goldenTest = do
testOutputsDirAbsSp <- getTestOutputsDir
let testOutputsDirAbsFp = SP.fromAbsDir testOutputsDirAbsSp
let currentOutputDirAbsFp = testOutputsDirAbsFp FP.</> (_goldenTestName goldenTest ++ "-current")
let goldenOutputDirAbsFp = testOutputsDirAbsFp FP.</> (_goldenTestName goldenTest ++ "-golden")
-- Remove existing current output files from a prior test run.
callCommand $ "rm -rf " ++ currentOutputDirAbsFp
-- Create current output dir as well as the golden output dir, if missing.
callCommand $ "mkdir " ++ currentOutputDirAbsFp
callCommand $ "mkdir -p " ++ goldenOutputDirAbsFp
let context =
{ _ctxtCurrentProjectName = _goldenTestName goldenTest
let shellCommand = combineShellCommands $ runShellCommandBuilder (_goldenTestCommands goldenTest) context
putStrLn $ "Running the following command: " ++ shellCommand
-- Run the series of commands within the context of a current output dir.
-- TODO: Save stdout/error as log file for "contains" checks.
callCommand $ "cd " ++ currentOutputDirAbsFp ++ " && " ++ shellCommand
currentOutputAbsFps <- listRelevantTestOutputFiles currentOutputDirAbsFp
reformatPackageJsonFiles currentOutputAbsFps
let manifestAbsFp = currentOutputDirAbsFp FP.</> "files.manifest"
writeFileManifest currentOutputDirAbsFp currentOutputAbsFps manifestAbsFp
let remapCurrentPathToGolden fp = unpack $ replace (pack currentOutputDirAbsFp) (pack goldenOutputDirAbsFp) (pack fp)
return $
(_goldenTestName goldenTest)
[ goldenVsFileDiff
currentOutputAbsFp -- The test name that shows in the output.
(\ref new -> ["diff", "-u", ref, new])
(return ()) -- A no-op command that normally generates the file under test, but we did that in bulk above.
| currentOutputAbsFp <- manifestAbsFp : currentOutputAbsFps,
let goldenOutputAbsFp = remapCurrentPathToGolden currentOutputAbsFp
listRelevantTestOutputFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
listRelevantTestOutputFiles dirToFilterAbsFp =
getDirFiltered (return <$> isTestOutputFileTestable) dirToFilterAbsFp >>= filterM doesFileExist
isTestOutputFileTestable :: FilePath -> Bool
isTestOutputFileTestable fp =
takeFileName fp
`notElem` [ ".waspinfo",
writeFileManifest :: String -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeFileManifest baseAbsFp filePaths manifestAbsFp = do
let sortedRelativeFilePaths = unlines . sort . map (makeRelative baseAbsFp) $ filePaths
writeFile manifestAbsFp sortedRelativeFilePaths
-- While Wasp deterministically produces package.json files in the generated code,
-- later calls to `npm install` can reformat them (e.g. it sorts dependencies).
-- Also, different versions of npm may produce different (but semantically equivalent) package.json files.
-- All of this can result in e2e flagging these files as being different when it should not.
-- Ref: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/482
reformatPackageJsonFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
reformatPackageJsonFiles allOutputFilePaths = do
let packageJsonFilePaths = filter isPathToPackageJson allOutputFilePaths
mapM_ reformatJson packageJsonFilePaths
isPathToPackageJson :: FilePath -> Bool
isPathToPackageJson = ((FP.pathSeparator : "package.json") `isSuffixOf`)
aesonPrettyConfig :: AesonPretty.Config
aesonPrettyConfig =
{ AesonPretty.confIndent = AesonPretty.Spaces 2,
AesonPretty.confCompare = compare,
AesonPretty.confNumFormat = AesonPretty.Generic,
AesonPretty.confTrailingNewline = True
reformatJson :: FilePath -> IO ()
reformatJson jsonFilePath =
BSL.writeFile jsonFilePath . AesonPretty.encodePretty' aesonPrettyConfig . unsafeDecodeAnyJson
=<< B.readFile jsonFilePath
unsafeDecodeAnyJson :: B.ByteString -> Aeson.Value
unsafeDecodeAnyJson = fromJust . Aeson.decodeStrict