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module Command.Start
( start
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Cli.Common as Common
import Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd,
2020-09-19 17:11:09 +03:00
import Command.Compile (compileIO)
import Command.Watch (watch)
import qualified Lib
import StrongPath ((</>))
-- | Does initial compile of wasp code and then runs the generated project.
-- It also listens for any file changes and recompiles and restarts generated project accordingly.
start :: Command ()
start = do
waspRoot <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
let outDir = waspRoot </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
waspSaysC "Compiling wasp code..."
2020-09-19 17:11:09 +03:00
compilationResult <- liftIO $ compileIO waspRoot outDir
case compilationResult of
Left compileError -> throwError $ CommandError $ "Compilation failed: " ++ compileError
Right () -> waspSaysC "Code has been successfully compiled, project has been generated.\n"
-- TODO: Do smart install -> if we need to install stuff, install it, otherwise don't.
-- This should be responsibility of Generator, it should tell us how to install stuff.
-- But who checks out if stuff needs to be installed at all? That should probably be
-- Generator again. After installation, it should return some kind of data that describes that installation.
-- Then, next time, we give it data we have about last installation, and it uses that
-- to decide if installation needs to happen or not. If it happens, it returnes new data again.
-- Right now we have setup/installation being called, but it has not support for being "smart" yet.
waspSaysC "Setting up generated project..."
setupResult <- liftIO $ Lib.setup outDir
case setupResult of
Left setupError -> throwError $ CommandError $ "\nSetup failed: " ++ setupError
Right () -> waspSaysC "\nSetup successful.\n"
waspSaysC "\nListening for file changes..."
waspSaysC "Starting up generated project..."
watchOrStartResult <- liftIO $ race (watch waspRoot outDir) (Lib.start outDir)
case watchOrStartResult of
Left () -> error "This should never happen, listening for file changes should never end but it did."
Right startResult -> case startResult of
Left startError -> throwError $ CommandError $ "Start failed: " ++ startError
Right () -> error "This should never happen, start should never end but it did."