2022-12-13 21:55:01 +03:00
module Generator.DbGeneratorTest where
2023-11-09 15:19:47 +03:00
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
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import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common
( MigrateArgs (..),
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs (asPrismaCliArgs)
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import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations (prismaErrorContainsDbNotCreatedError)
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spec_Jobs :: Spec
spec_Jobs =
it "should produce expected args" $ do
asPrismaCliArgs defaultMigrateArgs `shouldBe` []
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Nothing, _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
`shouldBe` ["--create-only"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
`shouldBe` ["--name", "something"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something else longer", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
`shouldBe` ["--name", "something else longer"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
`shouldBe` ["--create-only", "--name", "something"]
2023-11-09 15:19:47 +03:00
spec_DbConnectionTest :: Spec
spec_DbConnectionTest =
describe "prismaErrorContainsDbNotCreatedError" $ do
it "should not match DB server not available error" $ do
(T.pack "Error: P1001\n\nCan't reach database server at `localhost`:`5432`\n\nPlease make sure your database server is running at `localhost`:`5432`.")
`shouldBe` False
it "should not match similar error codes" $ do
(T.pack "Error: P10033\n\nMade up error code")
`shouldBe` False
it "should match the DB not created error code" $ do
(T.pack "Error: P1003\n\nDatabase `x` does not exist on the database server at `localhost:5432`.")
`shouldBe` True