Wasp (**W**eb **A**pplication **Sp**ecification) is a Rails-like framework for React, Node.js and Prisma.
Build your app in a day and deploy it with a single CLI command!
### Why is Wasp awesome
- 🚀 **Quick start**: Due to its expressiveness, you can create and deploy a production-ready web app from scratch with very few lines of concise, consistent, declarative code.
- 😌 **No boilerplate**: By abstracting away complex full-stack features, there is less boilerplate code. That means less code to maintain and understand! It also means easier upgrades.
- 🔓 **No lock-in**: You can deploy Wasp app anywhere you like. There is no lock-in into specific providers, you have full control over the code (and can actually check it out in .wasp/ dir if you are interested ).
Given a simple .wasp configuration file that describes the high-level details of your web app, and .js(x)/.css/..., source files with your unique logic, Wasp compiler generates the full source of your web app in the target stack: front-end, back-end and deployment.
This unique approach is what makes Wasp "smart" and gives it its super powers!
However, there are still a lot of improvements and additions that we have in mind for the future, and we are working on them constantly, so you can expect a lot of changes and improvements in the future.
While the idea is to support multiple web tech stacks in the future, right now we are focusing on the specific stack: React + react-query, NodeJS + ExpressJS, Prisma. We might yet change that as time goes on, taking trends into account, but for now, this is serving us well to develop Wasp.
The best place to start is to check out [waspc/](waspc/), where you can find detailed steps for the first time contributors + technical details about the Wasp compiler.
Even if you don't plan to submit any code, just joining the discussion on discord [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/686873244791210014?label=chat%20on%20discord)](https://discord.gg/rzdnErX) and giving your feedback is already great and helps a lot (motivates us and helps us figure out how to shape Wasp)!