-`wasp new <project-name>` creates new Wasp project. A directory with the provided project-name will be created, containing boilerplate code.
$ wasp new MyFirstProject
-`wasp version` prints current version of CLI.
$ wasp version
### In project
-`wasp start` runs Wasp app in development mode. It opens a browser tab with your application running, and watches for any changes to .wasp or files in ext/ to automatically reflect in the browser. It also shows messages from web app, server and database on stdout/stderr.
-`wasp clean` deletes all generated code and other cached artifacts. If using SQlite, it also deletes the SQlite database. It is the Wasp equivalent to "try shutting it down and turning back on".
$ wasp clean
Deleting .wasp/ directory...
Deleted .wasp/ directory.
-`wasp build` generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting. Generated code goes in the .wasp/build folder.
-`wasp telemetry` prints [telemetry](https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/telemetry) status.
Wasp has a set of commands for working with the database. They all start with `db` and mostly call prisma commands in the background.
-`wasp db migrate-dev` ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema (entities): it generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema and it applies any pending migration to the database.
-`wasp db studio` opens the GUI for inspecting your database.