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module Main where
import Cli.Terminal (title)
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
import Command (runCommand)
import Command.BashCompletion (bashCompletion, generateBashCompletionScript, printBashCompletionInstruction)
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
import Command.Build (build)
import qualified Command.Call
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
import Command.Clean (clean)
import Command.Compile (compile)
import Command.CreateNewProject (createNewProject)
import Command.Db (runDbCommand, studio)
import qualified Command.Db.Migrate
import Command.Deps (deps)
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
import Command.Start (start)
import qualified Command.Telemetry as Telemetry
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_waspc (version)
import System.Environment
import qualified Util.Terminal as Term
main :: IO ()
main = do
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
args <- getArgs
let commandCall = case args of
["new", projectName] -> Command.Call.New projectName
["start"] -> Command.Call.Start
["clean"] -> Command.Call.Clean
["compile"] -> Command.Call.Compile
("db" : dbArgs) -> Command.Call.Db dbArgs
["version"] -> Command.Call.Version
["build"] -> Command.Call.Build
["telemetry"] -> Command.Call.Telemetry
["deps"] -> Command.Call.Deps
["completion"] -> Command.Call.PrintBashCompletionInstruction
["completion:generate"] -> Command.Call.GenerateBashCompletionScript
("completion:list" : subCommand) -> Command.Call.BashCompletionListCommands subCommand
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
_ -> Command.Call.Unknown args
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
telemetryThread <- Async.async $ runCommand $ Telemetry.considerSendingData commandCall
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
case commandCall of
Command.Call.New projectName -> runCommand $ createNewProject projectName
Command.Call.Start -> runCommand start
Command.Call.Clean -> runCommand clean
Command.Call.Compile -> runCommand compile
Command.Call.Db dbArgs -> dbCli dbArgs
Command.Call.Version -> printVersion
Command.Call.Build -> runCommand build
Command.Call.Telemetry -> runCommand Telemetry.telemetry
Command.Call.Deps -> runCommand deps
Command.Call.PrintBashCompletionInstruction -> runCommand $ printBashCompletionInstruction
Command.Call.GenerateBashCompletionScript -> runCommand $ generateBashCompletionScript
Command.Call.BashCompletionListCommands subCommand -> runCommand $ bashCompletion subCommand
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Command.Call.Unknown _ -> printUsage
2021-01-23 00:53:36 +03:00
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
-- If sending of telemetry data is still not done 1 second since commmand finished, abort it.
-- We also make sure here to catch all errors that might get thrown and silence them.
void $ Async.race (threadDelaySeconds 1) (Async.waitCatch telemetryThread)
2021-01-23 00:53:36 +03:00
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
threadDelaySeconds =
let microsecondsInASecond = 1000000
in threadDelay . (* microsecondsInASecond)
printUsage :: IO ()
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
printUsage =
putStrLn $
[ title "USAGE",
" wasp <command> [command-args]",
title "COMMANDS",
title " GENERAL",
cmd " new <project-name> Creates new Wasp project.",
cmd " version Prints current version of CLI.",
title " IN PROJECT",
cmd " start Runs Wasp app in development mode, watching for file changes.",
cmd " db <db-cmd> [args] Executes a database command. Run 'wasp db' for more info.",
cmd " clean Deletes all generated code and other cached artifacts. Wasp equivalent of 'have you tried closing and opening it again?'.",
cmd " build Generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting.",
cmd " telemetry Prints telemetry status.",
cmd " deps Prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.",
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
title "EXAMPLES",
" wasp new MyApp",
" wasp start",
" wasp db migrate-dev",
Term.applyStyles [Term.Green] "Docs:" ++ " https://wasp-lang.dev/docs",
Term.applyStyles [Term.Magenta] "Discord (chat):" ++ " https://discord.gg/rzdnErX"
2020-10-29 15:15:13 +03:00
printVersion :: IO ()
printVersion = putStrLn $ showVersion version
-- TODO(matija): maybe extract to a separate module, e.g. DbCli.hs?
dbCli :: [String] -> IO ()
dbCli args = case args of
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
["migrate-dev"] -> runDbCommand Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev
["studio"] -> runDbCommand studio
_ -> printDbUsage
printDbUsage :: IO ()
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
printDbUsage =
putStrLn $
[ title "USAGE",
" wasp db <command> [command-args]",
title "COMMANDS",
( " migrate-dev Ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema(entities):\n"
<> " - Generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema.\n"
<> " - Applies any pending migrations to the database."
cmd " studio GUI for inspecting your database.",
title "EXAMPLES",
" wasp db migrate-dev",
" wasp db studio"
2021-02-09 13:19:29 +03:00
cmd :: String -> String
cmd = mapFirstWord (Term.applyStyles [Term.Yellow, Term.Bold])
mapFirstWord :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
mapFirstWord f s = beforeFirstWord ++ f firstWord ++ afterFirstWord
(beforeFirstWord, firstWordAndAfter) = span isSpace s
2021-04-28 18:36:00 +03:00
(firstWord, afterFirstWord) = break isSpace firstWordAndAfter