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module Command.Watch
( watch
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan, newChan, readChan)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import qualified System.FSNotify as FSN
2020-09-19 17:11:09 +03:00
import Command.Compile (compileIO)
import Common (waspSays)
import qualified Common
import qualified Lib
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
-- TODO: Another possible problem: on re-generation, wasp re-generates a lot of files, even those that should not
-- be generated again, since it is not smart enough yet to know which files do not need to be regenerated.
-- This can trigger `npm start` processes to reload multiple times, once for each file!
-- `nodemon` specifically has --delay option which says how long it should wait before restarting,
-- and it's default value is 1 second, so it will restart only once if all file changes happen in one second interval.
-- We could play in the future with increasing this delay. Nodemon can also be manually restarted with `rs` so
-- that could also be useful -> if we could do only manual restarting and not have it restart on its own, we could
-- have tigther control over it. But do we need nodemon at all then hm :)?
-- TODO: Idea: Read .gitignore file, and ignore everything from it. This will then also cover the
-- .wasp dir, and users can easily add any custom stuff they want ignored. But, we also have to
-- be ready for the case when there is no .gitignore, that could be possible.
-- | Forever listens for any file changes in waspProjectDir, and if there is a change,
-- compiles Wasp source files in waspProjectDir and regenerates files in outDir.
watch :: Path Abs (Dir Common.WaspProjectDir) -> Path Abs (Dir Lib.ProjectRootDir) -> IO ()
watch waspProjectDir outDir = FSN.withManager $ \mgr -> do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
chan <- newChan
_ <- FSN.watchDirChan mgr (SP.toFilePath waspProjectDir) eventFilter chan
_ <- FSN.watchTreeChan mgr (SP.toFilePath $ waspProjectDir </> Common.extCodeDirInWaspProjectDir) eventFilter chan
listenForEvents chan currentTime
listenForEvents :: Chan FSN.Event -> UTCTime -> IO ()
listenForEvents chan lastCompileTime = do
event <- readChan chan
let eventTime = FSN.eventTime event
if eventTime < lastCompileTime
-- | If event happened before last compilation started, skip it.
then listenForEvents chan lastCompileTime
else do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
listenForEvents chan currentTime
recompile :: IO ()
recompile = do
waspSays "Recompiling on file change..."
2020-09-19 17:11:09 +03:00
compilationResult <- compileIO waspProjectDir outDir
case compilationResult of
Left err -> waspSays $ "Recompilation on file change failed: " ++ err
Right () -> waspSays "Recompilation on file change succeeded."
return ()
-- TODO: This is a hardcoded approach to ignoring most of the common tmp files that editors
-- create next to the source code. Bad thing here is that users can't modify this,
-- so better approach would be probably to use information from .gitignore instead, or
-- maybe combining the two somehow.
eventFilter :: FSN.Event -> Bool
eventFilter event =
let filename = FP.takeFileName $ FSN.eventPath event
in not (null filename)
&& not (take 2 filename == ".#") -- Ignore emacs lock files.
&& not (head filename == '#' && last filename == '#') -- Ignore emacs auto-save files.
&& not (last filename == '~') -- Ignore emacs and vim backup files.
&& not (head filename == '.' && ".swp" `isSuffixOf` filename) -- Ignore vim swp files.
&& not (head filename == '.' && ".un~" `isSuffixOf` filename) -- Ignore vim undo files.