mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 03:53:14 +03:00
Add TH generation for IsDeclType, IsEnumType instances
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ library:
- array # Used by code generated by Alex for src/Analyzer/Parser/Lexer.x
- array # Used by code generated by Alex for src/Analyzer/Parser/Lexer.x
- mtl
- mtl
- strong-path
- strong-path
- template-haskell
@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ module Analyzer.Evaluator.Combinators
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Decl
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Decl
import Analyzer.Evaluator.EvaluationError
import Analyzer.Evaluator.EvaluationError
import Analyzer.Type
import Analyzer.TypeChecker.AST (TypedExpr (..))
import Analyzer.TypeChecker.AST (TypedExpr (..))
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import qualified Data.HashMap.Internal.Strict as H
import qualified Data.HashMap.Internal.Strict as H
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Analyzer.Evaluator.TH (makeDecl, makeEnum) where
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Combinators
import qualified Analyzer.Type as T
import Analyzer.TypeDefinitions.Class
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Util (toLowerFirst)
-- ========================================
-- IsDeclType generation
-- ========================================
makeDecl :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeDecl ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
(tyConName, con) <- case tyCon of
(DataD _ nm [] _ [con] _) -> pure (nm, con)
(NewtypeD _ nm [] _ con _) -> pure (nm, con)
_ -> fail "Invalid name for makeDecl"
let instanceType = conT ''IsDeclType `appT` conT tyConName
instanceDecs <- genDecl con
sequence [instanceD (return []) instanceType instanceDecs]
genDecl :: Con -> Q [DecQ]
genDecl (NormalC nm [(_, typ)]) = genPrimDecl nm typ
genDecl (NormalC nm _) = fail $ "Too many non-record values in makeDecl for " ++ show nm
genDecl (RecC nm recs) = genRecDecl nm $ map (\(recNm, _, typ) -> (recNm, typ)) recs
genDecl _ = fail "makeDecl on non-decl type"
-- For simple decls, i.e. @data Simple = Simple Int@
genPrimDecl :: Name -> Type -> Q [DecQ]
genPrimDecl nm typ = do
let declTypeNameD = funD 'declTypeName [clause [] (normalB $ litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase nm) []]
let declTypeBodyTypeD = funD 'declTypeBodyType [clause [] (normalB $ genTypeE typ) []]
let declTypeFromASTD =
[ clause
( normalB $
varE 'build `appE` infixE (Just $ conE nm) (varE '(<$>)) (Just $ genTransformE typ)
pure [declTypeNameD, declTypeBodyTypeD, declTypeFromASTD]
genTypeE :: Type -> ExpQ
genTypeE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KString -> conE 'T.StringType
KInteger -> conE 'T.NumberType
KDouble -> conE 'T.NumberType
KBool -> conE 'T.BoolType
KList elemType -> conE 'T.ListType `appE` genTypeE elemType
KDecl -> conE 'T.DeclType `appE` (varE 'declTypeName `appTypeE` pure typ)
KEnum -> conE 'T.EnumType `appE` (varE 'enumTypeName `appTypeE` pure typ)
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe only allowed in record fields"
genTransformE :: Type -> ExpQ
genTransformE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KString -> varE 'string
KInteger -> varE 'integer
KDouble -> varE 'double
KBool -> varE 'bool
KList elemType -> varE 'list `appE` genTransformE elemType
KDecl -> varE 'decl `appTypeE` pure typ
KEnum -> varE 'enum `appTypeE` pure typ
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe only allowed in record fields"
-- For decls with record constructors, i.e. @data Fields = Fields { a :: String, b :: String }
genRecDecl :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q [DecQ]
genRecDecl nm recs = do
let declTypeNameD = funD 'declTypeName [clause [] (normalB $ litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase nm) []]
-- recs is reversed to make sure the applications for transformDictE are in the right order
(dictEntryTypesE, transformDictE) <- genRecEntryTypesAndTransform nm $ reverse recs
let dictTypeE = conE 'T.DictType `appE` (varE 'H.fromList `appE` dictEntryTypesE)
let transformE = varE 'dict `appE` transformDictE
let declTypeBodyTypeD = funD 'declTypeBodyType [clause [] (normalB dictTypeE) []]
let declTypeFromASTD = funD 'declTypeFromAST [clause [] (normalB $ varE 'build `appE` transformE) []]
pure [declTypeNameD, declTypeBodyTypeD, declTypeFromASTD]
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Q (ExpQ, ExpQ)
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm [] = pure (listE [], varE 'pure `appE` conE conNm)
genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm ((recNm, typ) : rest) = do
(restDictType, restTransform) <- genRecEntryTypesAndTransform conNm rest
let thisDictType =
(Just $ tupE [litE $ stringL $ nameBase recNm, genFieldTypeE typ])
(conE '(:))
(Just restDictType)
let thisTransform = infixE (Just restTransform) (varE '(<*>)) (Just $ genTransformDictE recNm typ)
pure (thisDictType, thisTransform)
genFieldTypeE :: Type -> ExpQ
genFieldTypeE typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KOptional elemType -> conE 'T.DictOptional `appE` genTypeE elemType
_ -> conE 'T.DictRequired `appE` genTypeE typ
genTransformDictE :: Name -> Type -> ExpQ
genTransformDictE recNm typ =
waspKindOfType typ >>= \case
KOptional elemType -> varE 'maybeField `appE` recNmE `appE` genTransformE elemType
_ -> varE 'field `appE` recNmE `appE` genTransformE typ
recNmE = litE $ stringL $ nameBase recNm
data WaspKind
= KString
| KInteger
| KDouble
| KBool
| KList Type
| KDecl
| KEnum
| KOptional Type
waspKindOfType :: Type -> Q WaspKind
waspKindOfType typ = do
typIsDecl <- isInstance ''IsDeclType [typ]
typIsEnum <- isInstance ''IsEnumType [typ]
if typIsDecl
then pure KDecl
if typIsEnum
then pure KEnum
else case typ of
ConT nm
| nm == ''String -> pure KString
| nm == ''Integer -> pure KInteger
| nm == ''Double -> pure KDouble
| nm == ''Bool -> pure KBool
ListT `AppT` elemType -> pure (KList elemType)
ConT nm `AppT` elemType | nm == ''Maybe -> pure (KOptional elemType)
_ -> fail $ "No translation to wasp type for type " ++ show typ
-- if typIsPrim
-- then pure Primitive
-- else
-- if typIsDecl
-- then pure Decl
-- else
-- if typIsEnum
-- then pure Enum
-- else case typ of
-- ConT conNm `AppT` typ' | conNm == ''Maybe -> pure $ Optional typ'
-- _ -> pure None
-- ========================================
-- IsEnumType generation
-- ========================================
makeEnum :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEnum ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
(tyConName, cons) <- case tyCon of
(DataD _ nm [] _ cons _) -> pure (nm, cons)
(NewtypeD _ nm [] _ con _) -> pure (nm, [con])
_ -> fail "Invalid name for makeEnum"
let instanceType = conT ''IsEnumType `appT` conT tyConName
conNames <- enumConNames cons
sequence [instanceD (return []) instanceType (genEnum tyConName conNames)]
genEnum :: Name -> [Name] -> [DecQ]
genEnum tyConName cons =
[ genEnumName tyConName,
genEnumVariants cons,
genEnumFromVariants cons
genEnumName :: Name -> DecQ
genEnumName tyConName = do
let enumTypeNameExp = litE $ stringL $ toLowerFirst $ nameBase tyConName
let enumTypeNameClause = clause [] (normalB enumTypeNameExp) []
funD 'enumTypeName [enumTypeNameClause]
genEnumVariants :: [Name] -> DecQ
genEnumVariants conNames = do
let variantsExp = listE $ map (litE . stringL . nameBase) conNames
let variantsClause = clause [] (normalB variantsExp) []
funD 'enumTypeVariants [variantsClause]
genEnumFromVariants :: [Name] -> DecQ
genEnumFromVariants conNames = do
let clauses = map genClause conNames
let leftClause = clause [varP $ mkName "x"] (normalB $ conE 'Left `appE` litE (stringL "Invalid variant for enum")) []
funD 'enumTypeFromVariant (clauses ++ [leftClause])
genClause :: Name -> ClauseQ
genClause nm = clause [litP $ stringL (nameBase nm)] (normalB $ conE 'Right `appE` conE nm) []
enumConNames :: [Con] -> Q [Name]
enumConNames = mapM conName
conName (NormalC nm []) = pure nm
conName _ = fail "Enum variant should have only one value"
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Analyzer.EvaluatorTest where
module Analyzer.EvaluatorTest where
import Analyzer.Evaluator
import Analyzer.Evaluator
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Combinators
import Analyzer.Evaluator.TH
import Analyzer.Parser (parse)
import Analyzer.Parser (parse)
import Analyzer.Type
import Analyzer.Type
import Analyzer.TypeChecker
import Analyzer.TypeChecker
@ -20,22 +21,20 @@ fromRight (Left e) = error $ show e
newtype Simple = Simple String deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
newtype Simple = Simple String deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Simple where
makeDecl ''Simple
declTypeName = "simple"
declTypeBodyType = StringType
declTypeFromAST = build $ Simple <$> string
data Fields = Fields {a :: String, b :: Maybe Double} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
data Fields = Fields {a :: String, b :: Maybe Double} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Fields where
makeDecl ''Fields
declTypeName = "fields"
declTypeBodyType = DictType $ H.fromList [("a", DictRequired StringType), ("b", DictOptional NumberType)]
declTypeFromAST = build $ dict $ Fields <$> field "a" string <*> maybeField "b" double
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeDecl ''Person
data BusinessType = Manufacturer | Seller | Store deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
data BusinessType = Manufacturer | Seller | Store deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeEnum ''BusinessType
data Business = Business
data Business = Business
{ employees :: [Person],
{ employees :: [Person],
worth :: Double,
worth :: Double,
@ -44,37 +43,7 @@ data Business = Business
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Person where
makeDecl ''Business
declTypeName = "person"
declTypeBodyType = DictType $ H.fromList [("name", DictRequired StringType), ("age", DictRequired NumberType)]
declTypeFromAST = build $ dict $ Person <$> field "name" string <*> field "age" integer
instance TD.IsEnumType BusinessType where
enumTypeName = "businessType"
enumTypeVariants = ["Manufacturer", "Seller", "Store"]
enumTypeFromVariant "Manufacturer" = Right Manufacturer
enumTypeFromVariant "Seller" = Right Seller
enumTypeFromVariant "Store" = Right Store
enumTypeFromVariant _ = error "invalid IsEnumType instance for BusinessType"
instance TD.IsDeclType Business where
declTypeName = "business"
declTypeBodyType =
DictType $
[ ("employees", DictRequired $ ListType $ DeclType "person"),
("worth", DictRequired NumberType),
("businessType", DictRequired $ EnumType "businessType"),
("location", DictOptional StringType)
declTypeFromAST =
build $
dict $
<$> field "employees" (list decl)
<*> field "worth" double
<*> field "businessType" enum
<*> maybeField "location" string
spec_Evaluator :: Spec
spec_Evaluator :: Spec
spec_Evaluator = do
spec_Evaluator = do
Reference in New Issue
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