mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 19:14:52 +03:00
Implemented generation of wasp skeleton, next is planning.
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ queryChatGPT params messages = do
liftIO $ ChatGPT.queryChatGPT key params messages
data CodeAgentState = CodeAgentState
{ _files :: H.HashMap FilePath Text
{ _files :: H.HashMap FilePath Text -- TODO: Name this "cacheFiles" maybe?
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Wasp.Cli.Command.AI.CodeAgent (CodeAgent, writeNewFile, writeToLog)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.AI.GenerateNewProject.Plan (Plan)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.AI.GenerateNewProject.Plan as P
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject (readCoreWaspProjectFiles)
import qualified Wasp.Version
data NewProjectDetails = NewProjectDetails
{ _projectAppName :: !String,
@ -41,56 +42,164 @@ data AuthProvider = UsernameAndPassword
-- and also contain description of what happened (or maybe that is separate message).
generateNewProject :: NewProjectDetails -> CodeAgent ()
generateNewProject newProjectDetails = do
coreFiles <- liftIO $ map (first SP.fromRelFile) <$> readCoreWaspProjectFiles
mapM_ writeNewFile coreFiles
let waspFile = generateBaseWaspFile newProjectDetails
let waspFilePath = fst waspFile
writeNewFile waspFile
let dotEnvServerFile = generateDotEnvServerFile newProjectDetails
writeNewFile dotEnvServerFile
writeToLog "Generated project skeleton."
waspFilePath <- generateAndWriteProjectSkeleton
writeToLog "Generating plan..."
plan <- generatePlan newProjectDetails
-- TODO: Show plan nicer! Maybe just short summary of it: we will create 4 entities, 3 operations, ... .
writeToLog $ "Plan generated! " <> T.pack (show plan)
updateWaspFileWithEntities waspFilePath (P.entities plan)
writeEntitiesToWaspFile waspFilePath (P.entities plan)
writeToLog "Added entities to wasp file."
writeToLog "Generating actions..."
actions <- forM (P.actions plan) $ \actionPlan -> do
action <- generateAction newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) actionPlan
writeActionToFile action
updateWaspFileWithAction waspFilePath action
writeToLog $ "Generated action: " <> T.pack (P.actionName actionPlan)
return action
actions <- forM (P.actions plan) $ generateAndWriteAction waspFilePath plan
writeToLog "Generating queries..."
queries <- forM (P.queries plan) $ \queryPlan -> do
query <- generateQuery newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) queryPlan
writeQueryToFile query
updateWaspFileWithQuery waspFilePath query
writeToLog $ "Generated query: " <> T.pack (P.queryName queryPlan)
return query
queries <- forM (P.queries plan) $ generateAndWriteQuery waspFilePath plan
writeToLog "Generating pages..."
pages <- forM (P.pages plan) $ \pagePlan -> do
page <- generatePage newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) queries actions pagePlan
writePageToFile page
updateWaspFileWithPage waspFilePath page
writeToLog $ "Generated page: " <> T.pack (P.pageName pagePlan)
return page
_pages <- forM (P.pages plan) $ generateAndWritePage waspFilePath plan queries actions
-- TODO: what about having additional step here that goes through all the files once again and fixes any stuff in them (Wasp, JS files)? REPL?
-- TODO: add some commented out lines to wasp file that showcase other features? jobs, api, serverSetup, sockets, ... .
-- TODO: Idea: give it chatGPT-function `queryDocs` that it can use whenever to look up Wasp docs.
-- TODO: Idea: maybe use chatGPT-functions also to increase the chance of it producing correct JSON
-- when generating actions, operations and similar. Maybe an overkill.
writeToLog "Done!"
generateAndWriteProjectSkeleton = do
coreFiles <- liftIO $ map (first SP.fromRelFile) <$> readCoreWaspProjectFiles
mapM_ writeNewFile coreFiles
-- TODO: OpenAI released ChatGPT 3.5-turbo with 16k context, should we use that one?
-- What about "functions" feature that they released?
let waspFile@(waspFilePath, _) = generateBaseWaspFile newProjectDetails
writeNewFile waspFile
case _projectAuth newProjectDetails of
UsernameAndPassword -> do
writeNewFile generateLoginJsPage
writeNewFile generateSignupJsPage
writeNewFile generateDotEnvServerFile
writeToLog "Generated project skeleton."
return waspFilePath
generateAndWriteAction waspFilePath plan actionPlan = do
action <- generateAction newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) actionPlan
writeActionToFile action
writeActionToWaspFile waspFilePath action
writeToLog $ "Generated action: " <> T.pack (P.actionName actionPlan)
return action
generateAndWriteQuery waspFilePath plan queryPlan = do
query <- generateQuery newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) queryPlan
writeQueryToFile query
writeQueryToWaspFile waspFilePath query
writeToLog $ "Generated query: " <> T.pack (P.queryName queryPlan)
return query
generateAndWritePage waspFilePath plan queries actions pagePlan = do
page <- generatePage newProjectDetails (P.entities plan) queries actions pagePlan
writePageToFile page
writePageToWaspFile waspFilePath page
writeToLog $ "Generated page: " <> T.pack (P.pageName pagePlan)
return page
generateBaseWaspFile :: NewProjectDetails -> File
generateBaseWaspFile = undefined
generateBaseWaspFile newProjectDetails = (path, content)
path = "main.wasp"
appName = T.pack $ _projectAppName newProjectDetails
appTitle = appName
waspVersion = T.pack $ show Wasp.Version.waspVersion
appAuth = case _projectAuth newProjectDetails of
-- NOTE: We assume here that there will be a page with route "/".
UsernameAndPassword ->
auth: {
userEntity: User,
methods: {
usernameAndPassword: {}
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login",
onAuthSucceededRedirectTo: "/"
content =
app ${appName} {
wasp: {
version: "^${waspVersion}"
title: ${appTitle},
entity User {=psl
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
username String @unique
password String
route LoginRoute { path: "/login", to: LoginPage }
page LoginPage {
component: import Login from "@client/Login.jsx"
route SignupRoute { path: "/signup", to: SignupPage }
page SignupPage {
component: import Signup from "@client/Signup.jsx"
generateLoginJsPage :: File
generateLoginJsPage =
( "src/client/Login.jsx",
import React from 'react';
import { LoginForm } from '@wasp/auth/forms/Login';
export default function Login() {
return (
<LoginForm />
generateSignupJsPage :: File
generateSignupJsPage =
( "src/client/Signup.jsx",
import React from 'react';
import { SignupForm } from '@wasp/auth/forms/Signup';
export default function Signup() {
return (
<SignupForm />
generateDotEnvServerFile :: File
generateDotEnvServerFile =
( ".env.server",
// Here you can define env vars to pass to the server.
// MY_ENV_VAR=foobar
generatePlan :: NewProjectDetails -> CodeAgent Plan
generatePlan = undefined
-- [ ChatMessage
-- { role = System,
@ -103,14 +212,10 @@ generateBaseWaspFile = undefined
-- }
-- ]
generateDotEnvServerFile :: NewProjectDetails -> File
generateDotEnvServerFile = undefined
-- TODO: Tell it to generate at least one page which has route "/".
generatePlan :: NewProjectDetails -> CodeAgent Plan
generatePlan = undefined
updateWaspFileWithEntities :: FilePath -> [P.Entity] -> CodeAgent ()
updateWaspFileWithEntities waspFilePath entities = do
writeEntitiesToWaspFile :: FilePath -> [P.Entity] -> CodeAgent ()
writeEntitiesToWaspFile waspFilePath entities = do
-- TODO: assemble code for each entity and write it to wasp file.
@ -120,8 +225,8 @@ generateAction = undefined
writeActionToFile :: Action -> CodeAgent ()
writeActionToFile = undefined
updateWaspFileWithAction :: FilePath -> Action -> CodeAgent ()
updateWaspFileWithAction waspFilePath action = undefined
writeActionToWaspFile :: FilePath -> Action -> CodeAgent ()
writeActionToWaspFile waspFilePath action = undefined
data Action = Action
{ _actionWaspDecl :: String,
@ -135,8 +240,8 @@ generateQuery = undefined
writeQueryToFile :: Query -> CodeAgent ()
writeQueryToFile = undefined
updateWaspFileWithQuery :: FilePath -> Query -> CodeAgent ()
updateWaspFileWithQuery waspFilePath query = undefined
writeQueryToWaspFile :: FilePath -> Query -> CodeAgent ()
writeQueryToWaspFile waspFilePath query = undefined
data Query = Query
{ _queryWaspDecl :: String,
@ -150,8 +255,8 @@ generatePage = undefined
writePageToFile :: Page -> CodeAgent ()
writePageToFile = undefined
updateWaspFileWithPage :: FilePath -> Page -> CodeAgent ()
updateWaspFileWithPage waspFilePath page = undefined
writePageToWaspFile :: FilePath -> Page -> CodeAgent ()
writePageToWaspFile waspFilePath page = undefined
data Page = Page
{ _pageWaspDecl :: String,
@ -232,6 +337,9 @@ waspFileExample =
-- TODO: Explain to ChatGPT how data flows in Wasp: pages call actions and queries,
-- actions and queries work with entities, entities are the core data models.
-- Also maybe provide a bit more details on what each of these do.
basicWaspLangInfo =
Wasp is web app framework that uses React, NodeJS and Prisma.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user