Improved blog post example description.

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Martin Sosic 2023-07-10 17:57:51 +02:00
parent 72f6b08c99
commit 6e6d3fe4cd

View File

@ -23,14 +23,18 @@ export const exampleIdeas = [
name: "Blog",
"A blog with posts and post comments. Posts can be created, edited and deleted. Comments can be created. Posts and comments are saved in the database."
+ "\nUser owns posts and comments. Everybody can see all posts and comments, but only the owner can edit or delete them."
+ "\nHome page lists all posts (their titles and authors) and is accessible by anybody. It also has a 'New post' button, that only logged in users can see."
+ "\nThere is a second page, to which 'New post' button takes you, for creating / editing a post. Only post author can access it."
+ "\nFinally, there is a third page, for viewing individual post in details, to which you are taken by clicking on the post on the home page."
+ "\nAnybody can access this page. It also lists all post comments, and logged-in users can add new comments."
description: `A blogging platform with posts and post comments.
User owns posts and comments and they are saved in the database.
Everybody can see all posts, but only the owner can edit or delete them. Everybody can see all the comments.
App has four pages:
1. "Home" page lists all posts (their titles and authors) and is accessible by anybody.
If you click on a post, you are taken to the "View post" page.
It also has a 'New post' button, that only logged in users can see, and that takes you to the "New post" page.
2. "New post" page is accessible only by the logged in users. It has a form for creating a new post (title, content).
3. "Edit post" page is accessible only by the post owner. It has a form for editing the post with the id specified in the url.
4. "View post" page is accessible by anybody and it shows the details of the post with the id specified in the url: its title, author, content and comments.
It also has a form for creating a new comment, that is accessible only by the logged in users.
color: availableColors.find((color) => === "amber"),
complexity: "complex",