[waspls] Add code actions for scaffolding external code (#1316)

When an external import tries to import a symbol from a TypeScript/JavaScript file, waspls now offers quickfix code actions to scaffold a function in that file.

It uses the surrounding context of the external import to determine what code to write for the code action. See [`ScaffoldTsSymbol.hs`](457911d5e9/waspc/waspls/src/Wasp/LSP/Commands/ScaffoldTsSymbol.hs) for a detailed description of how it works. At a high level, there is a `templateForFile` function in `Wasp.LSP.Commands.ScaffoldTsSymbol` that selects the correct template from `data/lsp/templates/ts`. For example, `action.fn.ts` contains a template for scaffolding an `action` function in a TypeScript file and would be used when a code action is requested with the cursor at the location marked by `|`:

action createTask {
  fn: import { createTask } from "@server/actions.js"|

The scaffold action runs as a [LSP command](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-3-16/#workspace_executeCommand). To prepare for wanting to define more commands in waspls in the future, this PR also introduces the concept of `Commands` (`Wasp.LSP.Commands.Command`) that define some properties about each command waspls wants to handle.
This commit is contained in:
Craig McIlwrath 2023-07-26 08:00:16 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3e481eba04
commit 76d9fc4213
No known key found for this signature in database
22 changed files with 797 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { {{upperDeclName}} } from '@wasp/actions/types'
{{#named?}}export {{/named?}}const {{name}}: {{upperDeclName}}<void, void> = async (args, context) => {
// Implementation goes here
export default {{name}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{{#named?}}export {{/named?}}const {{name}} = async (args, context) => {
// Implementation goes here
export default {{name}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{{#named?}}export {{/named?}}function {{name}}() {
return (
<div>Hello world!</div>
export default {{name}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { {{upperDeclName}} } from '@wasp/queries/types'
{{#named?}}export {{/named?}}const {{name}}: {{upperDeclName}}<void, void> = async (args, context) => {
// Implementation goes here
export default {{name}}

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan
( SourceSpan (..),
@ -18,3 +19,6 @@ data SourceSpan = SourceSpan !SourceOffset !SourceOffset
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance NFData SourceSpan
spansOverlap :: SourceSpan -> SourceSpan -> Bool
spansOverlap (SourceSpan s0 e0) (SourceSpan s1 e1) = not ((s1 >= e0) || (s0 >= e1))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Wasp.AppSpec.ExtImport
( ExtImport (..),
@ -7,7 +9,9 @@ module Wasp.AppSpec.ExtImport
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Data (Data)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import StrongPath (File', Path, Posix, Rel)
import Wasp.AppSpec.ExternalCode (SourceExternalCodeDir)
@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ data ExtImportName
ExtImportModule Identifier
| -- | Represents external imports like @import { Identifier } from "file.js"@
ExtImportField Identifier
deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
importIdentifier :: ExtImport -> Identifier
importIdentifier (ExtImport importName _) = case importName of

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module Wasp.Util.HashMap
( lookupKey,
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
-- | Lookup a key, returning the key stored in the map. Useful when the 'Eq'
-- instance on the key type isn't structural equality.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- >>> import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-- >>> newtype ApproxDouble = ApproxDouble Double deriving (Show, Hashable)
-- >>> instance Eq ApproxDouble where
-- >>> ApproxDouble x == ApproxDouble y = abs (x - y) < 0.01
-- >>> lookupKey (ApproxDouble 0.502) $ M.fromList [(ApproxDouble 0.5, "a"), (ApproxDouble 0.6, "b")]
-- 0.5
lookupKey :: (Eq k) => k -> HashMap k v -> Maybe k
lookupKey k = find (== k) . M.keys

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module Wasp.Util.StrongPath
( replaceExtension,
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import qualified Path as P
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified StrongPath.Path as SP
stripProperPrefix :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir a) -> SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File b) -> Maybe (SP.Path' (SP.Rel a) (SP.File b))
stripProperPrefix base file =
<$> P.stripProperPrefix (SP.toPathAbsDir base) (SP.toPathAbsFile file)
replaceExtension :: MonadThrow m => SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a) -> String -> m (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a))
replaceExtension path ext =
SP.fromPathAbsFile <$> P.replaceExtension ext (SP.toPathAbsFile path)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpanTest where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan (SourceSpan (SourceSpan), spansOverlap)
spec_SourceSpanTest :: Spec
spec_SourceSpanTest = do
describe "Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan" $ do
describe "spansOverlap works" $ do
it "when first is before second" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 0 5) (SourceSpan 10 15) `shouldBe` False
it "when first ends right before second starts" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 0 5) (SourceSpan 5 10) `shouldBe` False
it "when first overlaps second on its left edge" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 0 5) (SourceSpan 4 10) `shouldBe` True
it "when first is second" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 0 5) (SourceSpan 0 5) `shouldBe` True
it "when first overlaps second on its right edge" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 4 10) (SourceSpan 0 5) `shouldBe` True
it "when second is zero-width" $ do
spansOverlap (SourceSpan 0 5) (SourceSpan 2 2) `shouldBe` True
it "is commutative" $ do
property $ \s0 e0 s1 e1 ->
let first = SourceSpan s0 e0
second = SourceSpan s1 e1
in spansOverlap first second == spansOverlap second first

View File

@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ data-files:
@ -331,6 +334,8 @@ library
@ -344,6 +349,10 @@ library waspls
@ -383,6 +392,7 @@ library waspls
, strong-path
, path
, async ^>=2.2.4
, mustache ^>=2.3.2
, unliftio-core
, mtl
, text
@ -516,6 +526,7 @@ test-suite waspc-test
@ -577,6 +588,7 @@ test-suite waspls-test
test-suite cli-test
import: common-all, common-exe

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
module Wasp.LSP.CodeActions
( getCodeActionsInRange,
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (asks)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.AST (ExtImportName (ExtImportField, ExtImportModule))
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST (SyntaxNode)
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST as S
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST.Traverse (Traversal)
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST.Traverse as T
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan (SourceSpan, spansOverlap)
import qualified Wasp.LSP.Commands.ScaffoldTsSymbol as ScaffoldTS
import Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.ExportsCache (ExtImportLookupResult (..), lookupExtImport)
import Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Path (WaspStyleExtFilePath)
import qualified Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Path as ExtImport
import Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Syntax (ExtImportNode (einLocation, einName), extImportAtLocation)
import Wasp.LSP.ServerMonads (HandlerM)
import qualified Wasp.LSP.ServerState as State
import Wasp.LSP.Syntax (lspRangeToSpan)
import qualified Wasp.LSP.TypeInference as Inference
import Wasp.LSP.Util (getPathRelativeToProjectDir)
import qualified Wasp.Util.HashMap as M
import Wasp.Util.IO (doesFileExist)
import Wasp.Util.StrongPath (replaceExtension)
-- | Runs all 'codeActionProviders' and concatenates their results.
getCodeActionsInRange :: LSP.Range -> HandlerM [LSP.CodeAction]
getCodeActionsInRange range = do
src <- asks (^. State.currentWaspSource)
maybeCst <- asks (^. State.cst)
let sourceSpan = lspRangeToSpan src range
case maybeCst of
Nothing -> pure []
Just syntax -> do
concat <$> mapM (\provider -> provider src syntax sourceSpan) codeActionProviders
codeActionProviders :: [String -> [SyntaxNode] -> SourceSpan -> HandlerM [LSP.CodeAction]]
codeActionProviders =
[ extImportScaffoldActionProvider
-- | Provide 'LSP.CodeAction's that define missing JS/TS functions that do not
-- already exist but are needed by external imports that are found within the
-- given 'SourceSpan'.
extImportScaffoldActionProvider :: String -> [SyntaxNode] -> SourceSpan -> HandlerM [LSP.CodeAction]
extImportScaffoldActionProvider src syntax sourceSpan = do
let extImports = map (extImportAtLocation src) $ collectExtImportNodesInSpan (T.fromSyntaxForest syntax)
concat <$> mapM (getScaffoldActionsForExtImport src) extImports
-- Post-condition: all 'Traversal's returned have @kindAt t == ExtImport@.
collectExtImportNodesInSpan :: Traversal -> [Traversal]
collectExtImportNodesInSpan t =
-- Only consider the given traversal if it is within the span.
if spansOverlap (T.spanAt t) sourceSpan
then case T.kindAt t of
S.ExtImport -> [t]
_ -> concatMap collectExtImportNodesInSpan $ T.children t
else []
-- | Finds code actions to create a JS/TS function for an external import. Returns
-- one code action for each JS/TS/JSX/TSX file a function can be created in.
-- This function also checks to make sure each code action, which runs the
-- @wasp.scaffold.ts-symbol@ command, has a scaffolding template that can be
-- used.
getScaffoldActionsForExtImport :: String -> ExtImportNode -> HandlerM [LSP.CodeAction]
getScaffoldActionsForExtImport src extImport = do
lookupExtImport extImport >>= \case
ImportSyntaxError -> return []
ImportCacheMiss -> return [] -- Not in cache, so we assume it's valid.
ImportsSymbol _ _ -> return [] -- Valid import, no code action needed.
ImportedFileDoesNotExist waspStylePath -> case einName extImport of
Nothing -> return [] -- Syntax error in import, can't know if it's valid.
Just symbolName -> makeCodeActions True symbolName waspStylePath
ImportedSymbolDoesNotExist symbolName waspStylePath -> makeCodeActions False symbolName waspStylePath
makeCodeActions :: Bool -> ExtImportName -> WaspStyleExtFilePath -> HandlerM [LSP.CodeAction]
makeCodeActions createNewFile symbolName waspStylePath = do
let pathToExtImport = fromMaybe [] $ Inference.findExprPathToLocation src $ einLocation extImport
referencedPaths <- getPathsReferencedByExtImport createNewFile waspStylePath
catMaybes <$> mapM (makeCodeAction symbolName pathToExtImport) referencedPaths
-- Get the list of paths the client might want to define the function in. If
-- a file with the right name already exists, it returns that one.
-- If no file exists, returns a list of files with each allowed extension,
-- based on JS module resolution. For example, @import x from "@server/y.js"@
-- results in both @y.ts@ and @y.js@.
-- See "Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Path" for how allowed extensions are decided based
-- on the path written in the Wasp source code.
getPathsReferencedByExtImport :: Bool -> WaspStyleExtFilePath -> HandlerM [SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File']
getPathsReferencedByExtImport createNewFile waspStylePath = do
let cachePathFromSrc =
fromMaybe (error "[createCodeActions] unreachable: invalid wasp style path") $
ExtImport.waspStylePathToCachePath waspStylePath
-- The allowed extensions stored in the cache are based on what files exist
-- on disk. Usually, paths in the cache will allow only one extension, which
-- will be exactly the extension that is used on the file system.
allowedExts <-
ExtImport.allowedExts . ExtImport.cachePathExtType . fromMaybe cachePathFromSrc
<$> asks (M.lookupKey cachePathFromSrc . (^. State.tsExports))
absPath <-
fromMaybe (error "[createCodeActions] unreachable: can't get abs path")
<$> ExtImport.cachePathToAbsPathWithoutExt cachePathFromSrc
let possiblePaths =
map (SP.castFile . fromMaybe (error "unreachable") . replaceExtension absPath) allowedExts
-- If not creating a new file, the external import could only be referencing an
-- existing file, so nonexistant files are filtered.
if createNewFile
then return possiblePaths
else filterM (liftIO . doesFileExist) possiblePaths
-- Checks if the "ScaffoldTS" command has a template for this request; if it
-- does not, returns 'Nothing'.
makeCodeAction :: ExtImportName -> Inference.ExprPath -> SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a) -> HandlerM (Maybe LSP.CodeAction)
makeCodeAction symbolName pathToExtImport targetFile = do
-- The code action is nicer to use when we display just the relative path to the file.
targetFileForDisplay <- maybe (SP.fromAbsFile targetFile) SP.fromRelFile <$> getPathRelativeToProjectDir targetFile
let args =
{ ScaffoldTS.symbolName = symbolName,
ScaffoldTS.pathToExtImport = pathToExtImport,
ScaffoldTS.filepath = SP.castFile targetFile
command = ScaffoldTS.makeLspCommand args
let title = case symbolName of
ExtImportModule _ -> printf "Add default export to %s" targetFileForDisplay
ExtImportField name -> printf "Create function `%s` in %s" name targetFileForDisplay
if ScaffoldTS.hasTemplateForArgs args
return . Just $
{ _title = Text.pack title,
_kind = Just LSP.CodeActionQuickFix,
_diagnostics = Nothing,
_isPreferred = Nothing,
_disabled = Nothing,
_edit = Nothing,
_command = Just command,
_xdata = Nothing
else return Nothing

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module Wasp.LSP.Commands
( -- * waspls Commands
-- Defines 'handleExecuteCommand', which dispatches a LSP workspace/executeCommand
-- request to the appropriate 'Command'.
-- To define a new command, create a "Wasp.LSP.Commands.Command" for
-- it and add it to 'commands' list in this module.
-- When defining a new command, it is recommended to, in addition to the
-- 'Command', define an @Args@ type that the command expects to be
-- passed to it and a @makeLspCommand@ function that takes an @Args@ value and
-- returns an 'LSP.Command'. Following this pattern will ensure a simple
-- and consistent interface to interacting with each command.
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Wasp.LSP.Commands.Command (Command (commandHandler, commandName))
import qualified Wasp.LSP.Commands.ScaffoldTsSymbol as ScaffoldTsSymbol
import Wasp.LSP.ServerMonads (ServerM)
commands :: M.HashMap Text Command
commands =
M.fromList $
(\command -> (commandName command, command))
[ ScaffoldTsSymbol.command
-- | List of the names of commands that 'handler' can execute.
availableCommands :: [Text]
availableCommands = M.keys commands
-- | Find the relevant 'Command' in 'commands' for the request, or respond
-- with an error if there is no handler listed for it.
handleExecuteCommand :: LSP.Handlers ServerM
handleExecuteCommand = LSP.requestHandler LSP.SWorkspaceExecuteCommand $ \request respond ->
let requestedCommand = request ^. LSP.params . LSP.command
in case commands M.!? requestedCommand of
Nothing -> do
respond $
Left $
{ _code = LSP.MethodNotFound,
_message = Text.pack $ printf "No handler for command '%s'" requestedCommand,
_xdata = Nothing
Just command -> commandHandler command request respond

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Wasp.LSP.Commands.Command
( Command (Command, commandName, commandHandler),
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, Result (Error, Success), Value, fromJSON)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Wasp.LSP.ServerMonads (ServerM)
-- | Command name and handler. When a 'LSP.WorkspaceExecuteCommand' request is
-- received with the command name matching the one listed in a 'Command', the
-- corresponding handler is executed.
data Command = Command
{ commandName :: Text,
commandHandler :: LSP.Handler ServerM 'LSP.WorkspaceExecuteCommand
-- | @withParsedArgs request respond handleUsingArgs@ parses the arguments list
-- of a 'LSP.WorkspaceExecuteCommand' request according to the following rules
-- and passes the parsed arguments to @handleUsingArgs@.
-- Parsing rules:
-- - The request contains exactly one JSON argument value.
-- - The single JSON argument can be parsed into the type that @handleUsingArgs@
-- expects to be passed.
-- When a request does not meet these requirements, a 'LSP.ResponseError' is
-- sent to the client and @handleUsingArgs@ is not run.
-- == Usage
-- This function is inteneded to be wrapped around the top-level of a command
-- handler:
-- @
-- data Args = Args { message :: String } deriving (Generic, FromJSON)
-- handle request response = withParsedArgs request response $ \args -> do
-- logM $ "received message " <> message args
-- -- ...
-- @
withParsedArgs ::
(FromJSON args, LSP.MonadLsp c m) =>
-- | LSP 'request'.
LSP.RequestMessage 'LSP.WorkspaceExecuteCommand ->
-- | LSP 'respond'.
(Either LSP.ResponseError Value -> m ()) ->
-- | Handler that need arguments.
(args -> m ()) ->
m ()
withParsedArgs request respond handleCmdUsingArgs = case request ^. LSP.params . LSP.arguments of
Just (LSP.List [jsonArgument]) -> case fromJSON jsonArgument of
Error err -> respond $ Left $ makeInvalidParamsError $ Text.pack err
Success parsedArgs -> handleCmdUsingArgs parsedArgs
_ -> respond $ Left $ makeInvalidParamsError "Expected exactly one argument"
makeInvalidParamsError :: Text -> LSP.ResponseError
makeInvalidParamsError msg =
{ _code = LSP.InvalidParams,
_message = msg,
_xdata = Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Wasp.LSP.Commands.ScaffoldTsSymbol
( -- * Scaffold TS Symbol Command
-- Command @wasp.scaffold.ts-symbol@ appends a new function with the given
-- name to end of a particular file.
-- Mustache templates are used to write the code for the new function.
-- @templateForRequest@ chooses a template in @data/lsp/template/ts@ based
-- on the location of the external import and the extension of the file that
-- the function will be appended to.
-- To add a new template, add the template to the template directory. Then,
-- add a new equation to @templateForRequest@ that matches when you want the
-- template to be used.
-- The templates have several variables available to them:
-- [@name@]: String, the name imported by a the external import. For example,
-- @getAll@ in @import { getAll } from "@server/queries.js"@.
-- [@default?@]: Boolean, true if the external import is importing the default
-- export.
-- [@named?@]: Boolean, true if the external import is importing a named export.
-- [@upperDeclName@]: String, the name of the declaration the external import
-- is within, with the first letter capitalized.
-- ** Current Limitations
-- Due to the current way waspls works, we are not able to send a
-- 'LSP.WorkspaceApplyEdit' request to add the scaffolded code. Instead, we
-- modify the file on disk. This isn't the exact proper way to modify the
-- code, but it works.
-- The reason is that waspls only receives document synchronization events
-- for @.wasp@ files (didChange, didOpen, didClose, etc.), so we only know
-- the versioned URI for the @.wasp@ file, not the TS files. But we need the
-- versioned URI for sending edits. The LSP spec is not clear on what files
-- get the sync events, but in VSCode's case it is determined by the client
-- (the VSCode Wasp extension).
-- The extension can easily be configured to send sync events for JS/TS
-- files, but waspls makes a lot of assumptions about what files it receives
-- events for and would require a lot of refactoring to work properly. It
-- would be best to handle this at the same time as we add support for multiple
-- wasp files to the language and to waspls.
Args (Args, symbolName, pathToExtImport, filepath),
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (throwError), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Log.Class (logM)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON (toJSON), object, parseJSON, withObject, (.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Path as P
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified StrongPath.Path as SP
import qualified Text.Mustache as Mustache
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.AST (ExtImportName (ExtImportField, ExtImportModule))
import qualified Wasp.Data
import Wasp.LSP.Commands.Command (Command (Command, commandHandler, commandName), makeInvalidParamsError, withParsedArgs)
import Wasp.LSP.ServerMonads (ServerM)
import Wasp.LSP.TypeInference (ExprPath, ExprPathStep (Decl, DictKey))
import qualified Wasp.LSP.TypeInference as Inference
import Wasp.Util (toUpperFirst)
import Wasp.Util.IO (doesFileExist)
command :: Command
command =
{ commandName = "wasp.scaffold.ts-symbol",
commandHandler = handler
makeLspCommand :: Args -> LSP.Command
makeLspCommand args =
{ _title = "Scaffold TS Code",
_command = commandName command,
_arguments = Just $ LSP.List [toJSON args]
data Args = Args
{ -- | Name of the symbol to define. If this is 'ExtImportModule', it will
-- create a function with the specified name and export it as default.
symbolName :: ExtImportName,
-- | Description of where the external import occurs in the wasp source code,
-- used, along with the extension of 'filepath', to determine what template
-- to use.
pathToExtImport :: ExprPath,
-- | Path to the file to add the scaffolded code to the end of.
filepath :: SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File'
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON Args where
toJSON args =
[ "symbolName" .= symbolName args,
"pathToExtImport" .= pathToExtImport args,
"filepath" .= SP.toFilePath (filepath args)
instance FromJSON Args where
parseJSON = withObject "Args" $ \v ->
<$> v .: "symbolName"
<*> v .: "pathToExtImport"
<*> ((maybe (fail "Could not parse filepath") pure . SP.parseAbsFile) =<< v .: "filepath")
handler :: LSP.Handler ServerM 'LSP.WorkspaceExecuteCommand
handler request respond = withParsedArgs request respond scaffold
scaffold :: Args -> ServerM ()
scaffold args@Args {..} = case P.fileExtension $ SP.toPathAbsFile filepath of
Nothing -> respond $ Left $ makeInvalidParamsError "Invalid filepath: no extension"
Just ext ->
getTemplateFor pathToExtImport ext >>= \case
Left err ->
respond $ Left $ makeInvalidParamsError $ Text.pack err
Right template -> renderAndWriteScaffoldTemplate args template
renderAndWriteScaffoldTemplate :: Args -> Mustache.Template -> ServerM ()
renderAndWriteScaffoldTemplate args@Args {..} template = case pathToExtImport of
Inference.Decl _ declName : _ -> do
let symbolData = case symbolName of
ExtImportModule name -> ["default?" .= True, "named?" .= False, "name" .= name]
ExtImportField name -> ["default?" .= False, "named?" .= True, "name" .= name]
let templateData = object $ symbolData ++ ["upperDeclName" .= toUpperFirst declName]
let rendered = renderTemplate template templateData
logM $ printf "[wasp.scaffold.ts-symbol]: rendered=%s" (show rendered)
-- NOTE: we modify the file on disk instead of applying an edit through
-- the LSP client. See "Current Limitations" above.
liftIO $ Text.appendFile (SP.fromAbsFile filepath) rendered
notifyClientOfFileChanges args
respond $ Right Aeson.Null
_ -> respond $ Left $ makeInvalidParamsError $ Text.pack $ "Top-level step in path to ext import is not a decl: " ++ show pathToExtImport
-- Displays a message to the client that a file changed, with a button to
-- open the changed file.
notifyClientOfFileChanges :: Args -> ServerM ()
notifyClientOfFileChanges Args {..} = do
let symbol = case symbolName of
ExtImportModule _ -> "default export"
ExtImportField name -> "export " <> name
let message =
{ _xtype = LSP.MtInfo,
_message = Text.pack $ printf "Created %s in %s." symbol (SP.fromAbsFile filepath),
_actions = Just [LSP.MessageActionItem "Open"]
void $
LSP.sendRequest LSP.SWindowShowMessageRequest message $ \case
Left err -> logM $ "Error showing message for file created: " <> show err
Right (Just (LSP.MessageActionItem "Open")) -> do
-- Client selected the "Open" button, ask it to display the file.
let showDocument =
{ _uri = LSP.filePathToUri $ SP.fromAbsFile filepath,
_external = Nothing,
_takeFocus = Just True,
_selection = Nothing
void $ LSP.sendRequest LSP.SWindowShowDocument showDocument (const (pure ()))
Right _ -> return ()
-- | Check if the scaffold command has a template available for the given args.
-- If this is false, running the command with these args will __definitely__
-- fail.
hasTemplateForArgs :: Args -> Bool
hasTemplateForArgs Args {..} = case P.fileExtension $ SP.toPathAbsFile filepath of
Nothing -> False
Just ext -> isRight $ templateFileFor pathToExtImport ext
-- | @getTemplateFor pathToExtImport extension@ finds the mustache template in
-- @data/lsp/templates/ts@ and compiles it.
getTemplateFor :: MonadIO m => ExprPath -> String -> m (Either String Mustache.Template)
getTemplateFor exprPath ext = runExceptT $ do
templatesDir <- liftIO getTemplatesDir
templateFile <- (templatesDir SP.</>) <$> templateFileFor exprPath ext
templateExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist templateFile
if templateExists
then do
compileResult <- liftIO $ Mustache.automaticCompile [SP.fromAbsDir templatesDir] (SP.fromAbsFile templateFile)
case compileResult of
-- Note: 'error' is used here because all templates should compile succesfully.
Left err -> error $ printf "Compilation of template %s failed: %s" (SP.fromAbsFile templateFile) (show err)
Right template -> return template
else throwError $ printf "No scaffolding template for request: %s does not exist" (SP.fromAbsFile templateFile)
-- | Renders a mustache template to text.
-- This function is partial: if errors are encountered rendering the template,
-- @error@ is returned.
renderTemplate :: Mustache.Template -> Aeson.Value -> Text
renderTemplate template templateData =
let (errs, text) = Mustache.checkedSubstituteValue template $ Mustache.toMustache templateData
in if null errs
then text
else error $ printf "Unexpected errors rendering template: " ++ show errs
data TemplatesDir
data Template
type TemplateFile = SP.Path' (SP.Rel TemplatesDir) (SP.File Template)
templatesDirInDataDir :: SP.Path' (SP.Rel Wasp.Data.DataDir) (SP.Dir TemplatesDir)
templatesDirInDataDir = [SP.reldir|lsp/templates/ts|]
getTemplatesDir :: IO (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir TemplatesDir))
getTemplatesDir = (SP.</> templatesDirInDataDir) <$> Wasp.Data.getAbsDataDirPath
templateFileFor ::
MonadError String m =>
-- | Path to the external import that the scaffold request came from.
ExprPath ->
-- | Extension of the file that the request is scaffolding code in.
String ->
m TemplateFile
templateFileFor [Decl "query" _, DictKey "fn"] ".ts" = pure [SP.relfile|query.fn.ts|]
templateFileFor [Decl "action" _, DictKey "fn"] ".ts" = pure [SP.relfile|action.fn.ts|]
templateFileFor [Decl declType _, DictKey "fn"] ".js"
| declType `elem` ["query", "action"] = pure [SP.relfile|operation.fn.js|]
templateFileFor [Decl "page" _, DictKey "component"] ext
| ext `elem` [".jsx", ".tsx"] = pure [SP.relfile|page.component.jsx|]
templateFileFor exprPath ext = throwError $ printf "No template defined for %s with extension %s" (show exprPath) ext

View File

@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
module Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Path
( ExtFileCachePath,
WaspStyleExtFilePath (WaspStyleExtFilePath),
@ -23,6 +28,7 @@ import qualified StrongPath.Path as SP
import Wasp.AppSpec.ExternalCode (SourceExternalCodeDir)
import Wasp.Project.Common (WaspProjectDir)
import Wasp.Util.IO (doesFileExist)
import Wasp.Util.StrongPath (stripProperPrefix)
data ExtensionlessExtFile
@ -30,8 +36,10 @@ data ExtensionlessExtFile
-- It is stored relative to @src/@ and without an extension so that cache lookups
-- (starting with a 'WaspStyleExtFilePath') are more efficient.
data ExtFileCachePath
= ExtFileCachePath !(SP.Path' (SP.Rel SourceExternalCodeDir) (SP.File ExtensionlessExtFile)) !ExtensionType
data ExtFileCachePath = ExtFileCachePath
{ cachePathFile :: !(SP.Path' (SP.Rel SourceExternalCodeDir) (SP.File ExtensionlessExtFile)),
cachePathExtType :: !ExtensionType
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- | Hashes only the path portion (ignoring the extension type). This is so that
@ -54,7 +62,7 @@ waspStylePathToCachePath (WaspStyleExtFilePath waspStylePath) = do
let (extensionLessFile, extType) = splitExtensionType relFile
return $ ExtFileCachePath (SP.fromPathRelFile extensionLessFile) extType
absPathToCachePath :: LSP.MonadLsp c m => SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File' -> m (Maybe ExtFileCachePath)
absPathToCachePath :: LSP.MonadLsp c m => SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a) -> m (Maybe ExtFileCachePath)
absPathToCachePath absFile = do
-- Makes the path relative to src/ and deletes the extension.
maybeProjectDir <- (>>= SP.parseAbsDir) <$> LSP.getRootPath
@ -62,23 +70,28 @@ absPathToCachePath absFile = do
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just (projectRootDir :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir WaspProjectDir)) ->
let srcDir = projectRootDir SP.</> srcDirInProjectRootDir
in case P.stripProperPrefix (SP.toPathAbsDir srcDir) (SP.toPathAbsFile absFile) of
in case stripProperPrefix srcDir absFile of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just relFile -> do
let (extensionLessFile, extType) = splitExtensionType relFile
let (extensionLessFile, extType) = splitExtensionType $ SP.toPathRelFile relFile
pure $ Just $ ExtFileCachePath (SP.fromPathRelFile extensionLessFile) extType
cachePathToAbsPath :: forall m c. LSP.MonadLsp c m => ExtFileCachePath -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File'))
cachePathToAbsPath (ExtFileCachePath cachePath extType) = do
-- Converts to an absolute path and finds the appropriate extension.
cachePathToAbsPathWithoutExt :: LSP.MonadLsp c m => ExtFileCachePath -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File ExtensionlessExtFile)))
cachePathToAbsPathWithoutExt (ExtFileCachePath cachePath _) = do
-- Converts to an absolute path, but does not add any extension.
maybeProjectDir <- (>>= SP.parseAbsDir) <$> LSP.getRootPath
case maybeProjectDir of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (projectRootDir :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir WaspProjectDir)) -> do
let fileWithNoExtension = projectRootDir SP.</> srcDirInProjectRootDir SP.</> cachePath
useFirstExtensionThatExists fileWithNoExtension $ allowedExts extType
return $ Just $ projectRootDir SP.</> srcDirInProjectRootDir SP.</> cachePath
cachePathToAbsPath :: forall m c a. LSP.MonadLsp c m => ExtFileCachePath -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a)))
cachePathToAbsPath cp@(ExtFileCachePath _ extType) =
cachePathToAbsPathWithoutExt cp >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just absPathWithoutExt -> useFirstExtensionThatExists absPathWithoutExt $ allowedExts extType
useFirstExtensionThatExists :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File ExtensionlessExtFile) -> [String] -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File'))
useFirstExtensionThatExists :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File ExtensionlessExtFile) -> [String] -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a)))
useFirstExtensionThatExists _ [] = pure Nothing
useFirstExtensionThatExists file (ext : exts) =
case P.addExtension ext (SP.toPathAbsFile file) of
@ -97,10 +110,10 @@ cachePathToAbsPath (ExtFileCachePath cachePath extType) = do
-- config files exist.
-- IF the given path is not in either @src/@ subdirectory, returns nothing.
tryGetTsconfigForAbsPath :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir WaspProjectDir) -> SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File' -> Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File')
tryGetTsconfigForAbsPath :: SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir WaspProjectDir) -> SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a) -> Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a))
tryGetTsconfigForAbsPath projectRootDir file = tsconfigPath [SP.reldir|src/client|] <|> tsconfigPath [SP.reldir|src/server|]
tsconfigPath :: SP.Path' (SP.Rel WaspProjectDir) SP.Dir' -> Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs SP.File')
tsconfigPath :: SP.Path' (SP.Rel WaspProjectDir) SP.Dir' -> Maybe (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a))
tsconfigPath folder =
let absFolder = projectRootDir SP.</> folder
in if SP.toPathAbsDir absFolder `P.isProperPrefixOf` SP.toPathAbsFile file

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Wasp.LSP.ExtImport.Syntax
( ExtImportNode (..),

View File

@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ module Wasp.LSP.Handlers
@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Wasp.LSP.Analysis (diagnoseWaspFile)
import Wasp.LSP.CodeActions (getCodeActionsInRange)
import qualified Wasp.LSP.Commands as Commands
import Wasp.LSP.Completion (getCompletionsAtPosition)
import Wasp.LSP.DynamicHandlers (registerDynamicCapabilities)
import Wasp.LSP.GotoDefinition (gotoDefinitionOfSymbolAtPosition)
@ -69,6 +73,9 @@ didSaveHandler :: Handlers ServerM
didSaveHandler =
LSP.notificationHandler LSP.STextDocumentDidSave $ diagnoseWaspFile . extractUri
executeCommandHandler :: Handlers ServerM
executeCommandHandler = Commands.handleExecuteCommand
completionHandler :: Handlers ServerM
completionHandler =
LSP.requestHandler LSP.STextDocumentCompletion $ \request respond -> do
@ -90,6 +97,13 @@ signatureHelpHandler =
signatureHelp <- handler $ getSignatureHelpAtPosition position
respond $ Right signatureHelp
codeActionHandler :: Handlers ServerM
codeActionHandler =
LSP.requestHandler LSP.STextDocumentCodeAction $ \request respond -> do
let range = request ^. LSP.params . LSP.range
codeActions <- handler $ getCodeActionsInRange range
respond $ Right $ LSP.List $ map LSP.InR codeActions
-- | Get the 'Uri' from an object that has a 'TextDocument'.
extractUri :: (LSP.HasParams a b, LSP.HasTextDocument b c, LSP.HasUri c LSP.Uri) => a -> LSP.Uri
extractUri = (^. (LSP.params . LSP.textDocument . LSP.uri))

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitFailure), exitWith)
import qualified System.Log.Logger
import qualified Wasp.LSP.Commands as Commands
import Wasp.LSP.Debouncer (newDebouncerIO)
import Wasp.LSP.Handlers
import Wasp.LSP.Reactor (startReactorThread)
@ -38,9 +39,11 @@ lspServerHandlers stopReactor =
serve :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
@ -76,8 +79,7 @@ serve maybeLogFile = do
runHandler :: ServerM a -> IO a
runHandler handler =
LSP.runLspT env $ do
runRLspM stateTVar handler
LSP.runLspT env $ runRLspM stateTVar handler
exitCode <-
@ -128,7 +130,8 @@ lspServerOptions =
{ LSP.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions,
LSP.completionTriggerCharacters = Just [':', ' '],
LSP.signatureHelpTriggerCharacters = signatureHelpTriggerCharacters,
LSP.signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters = signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters
LSP.signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters = signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters,
LSP.executeCommandCommands = Just Commands.availableCommands
-- | Options to tell the client how to update the server about the state of text

View File

@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ module Wasp.LSP.Syntax
-- | Module with utilities for working with/looking for patterns in CSTs
-- | Printing
@ -18,16 +20,30 @@ import Data.List (find, intercalate)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST as S
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST.Traverse
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan (SourceSpan (SourceSpan))
import Wasp.LSP.Util (allP, anyP)
-- | @lspPositionToOffset srcString position@ returns 0-based offset from the
-- start of @srcString@ to the specified line and column.
-- | @lspPositionToOffset srcString position@ converts @position@ into a 0-based
-- offset from the start of @srcString@.
-- @position@ is a line/column offset into @srcString@.
lspPositionToOffset :: String -> J.Position -> Int
lspPositionToOffset srcString (J.Position l c) =
let linesBefore = take (fromIntegral l) (lines srcString)
in -- We add 1 to the length of each line to make sure to count the newline
sum (map ((+ 1) . length) linesBefore) + fromIntegral c
-- | @lspRangeToSpan srcString range@ converts the @range@ into a 'SourceSpan'.
-- The start and end positions in @range@ are line/column offsets into @srcString@,
-- and the returned 'SourceSpan' contains a start and end 0-based offset from the
-- start of @srcString@.
lspRangeToSpan :: String -> J.Range -> SourceSpan
lspRangeToSpan srcString (J.Range start end) =
let startOffset = lspPositionToOffset srcString start
endOffset = lspPositionToOffset srcString end
in SourceSpan startOffset endOffset
-- | Move to the node containing the offset.
-- If the offset falls on the border between two nodes, it tries to first choose
@ -96,6 +112,12 @@ showNeighborhood t =
findChild :: S.SyntaxKind -> Traversal -> Maybe Traversal
findChild skind t = find ((== skind) . kindAt) $ children t
findAncestor :: S.SyntaxKind -> Traversal -> Maybe Traversal
findAncestor skind t =
if kindAt t == skind
then Just t
else findAncestor skind =<< up t
-- | @lexeme src traversal@
lexemeAt :: String -> Traversal -> String
lexemeAt src t = take (widthAt t) $ drop (offsetAt t) src

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Wasp.LSP.TypeInference
( -- * Inferred types for CST locations
@ -11,8 +13,11 @@ module Wasp.LSP.TypeInference
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST as S
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST.Traverse (Traversal)
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.CST.Traverse as T
@ -39,19 +44,23 @@ inferTypeAtLocation src location = findExprPathToLocation src location >>= findT
-- }
-- @
-- The path to the cursor would be @[Decl "app", DictKey "auth", DictKey "usernameAndPassword"]@.
-- The path to the cursor would be @[Decl "app" "todoApp", DictKey "auth", DictKey "usernameAndPassword"]@.
type ExprPath = [ExprPathStep]
data ExprPathStep
= -- | @Decl declType@. Enter a declaration of type @declType@.
Decl !String
= -- | @Decl declType declName@. Enter a declaration of type @declType@ named @declName@.
Decl !String !String
| -- | @DictKey key@. Enter a dictionary *and* its key @key@.
DictKey !String
| -- | Enter a value inside a list.
| -- | @Tuple idx@. Enter the @idx@-th value inside of a tuple.
Tuple !Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON ExprPathStep
instance FromJSON ExprPathStep
-- | This function only depends on the syntax to the left of the location, and
-- tries to be as lenient as possible in finding paths.
@ -68,8 +77,10 @@ findExprPathToLocation src location = reverse <$> go location
S.Decl -> do
typLoc <- find ((== S.DeclType) . T.kindAt) $ T.leftSiblings t
let typ = lexemeAt src typLoc
nameLoc <- find ((== S.DeclName) . T.kindAt) $ T.leftSiblings t
let name = lexemeAt src nameLoc
-- Stop recursion after finding a Decl
return [Decl typ]
return [Decl typ name]
S.DictEntry -> case find ((== S.DictKey) . T.kindAt) $ T.leftSiblings t of
Just keyLoc -> do
-- There is a key to the left, so @t@ is the value for that key.
@ -94,7 +105,7 @@ findExprPathToLocation src location = reverse <$> go location
-- >>> findTypeForPath [Dict "app", Key "auth", Key "methods", Key "usernameAndPassword"]
-- Just (Type.DictType { fields = M.fromList [("configFn", Type.DictOptional { dictEntryType = Type.ExtImportType })] })
findTypeForPath :: ExprPath -> Maybe Type
findTypeForPath (Decl declType : originalPath) = do
findTypeForPath (Decl declType _ : originalPath) = do
topType <- getDeclType declType stdTypes
go (dtBodyType topType) originalPath
@ -102,7 +113,7 @@ findTypeForPath (Decl declType : originalPath) = do
-- @parentType@.
go :: Type -> ExprPath -> Maybe Type
go typ [] = Just typ
go _ (Decl _ : _) = Nothing -- Can't follow a decl in the middle of a path.
go _ (Decl _ _ : _) = Nothing -- Can't follow a decl in the middle of a path.
go typ (DictKey key : path) =
case typ of
Type.DictType fields -> do

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@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ module Wasp.LSP.Util
import Control.Lens ((+~))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT))
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP hiding (line)
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser as W
import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceRegion as W
import Wasp.Project (WaspProjectDir)
import Wasp.Util.StrongPath (stripProperPrefix)
waspSourceRegionToLspRange :: W.SourceRegion -> LSP.Range
waspSourceRegionToLspRange rgn =
@ -40,3 +45,12 @@ anyP preds x = any ($ x) preds
-- | Lift a 'Maybe' into a 'MaybeT' monad transformer.
hoistMaybe :: Applicative m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
hoistMaybe = MaybeT . pure
-- | @absFileInProjectRootDir file@ finds the path to @file@ if it is inside the
-- project root directory.
getPathRelativeToProjectDir :: LSP.MonadLsp c m => SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.File a) -> m (Maybe (SP.Path' (SP.Rel WaspProjectDir) (SP.File a)))
getPathRelativeToProjectDir file = do
maybeProjectRootDir <- (>>= SP.parseAbsDir) <$> LSP.getRootPath
case maybeProjectRootDir of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just projectRootDir -> pure $ stripProperPrefix projectRootDir file

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Wasp.LSP.SyntaxTest where
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.SourceSpan (SourceSpan (SourceSpan))
import Wasp.LSP.Syntax
spec_lspPositionToOffset :: Spec
spec_lspPositionToOffset = describe "Wasp.LSP.Syntax.lspPositionToOffset" $ do
it "works for 1-line strings" $ do
let src = "hello world"
let pos = LSP.Position 0 5
lspPositionToOffset src pos `shouldBe` 5
it "works for a multiline string and counts \\n in the offset" $ do
let src = "hello\nworld"
let pos = LSP.Position 1 2
lspPositionToOffset src pos `shouldBe` 8
it "works for a string with many lines" $ do
let srcLines = ["abc", "xyz", "ijk", "lmno", "wasp is the best", "123"]
let src = unlines srcLines
let pos = LSP.Position 4 3
lspPositionToOffset src pos `shouldBe` 20
spec_lspRangeToSpan :: Spec
spec_lspRangeToSpan = describe "Wasp.LSP.Syntax.lspRangeToSpan" $ do
it "is the same as running lspPositionToOffset on each endpoint of the range" $ do
property $
(lineStart :: Int)
(colStart :: Int)
(lineEnd :: Int)
(colEnd :: Int) ->
let start = LSP.Position (fromIntegral lineStart) (fromIntegral colStart)
end = LSP.Position (fromIntegral lineEnd) (fromIntegral colEnd)
range = LSP.Range start end
in lspRangeToSpan src range == SourceSpan (lspPositionToOffset src start) (lspPositionToOffset src end)