mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 19:14:52 +03:00
show error message when database is not running (#1218)
Co-authored-by: Martin Šošić <Martinsos@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Mihovil Ilakovac <mihovil@ilakovac.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,24 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Wasp.Cli.Command
( Command,
CommandError (..),
-- * Requirements
-- See "Wasp.Cli.Command.Requires" for documentation.
Requirable (checkRequirement),
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Data.Data (Typeable, cast)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Wasp.Cli.Message (cliSendMessage)
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
newtype Command a = Command {_runCommand :: ExceptT CommandError IO a}
newtype Command a = Command {_runCommand :: StateT [Requirement] (ExceptT CommandError IO) a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError CommandError)
runCommand :: Command a -> IO ()
runCommand cmd = do
runExceptT (_runCommand cmd) >>= \case
runExceptT (flip evalStateT [] $ _runCommand cmd) >>= \case
Left cmdError -> do
cliSendMessage $ Msg.Failure (_errorTitle cmdError) (_errorMsg cmdError)
@ -27,3 +38,33 @@ runCommand cmd = do
-- TODO: What if we want to recognize errors in order to handle them?
-- Should we add _commandErrorType? Should CommandError be parametrized by it, is that even possible?
data CommandError = CommandError {_errorTitle :: !String, _errorMsg :: !String}
data Requirement where
Requirement :: Requirable r => r -> Requirement
class Typeable r => Requirable r where
-- | Check if the requirement is met and return a value representing that
-- requirement.
-- This function must always return a value: if the requirement is not met,
-- throw a 'CommandError'.
checkRequirement :: Command r
-- | Assert that a requirement is met and receive information about that
-- requirement, if any is offered.
-- To use, pattern match on the result, e.g.
-- @
-- do
-- HasDbConnection <- require
-- @
require :: Requirable r => Command r
require =
Command (gets (mapMaybe cast)) >>= \case
(req : _) -> return req
[] -> do
-- Requirement hasn't been met, so run the check
req <- checkRequirement
Command $ modify (Requirement req :)
return req
@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ import System.Directory
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common
( findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd,
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (compileIOWithOptions, printCompilationResult)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import Wasp.Cli.Message (cliSendMessage)
import Wasp.CompileOptions (CompileOptions (..))
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ import Wasp.Project (CompileError, CompileWarning)
-- Very similar to 'compile'.
build :: Command ()
build = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let buildDir =
waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir
</> Common.buildDirInDotWaspDir
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import System.Directory
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
clean :: Command ()
clean = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let dotWaspDirFp = SP.toFilePath $ waspProjectDir SP.</> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Deleting .wasp/ directory..."
doesDotWaspDirExist <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dotWaspDirFp
@ -1,52 +1,20 @@
module Wasp.Cli.Command.Common
( findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd,
( readWaspCompileInfo,
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Control.Monad.Except as E
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path')
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import StrongPath.Operations
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesPathExist, findExecutable, getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Common (dotWaspRootFileInWaspProjectDir)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Cli.Common
import Wasp.Project (WaspProjectDir)
import Wasp.Util (ifM)
import qualified Wasp.Util.IO as IOUtil
findWaspProjectRoot :: Path' Abs (Dir ()) -> Command (Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir))
findWaspProjectRoot currentDir = do
let absCurrentDirFp = SP.fromAbsDir currentDir
doesCurrentDirExist <- liftIO $ doesPathExist absCurrentDirFp
unless doesCurrentDirExist (throwError notFoundError)
let dotWaspRootFilePath = absCurrentDirFp FP.</> SP.fromRelFile dotWaspRootFileInWaspProjectDir
isCurrentDirRoot <- liftIO $ doesFileExist dotWaspRootFilePath
if isCurrentDirRoot
then return $ SP.castDir currentDir
else do
let parentDir = SP.parent currentDir
when (parentDir == currentDir) (throwError notFoundError)
findWaspProjectRoot parentDir
notFoundError =
"Wasp command failed"
( "Couldn't find wasp project root - make sure"
++ " you are running this command from a Wasp project."
findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd :: Command (Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir))
findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd = do
absCurrentDir <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
findWaspProjectRoot (fromJust $ SP.parseAbsDir absCurrentDir)
readWaspCompileInfo :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> IO String
readWaspCompileInfo waspDir =
@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path', (</>))
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec as AS
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common
( findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd,
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import Wasp.Cli.Message (cliSendMessage)
import Wasp.CompileOptions (CompileOptions (..))
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ compile = do
-- TODO: Consider a way to remove the redundancy of finding the project root
-- here and in compileWithOptions. One option could be to add this to defaultCompileOptions
-- add make externalCodeDirPath a helper function, along with any others we typically need.
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
compileWithOptions $ defaultCompileOptions waspProjectDir
-- | Compiles Wasp project that the current working directory is part of.
@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ compile = do
-- Finally, throws if there was a compile error, otherwise returns any compile warnings.
compileWithOptions :: CompileOptions -> Command [CompileWarning]
compileWithOptions options = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let outDir =
waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir
</> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ module Wasp.Cli.Command.Db
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, runCommand)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (compileWithOptions, defaultCompileOptions)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (DbConnectionEstablished (DbConnectionEstablished), InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.CompileOptions (CompileOptions (generatorWarningsFilter))
import Wasp.Generator.Monad (GeneratorWarning (GeneratorNeedsMigrationWarning))
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ runDbCommand = runCommand . makeDbCommand
makeDbCommand :: Command a -> Command a
makeDbCommand cmd = do
-- Ensure code is generated and npm dependencies are installed.
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
_ <- compileWithOptions $ compileOptions waspProjectDir
DbConnectionEstablished <- require
compileOptions waspProjectDir =
@ -8,10 +8,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), liftEither, runExceptT, throwErr
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path', (</>))
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common
( findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd,
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Cli.Common
import Wasp.Generator.Common (ProjectRootDir)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common (MigrateArgs (..), defaultMigrateArgs)
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ import Wasp.Project.Db.Migrations (DbMigrationsDir, dbMigrationsDirInWaspProject
-- The migrate function takes care of copying migrations from the generated project back to the source code.
migrateDev :: [String] -> Command ()
migrateDev optionalMigrateArgs = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let waspDbMigrationsDir = waspProjectDir </> dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDir
let projectRootDir =
@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import StrongPath ((</>))
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations (dbReset)
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
reset :: Command ()
reset = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let genProjectDir =
waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Db as AS.Db
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.ExtImport as AS.ExtImport
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Valid as ASV
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (CommandError))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (analyze)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations (dbSeed)
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
seed :: Maybe String -> Command ()
seed maybeUserProvidedSeedName = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let genProjectDir =
waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import StrongPath ((</>))
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs (runStudio)
import Wasp.Generator.Job.IO (readJobMessagesAndPrintThemPrefixed)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
studio :: Command ()
studio = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let genProjectDir =
waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (CommandError))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import qualified Wasp.Project.Deployment
deploy :: [String] -> Command ()
deploy cmdArgs = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
deployResult <- liftIO $ do
-- `getExecutablePath` has some caveats:
-- https://frasertweedale.github.io/blog-fp/posts/2022-05-10-improved-executable-path-queries.html
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Wasp.AppSpec (AppSpec)
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Dependency as AS.Dependency
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (defaultCompileOptions)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Terminal (title)
import qualified Wasp.Generator.NpmDependencies as N
import qualified Wasp.Generator.ServerGenerator as ServerGenerator
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Wasp.Util.Terminal as Term
deps :: Command ()
deps = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
appSpecOrAnalyzerErrors <- liftIO $ analyzeWaspProject waspProjectDir (defaultCompileOptions waspProjectDir)
appSpec <-
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T.IO
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (defaultCompileOptions)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Project (compileAndRenderDockerfile)
printDockerfile :: Command ()
printDockerfile = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
dockerfileContentOrCompileErrors <- liftIO $ compileAndRenderDockerfile waspProjectDir (defaultCompileOptions waspProjectDir)
(throwError . CommandError "Displaying Dockerfile failed due to a compilation error in your Wasp project" . unwords)
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Wasp.Cli.Command.Info
( info,
@ -12,9 +10,10 @@ import StrongPath.Operations ()
import System.Directory (getFileSize)
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Valid as ASV
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd, readWaspCompileInfo)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (readWaspCompileInfo)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (analyze)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Start.Db (getDbSystem)
import Wasp.Cli.Terminal (title)
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ import qualified Wasp.Util.Terminal as Term
info :: Command ()
info = do
waspDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspDir <- require
compileInfo <- liftIO $ readWaspCompileInfo waspDir
projectSize <- liftIO $ readDirectorySizeMB waspDir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module Wasp.Cli.Command.Require
( -- * Asserting Requirements
-- There are some requirements we want to assert in command code, such as
-- ensuring the command is being run inside a wasp project directory. We
-- might end up wanting to check each requirement multiple times, especially
-- if we want the value from it (like getting the wasp project directory),
-- but we also want to avoid duplicating work. Using 'require' results in
-- checked requirements being stored so they can be immediately retrieved
-- when checking the same requirements additional times.
-- For example, you can check if you are in a wasp project by doing
-- @
-- do
-- InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
-- @
-- See instances of 'Requirable' for what kinds of requirements are
-- supported. To implement a new requirable type, give your type an instance
-- of 'Requirable'.
-- * Requirables
Requirable (checkRequirement),
DbConnectionEstablished (DbConnectionEstablished),
InWaspProject (InWaspProject),
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesPathExist, getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import Wasp.Cli.Command (CommandError (CommandError), Requirable (checkRequirement), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Common (WaspProjectDir)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Cli.Common
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations (isDbRunning)
data DbConnectionEstablished = DbConnectionEstablished deriving (Typeable)
instance Requirable DbConnectionEstablished where
checkRequirement = do
-- NOTE: 'InWaspProject' does not depend on this requirement, so this
-- call to 'require' will not result in an infinite loop.
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
let outDir = waspProjectDir SP.</> Cli.Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir SP.</> Cli.Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
dbIsRunning <- liftIO $ isDbRunning outDir
if dbIsRunning
then return DbConnectionEstablished
else throwError noDbError
noDbError =
"Can not connect to database"
( "The database needs to be running in order to execute this command."
++ " You can easily start a managed dev database with `wasp start db`."
-- | Require a Wasp project to exist near the current directory. Get the
-- project directory by pattern matching on the result of 'require':
-- @
-- do
-- InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
-- @
newtype InWaspProject = InWaspProject (SP.Path' SP.Abs (SP.Dir WaspProjectDir)) deriving (Typeable)
instance Requirable InWaspProject where
checkRequirement = do
-- Recursively searches up from CWD until @.wasproot@ file is found, or
-- throw an error if it is never found.
currentDir <- fromJust . SP.parseAbsDir <$> liftIO getCurrentDirectory
findWaspProjectRoot currentDir
findWaspProjectRoot currentDir = do
let absCurrentDirFp = SP.fromAbsDir currentDir
doesCurrentDirExist <- liftIO $ doesPathExist absCurrentDirFp
unless doesCurrentDirExist (throwError notFoundError)
let dotWaspRootFilePath = absCurrentDirFp FP.</> SP.fromRelFile Cli.Common.dotWaspRootFileInWaspProjectDir
isCurrentDirRoot <- liftIO $ doesFileExist dotWaspRootFilePath
if isCurrentDirRoot
then return $ InWaspProject $ SP.castDir currentDir
else do
let parentDir = SP.parent currentDir
when (parentDir == currentDir) (throwError notFoundError)
findWaspProjectRoot parentDir
notFoundError =
"Wasp command failed"
( "Couldn't find wasp project root - make sure"
++ " you are running this command from a Wasp project."
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import StrongPath ((</>))
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (compile, printWarningsAndErrorsIfAny)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (DbConnectionEstablished (DbConnectionEstablished), InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Watch (watch)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import qualified Wasp.Generator
@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ import Wasp.Project (CompileError, CompileWarning)
-- It also listens for any file changes and recompiles and restarts generated project accordingly.
start :: Command ()
start = do
waspRoot <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspRoot <- require
let outDir = waspRoot </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Starting compilation and setup phase. Hold tight..."
warnings <- compile
DbConnectionEstablished <- require
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Listening for file changes..."
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Starting up generated project..."
@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App as AS.App
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Db as AS.App.Db
import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Valid as ASV
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (CommandError))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd, throwIfExeIsNotAvailable)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (throwIfExeIsNotAvailable)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (analyze)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Common (WaspProjectDir)
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
import Wasp.Project.Db (databaseUrlEnvVarName)
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ import qualified Wasp.Util.Network.Socket as Socket
-- in Wasp configuration and spins up a database of appropriate type.
start :: Command ()
start = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspProjectDir <- require
appSpec <- analyze waspProjectDir
throwIfCustomDbAlreadyInUse appSpec
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import qualified System.Environment as ENV
import qualified System.Info
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.Call as Command.Call
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Telemetry.Common (TelemetryCacheDir)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Telemetry.User (UserSignature (..))
import Wasp.Util (ifM)
@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ checkIfEnvValueIsTruthy (Just v)
newtype ProjectHash = ProjectHash {_projectHashValue :: String} deriving (Show)
getWaspProjectPathHash :: Command ProjectHash
getWaspProjectPathHash = ProjectHash . take 16 . sha256 . SP.toFilePath <$> findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
getWaspProjectPathHash = do
InWaspProject waspRoot <- require
return . ProjectHash . take 16 . sha256 . SP.toFilePath $ waspRoot
sha256 :: String -> String
sha256 = show . hashWith SHA256 . ByteStringUTF8.fromString
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, (</>))
import StrongPath.Types (Path')
import Wasp.Cli.Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (compile)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Require (InWaspProject (InWaspProject), require)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Watch (watch)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Common
import qualified Wasp.Generator
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ test _ = throwError $ CommandError "Invalid arguments" "Expected: wasp test clie
watchAndTest :: (Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Either String ())) -> Command ()
watchAndTest testRunner = do
waspRoot <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
InWaspProject waspRoot <- require
let outDir = waspRoot </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir </> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Starting compilation and setup phase. Hold tight..."
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ npm run example-app:start
### How to run in CI
We set up a GitHub Action to run the test in CI. See `.github/workflows/ci.yml` for details.
We set up a GitHub Action to run the test in CI. See `.github/workflows/ci.yml` for details.
@ -9,27 +9,15 @@
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@ -139,20 +118,6 @@
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"example-app:start": "concurrently \"npm:example-app:start-db\" \"npm:example-app:start-app\" --kill-others-on-fail",
"example-app:start": "node start.js",
"example-app:start-db": "npm run example-app:cleanup-db && cd ./examples/todoApp && cabal run wasp-cli start db",
"example-app:start-app": "npm run example-app:wait-for-db && cd ./examples/todoApp && cabal run wasp-cli db migrate-dev && cabal run wasp-cli start",
"example-app:wait-for-db": "sleep 5 && ./node_modules/.bin/wait-port 5432",
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@playwright/test": "^1.33.0",
"concurrently": "^8.0.1",
"prisma": "^4.12.0",
"wait-port": "^1.0.4"
"wait-port": "^1.0.4",
"linebyline": "^1.3.0"
"dependencies": {
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
const cp = require('child_process');
const readline = require('linebyline');
function spawn(name, cmd, args, done) {
const spawnOptions = {
detached: true,
const proc = cp.spawn(cmd, args, spawnOptions);
// We close stdin stream on the new process because otherwise the start-app
// process hangs.
// See https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/pull/1218#issuecomment-1599098272.
readline(proc.stdout).on('line', data => {
console.log(`\x1b[0m\x1b[33m[${name}][out]\x1b[0m ${data}`);
readline(proc.stderr).on('line', data => {
console.log(`\x1b[0m\x1b[33m[${name}][err]\x1b[0m ${data}`);
proc.on('exit', done);
// Exit if either child fails
const cb = (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
spawn('app', 'npm', ['run', 'example-app:start-app'], cb);
spawn('db', 'npm', ['run', 'example-app:start-db'], cb)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs
@ -113,6 +114,19 @@ seed projectDir seedName =
(const ["db", "seed"])
-- | Checks if the DB is running and connectable by running
-- `prisma db execute --stdin --schema <path to db schema>`.
-- Runs the command in the generated server code directory so it has access to the database URL.
-- Since nothing is passed to stdin, `prisma db execute` just runs an empty
-- SQL command, which works perfectly for checking if the database is running.
dbExecuteTest :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> J.Job
dbExecuteTest projectDir =
let absSchemaPath = projectDir </> dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir
in runPrismaCommandAsDbJob
(const ["db", "execute", "--stdin", "--schema", SP.fromAbsFile absSchemaPath])
-- | Runs `prisma studio` - Prisma's db inspector.
runStudio :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> J.Job
runStudio projectDir = runPrismaCommandAsDbJob projectDir $ \schema ->
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations
@ -134,6 +135,16 @@ dbSeed genProjectDir seedName = do
ExitSuccess -> Right ()
ExitFailure c -> Left $ "Failed with exit code " <> show c
isDbRunning ::
Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) ->
IO Bool
isDbRunning genProjectDir = do
chan <- newChan
exitCode <- DbJobs.dbExecuteTest genProjectDir chan
-- NOTE: We only care if the command succeeds or fails, so we don't look at
-- the exit code or stdout/stderr for the process.
return $ exitCode == ExitSuccess
generatePrismaClients :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Either String ())
generatePrismaClients projectRootDir = do
generateResult <- liftA2 (>>) generatePrismaClientForServer generatePrismaClientForWebApp projectRootDir
@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ library cli-lib
Reference in New Issue
Block a user